Re: [Tutor] File storage vs DB storage.

2007-04-11 Thread Christopher Arndt
OkaMthembo schrieb:
 Indeed, using directories may be a better bet when there are many files
 involved. At least, this has been my feeling, and i gather the same from
 your replies.

I suggest that you take a look at a database abstraction layer or ORM like
SQLAlchemy [1], that makes handling the data layer much easier and also allows
you to map different data sources (e.g. file system/database) onto the same
data object very easily.

For example, there is a recipe in the SQLObject docs [2] on how to store images
in the filesystem but access them transparently via object properties (aka
dynamic attributes). This recipe could be easily applied to SQLAlchemy mapper
objects as well.


Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Cancelling a thread or blocked read

2007-03-31 Thread Christopher Arndt
Dhiraj Sharma schrieb:
 1. Is it possible to cancel (kill) a child thread from the main thread
 in Python running on Windows?

If you have control over the code of the thread, it could periodically check
(in it's run method) an Event or Queue object, whether it should exit. See

 2. Also, is it possible to cancel (abort) a blocking read (say, to
 stdin) in a function that can be called by a timer? The goal is to
 cancel the read if input is not forthcoming within a specified time.

Under Unix-like systems I'd use the select module
(, but under Windows
this only works for sockets.

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Filesystem vs Database vs Lucene

2007-03-26 Thread Christopher Arndt
Shitiz Bansal schrieb:
 I need to implement a system which stores Strings(average length 50 chars).
 I was wondering what would be the most efficient(timewise) solution for
 this riddle.

I'd use pysqlite, a SQL database in a file.

 For every input String it would need to tell the user wether that string
 already exists in the system.

Create the string column as UNIQUE.

 It would also need to add that input
 String to the system if it did not exist.

Select the string to be inserted, if there is no result, you can insert the new

 It will also be useful to know
 the last accessed datetime value of that string.

Just add a column with type TIMESTAMP and update that accordingly.

 The number of strings is in millions

Should be no problem with SQLite, if the strings are short.

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] help me to do my exercise

2007-03-05 Thread Christopher Arndt
Vasile Filat schrieb:
 Help me please to correct my code which I will include below.

It is customary to include code examples either inline in your message or
attach them as a plain text source code file. Some mailing list frown on
attachments in general (but this one doesn't, to my knowledge), but binary
attachments, like the image you sent, should be avoided. If you want to show us
longer code examples, use a pasting bin [1]

One reason why it's not a good idea to show us your code as a screenshot from
your editor is that we have to type it up again, if we want to refer to it in
our replies. Would you want to make this (unnecessary) effort?


Tutor maillist  -

[Tutor] How does get timezone?

2007-03-04 Thread Christopher Arndt
Hi all,

this is maybe more of a Linux question or about how Python plays together with
the OS:

I have a virtual server on which I installed Ubuntu Dapper LTS with a minimal
install plus the things I needed. If I do

from datetime import datetime
t =

there, 't' is a naive datetme object, i.e. t.tzinfo is None.

If I do the same on my developing machine, which has also Ubuntu Dapper, I get
a timezone-aware datatime object.

What do I have to do to set the timezone so that Python can recognize it? I
already installed the 'locales' package, ran 'tzconfig' and installed
timezoneconf and ran that, but to no avail.

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Group sequence pairwise

2007-02-27 Thread Christopher Arndt
Justin Ezequiel schrieb:
 a = list('asdfg')
 map(None, a[::2], a[1::2])
 [('a', 's'), ('d', 'f'), ('g', None)]
 a = list('asdfgh')
 map(None, a[::2], a[1::2])
 [('a', 's'), ('d', 'f'), ('g', 'h')]

That's clever! Thanks!

Tutor maillist  -

[Tutor] Group sequence pairwise

2007-02-25 Thread Christopher Arndt
Given a sequence, how can I group it pairwise, so that I get

[(s0, s1), (s2, s3), ... , (sn-1, sn)]

or, if len(s)%2 != 0

[(s0, s1), (s2, s3), ... , (sn, None)]

I have tried to find a solution, using itertools, but I'm not very
experienced in functional stuff, so I got confused. There is a recipe
(pairwise) in the itertools docs, that does something similar but not
quite what I want.

Ultimately, I want to display the items of the sequence in a two-column

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Group sequence pairwise

2007-02-25 Thread Christopher Arndt
Luke Paireepinart schrieb:
 Christopher Arndt wrote:
 I have tried to find a solution, using itertools, but I'm not very
 experienced in functional stuff, so I got confused. 
 Do you mean you're not experienced in using functions or do you mean 
 you're inexperienced at functional programming?

I mean functional programming.

 Well, this is fairly simple to do with list comprehensions...
   x = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
   if len(x) % 2 != 0: x.append(None)
   [(x[a],x[a+1]) for a in range(0,len(x),2)]
 [(1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6), (7, None)]

I came a up with a similar solution:

for i in xrange(0, len(s), 2):
if i+1 = len(s):


for i in xrange(0, len(s), 2):
except IndexError:
raise StopIteration

 Dunno if that's what you're after,

Not exactly. I wonder if this is possible without modifying the original
sequence (could be not a list too) and I'd also like to find a solution
that generally applies to iterables.

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Group sequence pairwise

2007-02-25 Thread Christopher Arndt
David Perlman schrieb:
 I found this by using Google.  You should be able to make a simple  
 modification (I can think of a couple of ways to do it) to have it  
 pad the end with None.  It is 100% iterator input and output.

Yes, this looks just like what I need, thanks for the pointer. I guessed
that the islice function would probably be part of the solution, but I
couldn't quite grok how it works.

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Python for Sysadmins

2007-02-13 Thread Christopher Arndt
Steve Nelson schrieb:
 I'd like some suggestions for a course outline - bear in mind I'll
 only have a day for the course.  The attendees are all sysadmins with
 a UNIX background, and are reasonably comfortable with shell, but
 nothing else.

Must topics (apart from the basic Python stuff):

- functions in the os and os.path module
- the subprocess module
- recipe for option parsing with optparse
- recipe for basic logging with the logging module
- file globbing with glob
- walking a directory hierarchy with os.walk
- the re module
- the urllib module


- Python modules and packages
- distutils and easy_install (if they have to install third-party packages)

Since you only have a day this can be only very basic introductions resp. 

