[Tutor] regular expression matching a dot?

2005-10-19 Thread Christian Meesters

I've got the problem that I need to find a certain group of file names 
within a lot of different file names. Those I want to match with a 
regular expression are a bit peculiar since they all look like:
07SS.INF , 10SE.INF, 13SS.INF, 02BS.INF, 05SS.INF.
Unfortunately there are similar file names that shouldn't be matched, 
Any other extension than 'INF' should also be skipped. (There are names 
like 07SS.E00, wich I don't want to see matched.)
So I tried the following pattern (using re):
\d+[SS|SE]\.INF - as there should be at least one digit, the group 'SE' 
or 'SS' followed by a dot and the extension 'INF'.

Well, this doesn't work, no match. However, if I change the pattern to 
\d+[SS|SE] it somehow works and all all valid names are matched. But if 
there is a different extension than 'INF' it matches too - but it 
shouldn't. (Surrounding the dot with [] doesn't help, though I have no 
idea as for why.)
Any ideas what I could do else?


PS Hope that I described the problem well enough ...

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] regular expression matching a dot?

2005-10-19 Thread Christian Meesters
Actually, your answer did help to open my eyes. The expression is 
\d+S[S|E]\.INF: Ouch!

Thanks a lot,

On 19 Oct 2005, at 12:11, Misto . wrote:

 [ Workaround ]
 What about using the glob module?


 you can use something like
 (Not tested)


Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] regular expression matching a dot?

2005-10-19 Thread Christian Meesters
Thanks, corrected. I was happy now - and then too fast ;-).

On 19 Oct 2005, at 13:50, Kent Johnson wrote:

 Christian Meesters wrote:
 Actually, your answer did help to open my eyes. The expression is 
 \d+S[S|E]\.INF: Ouch!

 That will work, but what you really mean is one of these:

 Your regex will match 0S|.INF


Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] PyDoc problem

2005-09-23 Thread Christian Meesters

PyDoc is working well, if invoked without flags on the modul in  
question. But when I use it with '-w' to produce html-output, I get an  
extremely long Traceback after a runtime of an hour or two. Here is a  
short part from it:

  Traceback (most recent call last):
    File /usr/bin/pydoc, line 4, in ?
python2.3/pydoc.py, line 2117, in cli
python2.3/pydoc.py, line 1383, in writedoc
      page = html.page(describe(object), html.document(object, name))
Power_Macintosh-2.3/scipy_base/ppimport.py, line 397, in  
python2.3/pydoc.py, line 283, in document
      if inspect.ismodule(object): return self.docmodule(*args)
python2.3/repr.py, line 49, in repr_list
      s = s + self.repr1(x[i], level-1)
python2.3/pydoc.py, line 319, in repr1
      return self.escape(cram(stripid(repr(x)), self.maxother))
python2.3/pydoc.py, line 111, in stripid
      if re.search(pattern, repr(Exception)):
python2.3/sre.py, line 137, in search
      return _compile(pattern, flags).search(string)
  RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded

What's going wrong? When I ask Pydoc to write html documentation for  
other modules there is no problem at all. It just works fine. And this  
traceback tell me nothing about my module, only about PyDoc. For it  
matters: I'm stuck with Python2.3 for compatibility reasons in this  
project and the module I'd like to see documented uses scipy and it is  
not really a small module anymore (about 1000 lines, including  
docstrings and comments).
Anybody an idea how I can force PyDoc to produce html output on this  

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] PyDoc problem

2005-09-23 Thread Christian Meesters
Hi Paul,

works great and within a seond, if I just uncomment the scipy imports. 
This was easy, but without your help I still would stare at my screen 
and think it's hopeless.

On 23 Sep 2005, at 13:18, paul brian wrote:

 THis sounds like a recursive import, which frankly should not happen
 but perhaps pydoc imports differently to the standard. Or it is trying
 to document the entire scipy framework, rather than just your module

 try firstly moving the module alone to directory foo and ensuring you
 are calling only that module

 pydoc -w mymodule

 Perhaps also try uncommenting imports at the top of the file (ie #
 import scipy) to see if that helps.

