[Tutor] Help needed with Python programming

2014-04-22 Thread Suhana Vidyarthi
My knowledge of coding is fairly limited and I am having a hard time
writing a Python code which might be pretty simple for you :-)

Here is what I am doing and I need help with:

I have a python code that shows a set of shortest paths between nodes A and
B. Now I have to select the least risky path among them. To do that I have
to consider the risk values of each link. I know how to calculate the
path's risk using its link value.

For example: There is a path between node A and B wiht two links.
Probability of failure for link 1 is 0.001 and for link 2 is 0.003. Here is
the link with its risk values:
  A oo-o B
   0.001   0.003
So the probability of the link being down will be: 1 - (0.999 x 0.997) =

You can find the attached file with disaster risk values of each link.

For instance; first line is : 1,3,5,0.03   -- this means, first disaster
affects links 1-3 and 5-0 and its occurrence rate is 0.03. So you need to
assign link (1-3)'s risk to 0.03.
Then you will continue with the next disaster which is the one in the next
line. Note that, if a link gets affected by 2 disasters, you will add the
probability of those 2 disasters to find that link's risk.

If anyone can help me code the first line, I will be able to do the rest.
You need use array list and some functions like file reader and
delimiter I guess.

Thanks in advance.
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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Re: [Tutor] Beginning Python 3.4.0 Programmer:Stephen Mik: Cannot get input variable to make While Loop conditional to work

2014-04-22 Thread Alan Gauld

On 22/04/14 01:18, Alan Gauld wrote:

input takes as an argument a prompt string and returns the value
input by the user so your usage should look like:

smv_grandVariable(Enter a 1 to play or 0 to exit:)

Whoops, something went badly wrong in an edit there.
It should read:

smv_grandVariable = input(Enter a 1 to play or 0 to exit:)

apologies for that.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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Re: [Tutor] Help needed with Python programming

2014-04-22 Thread Alan Gauld

On 22/04/14 02:16, Suhana Vidyarthi wrote:

I have a python code that shows a set of shortest paths between nodes A
and B.

It would help if you showed us this code. Otherwise we are
just making wild guesses about how you are modelling this.

Also knowing which Python version you are using would be good.

If anyone can help me code the first line, I will be able to do the
rest. You need use array list and some functions like file reader
and delimiter I guess.

Have you written these functions already?  Are they part of some
module or library you are using? Or is it the writing of these functions 
you want help with?

Graph or network analysis is a fairly standard math problem.
There are probably algorithms (or even solutions) in other
languages (or even in Python if you are lucky) that you can
convert if you do a search.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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Re: [Tutor] Help needed with Python programming

2014-04-22 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Mon, Apr 21, 2014 at 06:16:20PM -0700, Suhana Vidyarthi wrote:

 I have a python code that shows a set of shortest paths between nodes A and
 B. Now I have to select the least risky path among them. To do that I have
 to consider the risk values of each link. I know how to calculate the
 path's risk using its link value.
 For example: There is a path between node A and B wiht two links.
 Probability of failure for link 1 is 0.001 and for link 2 is 0.003. Here is
 the link with its risk values:
   A oo-o B
0.001   0.003
 So the probability of the link being down will be: 1 - (0.999 x 0.997) =

I don't think that calculation is correct. I think you mean that the 
probability of the link being UP is (0.999 x 0.997) = 0.996003, and the 
prob of it being DOWN is 1-0.996003 = 0.003997. So that path has a risk 
of 0.003997.

 You can find the attached file with disaster risk values of each link.
 For instance; first line is : 1,3,5,0.03   -- this means, first disaster
 affects links 1-3 and 5-0 and its occurrence rate is 0.03. So you need to
 assign link (1-3)'s risk to 0.03.
 Then you will continue with the next disaster which is the one in the next
 line. Note that, if a link gets affected by 2 disasters, you will add the
 probability of those 2 disasters to find that link's risk.
 If anyone can help me code the first line, I will be able to do the rest.
 You need use array list and some functions like file reader and
 delimiter I guess.