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] A doxygen-like tool for Python ?

2007-02-11 Thread Christopher Arndt
Hilton Garcia Fernandes schrieb:
 Dear all,
 i've been using doxygen for quite a time to document softwares written in
 C and C++, but could not found a similar tool for Python software.
 Could you please point me to a suitable tool ?

How about ?

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Python referrence

2007-02-09 Thread Christopher Arndt
Rikard Bosnjakovic schrieb:
 On 2/9/07, johnf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is there a Python tool/document that is similar?  Just a simple way to help
 Yes, use the __doc__ property.

Which is made a lot easier by using the 'help' function in the interactive

 import os.path

--- os.path module description is shown


P.S. I also use the Python docs sidebar a lot:
Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] comparing almost equal strings

2007-02-08 Thread Christopher Arndt
thomas coopman schrieb:
 I need a function that groups almost equal strings.  It seems most easy
 to me, to do this with a hash function.

What do you mean be almost equal? By which criterium? Spelling,
Pronounciation? Semantics?

 I think I once read something about it, but I can't find it, 
 does somebody know how to do this?

Maybe you mean the soundex algorithm? See, for example, here:

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] sefl modifing script

2007-02-06 Thread Christopher Arndt
Vladimir Strycek schrieb:
 Hi all,
 Is it possible to do self modifing script ? I think like variables which 
 are defined in the beginning of script could be modified by it self on 
 the run... like saving setting but not to external file but directly to 
 it self...

While what you propose is certainly possible -- after all, a Python script is
just a file and can be therefore read and altered by Python, but for the
scenario you mention it is not the best solution. What if the script is
installed read-only? What if different users on the system where the script is
installed want different settings?

There was a thread on this list titled The best way to implement a config file
???. I would look in this direction for a solution.


Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Coding for AP configuration

2007-02-05 Thread Christopher Arndt
govind goyal schrieb:
 I want to write a Automated Scripts to configure my AP through HTTP.
 Can any body suggest basic coding for this?

Search the cheeseshop [1] for mechanoid and mechanize.


Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Python 2.5 and PHP 5.2.0

2007-02-01 Thread Christopher Arndt
Luke Paireepinart schrieb:
 I can think of a roundabout way to do what you want:
 PHP file returns a form to the client.  when this form is submitted to 
 the py file, all of the data your py script needs is sent in the query 
 string or whatever.
 the py file does whatever it does, and then inside the html it returns 
 to the client, it includes an instant redirect back to the PHP file with 
 whatever data you want to return.

The Python script can access the PHP page on the server directly, by
just making a request to localhost (if the PHP page is on the same
server). You could use urllib or some higher level HTTP client library
and pass the data to the PHP page either in a GET or POST request. The
PHP page looks just like any other web service to the Python script.
Based on the results from the request, it can then return HTML to the
client with a redirect to the PHP script, so the user can see the
updated data, or an error message.

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Printing txt files in landscape from python

2007-02-01 Thread Christopher Arndt
János Juhász schrieb:
 do you have any idea, how I can send a txt file to the default printer in 
 landscape view with python on windows.

I assume that by txt file, you mean a file containing ASCII text?

 I wanted to set up just the char size and the orientation of the printout.

Printers normally don't understand ASCII file sent to them, unless you
configure them (with some status codes) to do so.

Normally, the OS converts a text file sent to its printing system to
something the printer understands, like PostScript or PL5/6, and allows
you to set other options, e.g. setting landscape mode or choosing the
paper tray. Under windows, this is what the printer drivers are for,
under MAC OS X and Linux, this is done by the CUPS system.

Unfortunately, the specifics depend highly on the system, the printer
driver, the printer and the application that sends the file to the print

 thinking about
 os.system('notepad.exe /pt %%%s' % filename)

So this is actually your safest bet, but will only work under windows
obviously. Under Linux, you could try to use the 'a2ps' programm, but it
is not installed everywhere.

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] MD5 Digest for files

2007-01-19 Thread Christopher Arndt
Steve Nelson schrieb:
 I want to create a dictionary of files and md5sums for a given
 directory.  It seems, however, that md5 works with strings or
 read-only buffers, and can't be passed a file.
 What I want to do is something like:
 for f is os.listdir(.):
   d[f] = someFunctionThatReturnsMD5Sum(f)
 Has this wheel already been invented?  I can't see how to operate on
 the file itself.

Just open and read in the file and then calculate the MD5 sum from the contents:

import os
import md5

def md5sums_for_dir(directory):
d = {}
for fn in os.listdir(directory):
fp = os.path.join(directory, fn)
if os.path.isfile(fp):
fo = open(fp, 'rb')
except (IOError, OSError):
print Could not open file '%s', skipping... % fp
fcontent =
digest =
d[fn] = digest.hexdigest() # or .digest()
# the above four lines can be shortened to:
d[fn] =
return d

if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
from pprint import pprint

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] openssl 0.9.7l for i686,python:need help

2007-01-12 Thread Christopher Arndt
sonia agarwal schrieb:
 I am trying to download files from a network element whose IP
 address,username and password is the only thing i know to establish an
 SFTP connection using python script.I have found that I need to use
 M2Crypto package which in turn requires openssl 0.9.7l or newer.
 I am unable to download openssl 0.9.7l for my machine architecture i.e.
 i686,CentOS 4.4.

CentOS 4 is based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4, which is in turn based
on Fedora Core 3 (says the wikipedia), and is supposed to be binary
compatible with the former. So, in theory, you should be able to install
openssl from a RH or Fedora RPM package.

You could also have a look at paramiko (,
which is a pure Python implementation of SSH2 but dependent on pycrypto

HTH, Chris
Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] feeding data to subprocess exes and getting results without writing files

2007-01-09 Thread Christopher Arndt
Barton David schrieb:
 I just can't wrap my head around stdin, stdout and the whole pipes
 thing, but there's got to be a relatively simple way to do this, surely?

You have to distinguish between three different concepts:

1) file names
2) file objects
3) file contents

1) Is just a string with some identifier (the file path). To use a file with
that identifier in Python, you have to create a file object from it by using
the builtin 'open' function.

2) File objects are builtin Python objects that are usually created by the
'open' function or returned by some other function. There are a few file
objects that are already opened and accessible to your Python program. These
are sys.stdin, sys.stderr and sys.stdout. They are file objects, *not* strings
representing the (non-existant) file name or file content!