 On 9/23/05, Christian Meesters [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 PyDoc is working well, if invoked without flags on the modul in
 question. But when I use it with '-w' to produce html-output, I get an
 extremely long Traceback after a runtime of an hour or two. Here is a
 short part from it:

  Traceback (most recent call last):
   File /usr/bin/pydoc, line 4, in ?
 python2.3/pydoc.py, line 2117, in cli
 python2.3/pydoc.py, line 1383, in writedoc
   page = html.page(describe(object), html.document(object, name))
 Power_Macintosh-2.3/scipy_base/ppimport.py, line 397, in
 python2.3/pydoc.py, line 283, in document
   if inspect.ismodule(object): return self.docmodule(*args)
 python2.3/repr.py, line 49, in repr_list
   s = s + self.repr1(x[i], level-1)
 python2.3/pydoc.py, line 319, in repr1
   return self.escape(cram(stripid(repr(x)), self.maxother))
 python2.3/pydoc.py, line 111, in stripid
   if re.search(pattern, repr(Exception)):
 python2.3/sre.py, line 137, in search
   return _compile(pattern, flags).search(string)
  RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded

 What's going wrong? When I ask Pydoc to write html documentation for
 other modules there is no problem at all. It just works fine. And this
 traceback tell me nothing about my module, only about PyDoc. For it
 matters: I'm stuck with Python2.3 for compatibility reasons in this
 project and the module I'd like to see documented uses scipy and it is
 not really a small module anymore (about 1000 lines, including
 docstrings and comments).
 Anybody an idea how I can force PyDoc to produce html output on this

 Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

 Paul Brian
 m. 07875 074 534
 t. 0208 352 1741

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] fourier transform

2005-08-03 Thread Christian Meesters
Hi Jeff,

On 3 Aug 2005, at 02:03, Jeff Peery wrote:
 hope this is more clear. from the output I would expect that two 
 spikes appear with amplitude = 1. 
 I don't understand the output amplitudes. they should all be zero 
 except for at one herz it should be one. not sure about the frequency 
 for that matter either. I gotta dig up my math book and figure this 
 out. in the meantime any suggestions for what this is outputing would 
 be greatly appreciated! thanks.

Yes, well, the math book idea might be a good one ;-). No, but 
seriously: You are just making a little mistake. First of all you are 
NOT exactly calculating a Fourier transform but a numerical estimation 
of it (you are dealing with an array of discrete data points, which is 
unavoidable when dealing with computers ;-)). Look on your sine wave. 
Is it a perfect one? Then, what do you see when you plot your data? 
Some 'noise' and one little peak. The noise is due to errors which have 
to do with floating point arithmetics (see 
http://docs.python.org/tut/node16.html). It's really small and in most 
cases I'm sure it's neglectable as well.
But when looking on your idea of what you would expect, I'm wondering 
whether you actually want a power spectrum estimation (see 
http://mathworld.wolfram.com/PowerSpectrum.html)? Try

myFFT = abs(fft.fft(inp))

instead of

myFFT = fft.real_fft(inp)

This a least might come close to what I think you want to see, right?

You might have a look on

myFFt = fft.fft(inp).real

as well, because it might make things to appear a little clearer.

One more remark: Try to avoid overwriting python key words like 'input'.

Hope this helped.


PS Here is the code I used. It looks a bit different from yours - I 
hope the comments help a bit:

from numarray import *
import numarray.fft as fft

#at least one of the numbers should be floating point here
period = 1.0
#use numarray's / Numpy's pi instead of 3.14...
inp = sin(arange(0,64)*pi*2/64.0)

myFFT = abs(fft.fft(inp))
#myFFt = fft.fft(inp).real
#myFFT = fft.real_fft(inp)
#depending on what you really want
dtime = period/64.0

dfreq = 1.0/dtime

for i in range(len(myFFT)):
print myFFT[i], dfreq*i

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] fourier transform

2005-08-02 Thread Christian Meesters

Pawel Kraszewski wrote:

 4. The answer is symmetrical - usually you take only half of it. I 
 remember the exact difference between the halves, but you may find it 
 in any
 article on FFT.
The real part is identical the imaginary part has the opposite sign 
(same amplitude, opposite phase).

