Re: [Tutor] need a hint

2013-12-04 Thread Byron Ruffin
I realize the code snippet was bad.  It was meant to be pseudo code.  I was
on my phone and far from pc. Anyway

I tried this:

already_seen = set()
for name in last_names:
if name in already_seen:
print("Already seen", name)

I am not seeing a pattern in the output to give me a clue as to why it is
doing this.  Also, it seems to be referencing chars when variable lastName
is an item in a list.

Unexpected output:

Python 3.2.3 (default, Apr 11 2012, 07:15:24) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)]
on win32
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information.

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['John Cornyn (R)', 'Ted Cruz (R)']
New Mexico

Here is all my code:

def createList( filename ):
# print( filename )
senateInfo = {}
info = open( filename, "r" )

for line in info:
# print( line )
dataOnLine = line.split( "\t" )
state = dataOnLine[ 0 ]
senator = dataOnLine[ 1 ]

if state in senateInfo: # Adding another
# Create a list of the both senators from that state.
incumbent = senateInfo[state]
senators = [ incumbent, senator ]
senateInfo[state] = senators

senateInfo[state] = senator

#print( senateInfo )

print( filename, " did not open! qUITTING." )
return senateInfo

def createList2(filename):

List = []
senateInfo2 = {}

info = open( filename, "r" )

for line in info:

dataOnLine = line.split( "\t" )
state = dataOnLine[ 0 ]
senator = dataOnLine[ 1 ]

nameSplit = dataOnLine[ 1 ].split(" ")

if len(nameSplit) == 3:
lastName = nameSplit[1]

elif len(nameSplit) == 4:
lastName = nameSplit[2]

already_seen = set()

for name in lastName:
if name in already_seen:
print("Already seen", name)

senateInfo2[lastName] = state


return senateInfo2

def test( state, senatorsInfo ):
print( senatorsInfo[state] )

def test2( senator, usSenators ):
print( usSenators[senator] )

def main():
usSenators = createList( "USSenators.txt" )
usSenators2 = createList2( "USSenators.txt" )
test( "Texas", usSenators )
test2("Udall", usSenators2 )


On Tue, Dec 3, 2013 at 7:54 PM, Steven D'Aprano  wrote:

> On Tue, Dec 03, 2013 at 11:55:30AM -0600, Byron Ruffin wrote:
> > What I am having trouble with is finding a way to say:  if lastName
> appears
> > more than once, print something.
> >
> > I ran a bit of code:
> > For x in lastname
> >   If lastname = udall
> >Print something
> You most certainly did not run that. That's not Python code. Precision
> and accuracy is vital when programming. Please tell us what you
> *actually* ran, not some vague summary which may or may not be in the
> right ballpark.
> Copy and paste is your friend here: copy and paste the block of code you
> ran, don't re-type it from memory.
> > This prints x twice.
> >
> > I think what I might be hung up on is understanding the ways that I can
> use
> > a loop.  I know I need to loop through the list of names, which I have,
> and
> > set a condition dor the apppearance of a string occurring more than once
> in
> > a list but I do

Re: [Tutor] need a hint

2013-12-03 Thread Byron Ruffin
What I am having trouble with is finding a way to say:  if lastName appears
more than once, print something.

I ran a bit of code:
For x in lastname
  If lastname = udall
   Print something

This prints x twice.

I think what I might be hung up on is understanding the ways that I can use
a loop.  I know I need to loop through the list of names, which I have, and
set a condition dor the apppearance of a string occurring more than once in
a list but I don't know how to translate this to code.   How do I say: if
you see it twice, do something?
On 2 December 2013 02:25, Byron Ruffin  wrote:
> The following program works and does what I want except for one last
> I need to handle.   The program reads a txt file of senators and their
> associated states and when I input the last name it gives me their state.
> The problem is "Udall".  There are two of them.  The txt file is read by
> line and put into a dictionary with the names split.  I need a process to
> handle duplicate names.  Preferably one that will always work even if the
> txt file was changed/updated.  I don't want the process to handle the name
> "Udall" specifically.   For a duplicate name I would like to tell the user
> it is not a unique last name and then tell them to enter first name and
> return the state of that senator.

You're currently doing this:

> senateInfo = {}
> senateInfo[lastName] = state

Instead of storing just a state in the dict you could store a list of
states e.g.:

senateInfo[lastName] = [state]

Then when you find a lastName that is already in the dict you can do:


to append the new state to the existing list of states. You'll need a
way to test if a particular lastName is already in the dict e.g.:

if lastName in senateInfo:

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[Tutor] need a hint

2013-12-02 Thread Byron Ruffin
The following program works and does what I want except for one last
problem I need to handle.   The program reads a txt file of senators and
their associated states and when I input the last name it gives me their
state.  The problem is "Udall".  There are two of them.  The txt file is
read by line and put into a dictionary with the names split.  I need a
process to handle duplicate names.  Preferably one that will always work
even if the txt file was changed/updated.  I don't want the process to
handle the name "Udall" specifically.   For a duplicate name I would like
to tell the user it is not a unique last name and then tell them to enter
first name and then return the state of that senator.