3) File contents are just represented by binary strings in Python. You
read/write them with the appropriate methods of file objects.

== The subprocess.Popen constructor expects *file objects* not strings for its
'stdin' and 'stdout' arguments. Read the documentation of subprocess.Popen very
carefully again (ignore references to file *descriptors*).

BTW: a pipe is just an object or function that reads from one file object and
writes to another.

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] need help with sending email

2007-01-06 Thread Christopher Arndt
Luke Paireepinart schrieb:
 Just wondering -
 do you guys buy SMS messages or is there some way to communicate with 
 text message users for free?

There are some providers that give you a certain amount of SMS per month for
free, even if you only have a prepaid SIM card. O2 Ireland is an example. But I
guess the terms of service would forbid to use the web interfaces 

But I guess Shawn was talking about another way: most mobile phone providers
have an Email-to-SMS gateway where the receiver pays for emails to his
address/phone and therefore needs to activate it.

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Best way to call a prog that requires root access in linux

2007-01-05 Thread Christopher Arndt
 I want to distribute the program once
 it's finished so it means explaining this (sudo bit) in the install
 Is this a good / bad way to achieve this? 

Yes, the user should be always made aware, if he is to run something as root.
Requiring him to configure sudo is a good way to do this.

Just make sure your program fails with a meaningful error message, if sudo
isn't set up properly.

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] need help with sending email

2007-01-05 Thread Christopher Arndt
shawn bright schrieb:
 lo there all.
 i am in a tight spot because i need to send an email that it mime
 encoded plain-text ( not html or anything )
 anyone know of a good tutorial or recipe out there ?

Simplified example from

# Import the email modules we'll need
from email.MIMEText import MIMEText

# Create a text/plain message
msg = MIMEText(Hello World!)

# me == the sender's email address
# you == the recipient's email address
msg['Subject'] = 'This is a test message'
msg['From'] = 'me'
msg['To'] = 'you'

# Print string repreentation of message
print msg.as_string()


Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Subject: This is a test message
From: me
To: you

Hello World!
Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] python web dev

2007-01-04 Thread Christopher Arndt
OkaMthembo schrieb:
 this is my first post. please could you tell me which is the best
 lightweight python web framework?

Web framework and lightweight don't really go well together. There are so
many things about web programming that you don't realise you need when you
start, but *will* come across eventually that a framework that addresses all
these, will not be lightweight any more.

If you are referring to the learning curve, Django is probably better suited
then TurboGears. If you have strong opinions about how certain things should be
solved, I'd go with TurboGears, because it's parts are not so tightly coupled
as Django's and can be replaced more easily.

The usual advice is: go through the tutorials that are available on the
homepages of both projects and then decide for your self. If the tutorials seem
to confusing, do a general (advanced) Python tutorial first.

I can't say much about other Python web frameworks, unfortunately.

 i absolutely love python syntax, but web dev in python is murky water.
 it seems unneccesarily hard, even compared to php and

Web development requires that you know about a lot of things. PHP just leaves
you to discover most of these (and build solutions for them) on your own. Which
is why so many PHP programs are crap ;-)

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] coin toss program without using the for/range loop

2007-01-04 Thread Christopher Arndt
Kent Johnson schrieb:
 David wrote:
 print “Hit heads”+” “+str(heads)+” “+”times”+” “ + “hit tails” + “ 
 “+str(100-heads)+” “ + “times”
 This sounds a lot like homework [...]

An if you want to get extra marks for pythonicity  ;-), read about string
formatting here:

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Why a global?

2006-12-27 Thread Christopher Arndt
Carlos schrieb:
 My problem is that no matter were I put this, I have to declare ga a 

You are confusing two different objects with the name 'ga' here:

a) the module object 'ga' which you create by import ing it:

import ga

this binds the name 'ga' to the module object created by reading in the 
module ga (probably some file name '' or a package).

b) The instance object of the the 'GA' class you create with

ga = ga.GA(pop = 2, alleles = range(10), gene_size = 8)

You have named the variable that holds a reference to this instance 
object b) also 'ga' thereby *overwriting the global variable 'ga'*, 
which held a reference to the module object a).

If you want to overwrite a global variable in a function, you have to 
declar it global with the 'global' keyword.

*But that's not what you want here.*  Just give another name to your 
instance variable:

import ga

def runGA(pop, gen, it):
 ga_inst = ga.GA(pop = 2, alleles = range(10), gene_size = 8)
 ga_inst.debug = 1

HTH, Chris
Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] winreg question

2006-12-22 Thread Christopher Arndt
Toon Pieton schrieb:
 I'm trying to connect to a certain key in my registery using winreg.
 However, I have run into some problems.
 1) I'm trying to open HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Softwar\PartyGaming\PartyPoker.
 Is this (see below) the correct way to open that key?

See here for some examples of using the windows registry:

 2) From this set of keys just opened, I want to get the data stored
 under one called AppPath. How do I do that?

See for example the function '_get_reg_value' in the third recipe listed above.

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Project Review

2006-12-21 Thread Christopher Arndt
Carlos schrieb:
 I don't know if this is a good thing to ask in this mailing list, or if 
 it is possible for someone to take a look and spot my errors, but I 
 really can't think of a better way.

It might be a better idea to ask for solutions or hints for a specific problem
or comments on a specific piece of code. Most of us here probably don't have
the time to read through big amounts of code without knowing if we encounter
anything interesting in the process.

So my suggestion is: try to wake our interest by showing us some code where you
think is a problem or by giving us some more background information on your
project. So far I could only gather that you are writing a thesis and there is
something with a cryptic acronym (M Arch) involved. I have not idea, what this
is about, so tell us!


P.S. This is basically just rephrasing what has been already said by others and
Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Project Review

2006-12-21 Thread Christopher Arndt
Jonathon Sisson schrieb:
 Christopher Arndt wrote:
 P.S. This is basically just rephrasing what has been already said by others 
 Seriously, that is an excellent guide.  Eric S. Raymond writes some high 
 quality stuff.  Anyone new to posting on this list (or any other, for 
 that matter) should read that.