Okay, let's start with reading the file. 

filename = path/to/file.txt

Notice that I use forward slashes. Even if you are on Windows, you 
should code your paths with forward slashes. Either that, or you have to 
double every backslash:

# on Windows either of these will be okay
filename = C:/path/to/file.txt
filename = C:\\path\\to\\file.txt

Now let's read the file, one line at a time:

filename = path/to/file.txt
fp = open(filename, r)
for line in fp:
# process that single line

How might we process the line? I'm not sure what your requirements are, 
but at a guess you'll want something like this:

- ignore leading and trailing whitespace, including the end of 
  line marker at the end of each line;
- skip blank lines;
- split non-blank lines into four fields;
- convert the first three into integers;
- and the last field into a float.

filename = path/to/file.txt
fp = open(filename, r)
for line in fp:
# process that single line
line = line.strip()  # ignore leading and trailing whitespace
if not line:
continue  # skip blank lines
a, b, c, d = line.split(,)  # Split on commas
a = int(a)  # convert to an int instead of string
b, c = int(b), int(c)
d = float(d)
# And now you can handle the values a, b, c, d ...

And finally, when you are done, close the file:


Does this help?

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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[Tutor] inheritance and super() function in python

2014-04-22 Thread Jorge Leon
Good day,

I have programmed a base class for an environment I have with no problem,
but when it comes to referencing the base class's constructor in the
derived class's constructor I have been getting errors:

*TypeError: Error when calling the metaclass bases*
*module.__init__() takes at most 2 arguments (3 given)*

Here's how my base class' constructor looks like (position =  [x, y, z]):
*class Obstacle:*
*def __init__(self,position):*
*self.position = position*

Here's how my derived class's constructor looks like

*class Cylinder(Obstacle):*
*   def __init__(self,position, height, radius):*
*   super(Obstacle,self).__init__(position)*

I have no idea where the 3 given arguments are being taken from. I have
modified the code on the super line just in case I missed something but
that has not changed a thing. I have read that in Python you may be able to
double reference, but there are no other classes interfacing the base and
derived class.

If anyone has had some prior experience with this I'd appreciate your


Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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Re: [Tutor] inheritance and super() function in python

2014-04-22 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Tue, Apr 22, 2014 at 09:48:51AM -0400, Jorge Leon wrote:
 Good day,
 I have programmed a base class for an environment I have with no problem,
 but when it comes to referencing the base class's constructor in the
 derived class's constructor I have been getting errors:

What version of Python are you using? With super, that is actually 

 *TypeError: Error when calling the metaclass bases*
 *module.__init__() takes at most 2 arguments (3 given)*

Read the error message. Why is it refering to *module*.__init__?

My guess is that you have a module called Obstacle, and a class called 
Obstacle, and you have mixed them up. Maybe you are doing this:

# file Obstacle.py
class Obstacle: 
# code goes here

# Another file

import Obstacle
class Cylinder(Obstacle)

I can reproduce your error that way:

py import math
py class X(math):
... pass
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
TypeError: module.__init__() takes at most 2 arguments (3 given)

You need to say

class Cylinder(Obstacle.Obstacle)

Better still, use the naming convention that modules are in lowercase, 
and classes in CamelCase:

import obstacle
class Cylinder(obstacle.Obstacle):

Even better still, Python is not Java. There is no need to put every 
class in its own file. 

 Here's how my base class' constructor looks like (position =  [x, y, z]):
 *class Obstacle:*
 *def __init__(self,position):*
 *self.position = position*

In Python 2, that is a classic class, or old-style class, and super 
will not work correctly. You need to inherit from object:

class Obstacle(object)

In Python 3, there is no difference and it should be fine.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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[Tutor] subprocess not returning

2014-04-22 Thread shawn wilson
This works when I have a class for ldd and nothing else, but when I
run it like this:

I don't get any of the libraries and I can't figure out where it's failing.
['fattr', [['/testroot', 0, 0, 777], ['/bin/dash']]]
HERE1 [/testroot]
HERE2 [/bin/dash]
['ldd', ['/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6', '/lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2']]
HERE2 [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6]
['ldd', ['/lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2']]
HERE2 [/lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2]
['ldd', ['statically']]
HERE1 [statically]
HERE2 [/lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2]
['ldd', ['statically']]
HERE1 [statically]
[   'filelist',
[['/testroot', 0, 0, 777], ['/bin/dash', 0, 0, '755'], [[[]], [

Obviously it's returning something - but no usable info.
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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Re: [Tutor] Groups of mutually exclusive options

2014-04-22 Thread Alex Kleider

On 2014-04-21 19:35, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

Does docopt solve the Original Poster's question? If not, that advice 

not terribly helpful.

