[Tutor] More Advanced Calculator.

2005-02-21 Thread . Sm0kin'_Bull
With your helps i managed to program Advanced Calculator.
But, I want to change(or add) some to it.
1. How can i /n/n result bit? I tired.. but, I can't
2. How can i enable it to calculate float-pointing numbers? (Which will make 
it complicated)

It should looks like this...
Please input data
Mathsmetical Sign:
And the source i got
import operator
ops_dict = {'+': operator.add, '*' : operator.mul, '-' : operator.sub,
   '/' : operator.div}
def perform_arithmetic():
print Please input data
number1 = int(raw_input(\nNumber1: ))
sign = raw_input(Mathsmetics Sign: )
number2 = int(raw_input(Number2: ))
result = ops_dict[sign](number1, number2)
except KeyError:
raise NotImplementedError, I don't know the sign '%s' %sign
# add output formatting logic as desired
return result
print perform_arithmetic()
Cheers! :)
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Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] Advanced Calculator Program...

2005-02-19 Thread . Sm0kin'_Bull
I want to make caculator program which enables me to
enter 2numbers and mathsmatics sign and calculates it.
I think this is too difficult for newbie like me...
Please input data
Mathsmetics Sign:
(Number1) (Sign) (Number2) = (Result)
I wrote this but, Error occurs
print Please input data
number1 = int(raw_input(\nNumber1: ))
sign = (raw_input(\nMathsmetics Sign: ))
number2 = int(raw_input(\nNumber2: ))
total = number1 sign number2
print number1, sign, number2, '=', total
please help me

Cheers! :)
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Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] Problem in making calulator

2005-02-17 Thread . Sm0kin'_Bull
No-one answered question
So, I e-mail it again
Help me please
I wrote this to add 2 numbers...
print Please input data
number1 = int(raw_input( ))
number2 = int(raw_input(+ ))
total = number1 + number2
print total
I want to make output like this...
1 + 1 = 2
But, actually... it looks like this...
+ 1
Cheers! :)
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Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] Trivia program.

2005-02-16 Thread . Sm0kin'_Bull
Hi, I got a problem with this program.

name = raw_input("Hi. What's your name? ")called = name * 5print "\nIf a small child were trying to get your attention, " \ "your name would become:"print called
When i input the name like "John Goodman"

it prints like...

John GoodmanJohn GoodmanJohn GoodmanJohn GoodmanJohn Goodman

But i want to print it like...

John Goodman John Goodman John Goodman John Goodman John Goodman

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Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] Problem with variables

2005-02-16 Thread . Sm0kin'_Bull

wrote this, It's a bit lame thoughI = "Allen"me = "Allen"my = "Allen's"print \"""%s woke up early in the morning. But, it was unusal by %s. %s pillowwas with %s. %s didn't want to wake up But, %s tried my best and woke up.it was so amazing!""" % (I,me,my,me,I,I)raw_input("\n\\t\t\t- The End -")But it looks like this...Allen woke up early in the morning. But, it was unusal by Allen. Allen's pillowwas with Allen. Allen didn't want to wake up But, Allen tried my best and woke up.it was so amazing - The End -
the problem is about lining
I want it to print like this...
Allen woke up early in the morning. But, it was unusal by Allen.
Allen's pillow was with Allen. Allen didn't want to wake up But, Allen
tried my best and woke up. it was so amazing
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Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] Problems in making calulating program.

2005-02-16 Thread . Sm0kin'_Bull
I wrote this to add 2 numbers...print "Please input data"number1 = int(raw_input(" "))number2 = int(raw_input("+ "))total = number1 + number2print totalraw_input("")I want to make output like this...1 + 1 = 2But, actually... it looks like this...1+ 12
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Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] .

2005-02-15 Thread Sm0kin'_Bull .
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. MSN

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org