Well, not all admonitions from this article apply with full force to posters on
this list, because this list is specifically for those who are not no well
versed in Python and often in netiquette as well. But the main point to
remember stays the same:

When you write a question, always ask yourself: how do get somebody to bother
answering _my_ question, by making it interesting for _him/her_, because, as
you always have to keep in mind, he/she will get no other reward for it.

Tutor maillist  -

[Tutor] Project Review (Was: Tutor Digest, Vol 34, Issue 42)

2006-12-21 Thread Christopher Arndt
Carlos schrieb:
 And if by chance you are familiar with genetic algorithms, well that
 would be perfect, because you can take a look at how I took a genetic
 algorithm python module and applied to my project.

I'm afraid that I don't have the domain specific knowledge to be of much help
here and I must admit, that I'm not very interested in it either, but at least,
now I know enough to make that decision ;-)

 But in the case that you are not familiar with maya or genetic
 algorithms, well the code is still python and I bet that a veteran like
 you can spot a bunch of things that could be done better, at the big
 scale of the code workings or a the small one of specific stuff.

I would suggest, you upload you code somewhere (make it password protected, if
you must) so that several people have an opportunity to look at it. I could
probably comment on the 'Pythonicity' of the code, others might be better
suited to 'understand' the code.

 MArch as far as I know is not something cryptic, it stands for Master of
 Architecture and it follows the normal master courses notation. You can
 check it here

Not everybody speaks English as their mothertongue or knows about the
Anglo-saxon education system, you know ;-)

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] MVC/MVP examples of how to implement it

2006-12-18 Thread Christopher Arndt
Basil Shubin schrieb:
 I have read articles about MVC/MVP, but still can't get a clue to how 
 implement it in really working application :-( Because I better 
 understand with ready to use examples, can you provide link to free 
 python+GUI application which implements MVC/MVP design?

The MVC pattern is especially useful in game programming, since the user is not
the only controller influencing the program flow, there's also the non-player
entities (i.e. enemies) that react with the game world.

I found the following tutorial (although it's still unfinished) for pygame very

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Getting the directory the program is in

2006-12-11 Thread Christopher Arndt
Jordan Greenberg schrieb:
 Slightly hackish and nasty, but seems to do the trick. Someone'll
 probably suggest a better way, this is just the first thing I could come
 up with:

No, IMHO it's perfectly normal and safe practice, though this gets the full
path name of the program. If you want the directory it is in, do this:

from os.path import abspath, dirname
import sys

app_dir = abspath(dirname(sys.argv[0]))

Of course you have to do this before you (or some other code in your program)
do anything siilar to os.chris('/somewhere/else').

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Getting the directory the program is in

2006-12-11 Thread Christopher Arndt
Christopher Arndt schrieb:
 Of course you have to do this before you (or some other code in your program)
 do anything siilar to os.chris('/somewhere/else').
That was some freudian slip of my narcissistic mind *LOL*

Of course, I mean:


Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Python scrypts and daemons

2006-12-06 Thread Christopher Arndt
 Hi all,
 I have a python script (with endless loop) and i want to
 start it from the rc.config file. So, the question is: how
 to covert this script to work as daemon ... or how to start
 the python interpreter ... to work as background process ?

Search google for daemonize python and the first hit (at least here) links to
a recipe in the Python Cookbook that does exactly what you want.

HTH, Chris
Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] html processing

2006-12-02 Thread Christopher Arndt
devayani barve schrieb:
 I have a table in hmtl and i want to write a program so that I
 can insert a column within it..
 Can someone tell me what to use . as in dom???
 Just want to know how to go about it!!!

What do you mean exactly? Do you want to manipulate the HTML document in the
browser while displaying it or do you want to change an in-memory
representation of a HTML document (read from and written to a file again 

The former would have to be done with JavaScript and you should probably ask on
a JavaScript list how to do this (though I'd highly recommend you look at the
MochiKit JavaScript library

For the latter, you could parse the HTML into a DOM representation and then use
DOM methods to add and change Nodes in it. There are several libraries in
Python that allow you to do so. A recent favourite with the Python community is
ElementTree, though you might have to
clean up the HTML input a little bit before you feed it into ElementTree (e.g.
with BeautfulSoup

HTH, Chris
Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] which file runs

2006-12-01 Thread Christopher Arndt
Chris Hengge schrieb:
 My understanding is that whenever you run a script that has a,
 the .py runs, otherwise it automagically will use the .pyc

Not exactly. Whenever there is a .py file and no .pyc file is present or the
.pyc file is older, Python will read the .py file, compile it into bytecode and
execute that and also tries to write the bytecode to the .pyc file.

If there already is a .pyc file and it is newer, Python will use it directly.

(The rule is similar for .pyo files, which will be looked for/generated when
Python is started with the -O option).

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] a question about indentation

2006-11-24 Thread Christopher Arndt
 I suppose there is a good way to do indent whole blocks like this, but I 
 haven't found out what it is. Could anybody help me out?

Yes, get a good source code editor that has the ability to (de)indent whole
blocks of code with one keystroke. This is a must-have for writing Python code!
But every decent editor or IDE should have this capability.

I, for example, use SciTE (, where you can use
the TAB key to indent and Shift-TAB to de-indent.

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Python and ODS

2006-11-23 Thread Christopher Arndt
(sorry, did only send this to the OP first, now re-sending to list)

Basil Shubin schrieb:
 Hi friends!
 Is there any extension or library to create/write data in OpenDocument 
 Spreadsheet? I found pyExcelerator, but it's working only with xls format.

How about pyUno?


Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] python CRM ERP

2006-11-17 Thread Christopher Arndt
Picio schrieb:
 Can you point me to some CRM and ERP software written in Python, that
 in your guru opinion is a good product? Maybe also Open Source?

Have you asked Google?

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Windows Registry

2006-11-09 Thread Christopher Arndt
Todd Dahl schrieb:
 I am currently working on a project that in a small part of it I need to
 find keys in the windows registry. I have found _winreg but was
 wondering if anyone knows of any modules that people have written as a
 wrapper for it. I have googled like crazy but am not finding anything.
 What I trying to do is search the registry for a list of known keys
 without knowing their specific locations and then find values of the
 other keys around it. Hope that makes sence.

Search the Python Cookbook (
for registry and you'll find plenty of examples and wrappers.