I don't pretend to fully understand the Original Poster's requirement 
but I believe mutual exclusivity is supported. Here's a short excerpt.

Example uses brackets [ ], parens ( ), pipes | and ellipsis ... 
to describe optional, required, mutually exclusive, and repeating 

By the way, I think you mean Single Point Of Truth, not Light.


SPOT, also known as DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself), is an excellent
principle to follow, but in my experience it is often too difficult to
follow religiously.

Thanks for the correction.
I too have found it difficult but have always considered it a failure on 
my part when I'm forced to put it aside.

The point I was making is that docopt makes it much easier.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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Re: [Tutor] Help needed with Python programming

2014-04-22 Thread Mark Lawrence

On 22/04/2014 12:41, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

On Mon, Apr 21, 2014 at 06:16:20PM -0700, Suhana Vidyarthi wrote:


# on Windows either of these will be okay
filename = C:/path/to/file.txt
filename = C:\\path\\to\\file.txt

Or a raw string r'C:\path\to\file.txt'

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask 
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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Re: [Tutor] subprocess not returning

2014-04-22 Thread Alan Gauld

On 22/04/14 10:14, shawn wilson wrote:

This works when I have a class for ldd and nothing else, but when I
run it like this:

I don't get any of the libraries and I can't figure out where it's failing.
['fattr', [['/testroot', 0, 0, 777], ['/bin/dash']]]
HERE1 [/testroot]
HERE2 [/bin/dash]
['ldd', ['/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6', '/lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2']]
HERE2 [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6]
['ldd', ['/lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2']]
HERE2 [/lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2]
['ldd', ['statically']]
HERE1 [statically]
HERE2 [/lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2]
['ldd', ['statically']]
HERE1 [statically]
[   'filelist',
 [['/testroot', 0, 0, 777], ['/bin/dash', 0, 0, '755'], [[[]], [

Obviously it's returning something - but no usable info.

We have no clue what you are doing. You say this works
but we can't see what 'this' is. Is the code on the
pastebin link the working or the broken version?

It's also a very long listing. Can you produce a shorter
example, perhaps with hard coded values that exhibits
the problem?

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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Re: [Tutor] Help needed with Python programming

2014-04-22 Thread Danny Yoo
Unfortunately, we can't give too much specific help on your particular
problem because it's homework.

You should use the knowledge you learned in your introductory
programming class about designing programs.  In particular, give a
name to the function or functions your are designing.  Be rigorous in
the terms you are using when you talk about the problem.  Formalize
what the types of inputs and outputs are.  Probably most importantly,
express test cases that will demonstrate what you want the output to
be.  And not hand-wavy things, but actual test cases that you can

What's the expected result of parsing the first line?  That is, you're
saying that the string:


has some kind of meaning that can be parsed.

Can you express this meaning as a data structure?  Can you give that
data structure a name?

Can you write a unit test that can test that your parser is behaving properly?
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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Re: [Tutor] inheritance and super() function in python

2014-04-22 Thread Dave Angel
Jorge Leon jorge.a.leo...@gmail.com Wrote in message:

I think Steven has nailed your main problem,  but I have two other

Use text mail, not html.  This is a text list, and it can make a
 difference in half a dozen ways. Any decent email program has a
 way to select that.

When showing an error,  include the whole traceback.  Steven would
 not have had to guess if you had. The file names would show
 him/us for sure.


Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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Re: [Tutor] subprocess not returning

2014-04-22 Thread shawn wilson
On Tue, Apr 22, 2014 at 3:10 PM, Alan Gauld alan.ga...@btinternet.com wrote:

 We have no clue what you are doing. You say this works
 but we can't see what 'this' is. Is the code on the
 pastebin link the working or the broken version?