Jeff Peery wrote:
 thanks for the help. I think I'm understanding this a bit better. 
 although I still don't completely understand the output. here is an 
 example... for the input I have 1024 samples taken from a 1 Hz square 
 wave with amplitude = 1.  for the output I would expect an infinite 
 number of frequencies. the output from FFT.fft(myData).real is this:

 -0.498 1
 0.0 2
 -0.498 3
 0.0 4
 -0.498 5
 0.0 6
 -0.498 7
 0.0 8

Frankly, I don't understand this. After your description I thought your 
input is like array([0, 1, 0, ..., 1, 0, 1]). But this can't be. 
Could you show us how exactly your input array looks like?
And how do we have to read your output? Is this a 1d-array? What do the 
two numbers per line mean?


PS Sorry for the late reply.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] fourier transform

2005-07-30 Thread Christian Meesters
Jeff Peery wrote:

 Hello, I have a signal that I want to do a fourier transform on. I 
 tried using FFT.fft(data).real but I don't understand the output.  
 what is output from this function, and why doesn't it require 
 amplitude and time as inputs?

Hi Jeff,

As Danny wrote, your input are real numbers and your output will be 
complex numbers. I don't want to point you to the numarray 
documentation once more, but you might to check out this: 
http://mathworld.wolfram.com/FourierSeries.html as for why you get 
complex numbers back. (To get only the real value part try real_fft() 
in numarrayl.)
In general in numerical computation your input is simply a series of 
real numbers - of equal spacing in the dimension you want to consider. 
Which dimension you choose (amplitudes and time/phase or amplitudes and 
spacial frequencies and so on) is up to you. It depends on your 
physical or mathematical question. IMHO the best introduction you can 
get on Fourier Transforms  programming can be found in Numerical 
Recipies (here the Numerical Recipies in C-link 
http://www.library.cornell.edu/nr/bookcpdf.html - check chapter 12).

Have fun with FFTs!


Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] finding path to resource files in a GUI application

2005-06-09 Thread Christian Meesters

Currently I'm writing a GUI application with wxPython (on OS X, but I  
guess the problem is the same, regardless of the UNIX derivative one is  
using). When I start the main script where it is located the  
application finds all resource files (non-Python files like images and  
html files for html windows) without any problem. However, if a put a  
link in /usr/local/bin and start the script using the link the  
application cannot find those resource files - unless, of course, I  
will use full absolute paths to point to those files. One brief example  
to illustrate the problem:

The class Goals is in a file called Help.py, located in '/gui_lib/' as  
seen from my main script.

class Goals(wx.Frame):
def __init__(self,parent,frame,title,size,pos=wx.DefaultPosition):
self.frame = frame
self.cwd = os.getcwd()  

self.html = HtmlWindow(self,-1)
#this, of course, won't work
#if the main script is called from somewhere else and not the  
directory where the main script
#is located

Any ideas what I could use instead of os.getcwd to construct a relative  
path which will work even if I port the script to an other machine?


Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] finding path to resource files in a GUI

2005-06-09 Thread Christian Meesters
On 9 Jun 2005, at 12:00, Michael Lange wrote:

 Hi Christian,


 self.cwd = os.path.abspath(sys.path[0])

 sys.path[0] is the directory of your main program file, with 
 os.path.abspath() you can
 get rid of the ../../ stuff at the beginning of the path if the 
 program is called from a link.

 I hope this helps

It does! Actually I tried abspath, but didn't think of this very 
combination with sys.path ...

Thanks a lot!

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] classmethods

2005-05-20 Thread Christian Meesters

I've asked a similar question before, but still I have to admit that I 
didn't find a solution with this particular problem here:

Imaging you have a class with a certain __init__ function like:
class MyClass:
def __init__(parameter1, parameter2=default,*args,**kwargs):
#handle all input

And a member function like:
def fromFile(cls,path):
adict = {}
alist = []
#some part to read a file and to process data

Now, how do I create an instance of MyClass when calling: x = 
MyClass.fromfile(path) ? When I have a line

return parameter1,parameter2,...,d

in fromFile, a tuple is returned, which is not quite what I want. Is 
there a way to make fromFile a true classmethod?