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Help needed to install SOAPpy

2006-11-08 Thread Christopher Arndt
Asrarahmed Kadri schrieb:
 I want to install the SOAPpy module on my windows box. I have python
 Can you help me with the steps and the URL from where can I get the

What have you tried so far? Did you google for SOAPpy download?
Are you experiencing any problems?

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] module mx.DateTime

2006-11-08 Thread Christopher Arndt
Antonios Katsikadamos schrieb:
 hi all folks. i am running python2.4 on suse linux and i would like to
 install the module mx.DateTime. does anyone know how i can install it?

If you want to install it from the source code, you need a C compiler and the
Python development package. I don't know exactly, how these packages are called
on suse, but I expect something like gcc and python-devel or python-dev.
Then it's the usual unpacking and python install.

But probably suse already has rpm packages for mxDateTime. Probably it is
called something like egenix-mxdatetime or egenix-extensions.

Do you have any specific need for mx.DateTime? Nowadays you can do almost
everything you can do with mx.DateTime with the standard library module
datetime and dateutil from

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] str.strip() help

2006-11-02 Thread Christopher Arndt
John Fouhy schrieb:
 On 02/11/06, Chris Hengge [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 myStr = I want to strip my words.
 print myStr.strip(my)
 'I want to strip words.'
 .strip() only removes text from the beginning and end of the string.

It is generally used to remove whitespace from the start/end of a string, e.g.
removing the newline character from the end of a line of text.

But you can also specify which characters to strip. Note that the argument is
not a string to strip off, but rather a collection of characters, any of which
should be stripped off, e.g.

 r = I want to strip my words.
 r.strip('I. ')  # note the space
'want to strip my words'

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Performing arithmetic operations with date

2006-11-02 Thread Christopher Arndt
Asrarahmed Kadri schrieb:
 I want to perform arithmetic operations on date supplied by the user on the
 command line.
 Is there any built-in utility for this..??

Not built-in, but very useful:

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] search path

2006-07-22 Thread Christopher Arndt
johnsonv3 schrieb:
 If one does this...
 import sys
 Is the change to python search path only temporary?

Yes, it only changes the search path within that program. The system-wide
default search path is not changed.

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] search path

2006-07-22 Thread Christopher Arndt
johnsonv3 schrieb:
 When one installs a program (such as Panda or Livewires) into python
 sitepackage folder is the python search path automnatically updated to
 search the newly installed folders and files?

Generally speaking, yes. The Python package (to use the proper name) either
needs to have a files '' in its package directory

(see, section Packages)

or the name of its package directory needs to be added to a .pth file



Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] General programming question

2006-07-18 Thread Christopher Arndt
Tino Dai schrieb:
  I have a general question about programming. My program that I have
 been writing is fully modularized. My question is: Is there a
 programming technique that would alleviate the passing of a huge number
 of variables.

Yes, it's called object-oriented programming ;-)

And refactoring:

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Unit testing

2006-06-30 Thread Christopher Arndt
Terry Carroll schrieb:
 You can just use a series of Queues, where each Queue represents the work 
 being passed from one thread to the other.

If you want, you can have a look at my threadpool module, which implements
exactly this pattern. It is basically nothing more than an elaborate example on
this technique:

fn:Christopher Arndt
adr:Fort Lorenzo;;Cuan Na Coille;Galway;Co. Galway;;Irland
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel;work:+353 (0)91-745500
tel;cell:+353 (0)86-3378101

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Command line arguments passing

2005-12-03 Thread Christopher Arndt
Vlad Popescu schrieb:
 Hi there, everyone; first time poster! Sorry if this isn't very closely
 related to Python, but I have encountered the issue while trying to
 learn Python, so I guess I can just ask here.
 My question is: when invoking a program with, let's say, a filename
 containing spaces as a parameter:
 myprog -file Long name
 What does sys.argv hold in this case? I am specifically interested in
 whether argv[2]==\Long or argv[2]==Long name, 

Why don't you just try it out?

$ python - -f Long file
Python 2.4.1 (#2, Mar 30 2005, 21:51:10)
[GCC 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-8ubuntu2)] on linux2
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import sys
 print sys.argv[1]
 print sys.argv[2]

I think you can do the rest.

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Request For Suggestions

2005-12-02 Thread Christopher Arndt
Basem Narmok schrieb:
 Hi all,
 I am planning to make a Python CD for advocating Python, and I need your 
 suggestions about this, the objective is to build a CD that contains the 
 basic material for Python beginner (e.g. Python 2.4.2 for different 
 platforms) with some advocating material (e.g. videos), and here is what 
 comes to my mind to present on the CD:
 - Python 2.4.2 for different platforms.
 - ironPython 0.9.5
 - wxPython 2.6
 - SPE 0.7.5
 - Introducing Python (video)
 - TurboGears (videos)
 - ironPython (videos)
 - maybe some video from URU and CIV IV games
 The CD is intended to be given to Python beginners in a free course, any 
 comments or suggestions are welcome.

Great idea! Here some brainstorming:

Documentation, documentation, documentation!

For example:

- Official Python docs
- List of beginners tutorials from the wiki, possible with copies of these on
the CD
- Dive into Python
- How to think like a computer scientist
- ...
- Quick Reference Guides
- Coding Style guide
- The Zen of Python (import this) (maybe as a nicely formatted HTML page)

Of course, you have to check licences of these.

Would be cool to include a PDF with a nice cover for the CD, so people can
distribute new copies.

- Cool Python graphics (I have a PDF with a trainspotting-look-alike ad, but I
don't know where I got it from)

- Interviews with the BDFL (might be a bit of work to get the permissions for

- A page with testimonials (Google, ILM, whatever)

- Flying Circus scripts ;-)

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] problem detecting files

2005-12-01 Thread Christopher Arndt
Paul Hendrick schrieb:
 Hi there,
 I've got a problem with getting the difference between 2 directories,
 but only recognising directories and not files.
 I'm trying to find directories in /home/svn that aren't
 in /usr/local/trac/projects.
 The list returned by listdir in /home/svn is:
 ['.bash_logout', '.bash_profile', '.bashrc', '.emacs', 'dir1', 'dir2']
 the problem is I can't get the script to detect that .bash_profile
 and .emacs aren't directories, it always comes back in my list of

os.listdir() always returns a list of all files in a directory. If you want
just the directories, you have to filter them out yourself:

 from os.path import join, isdir
 files = os.listdir('mydir')
 dirs = [f for f in files if isdir(join('mydir', f))]

Have you looked at the popular 'path' module
( It eases common tasks when
handling filesystems very nicely.

