Re: [Tutor] need a hint

2013-12-04 Thread Byron Ruffin
I realize the code snippet was bad.  It was meant to be pseudo code.  I was
on my phone and far from pc. Anyway

I tried this:

already_seen = set()
for name in last_names:
if name in already_seen:
print("Already seen", name)

I am not seeing a pattern in the output to give me a clue as to why it is
doing this.  Also, it seems to be referencing chars when variable lastName
is an item in a list.

Unexpected output:

Python 3.2.3 (default, Apr 11 2012, 07:15:24) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)]
on win32
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information.

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['John Cornyn (R)', 'Ted Cruz (R)']
New Mexico

Here is all my code:

def createList( filename ):
# print( filename )
senateInfo = {}
info = open( filename, "r" )

for line in info:
# print( line )
dataOnLine = line.split( "\t" )
state = dataOnLine[ 0 ]
senator = dataOnLine[ 1 ]

if state in senateInfo: # Adding another
# Create a list of the both senators from that state.
incumbent = senateInfo[state]
senators = [ incumbent, senator ]
senateInfo[state] = senators

senateInfo[state] = senator

#print( senateInfo )

print( filename, " did not open! qUITTING." )
return senateInfo

def createList2(filename):

List = []
senateInfo2 = {}

info = open( filename, "r" )

for line in info:

dataOnLine = line.split( "\t" )
state = dataOnLine[ 0 ]
senator = dataOnLine[ 1 ]

nameSplit = dataOnLine[ 1 ].split(" ")

if len(nameSplit) == 3:
lastName = nameSplit[1]

elif len(nameSplit) == 4:
lastName = nameSplit[2]

already_seen = set()

for name in lastName:
if name in already_seen:
print("Already seen", name)

senateInfo2[lastName] = state


return senateInfo2

def test( state, senatorsInfo ):
print( senatorsInfo[state] )

def test2( senator, usSenators ):
print( usSenators[senator] )

def main():
usSenators = createList( "USSenators.txt" )
usSenators2 = createList2( "USSenators.txt" )
test( "Texas", usSenators )
test2("Udall", usSenators2 )


On Tue, Dec 3, 2013 at 7:54 PM, Steven D'Aprano  wrote:

> On Tue, Dec 03, 2013 at 11:55:30AM -0600, Byron Ruffin wrote:
> > What I am having trouble with is finding a way to say:  if lastName
> appears
> > more than once, print something.
> >
> > I ran a bit of code:
> > For x in lastname
> >   If lastname = udall
> >Print something
> You most certainly did not run that. That's not Python code. Precision
> and accuracy is vital when programming. Please tell us what you
> *actually* ran, not some vague summary which may or may not be in the
> right ballpark.
> Copy and paste is your friend here: copy and paste the block of code you
> ran, don't re-type it from memory.
> > This prints x twice.
> >
> > I think what I might be hung up on is understanding the ways that I can
> use
> > a loop.  I know I need to loop through the list of names, which I have,
> and
> > set a condition dor the apppearance of a string occurring more than once
> in
> > a list but I do

Re: [Tutor] need a hint

2013-12-03 Thread Byron Ruffin
What I am having trouble with is finding a way to say:  if lastName appears
more than once, print something.

I ran a bit of code:
For x in lastname
  If lastname = udall
   Print something

This prints x twice.

I think what I might be hung up on is understanding the ways that I can use
a loop.  I know I need to loop through the list of names, which I have, and
set a condition dor the apppearance of a string occurring more than once in
a list but I don't know how to translate this to code.   How do I say: if
you see it twice, do something?
On 2 December 2013 02:25, Byron Ruffin  wrote:
> The following program works and does what I want except for one last
> I need to handle.   The program reads a txt file of senators and their
> associated states and when I input the last name it gives me their state.
> The problem is "Udall".  There are two of them.  The txt file is read by
> line and put into a dictionary with the names split.  I need a process to
> handle duplicate names.  Preferably one that will always work even if the
> txt file was changed/updated.  I don't want the process to handle the name
> "Udall" specifically.   For a duplicate name I would like to tell the user
> it is not a unique last name and then tell them to enter first name and
> return the state of that senator.