Per what is expected output (which I forgot to provide - sorry about
that). Should be something like this:
  ['/testroot', '0', '0', '777'],
  ['/bin/dash', 0, 0, '755'],
  ['/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6', '0', '0', '777'],
  ['/lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2', '0', '0', '777'],
  ['/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.17.so', '0', '0', '755'],
  ['/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ld-2.17.so', '0', '0', '755']

Ie, find libraries a program is linked against (just try ldd against
any file because I'm not caring about optimizing at this point) and
then find the permissions of them and follow symlinks and do the same.

Though, what I'm asking specifically is why __ldd isn't returning any
values in my module.

The best I can simplify to show the part working that should also be
working in the gist code is:
import subprocess
import sys
import pprint
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)

class T:
  def ldd(filename):
libs = []
for x in filename:
  p = subprocess.Popen([ldd, x],

  for line in p.stdout:
s = line.split()
if = in s:
  if len(s) == 3: # virtual library
  if len(s) == 2:

return libs

if __name__ == __main__:
  t = T
  fattr = [
  pp.pprint([OUT, t.ldd(fattr)])

Past this, I can see that the ldd method is being called in my actual
code but nothing is being returned from it like it is here.

 It's also a very long listing. Can you produce a shorter
 example, perhaps with hard coded values that exhibits
 the problem?

I really did try to simplify t.py (where all of the data is included
in the script). I guess the reason for my question is because I'm not
sure what's not working or what to try next?
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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[Tutor] loop couldn't work well and file couldn't close

2014-04-22 Thread baidusandy
I'm a newbie to Python. I want to make python useful to my work, to write a 
script for get some data out. But there are some setbacks. I really needs your 
help. Please, help me.

---the first one--
for x in range(1,a):
  while i_line:
if float(i_list[1])float(b[x]):

for x in range(a,a+1):

## for the last line, the code couldn't work. I run the script in Windows XP, i 
don't know if there is something to do with the OS.

for another question:---
for x in range (a,a+1):
  while m_line:
## for this one, file 02 and 01are not the same. to tell the truth, the last 
line of 01 has not been written into file 02. What's wrong?

I hope you guys can help me.
Thank you all very much.
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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[Tutor] methods of sorting

2014-04-22 Thread Patti Scott
I'm practicing with lists.  I was looking for documentation on sorting with 
cmp() because it isn't immediately clear to me how comparing items two at a 
time can sort the entire list.  Identify max or min values, yes, but not sort 
the whole list.  So, the Sorting HOW TO (Dalke, Hettinger)  posted on 
python.org goes into detail on using a key parameter for sorted() and .sort(), 
and using operator module functions.  

How obsolete are the cmp() and the decorate-sort-undecorate methods?  To be 
understood but probably not used in new code?

Python Programming, Zelle;  Python 2.7.3,  PowerShell, Notepad ++

I tried several means of sorting for exercises, eg

# sortgpa3.py
# extended to let user print report out by name,GPA or credit hours

from gpa import Student, makeStudent
def readStudents(filename):
    infile = open(filename, 'r')
    students = []
    for line in infile:
    return students
def writeStudents(students, filename):
    outfile = open(filename, 'w')
    for s in students:
        outfile.write(%0.2f\t%s\t%0.2f\t%0.2f\n % (s.gpa(),s.getName(), 
s.getHours(), s.getQPoints()))
def cmpGPA(s1, s2):
    #function compares two students based on GPA
    return cmp(s1.gpa(), s2.gpa())

def cmpHours(s1, s2):
    #function compares two students based on credits
    return cmp(s1.getHours(), s2.getHours())
def cmpNames(s1, s2):
    #function compares two students' names
    return cmp(s1.getName(), s2.getName())
def main():
    print This program sorts student grade information by GPA.
    order = raw_input(Do you want results printed by name, credits or GPA? )
    filename = raw_input(Enter the name of the data file: )
    data = readStudents(filename)
    if order[0] == ('c' or 'C'):
    elif order[0] == ('g' or G):
    filename = raw_input(Enter a name for the output file: )
    writeStudents(data, filename)
    print The data has been written to file %s. % (filename)