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Class Inheritance - NameError

2005-11-30 Thread Christopher Arndt
Tim Johnson schrieb:
 The following code snippet is meant to test inheritance:
 class test:
 def __init__(self,v):
 self.__val = v
 def val(self):
 print self.__val
 class sub(test):
 def __init__(self):
 The following console session has an error:

Beware test.__val is a 'private' attribute. See
for an explanation.

T = mylib.test('hello')
s = mylib.sub()
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in ?
   File, line 1612, in __init__
 NameError: global name 'val' is not defined
 ## what do I need to do to make the 'test method visible
 ## class 'sub?

Surely you mean the 'val' method (see the traceback)?

it lives in the namespace of the class 'test'. So if you want to call it as a
class method:


if you want to call it as an instance method:

 instance = sub()

resp. in the class and sub-classes itself:


HTH, Chris
Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] new topic draft

2005-11-17 Thread Christopher Arndt
Johan Geldenhuys wrote:
 What is this line supposedto do?'')

Run the command that was defined at object creation ('ping -c 10') with
the argument ''.

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] new topic draft

2005-11-17 Thread Christopher Arndt
Hash: SHA1

Johan Geldenhuys schrieb:
  This script was not intended to be used from the command line, but to
 be called from elsewhere. It was only a test piece of code.
 If you use the ping command with the args that you are calling it with,
 there is no need to kill the process, it will terminate after 10
 requests.  8-)

Yes, that's right. It was just an example and I wanted it to terminate wether
the killing of the process succeeded or not. I just thought I might be of help
in turning an interesting idea into something instantly reusable.


Version: GnuPG v1.2.5 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Seeing only garbage? Get my OpenPGP key here:

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Favourite modules - Wiki Was Re: TurboGears - and some issues

2005-11-16 Thread Christopher Arndt
Kent Johnson schrieb:
And somewhere docutils belongs on that list, but i don't know where. Maybe
source code documentation? But then you'd probably have to list epydoc, 
etc. as well.
 I think this page will be more useful as a list of favorites or things that 
 beginners might want to take a look at than as an encyclopedic list - there 
 are other places to list all the template engines, all the GUI toolkits, etc.

Sorry, I wasn't suggesting to turn this into a comprehensive list of modules
for every specific problem domain.

But I don't see, why such a list would be only useful for beginners. Say,
you're an experienced programmer, though not very seasoned in Python yet, it
would be great to have a place were you can find answers for questions like
What do Python people normally use when handling x?

I was just saying, that for some domains there is a obivious choice and for
some there isn't. Maybe it would be already helpful to include that information
into the list, e.g.

There are many different GUI toolkits for Python and none seems to be vastly
more favourite than the others. See a list of GUI modules here.*

*Just an example, don't take this literally.

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] new topic draft

2005-11-16 Thread Christopher Arndt
Alan Gauld schrieb:
 Thanks, I may use that as one of the example programs if
 you don't mind?

I took the liberty of refactoring Johan's example a bit, to make it more
reusable. See attached file.

Wrapper object for external commands, that allows to kill them after later..

   ::Author: Johan Geldenhuys

   ::Version: 0.0.2

   ::Date last updated: 2005-11-16

  - refactored by Christopher Arndt

   :: TODO:  Capture the output from line 41 to a file.

import os, signal, time

class KillableCommand(object):

def __init__(self, command, *args): = None
self.command = command
self.args = args

def kill(self, signal=signal.SIGTERM):
os.kill(, signal)
raise OSError, Could not kill process.

def run(self, *args): = os.fork()
args = list(self.args + args)
if == 0:
   os.execvp(self.command, [self.command] + args)

if __name__ == '__main__':
cmdname = ping
print Starting, cmdname
#cmd = KillableCommand('tcpdump', '-npi')
cmd = KillableCommand(cmdname, '-c', '10')'')
print PID: ,
print Letting it run for 5 seconds...
print Trying to kill pid %d... %
except OSError, e:
print e
print Killed pid %d. %
Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Favourite modules - Wiki Was Re: TurboGears - and some issues

2005-11-15 Thread Christopher Arndt
Ron Phillips schrieb:
 A wonderful idea! I have created a wiki page in with a list
 of such 'favourite' modules.
 Please take a look: 

Good idea! The GUI section might be problematic, though. I don't see that any
of the main GUI alternatives (GTK,Qt,wxWindows,Tk,PythonCard,...) can claim a
definite prefernce among the Python crowd and they are all more or less
Pythonic (except maybe Tk). Probably better just to link to some other
comprehensive list there.

Maybe a section on Template engines (Cheetah)?

And somewhere docutils belongs on that list, but i don't know where. Maybe
source code documentation? But then you'd probably have to list epydoc, gendoc,
etc. as well.

Fact is, that there are a lot of domains, where a clear favourite or standard
module has not emerged yet. E.g. audio, configuration file handling, HTML form
generation/validation, postgres database access, and so on...

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] new topic draft

2005-11-15 Thread Christopher Arndt
Alan Gauld schrieb:
 I've just added an incomplete draft copy of my latest tutorial topic
 on using the Operating System from Python. The material that's 
 there discusses the role of the OS and looks at file handling
 usng os/os.path/shutil etc.

Most computer users know that their computer has an operating system [...]

I doubt that. Maybe you should say Experienced computer users... ;-)

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Using CGIHTTPServer on Windows to run Perl Python scripts - POST to Perl fails

2005-11-12 Thread Christopher Arndt
Python schrieb:
 The Python scripts are OK.  The Perl scripts do not receive the POST
 parameters so they execute as though no parameters were supplied.  I've
 added logic to display the environment and that appears (to my Python
 oriented eye) to be correct.  In particular, the CONTENT_LENGTH and
 CONTENT_TYPE are correct.  GET requests work correctly.

Could you post some code examples, i.e. the HTML form which does the POST
request and the Perl code to handle it?

Have you checked, that the REQUEST_METHOD is really POST?


Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] lists and strings

2005-11-08 Thread Christopher Arndt
Shantanoo Mahajan schrieb:
 +++ Hugo Gonz?lez Monteverde [08-11-05 13:13 -0600]:
 | Hi Mike,
 | Converting an (almost)arbitrary object into a string is what the Pickle 
 module does. CPickle is faster. Take 
 | a look into into it in the docs.
 Is there a way to dump the varialble in XML format and retrive it?