You're currently doing this:

> senateInfo = {}
> senateInfo[lastName] = state

Instead of storing just a state in the dict you could store a list of
states e.g.:

senateInfo[lastName] = [state]

Then when you find a lastName that is already in the dict you can do:


to append the new state to the existing list of states. You'll need a
way to test if a particular lastName is already in the dict e.g.:

if lastName in senateInfo:

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[Tutor] need a hint

2013-12-02 Thread Byron Ruffin
The following program works and does what I want except for one last
problem I need to handle.   The program reads a txt file of senators and
their associated states and when I input the last name it gives me their
state.  The problem is "Udall".  There are two of them.  The txt file is
read by line and put into a dictionary with the names split.  I need a
process to handle duplicate names.  Preferably one that will always work
even if the txt file was changed/updated.  I don't want the process to
handle the name "Udall" specifically.   For a duplicate name I would like
to tell the user it is not a unique last name and then tell them to enter
first name and then return the state of that senator.


An excerpt of txt file...
ArkansasMark Pryor (D)20032015
ArkansasJohn Boozman (R)20112017
CaliforniaDianne Feinstein (D)19922019
CaliforniaBarbara Boxer (D)19932017
ColoradoMark Udall (D)20092015
ColoradoMichael F. Bennet (D)20092017

def createList(state):

senateInfo = {}

info = open( "USSenators.txt", "r" )

for line in info:

dataOnLine = line.split( "\t" )
state = dataOnLine[ 0 ]
senator = dataOnLine[ 1 ]

nameSplit = dataOnLine[ 1 ].split(" ")

if len(nameSplit) == 3:
lastName = nameSplit[1]

elif len(nameSplit) == 4:
lastName = nameSplit[2]

senateInfo[lastName] = state


return senateInfo

def test( senator, usSenators ):
print( usSenators[senator] )

def main():
usSenators = createList( "USSenators.txt" )
senator = input("Enter last name of Senator")
test(senator, usSenators )
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[Tutor] ideas?

2013-11-18 Thread Byron Ruffin
Need a little help with finding a process for this:

when a string of text is input, for example: abc def.
I want to have each letter shift to the right one place in the alphabet.
abc def would be output as bcd efg.

Any ideas on how to do this?
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[Tutor] loop running twice?

2013-11-17 Thread Byron Ruffin
def main():

goal, apr, deposit = getSavingsDetails()
determineMonthsTilSaved( goal, apr, deposit )

months = determineMonthsTilSaved(goal, apr, deposit)

summarize( months )

def getSavingsDetails():
goal = float( input( "Principal sought? $" ) )
apr = float( input( "Interest rate? " ) )
deposit = float( input( "Deposit? $" ) )
goal = 1000.0
apr = .05
deposit = 100
return goal, apr, deposit

def determineMonthsTilSaved( goal, apr, deposit ):
months = 0
saved = 0
totalInterest = 0.0

while saved < goal:
interest = saved * apr / 12
totalInterest += interest
saved += (deposit + interest)
months += 1
print( months, ("%.2f" % saved), ("%.2f" % totalInterest) )

return months

def summarize( months ):
print( "Saved! It took ", months // 12, "years and", months % 12,
"months." )


When this is run it appears that determineMonthsTilSaved is running twice
before the loop ends.  It is supposed to run until saved > than goal, but
look at the output.  It runs again even after saved > goal.  Help please?
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[Tutor] basic function concept

2013-11-16 Thread Byron Ruffin
def main(x, y, z):

print (x, y, z)

def funct():
x = 1
y = 2
z = 3

return x, y, z


Can someone tell me why main is not being given any arguments?
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[Tutor] space between words printed

2013-11-03 Thread Byron Ruffin
The output generates a sentence made up of words chosen randomly from
lists.  I am having trouble getting a space between each of the words.
Should I be thinking about .split?  Here is the code (ignore indent errors
as it was copied and pasted) Thank you:

import random

def wordList():

adj1 = ["Big","Small",  "Early",  "Late","Red",
subj = ["politician", "man","woman",  "whale",   "company",
"child",   "soldier"]
obj =  ["budget", "money",  "box","gift","gun",
adj2 = ["hot","crazy",  "stupid", "fast","worthless",
"awesome", "dirty"]
verb = ["spends", "shoots", "evades", "pursues", "subverts",
"passes",  "flirts"]

y = adj1[generate()], subj[generate()] + obj[generate()] +
adj2[generate()] + verb[generate()]

return y

def generate():
random0_6 = random.randint(0, 6)
return random0_6

def main():

print (wordList(), ".", sep="")

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[Tutor] cs student needs help import math

2013-09-07 Thread Byron Ruffin
I am writing a simple program based off an ipo chart that I did correctly.
I need to use ceil but I keep getting an error saying ceil is not defined.
I did import math, I think.  I am using 3.2.3 and I imported this way...