def main():
    print This program sorts students based on user request.
    filename = raw_input(Enter name of the file containing student data: )
    data = readStudents(filename)
    order = raw_input(Choose the field on which to sort students (name, GPA or 
credits): )
    #print order[0]
    if order[0] == ('n' or N):
        tuples = [(student.getName(), student) for student in data]
        data = [(tuples[i][1]) for i in range(len(tuples))]
    elif order[0] == ('c' or C):
        tuples = [(student.getHours(), student) for student in data]
        data = [(tuples[i][1]) for i in range(len(tuples))]
    elif order[0] == ('g' or G):
        tuples = [(student.gpa(), student) for student in data]
        data = [(tuples[i][1]) for i in range(len(tuples))]
    filename = raw_input(Enter a name for the output file: )
    writeStudents(data, filename)
    print The data has been written to %s . % (filename)
if __name__=='__main__':


def main():
    print This program sorts students based on user request.
    filename = raw_input(Enter name of the file containing student data: )
    data = readStudents(filename)
    order = raw_input(Choose the field on which to sort students (name, GPA or 
credits): )
    print order[0]
    if order[0] == ('g' or G):
        data = sorted(data, key=lambda student: student.gpa())
    elif order[0] == ('c' or C):
        data = sorted(data, key=lambda student: student.getHours())
    elif order[0] == ('n' or N):
        data = sorted(data, key=lambda student: student.getName())
    filename = raw_input(Enter a name for the output file: )
    writeStudents(data, filename)
    print The data has been written to %s . % (filename)
if __name__=='__main__':
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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Re: [Tutor] methods of sorting

2014-04-22 Thread Danny Yoo
On Tue, Apr 22, 2014 at 4:18 PM, Patti Scott
pscott...@yahoo.com.dmarc.invalid wrote:
 I'm practicing with lists.  I was looking for documentation on sorting with
 cmp() because it isn't immediately clear to me how comparing items two at a
 time can sort the entire list.

As you note, comparison itself doesn't sort a list.  Comparing
elements by itself is a query, not an action.

But what it does is give Python enough tools to do the sort for you.
Python uses a comparison based sorting routine which works by taking
in a user-defined notion of when two elements are in order or not.

As a handwavy explanation of the idea: imagine a list that hasn't been
sorted.  Python can use the comparison function you give it to
repeatedly compare elements in the list.  Whenever if it sees
disorder, it can swap elements and thereby reduce the disorder in the
list.  Assuming the comparison is a good one,  then we can
eventually sort the whole list by repeating this over and over.  Note
that Python will be calling the comparison function on your behalf:
you won't be calling it directly yourself.

(By good, we mean a total ordering in the sense described in:

This is a handwavy explanation because Python does these comparisons
and swapping in a fairly sophisticated way to avoid a lot of work.
See:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timsort

It maybe that you have not seen instances of functions that take
functions as arguments.  If so, consider two functions f and g:

def f(x):
return x * x

def g(x):
return 2 * x

Toy functions, of course.  Now they themselves don't do much but
compute the square and the double of a number.  But they can be passed
as arguments to other functions to do something.  For example, if we
have some list of numbers:

numbers = [3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9, 2, 6]

then we may apply f and g pointwise across those functions, using the
map() function:

print(map(f, numbers))
print(map(g, numbers))

and you'll see that we can compute bulk operations on lists.  Again,
we're leaving the map() function to call 'f' and 'g' for us.  This is
an example of a function that can take in other functions.  The
sorting routine you're looking at is conceptually doing a similar
thing by taking in a comparison function, which it will use during its
own work.

Passing functions as values allows for a notion of variable that's
really powerful: what is varying isn't just some static piece of plain
data, but rather a behavior.
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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Re: [Tutor] loop couldn't work well and file couldn't close

2014-04-22 Thread Alan Gauld

On 22/04/14 17:13, baidusandy wrote:

I'm a newbie to Python. I want to make python useful to my work, to
write a script for get some data out. But there are some setbacks. I
really needs your help. Please, help me.

Its too late for me to study your code properly but here are
a few immediate observations...