An excerpt of txt file...
ArkansasMark Pryor (D)20032015
ArkansasJohn Boozman (R)20112017
CaliforniaDianne Feinstein (D)19922019
CaliforniaBarbara Boxer (D)19932017
ColoradoMark Udall (D)20092015
ColoradoMichael F. Bennet (D)20092017

def createList(state):

senateInfo = {}

info = open( "USSenators.txt", "r" )

for line in info:

dataOnLine = line.split( "\t" )
state = dataOnLine[ 0 ]
senator = dataOnLine[ 1 ]

nameSplit = dataOnLine[ 1 ].split(" ")

if len(nameSplit) == 3:
lastName = nameSplit[1]

elif len(nameSplit) == 4:
lastName = nameSplit[2]

senateInfo[lastName] = state


return senateInfo

def test( senator, usSenators ):
print( usSenators[senator] )

def main():
usSenators = createList( "USSenators.txt" )
senator = input("Enter last name of Senator")
test(senator, usSenators )
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[Tutor] ideas?

2013-11-18 Thread Byron Ruffin
Need a little help with finding a process for this:

when a string of text is input, for example: abc def.
I want to have each letter shift to the right one place in the alphabet.
abc def would be output as bcd efg.

Any ideas on how to do this?
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[Tutor] loop running twice?

2013-11-17 Thread Byron Ruffin
def main():

goal, apr, deposit = getSavingsDetails()
determineMonthsTilSaved( goal, apr, deposit )

months = determineMonthsTilSaved(goal, apr, deposit)

summarize( months )

def getSavingsDetails():
goal = float( input( "Principal sought? $" ) )
apr = float( input( "Interest rate? " ) )
deposit = float( input( "Deposit? $" ) )
goal = 1000.0
apr = .05
deposit = 100
return goal, apr, deposit

def determineMonthsTilSaved( goal, apr, deposit ):
months = 0
saved = 0
totalInterest = 0.0

while saved < goal:
interest = saved * apr / 12
totalInterest += interest
saved += (deposit + interest)
months += 1
print( months, ("%.2f" % saved), ("%.2f" % totalInterest) )

return months

def summarize( months ):
print( "Saved! It took ", months // 12, "years and", months % 12,
"months." )


When this is run it appears that determineMonthsTilSaved is running twice
before the loop ends.  It is supposed to run until saved > than goal, but
look at the output.  It runs again even after saved > goal.  Help please?
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[Tutor] basic function concept

2013-11-16 Thread Byron Ruffin
def main(x, y, z):

print (x, y, z)

def funct():
x = 1
y = 2
z = 3

return x, y, z


Can someone tell me why main is not being given any arguments?
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[Tutor] space between words printed

2013-11-03 Thread Byron Ruffin
The output generates a sentence made up of words chosen randomly from
lists.  I am having trouble getting a space between each of the words.
Should I be thinking about .split?  Here is the code (ignore indent errors
as it was copied and pasted) Thank you:

import random

def wordList():

adj1 = ["Big","Small",  "Early",  "Late","Red",
subj = ["politician", "man","woman",  "whale",   "company",
"child",   "soldier"]
obj =  ["budget", "money",  "box","gift","gun",
adj2 = ["hot","crazy",  "stupid", "fast","worthless",
"awesome", "dirty"]
verb = ["spends", "shoots", "evades", "pursues", "subverts",
"passes",  "flirts"]

y = adj1[generate()], subj[generate()] + obj[generate()] +
adj2[generate()] + verb[generate()]

return y

def generate():
random0_6 = random.randint(0, 6)
return random0_6

def main():

print (wordList(), ".", sep="")

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[Tutor] cs student needs help import math

2013-09-07 Thread Byron Ruffin
I am writing a simple program based off an ipo chart that I did correctly.
I need to use ceil but I keep getting an error saying ceil is not defined.
I did import math, I think.  I am using 3.2.3 and I imported this way...

>>> import math
>>> math.pi
>>> math.ceil(math.pi)
>>> math.floor(math.pi)

... but I get the error when using ceil...

pepsticks = ceil(peplength / StickLength)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in 
pepsticks = ceil(peplength / StickLength)
NameError: name 'ceil' is not defined

Thanks for the help!
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