>>> import math
>>> math.pi
>>> math.ceil(math.pi)
>>> math.floor(math.pi)

... but I get the error when using ceil...

pepsticks = ceil(peplength / StickLength)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in 
pepsticks = ceil(peplength / StickLength)
NameError: name 'ceil' is not defined

Thanks for the help!
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Re: [Tutor] python books

2005-10-19 Thread Byron
David Holland wrote:
> The best book I found was python programming for the
> absolute beginner by Michael Dawson.  I would strongly
> recommend it.

Yes, I would agree 100%.  Michael Dawson does an excellent job teaching 
Python to beginners.  (Most others don't come close to his book, in my 


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Re: [Tutor] Python books: buying advice needed

2005-10-19 Thread Byron
Hi David,

The answer depends.  If you are looking for free resources, I would 
recommend checking out:

However, if you are looking for a professional-grade book, then I would 
recommend "Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner."  I, personally 
speaking, found this book to be an excellent resource -- I would highly 
recommend it.


David Stotijn wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm planning on buying a book to help me learn Python. Some of the books 
> I'm considering are a few years old and based on an older version of 
> Python (e.g. 2.3).
> Is it wise to buy a book based on an older version? Are the principles 
> and methods used in those books outdated by now?
> Ideally, the book I'm looking for has some "best practice" guidelines 
> and alot of example code.
> Do you have any tips?
> Thanks in advance!
> David
> ___
> Tutor maillist  -

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Re: [Tutor] Why won't it enter the quiz? (off topic)

2005-09-16 Thread Byron
Poor Yorick wrote:
> Once again you're implying that there's something wrong with Nathan 
> asking for help on this list.  Blow it out your hairdo...

No, I did not imply or state that at all.  In fact, I was answering your 
own statement in which you posted the following valid argument:

 > "I'd bet that almost EVERYONE on this list is selling software with
 > the __skills__ they may have picked up here."

Notice your beautiful keyword there -- "skills."  Yes, I agree with your 
statement 100%.  Not a problem at all.  However, anytime that one 
directly copies code from someone else, (at least within the United 
States), you run the risk of copyright violation and getting sued.

That's not an issue here, but in real life, one needs to be aware of 
this.  Not all people are as nice and wonderful as you will find in a 
teaching forum, such as this.

As a college-level teacher, it is important that an education be more 
than knowing how to write code -- it has to do with learning successful 
business practices too.  :-)  (Ones that will keep you out of the court 
room, at least!)


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Re: [Tutor] Why won't it enter the quiz?

2005-09-16 Thread Byron
Nathan Pinno wrote:
> Brian and all,
> I am just asking for help - after all I write most each program myself, 
> and just ask for help in debugging it whenever I cannot figure it out. 
> If this is being sneaky, I apologize, and won't ask for help anymore.

No, don't do that... Happy that you are asking questions!  I was humored 
by the idea that you have a GREAT business model there...  :-)  FREE 
Labor -- wow, should of thought of that one earlier...  

Have a great weekend and hope you keep posting!


Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Why won't it enter the quiz? (off topic)

2005-09-16 Thread Byron
Hi Nathan C,

No, I was not saying that he needed to stop.  However, I thought it was 
kind of funny / entertaining that the tutors here are helping to develop 
his code for free -- and then he gets to sell it online!  Quite the 
efficient business model there...  :-)

PS> No, (for the record only), there is a HUGE difference between 
selling "skills" and selling code that someone else wrote.  :-D


Nathan Coulter wrote:
> Byron wrote:
>>Hi Nathan,
>>Wow, I have to give you some good credit -- you are quite the sneaky and 
>>innovative business guy.  You get the free tutors here to help write 
>>your programs and when they are finished, you sell them on your website 
>>for $20.00 each!  I bet more businesses wish they could do business the 
>>way you do!  Quite efficient, I must admit... 
> I'd bet that almost EVERYONE on this list is selling software with the skills 
> they may have picked up here.  There's nothing wrong with that!  And any of 
> Nathan's customer's that want to try to build it themselves are free to look 
> here on the list to see exactly how he did it.  Kudos, Nathan!
> Bye,
> Poor Yorick
> ___
> Tutor maillist  -

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Why won't it enter the quiz?