Look for in

and see the article on it here:

Also, from the Standard library contains functions to serialize
basic Python data types to XML according to the XML-RPC specification.

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] advice on how to start with urllib

2005-10-23 Thread Christopher Arndt
nephish schrieb:
 hey there gents,
   i am looking for a good place to start learning how to read a web page
 with python and pull out bits of information for an app i am doing for
 work. i have googled and looked at the docs. i looked at urllib and
 httplib so i think this a place to kinda start. Does anyone know of a
 good site with some examples or tutorials for this kind of thing ? 

The online book Diving into Python by Mark Pilgrim has an excellent chapter
on how to download webpages and process them:

HTH, Chris
Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Reformatting a one (long) line xml file

2005-09-28 Thread Christopher Arndt
Negroup - schrieb:
 Hi all, I have an xml file where the tags are all on the same line,
 without any newline. This file is quite big and difficult to read. I'd
 like to format it in a convenient way, using indentation and nesting.
 How to pretty print my content?


import sys
from xml.dom import minidom
file = sys.argv[1]

doc = minidom.parse(file)
print doc.toprettyxml(indent=2)

See for more

HTH, Chris
Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Python DB

2005-09-22 Thread Christopher Arndt
Matt Williams schrieb:
 These seem to be at the opposite end of the spectrum - so do others have
 either comments on these options, or other suggestions.

Well, I havn't use either yet, but I have some experience with SQL DBs.
From what I read on the website, Kirby seems like a nice idea, if you really
need nothing more than table-structured data, made up of simple data types.

It only supports basic data types (int, float, string, boolean, date[time]) no
objects and it isn't even relational, i.e. you can't express references between
tables or columns and when querying for data, you can do so only from one table
at a time. This makes it very hard to normalize your data, because you would
have to handle all the relations between tables in your code. The nice thing
is, it writes flat text files, you can edit by hand or probably even import
into a spreadsheet application.

ZOBD, on the other hand, is a totally differnt beast. It doesn't store data in
tables, but stores (as the name says) objects, which might feel more natural to
use in your code. Note, that it is written partly in C and as such, might not
be so easy to deploy as a pure-python solution like Kirby.

Just my 2 centy, Chris
Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] PDF

2005-09-22 Thread Christopher Arndt
Jorge Ramirez schrieb:
 I would like to know how to open a pdf document using a python script.

- What do you mean by open?
  - start a PDF viewer (e.g acrobar reader) from python?
  - or read in the file in Python and extract information from it?

- What platform are you on?
  - Windows
  - Linux/Unix
  - MAC OS

- What kind of PDFs do you have?
  - only Text
  - with images
  - or forms?
  - with encryption?
  - What versions of the PDF document format ?

You have to be a little more specific, please, if you want us to help you!

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Timer on CGI

2005-09-19 Thread Christopher Arndt
Adam Cripps schrieb:
 Some of my pupils at school are working through simple mathematic
 problems (multiplication tables) through my website. I basically show
 some tables, they enter the results and then get feedback on how they
 I have two questions - and my guess is that one will be easier than the 
 1. I want to store the results in a mySQL database - I've done this
 kind of thing before using PHP - are there any good tutorial resources
 for using mysql with python?

Don't know about that...

 2. Today the children asked if they could be timed when they complete
 the problem. Is there any way of knowing how long they spent
 completing the task?

You'd have to use Cookies for that and (possibly) JavaScript for that.

The basic approach would be:

1) When they first request a task, send a session Cookie along with the page
and save it on the server side too.
2) provide a button on the page that says: Start task. That button starts a
javascript timer.
3) Provide another Button that says Finish / Send solution. This buttons
reads the timer value ans sends it along with the other request variables.
4) on the server read the request variables and the the cookie and match it to
the saved session ids, so you can determine which student this answer was for.

I hope I was able to convey the general idea. Please ask if you need to know 

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Aschenputtel problem

2005-09-16 Thread Christopher Arndt
Pierre Barbier de Reuille schrieb:
 Well, in the specific case of numeric arrays, you can use Numeric or
 numarray :
 from Numeric import array, compress
 ol = array(original_list)
 selection = array([condition(i) for i in original_list)
 list1 = compress(selection, ol)
 list2 = compress(!selection, ol)

This ! syntax isn't working for me (throws a syntax error). Is this defined by
Numeric somewhere?

This works (but see my upcoming post about benchmarking the different 

selection = [condition(i) for i in original_list]
list1 = compress(selection, original_list)
list2 = compress([not x for x in selection], original_list)

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Aschenputtel problem - Shorter is not better?

2005-09-16 Thread Christopher Arndt
Terry Kemmerer schrieb:
 Bearing in mind that shorter is not necessarily better...
 Wouldn't shorter, as a rule of thumb, as in less language statements, mean 
 executions, and therefore faster?

Well, see for yourself...

I wrote a little benchmarking script for different solutions to my problem. It
turns out, that the original traditional for-loop approach is not only the
most readable but also one of the fastest.

Here are my timings (Python 2.4, Athlon64 1.8 Ghz, Ubuntu Hoary) (see the
attached script for the functions names):

List length: 100, Function calls: 3 x 1000

cinderella1: (1) 0.188769, (2) 0.189790, (3) 0.188901
cinderella2: (1) 0.263702, (2) 0.254624, (3) 0.254050
cinderella3: (1) 0.430694, (2) 0.270807, (3) 0.265921
cinderella4: (1) 0.154761, (2) 0.142940, (3) 0.139610
cinderella5: (1) 0.145273, (2) 0.139491, (3) 0.133930
cinderella6: (1) 0.144191, (2) 0.139056, (3) 0.141840
cinderella7: (1) 0.737320, (2) 0.726961, (3) 0.732526

List length: 1000, Function calls: 3 x 1000

cinderella1: (1) 1.639245, (2) 0.975745, (3) 0.971775
cinderella2: (1) 1.337324, (2) 1.330888, (3) 1.319431
cinderella3: (1) 18.772992, (2) 18.764382, (3) 18.759283
cinderella4: (1) 1.140375, (2) 1.120827, (3) 1.119281
cinderella5: (1) 1.460923, (2) 1.444996, (3) 1.444842
cinderella6: (1) 1.481483, (2) 1.469315, (3) 1.478990
cinderella7: (1) 7.211108, (2) 7.208998, (3) 7.202029

cinderella1 ist the traditional approach, cinderella3 builds up a list of
positives and then checks that against the original list by using the in
operator. This scales very badly for longer lists, as you can see in the second

cinderella7 ist the Numeric approach proposed by Pierre Barbier de Reuille.
It doesn't compare very well, probably because it has to iterate 3 times over
the original list and once more over the list of positives.

