Re: [Tutor] Pickles and Shelves Concept

2019-06-07 Thread Martin A. Brown


>I am not getting the concept of pickle and shelves in python, I 
>mean what's the use of both the concepts, when to use them in code 
>instead of using file read and write operations.
>Could anyone please explain me the concepts.

I see you already have two answers (from David Rock and Alan 
I will add a slightly different answer and try also to explain some 
of the history (at a very high level).

* Programs need to take input from "somewhere".
* Programs need data structures in memory on which to operate.

There are many different ways to store data "somewhere" and in order 
to create the data structures in memory (on which your program will 
operate), you need to have code that knows how to read that data 
from "somewhere".

So, there's data that has been written to disk.  I often call this 
the serialized form form of the data [0].  There different usages 
for serialization, but ones I'll talk about are the serialized 
formats that we typically write to disk to store data for a program 
to read.  Here are a few such serialized formats:

 * JSON or XML (homage: SGML)
 * pickles and shelves
 * GNU dbm, ndbm, cdb, rocksdb and probably 1 million others
 * custom binary formats
 * plain text files (be careful with your encoding...)

Digression:  You might ask... what about SQL?  Technically, the 
serialization is something that the SQL database software takes care 
of and your application doesn't.  So no need to know about the 
serialized format.  This can be freeing, at some complexity.  But, 
back to your question.

Every one of the serialized formats comes with some advantages and 
some disadvantages.  Some are easy.  Some are flexible.  Other
formats are structured with bindings in many languages.  Some 
are tied closely to a single language or even specific language 
versions.  Some formats are even defined by a single application or 
program that somebody has written.

What about pickle and shelve?  Where do they fit?

Both pickle and shelve are well-maintained and older Python-specific 
formats that allow you to serialize Python objects and data 
structures to disk.  This is extremely convenient if you are 
unlikely to change Python versions or to change your data 
structures.  Need your program to "remember" something from a prior 
run?  When it starts up, it can read a ./state.pickle straight into 
memory, pick up where it left off and perform some operation, and 
then, when complete, save the dat astructure back to ./state (or 
more safely to a new file ./state.$timestamp) and exit.

This is a convenient way to store Python objects and data 

Advantage:  Native Python.  Dead simple to use (you still have to be 
  careful about file-writing logic, overwriting old files can be 
  bad, but it's a bit up to you).  You can dump many Python data 
  structures and objects to disk.

Disadvantages: Files are only be readable by Python (excluding 
  motivated implementers in other languages).

If you would like to use pickle or shelve, please ask again on this 
list for specific advice on these.  The shelve module is intended to 
make it easy to have a data structure in memory that is backed by a 
data file on disk.  This is very similar to what the dbm module also 

The pickle module is more geared toward loading an entire data 
structure from the disk into memory.

There are other options, that have been used for decades (see below 
my sig for an incomplete and light-hearted history of serialization 
in the digital world).

The option for serialization formats and accessing them from Python 
are many.  Pickle and shelve are very Python specific, but will be 
very easy to use and will be more forgiving if you happen to try to 
store some code as well as "pure" data.

If you are going to need to exchange data with other programs, 
consider JSON.  Reading and writing to JSON format is as easy as 
reading and writing to a shelve (which is a Python pickle format 
under the hood).  Here's a two liner that will take the environment 
of a running program and dump that into a human- and 
machine-readable JSON format.  Step A:

  import os, sys, json
  json.dump(dict(os.environ), sys.stdout, indent=4, sort_keys=True)

Now, let's say that you want to read that in another program (and 
I'll demonstrate just dumping the in-memory representation to your 
terminal).  Step B:

  import sys, json, pprint

So, going back to your original question.

>I am not getting the concept of pickle and shelves in python, I 
>mean what's the use of both the concepts, when to use them in code 
>instead of using file read and write operations.

You can, of course, use file read / write operations whenever you 
need to load data into memory from the disk (or "somewhere") or to 
write data from memory into the disk (or "somewhere").

The idea behind tools and libraries like...

   pickle and shelve (which are Python-specific),
   JSON (flexible and used by 

Re: [Tutor] Pickles and Shelves Concept

2019-06-07 Thread Alan Gauld via Tutor
On 07/06/2019 18:42, Gursimran Maken wrote:

> I am not getting the concept of pickle and shelves in python, I mean what's
> the use of both the concepts, when to use them in code instead of using
> file read and write operations.

You are right in that you could save all your data to a file using
read/write primitives. Of course you'd need to convert them all
to/from strings. And all collections would need to be iterated
over (and if the collection contained other collections they'd
need to be iterated too).

But with pickle you can just save the entire data structure with
all its contents, in a single operation and it can be a collection
(of any type and depth) and the contents can be any kind of mixed
data. You don't need to care, pickle takes care of it all for you.
And you can read it back again in a single operation and all the
data will be restored to its original type and location.

But with pickle you still need to store things in sequence and read
them back out in the sequence that you stored them. If all you are
doing is saving the state of your program and restoring it that
isn't a problem. But if you only want to retrieve one piece of
your data later then its a bit of a nuisance. That's where shelve
comes in. By acting like a persistent dictionary you can assign
keys to your data and then restore it in any sequence, or
only restore some of it, you can.

Does that help?

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

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Re: [Tutor] Pickles and Shelves Concept

2019-06-07 Thread David Rock

> On Jun 7, 2019, at 12:42, Gursimran Maken  wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am not getting the concept of pickle and shelves in python, I mean what's
> the use of both the concepts, when to use them in code instead of using
> file read and write operations.
> Could anyone please explain me the concepts.

The simplest way to look at it is they are ways to save python data objects to 
disk.  That way, you can have a dataset in an already-usable format for later 
on use.
By contrast, file read/write is usually for raw data in/out in an unprocessed 
form that is not readily usable in your program.

So you would see something like this:

read data from file 
store data in a dictionary
pickle and shelve the dictionary for later

Then later on…
grab the shelved pickle
access the dict that was shelved

If the data you are working with will always be fresh/new, the file reads is 
probably more usable.  The shelving of data is most useful for easier retrieval 
later so you don’t have to re-process the raw data every time.

David Rock

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[Tutor] Pickles and Shelves Concept

2019-06-07 Thread Gursimran Maken
Hi All,

I am not getting the concept of pickle and shelves in python, I mean what's
the use of both the concepts, when to use them in code instead of using
file read and write operations.

Could anyone please explain me the concepts.

Thank you,
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