2005-09-16 Thread Byron

Hi Nathan,

Wow, I have to give you some good credit -- you are quite the sneaky and 
innovative business guy.  You get the free tutors here to help write 
your programs and when they are finished, you sell them on your website 
for $20.00 each!  I bet more businesses wish they could do business the 
way you do!  Quite efficient, I must admit... 

Take care,


Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Is there an easy way to combine dictionaries?

2005-09-06 Thread Byron
Lane, Frank L wrote:
> Is there an easy way to combine dictionaries?

Hi Frank,

Yes, there is -- please see the "addDict" method that I have provided below:


def addDicts(a, b):
c = {}
for item in a:
c[item] = a[item]
for item in b:
c[item] = b[item]
return c

a = {'a':'a', 'b':'b', 'c':'c'}
b = {'1':1, '2':2, '3':3}
c = addDicts(a, b)

print c

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Re: [Tutor] Game Engine HowTos?

2005-09-05 Thread Byron
Joseph Quigley wrote:
> Pygame? Well I'll take a look... do they have documentation for Game 
> Engine writing?

I know that PyGame is a Python-based game engine in which one can use to 
write / develop computer games.  However, I am not sure if they allow 
you to be able to "re-write" the engine itself.  If you check their 
site, which seems to be well documented, I am sure that you can find out.


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Re: [Tutor] Program to lock folders under win32

2005-09-04 Thread Byron
Oliver Maunder wrote:
> There's a program called Magic Folders which does this - 
> This actually hides the folders, rather than locking them.  However,  it 
> seems to be integrated with the operating system at a very low level. I 
> don't think you'd be able to get this kind of integration with a Python 
> program.

Hi Oliver,

Yeah, Magic Folders used to be a favorite program of mine.  Only problem 
(that I knew it used to have -- the problem still might be there, not 
sure) is that if you used any of the Windows "repair" or maintenance 
tools on your system, such as defrag or diskscan, you can lose your data.

Magic Folders creates a file system on the hard drive that "looks" like 
lost clusters.  Because of this, Windows jumps in and tries to "fix" it 
for you.  Not good!  ;-)


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Re: [Tutor] Program to lock folders under win32

2005-09-03 Thread Byron
>>I want to make a program to lock folders (so the user can only access
>>them if he knows the password) under win32, the only problem is that I
>>have no idea how to start or what to do. Do you guys have any ideas of
>>how to do it?

Normally, one would accomplish this via Windows file / folder 
permissions.  However, it also requires that you are working with a MS 
Windows domain server environment.

If you wish to accomplish this using non-Microsoft technology, you can 
always use a password protected web folder.  It will provide read only 
access.  If you wish to provide uploading rights, then you can always 
setup FTP abilities, etc.


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Re: [Tutor] Game Engine HowTos?

2005-09-03 Thread Byron
Joseph Quigley wrote:
> Or does anyone know of a good Game Engine writing tutorial in another 
> language?

I believe this is what you are looking for:


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Re: [Tutor] Importing a List from Module

2005-08-27 Thread Byron
Tom Strickland wrote:
> In my "main" module I import "enterData" and try to read the first 
> element of "close" as follows:
> import enterData
> xy=enterData.close
> print xy[0]   
> When I do this it prints out the entire "close" list, not just the first 
> term.

Hi Tom,

I would create a function in your module that returns the list.  Here's 
a quick, simplified example:

def returnList():
newList = []
newList += [123.45]
newList += [529.59]
newList += [259.92]
return newList

aList = returnList()
print aList

Note the return statement...  This enables assignment, as you have done 
in "xy=enterData.returnList()"

Hope this helps,


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Re: [Tutor] Generate 8 digit random number

2005-08-26 Thread Byron
Hi Alberto,

Here's how to do it:


import random

def generateKey():
nums = "0123456789"
strNumber = ""
count = 0
while (count < 8):
strNumber += nums[random.randrange(len(nums))]
count += 1
print strNumber

# A quick test...
count = 0
while (count < 1):
count += 1


Byron  :-)


Alberto Troiano wrote:
> Hi everyone
> I need to generate a password..It has to be an 8 digit number and it has to 
> be random
> The code I've been trying is the following:
> import random
> random.randrange(,)
> The code works but sometimes it picks a number with 7 digits. Is there any 
> way that I can tell him to select always a random number with 8 digits?
> Thanks in advanced
> Alberto
> ___
> Tutor maillist  -

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Re: [Tutor] Working with files

2005-08-24 Thread Byron
Bob Gailer wrote:
> read the file into a string variable (assuming the file is not humungus)
> find the location of "something" in the string
> assemble a new string consisting of:
>the original string up to the location (index) of "something"
>the rest of the original string
> write the new string to the file

Hi Scott,

Bob gave you the basic instructions that you need to complete the task 
that you are asking for.  If you don't know how to do this, I would 
suggest that you start with the following Python tutorial:

They provide an excellent tutorial for learning the basics of Python -- 
and best of all, it's free and written for absolute beginners.