The solution using sets (cinderella4) seems to do very well too, but has
several limitations:

- does not preserver order of elements
- elements must be unique
- only available from Python 2.3

I leave it as an axcercise to the reader to try how the different soltutions
behave when condition(item) is more expansive (i.e takes longer).

import timeit
import sets
#from Numeric import array, compress

def cinderella1(original_list, condition):
Traditional 'for' loop.

list1 = []
list2 = []
for item in original_list:
if condition(item):
return list1, list2

def cinderella2(original_list, condition):
Using list comprehension (but iterating twice).

list1 = [x for x in original_list if condition(x)]
list2 = [x for x in original_list if not condition(x)]
return list1, list2

def cinderella3(original_list, condition):
Using list comprehension and comparing list1 to original_list.

list1 = [x for x in original_list if condition(x)]
list2 = [x for x in original_list if x not in list1]
return list1, list2

def cinderella4(original_list, condition):
Using list comprehension and comparing list1 to original_list using a set.

Will only work if list items are unique and order is not important.

list1 = [x for x in original_list if condition(x)]
s = sets.Set(list1)
list2 = list(s.difference(original_list))
return list1, list2

def cinderella5(original_list, condition):
Using dicts and popping.

list1 = []
d = dict(enumerate(original_list))
for k in range(len(original_list)):
if not condition(d[k]):
return d.values(), list1

def cinderella6(original_list, condition):
Using while and list popping.

list1 = []
i = 0
while True:
if not condition(original_list[i]):
i += 1
except IndexError:
return original_list, list1

def cinderella7(original_list, condition):
Using Numeric and array compression.

selection = [condition(i) for i in original_list]
list1 = compress(selection, original_list)
list2 = compress([not x for x in selection], original_list)
return list1, list2

def check(item):
return item%2 == 0

def test(list_length=100, num_func_calls=1000):
Profile different implementations of cinderella idiom.

l = []
for i in range(1,8):
func = cinderella%i % i
stmt = \
olist = range(%i)
%s(olist, check)
 % (int(list_length), func)
timer = timeit.Timer(stmt,from __main__ import %s, check % func)
l.append(timer.repeat(3, int(num_func_calls)))
print %s: (1) %f, (2) %f, (3) %f % (func, l[-1][0], l[-1][1], l[-1][2])

if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Aschenputtel problem - Shorter is not better?

2005-09-16 Thread Christopher Arndt
Pierre Barbier de Reuille schrieb:
 Well, I have some comments ^_^

As should be always expected, when it comes to benchmarking ;-)

 First, about the function 6, it is exactly equivalent (and a little bit
 quicker) to use:
 That is, put the try block outside the loop ... however, if this method
 is the quickest it is the only destructive one !

That's ok for my use case. Anyway, you can always copy the original list

list1 = original_list[:]

 Then, you shouldn't time the creation of the list together with
 algorithm. Thus the main loop should be:

It would affect all algorithms in the same way, but, yes, you're probably right.

 Well, I added the creation of a Numeric array ... as the function 8 is
 supposed to work with it.

Hmm, this might be considered cheating, since part of the algorithm is factored
out of the proper function, but if you're already working with Numeric arrays
it wouldn't make a difference.

 In the end, Numeric rocks :) Solution 8 is even faster than solution 6 !

So it seems. For the sake of minimal external requirements I'll stick to
solution 6, though.

You can speed up solution 4 (using sets) further (but not much) for Python 2.4
(but keeping compability with 2.3) if you do this:

except NameError:
from sets import Set as set

list1 = [x for x in original_list if condition(x)]
s = set(original_list)
list2 = list(s.difference(list1))

Tutor maillist  -

[Tutor] Aschenputtel problem

2005-09-15 Thread Christopher Arndt

I wonder if there is a shorter form of the following idiom:

list1 = []
list2 = []
for item in original_list:
if condition(item):

(optional step:)

original_list[:] = list1

I call this the Aschenputtel problem, because it is described by the famous
quote from the fairy tale as told by the Grimm brothers:

Die guten ins Töpfchen, die schlechten ins Kröpfchen.

(The good ones in the pot, the bad ones in the crop)


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Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] GETTING AN _.EXE VERSION OF _.PY program to run on a machine that does not have Python installed on it. (fwd)

2005-09-15 Thread Christopher Arndt
Danny Yoo schrieb:
 -- Forwarded message --
 Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2005 21:33:08 -0500
 Subject: Re: [Tutor] GETTING AN _.EXE VERSION OF _.PY program to run on a
 machine that does not have Python installed on it.
 Sorry for the boo boo but am learning and will remember.  No .DOC's.

Another gentle advice: Don't use ALL CAPS WRITING in the subject of your
emails. That's the equivalent to shouting in the online world and people will
just think you're a jerk (which is probably not true but people will think it

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Aschenputtel problem

2005-09-15 Thread Christopher Arndt
Alan G schrieb:
 My personal approach would be two separate comprehensions(*) which 
 keeps the intent very clear and keeps it short at the expense 
 of iterating the original list twice.

Of course this works only if condition(item) yields the same result each time
it is called with the same input (which should be the common case).

Also, iterating twice over the list could be expensive if the condition(item)
call takes comparatively long.

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] directory recursion

2005-09-09 Thread Christopher Arndt
Rob Andrews schrieb:
 I should already know this, and probably once did, but have never had
 a real world use for it until now.
 What's a nice, clean way to recursively scan through directories with
 an arbitrary number of subdirectories?

os.walk() is you friend! (Don't use os.path.walk() anymore)

Off the top of my head:

for dir, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(topdir):
for dir in dirnames:
do_something_with_subdir(os.path.join(dir, dirname)
for file in filenames:
do_something_with_file(os.path.join(dir, filename)

HTH, Chris

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