---the first one--
for x in range(1,a):

You shouldn'yt need to seek(0) immediately after opening to
read since the file cursor will already be at the beginning.

   while i_line:
 if float(i_list[1])float(b[x]):

This looks like it could be done more elegantly using a
for loop over the file;

for i_line in tem:


And if you use with you don;t need a close:

with open(...) as tem:
   for i_line in tem:

for x in range(a,a+1):

You can't close a file by passing its filename in.
You can only close it by calling close on the open file
object - which you have already done for your files
in the earlier loops. (Or if you use 'with' is done


## for the last line, the code couldn't work. I run the script in
Windows XP, i don't know if there is something to do with the OS.

Wjhat do you mean by 'wouldnt work'?
Do you get an error? If the file not changed?
Is it lost? We need more detail.

for another question:---
for x in range (a,a+1):

I assume the lack of quotes is a typo? Its better
to paste real code rather than retype it.

   while m_line:

Again this would be better as a for loop

for m_line in m:

But better still would be to just copy the file
using the shutil.copy() function.

## for this one, file 02 and 01are not the same. to tell the truth, the
last line of 01 has not been written into file 02. What's wrong?

Sorry, not sure, it looks OK from that point of view.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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Re: [Tutor] inheritance and super() function in python

2014-04-22 Thread Jorge Leon
Thank you Steve and Dave for the prompt response and advise, and sorry
about the format.

The version of Python I'm working under is 2.7.5. About the .super():
I'm going to try out the format you gave me for the files, and yes:
that's exactly how I had it. Something that has stuck from all the C++
programming I'm doing, which also leads me to believe that it may be
better for me to step away from using .super() if I don't get the
program to work as intended when I apply your advise.

Going to consult more tutorials from the page about inheritance and
operator and function overloading.



On Tue, Apr 22, 2014 at 3:54 PM, Dave Angel da...@davea.name wrote:
 Jorge Leon jorge.a.leo...@gmail.com Wrote in message:

 I think Steven has nailed your main problem,  but I have two other

 Use text mail, not html.  This is a text list, and it can make a
  difference in half a dozen ways. Any decent email program has a
  way to select that.

 When showing an error,  include the whole traceback.  Steven would
  not have had to guess if you had. The file names would show
  him/us for sure.


 Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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Re: [Tutor] inheritance and super() function in python

2014-04-22 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Tue, Apr 22, 2014 at 08:59:59PM -0400, Jorge Leon wrote:
 Thank you Steve and Dave for the prompt response and advise, and sorry
 about the format.
 The version of Python I'm working under is 2.7.5. About the .super():
 I'm going to try out the format you gave me for the files, and yes:
 that's exactly how I had it. Something that has stuck from all the C++
 programming I'm doing, which also leads me to believe that it may be
 better for me to step away from using .super() if I don't get the
 program to work as intended when I apply your advise.

Using super() is fine. (Note that super is a function, not a method -- 
there is no dot at the front.) You just have to remember to inherit from 
object (or some other built-in type).

You might like to read this to understand why there is a difference 
between inheriting from object and not:


Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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Re: [Tutor] methods of sorting

2014-04-22 Thread Steven D'Aprano
Hi Patti,

My answers below, interleaved between your questions.

On Tue, Apr 22, 2014 at 04:18:38PM -0700, Patti Scott wrote:

 I'm practicing with lists.  I was looking for documentation on sorting 
 with cmp() because it isn't immediately clear to me how comparing 
 items two at a time can sort the entire list.  Identify max or min 
 values, yes, but not sort the whole list.  So, the Sorting HOW TO 
 (Dalke, Hettinger)  posted on python.org goes into detail on using a 
 key parameter for sorted() and .sort(), and using operator module 

Think about how you might sort four items 42, 23, 57, 30. There are many 
different ways to sort, and this is one of the least efficient, but 
easiest to understand. We start by putting the unsorted items on the 
left, and the sorted items on the right, as if we were sorting a handful 
of playing cards:

[42, 23, 57, 30] []

Take the first item from the left, and find where it belongs on the 
right. Since the right is currently empty, that's easy:

[23, 57, 30] [42]

Now take the next item from the left, and find where it belongs on the 
right. How do you do that? By comparing it to each item already there. 
If it compares less than the item, insert it just before the item; 
otherwise keep going.