Take care,


Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Remove a number from a string

2005-08-23 Thread Byron
Shitiz Bansal wrote:

> Hi,
> Suppose i have a string '347 liverpool street'.
> I want to remove all the numbers coming at the starting of the string.
> I can think of a few ways but whats the cleanest way to do it?
> Shitiz

Here's a function that can do what you're wanting to accomplish:


def removeNums(addr):
text = addr.split()
revisedAddr = ""
for item in text:
i = int(item)
revisedAddr += item + " "
return revisedAddr.strip()

# Test the function...  ;-)
address = "5291 E. 24rd Ave."
print removeNums(address)

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Re: [Tutor] Counting help

2005-08-23 Thread Byron
Hi Scott,

The site ( ) has a wonderful tutorial on it 
for Python that quickly teaches one (within a few minutes) how to work 
with dictionaries.  I would highly recommend that you check it out.  
It's well worth it...


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Re: [Tutor] Counting help

2005-08-23 Thread Byron
Luis N wrote:

>Ideally, you would put your names into a list or dictionary to make
>working with them easier. If all you're trying to do is count them
>(and your list of names is long), you might consider a dictionary
>which you would use like so:
>#This is just the first thing I considered.
>l = ['a list of names']
>d = {}
>for name in namelist:
>if d.has_key(name):
>x = d.get(name)
>d[name] = x + 1
>d[name] = 1  

100% agreed.  I have used this approach before and it works great... 


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Re: [Tutor] Writing to text files

2005-08-22 Thread Byron
Byron wrote:

> Hi Danny,
> I agree 100% with your statement.  The reason why I left it in its 
> "fragile" state was to help keep the example provided simple and 
> straight forward.  Since this is a "beginners" group, I wanted to 
> confuse by adding extra protection to it.  ;-)
> Byron
> --- 

Opps, a quick correction:  "I wanted to *avoid* confusion by..."


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Re: [Tutor] Writing to text files

2005-08-22 Thread Byron
Danny Yoo wrote:

>>It's actually fairly simply and straight forward...  Here's how to do
>>it:  (I haven't officially tested this code for bugs, but I believe it
>>is correct.)
>>file = open("datafile.txt", "r")
>>filedata =
>>newLine = "Your new line of data with the time stamp goes here.\n" +
>>file = open("datafile.txt", "w")
>Hi Byron,
>The approach here is fine, but it's slightly fragile, because if anything
>exceptional happens in-between writing the lines back to the file, we can
>lose the data in the file.  It might be safe to first backup the original
>file by renaming it to something else.

Hi Danny,

I agree 100% with your statement.  The reason why I left it in its 
"fragile" state was to help keep the example provided simple and 
straight forward.  Since this is a "beginners" group, I wanted to 
confuse by adding extra protection to it.  ;-)


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Re: [Tutor] Writing to text files

2005-08-22 Thread Byron
Hi Johan,

It's actually fairly simply and straight forward...  Here's how to do 
it:  (I haven't officially tested this code for bugs, but I believe it 
is correct.)

file = open("datafile.txt", "r")
filedata =

newLine = "Your new line of data with the time stamp goes here.\n" + 
file = open("datafile.txt", "w")


Hope this helps,

Byron  :-)

Johan Geldenhuys wrote:

> Hi all,
> I want to write to a text file with a timestamp, but I want to newest 
> entry at the top. So I want to insert the next entry to the file at 
> the beginning.
> I can create and append to a file and then the latest entry is at the 
> bottom.
> Any ideas how this is done please?
> Thanks,
> Johan
>Tutor maillist  -

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Re: [Tutor] Network Programming Information and terminology

2005-08-21 Thread Byron
Hi John,

Here is a link that you might find useful:


Listed below are two very basic Python IM programs.  You'll need to run 
the server first -- let it run in the background.  Once this is running, 
start the second program, which allows you to type in a message and then 
the server program will acknowledge the reception of the data and then 
send a message back to you.