Any hint would be greatly appreciated.


Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] one line code

2005-04-06 Thread Christian Meesters
Great! My own solution was more like Wolfram's. But your solution, 
Pierre, really runs under obfuscating enhanced. I like it. And your 
idea, Andrei, is something I really didn't expect.
Anyway, sorry for my late reply. Guess I learned a lot again.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] one line code

2005-04-04 Thread Christian Meesters
Yesterday night I was thinking about the following problem:
I do have a list like l = ['1','2','3','abc','','4'] - for instance 
like a list one could get from a file import with the csv module (which 
is where my 'problem' comes from). Now I would like to generate the 
following list, preferably with one line of code:
l2 = [1.0,2.0,3.0,'abc','',4.0]
With other words I'd like to tell Python: Convert into a float if 
possible, otherwise append anyway. Is this possible in one line? (Right 
now my code is a lot longer.)
I was trying with 'filter' + lambda forms, list comprehensions etc., 
but could not find a solution. Could it be that a C-like solution with 
'?' and ':' is more straightforward than a solution with Python or am I 
just too blind to see a real pythonic solution here?

I am aware that putting a solution in one line of code might be against 
the 'Zen of Python' (... Complex is better than complicated ... 
Readability counts ...), but since I'm just asking out of curiosity, 
perhaps I'll get an answer anyway. ;-)

Thanks a lot in advance.
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] how to initialize a class with arbitrary argument list from a file?

2005-03-18 Thread Christian Meesters
How can I initialize a class like this from a file:
class Some:
def __init__(self,data,axis,**kwargs):
'data' and 'axis' should be lists of floats. Meta data can be passed to 
kwargs like 'name=name,date=2/3/05,...'.
Right now the return value of my function reading the file looks like 
dummy = fromFile(path)
print dummy

And, of course, initializing Some with dummy[0] like: Some(dummy[0]) 
will throw an exception; a TypeError, since the argument list is not of 
the right length and of the wrong type.
Well, I've tried a few things to solve this problem, but didn't 
succeed: How do I have to alter FromFile() so, that I can use dummy to 
initialize Some? Oh, and I should mention that **kwargs can be of 
arbitrary length: __init__ has default values for every keyword not 
And for the record: I'm still stuck with version 2.3 until I'll upgrade 
to Tiger (on OSX).

I'm totally lost. It would be great if you could help me out here.
Thanks a lot in advance,
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Initializing with a call like: someClass.open(someFile)?

2005-02-22 Thread Christian Meesters

Thanks Guys,

Guess I have to look once more into decorator functions - and guess it's worth 
doing so. Anyway: 
My problem is solved.
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] Initializing with a call like: someClass.open(someFile)?

2005-02-21 Thread Christian Meesters


My cryptic subject is perhaps not sufficient - I'll try to make it a little 
Assume you'd like to write something like: 

import someClass
x = someClass.open(someFile)

Here '.open' should read in the data and initialize the instance - with or 
without calling __init__. 
How is this to implement? Up to now I rather wrote something like x = 
someClass(somePrepFunction(someFile)) where the return value of 
somePrepFunction was used 
to initialize x or called the conventional 'open' within __init__. But is there 
no direct approach like 
in my pseudo-code?
My problem is that if I simply define open as a method of someClass (with 
def open(self,file_name): 
) all I get is:
TypeError: unbound method open() must be called with someClass instance as 
first argument 
(got str instance instead)
Which is perfectly understandable. But what is a possible workaround? (Instead 
of 'open' I could, 
of course, better use some other keyword which is no Python keyword.)

Any hints?

Thanks a lot in advance.
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

RE: [Tutor] German Totorial!?!

2005-01-06 Thread Christian Meesters

Hoi Michael,

Apart from Alan's tutorial in German and the link Andrew provided you might 
want to have a look 
here: http://python.sandtner.org/ (The German Python forum.) You'll find not 
only links to other 
German sources, but also friendly support in German ;-).

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org