In this case, we compare 23  42, which returns True, so we insert 23 to 
the left of 42.

[57, 30] [23, 42]

Now repeat with the next item. In this case, 57  23 returns False, so 
we continue. 57  42 also returns False, and there are no more numbers 
to check so we put 57 at the end:

[30] [23, 42, 57]

Finally we compare 30  23, which returns False, then 30  42, which 
returns True, so we insert 30 just to the left of 42:

[] [23, 30, 42, 57]

Now that we know how to sort using less than  as the comparison 
function, we can use some other comparison function that works 
similarly. Instead of using  we can use the built-in function 
cmp(a, b), which returns -1 if a  b, 0 if a == b, and +1 if a  b.

Or instead of using the built-in cmp function, we can use any function 
that takes two arguments, the items to be compared, and returns one of 
-1, 0 or 1.

Even though the Python list.sort() method is a lot faster and more 
clever than what I show above, it too allows you to provide a custom 
comparison function to decide which comes earlier or later when sorting.
Here's an example with and without a comparison function:

py sorted(['dog', 'aardvark', 'chicken', 'horse'])
['aardvark', 'chicken', 'dog', 'horse']

py sorted(['dog', 'aardvark', 'chicken', 'horse'], 
...   lambda a, b: cmp(len(a), len(b)))
['dog', 'horse', 'chicken', 'aardvark']

In the second case, we sort by the length of the words, not the content 
of the word. So dog (three letters) compares less than aardvark 
(eight letters). A couple of other notes:

- Rather than define a comparison function using def, I use lambda as 
  a shortcut. lambda creates a function, but limited only to a single
  expression. So lambda a, b: cmp(len(a), len(b)) is equivalent to:

  def function(a, b):
  return cmp(len(a), len(b))

- Notice that I use the built-in cmp function inside my comparison 
  function. That's just for convenience, you don't have to do that.

 How obsolete are the cmp() and the decorate-sort-undecorate methods?  
 To be understood but probably not used in new code?

Both are very obsolute, but for different reasons.

The problem with using a comparison function is that it is very 
inefficient and it can really slow down sorting of large lists by a lot. 
It is better to use the DSU idiom rather than call a comparison 
function. In fact, that is so much better, that recent versions of 
Python make the DSU idiom built-in: that's what the key argument to 
the sort() and sorted() functions is for. When you supply a key function 
to sort, it internally uses the DSU idiom. You almost never need to use 
it yourself.

Using the key function is so much better than using a comparison 
function that in Python 3 the comparison function was dropped 
altogether and using key is the only way to customize sorting.

 Python Programming, Zelle;  Python 2.7.3,  PowerShell, Notepad ++
 I tried several means of sorting for exercises, eg
[lots of code shown]

I'm sorry, did you have a question about the sorting code or were you 
just sharing it with us? If you're asking which should be preferred, I 
would prefer the version using the key=... argument to sort.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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Re: [Tutor] loop couldn't work well and file couldn't close

2014-04-22 Thread Dave Angel
baidusandy baidusa...@126.com Wrote in message:

[invisible message not copied here]

By posting in html, you managed to pick black on black text.  I
 literally could see none of your message except the boilerplate. 
 Please tell your email program to use text mode.


Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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Re: [Tutor] inheritance and super() function in python

2014-04-22 Thread Dave Angel
Jorge Leon jorge.a.leo...@gmail.com Wrote in message:
 Thank you Steve and Dave for the prompt response and advise, and sorry
 about the format.
 The version of Python I'm working under is 2.7.5. About the .super():
 I'm going to try out the format you gave me for the files, and yes:
 that's exactly how I had it. Something that has stuck from all the C++
 programming I'm doing, which also leads me to believe that it may be
 better for me to step away from using .super() if I don't get the
 program to work as intended when I apply your advise.
 Going to consult more tutorials from the page about inheritance and
 operator and function overloading.

Please don't top-post.  Put your comments after the part you're
 quoting,  and delete anything you're not responding to, which
 would certainly be anything following your message.

There's another flaw in your call to super.  You had :

 class Cylinder(Obstacle):
   def __init__(self,position, height, radius):

But it looks to me like the last line should be
super(Cylinder, self).__init__(position)


Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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