import socket

# Create connection.
mySocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
mySocket.bind(('', 2727))

while True:
# Get data coming in from client.
data, client = mySocket.recvfrom(100)
print 'We have received a datagram from', client, '.'
print data

# Send a response to confirm reception!
mySocket.sendto ( 'Message confirmed: ' + data, client )


# Client program

from socket import *

# Set the socket parameters
host = ""
port = 2727
buf = 1024
addr = (host,port)

# Create socket

def_msg = "===Enter message to send to server===";
print "\n", def_msg

# Send messages
while (1):
data = raw_input('>> ')
if not data:
print "Sending message '",data,"'."

# Receive the response back from the server.
    data, client = UDPSock.recvfrom(100)
print data

# Close socket


Hope this helps,



John Walton wrote:

>Hello. It's me again.  Thanks for all the help with
>the Python Networking Resources, but does anyone know
>what I'll need to know to write a paper on Network
>Programming and Python.  Like terminology and all
>that.  Maybe I'll have a section on socketets, TCP,
>Clients (half of the stuff I don't even know what it
>means).  So, does anyone know any good websites with
>Network Programming information.  Thanks!
>Do You Yahoo!?
>Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 
>Tutor maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Tutor maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Tutor] HELP ME DUDE

2005-07-22 Thread byron
Quoting Suranga Sarukkali <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hay, you know what? when I connect to the internet the modem software(Error
> Free Software for Sure)  say's a around 50-53.3Kbps connected though when I
> download a file from a server not p2ps or any of the kind service the
> downloads are even when connection is idle without any other method of
> bandwidth usage the downloads are at 4 Kilobytes per second but that should
> be around 8 Kilobytes per second as a thumb rule, you know that right? so I
> wonder is it's the malware or any type or WHAT could be the reason or even
> not how to get the said 53.3k (8KBs per second) download rate to my pc? oh
> remember to reply to me as soon as possible.

Hi Suranga,

This is a Python programming group.  If you have any Python questions, then this
is the place to ask them.  However, Anything outside of that scope will
probably not get you too much help.  ;-)


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Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Please Help: Hacking

2005-07-22 Thread byron
Quoting Jeremy Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Here you go.  This should be enlightening:

Hi Jeremy,

That's great...  Thanks for sharing the link.


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Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] hello

2005-07-21 Thread byron
Yes, it is.  :-)


Quoting dina lenning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> is this where i send my questions??

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Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Getting singal strength of the received packet

2005-07-19 Thread Byron
sunny sunny wrote:

>I am sending and receiving for a simple server application over wirless link. 
>Can I get the signal strength of the received packet in Python? 

Isn't this done strictly at the hardware level of the NIC?  I don't 
believe that one can get this information from Python.


Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] OT python Licences

2005-07-12 Thread Byron
Dave S wrote:

>That being the case am I right in thinking that my script would also
>have to be GPL and I would have to inform my employer as I hand it over ?

I don't believe so.  Python prefers to encourage its developers to 
contribute to the general community.  However, you can commercially 
write apps in Python and then sell them -- without having to make them 
open source or give-awayable to the general community.

Hope this helps,


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Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] What's going on with this code? Error message supplied.

2005-07-10 Thread Byron
Hi Nathan,

It appears that you are just starting to learn the Python programming 
language.  May I suggest that you check out the following FREE resources 
-- they will help to get you started and running smoothly with Python.

Learning With Python

After you have gone though that tutorial, I would then recommend the 
following advanced materials:

HTHs (Hope this helps),


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Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Is it possible to...

2005-07-10 Thread Byron
Alan G wrote:

>> I was just wondering if it is possible to use Python as a language to 
>> password protect a webpage?   
> Yes it is possible but you will need to have a web server that can run 
> Pyhon and there aren't too many of those on the internet...

However, there are some hosters that do allow Python scripts.  If you 
search google for "web hosters" + Python, you will find a variety of 
them.  One that looks interesting is:

> OTOH if its a privately owned web server then password protection is 
> usually a standard configuration item of the web server, you just edit 
> a file and tell it to password protect a particular file or folder. 
> Certainly Apache and Xitami work like that, no coding needed.

I agree.  This is by far, the best option -- however, if Nathan is 
wanting to learn how to password protect a page using Python technology, 
I would recommend that he check out the following page:



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Tutor maillist  -