Re: [Tutor] PyVISA GPIB

2011-04-01 Thread Donald Bedsole
Hi Mark,

On Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 11:42 AM, wrote:
  I would like to control electronic instruments with PyVISA. I have 
 downloaded PyVISA and unpacked the files into the Python27/lib/site-packages 
 dir and in the IDLE
 GUI I run import visa' for a quick check and I get this error:

 import visa

 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File pyshell#25, line 1, in module
    import visa
 ImportError: No module named visa

 I'm scratching my head. Help

 Mark R Rivet, Genesis Software Consulting
 ASCT(Computer Technologies), BSIT/SE(Software Engineering)
 Electrical Engineering Technician
 Member IEEE, Computer Society

 Do or do not; there is no try.

Could this be the problem?

PyVISA doesn’t implement VISA itself. Instead, PyVISA provides
bindings to the VISA library (a DLL or
“shared object” file). This library is usually shipped with your GPIB
interface or software like LabVIEW. Alternatively, you can download it
from your favourite equipment vendor (National Instruments, Agilent,

quote from this document:
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Re: [Tutor] PyVISA GPIB

2011-04-01 Thread Donald Bedsole

On Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 1:00 PM, Donald Bedsole wrote:
 Hi Mark,

 On Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 11:42 AM, wrote:
  I would like to control electronic instruments with PyVISA. I have 
 downloaded PyVISA and unpacked the files into the Python27/lib/site-packages 
 dir and in the IDLE
 GUI I run import visa' for a quick check and I get this error:

 import visa

 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File pyshell#25, line 1, in module
    import visa
 ImportError: No module named visa

 I'm scratching my head. Help

 Mark R Rivet, Genesis Software Consulting
 ASCT(Computer Technologies), BSIT/SE(Software Engineering)
 Electrical Engineering Technician
 Member IEEE, Computer Society

 Do or do not; there is no try.

 Could this be the problem?

 PyVISA doesn’t implement VISA itself. Instead, PyVISA provides
 bindings to the VISA library (a DLL or
 “shared object” file). This library is usually shipped with your GPIB
 interface or software like LabVIEW. Alternatively, you can download it
 from your favourite equipment vendor (National Instruments, Agilent,

 quote from this document:

I read the document a little better and visa is supposed to be part of
the function.  But maybe something else in the document might help
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[Tutor] Guessing Game Program

2011-03-24 Thread Donald Bedsole
Hi folks,

This is a little program I've written to bring together some things
I've been trying to learn (not an attempt, of course, to make an
interesting game)..  I've been working my way through a beginner's
tutorial, and except for a very basic program I wrote in C++ one time,
I think this is the first program I've ever done from scratch.  Of
course, I've incorporated ideas I've learned from folks on the
Internet, my tutorial, and this list.

Im sure I've broken some rules along the way, but it does work
without any errors (that I have found).

So, how could I improve it?  Is it readable to you, or a mess?

Thanks for your time,


#Author D.Bedsole
#drbedsole at
#License: Public Domain

import random
from sys import exit

#A guessing game where user must guess a number between 1 and 10

def start_up():
print Hello, and welcome to the Guessing Game. Here are the rules:\n
print Try to guess the correct number.  It is between 1 and 10.
print You have ten chances.
print To quit the game just type 'quit' (w/o the quotes) at the prompt.\n
print Here we go!\n

def ran_num():
the_number = random.randint(1,10)
return the_number

def guess_loop(the_number):
start_number = 0
while start_number  10:
print Please guess a number between 1-10. Enter your
guess at the prompt.
guess = (raw_input( ))   
if exit in guess: #Give user a chance to exit w/o finishing game
print Thanks for playing. Goodbye!

if  guess.isdigit(): #validate input
guess = int(guess)
print You didn't enter a number.
continue #Return to top of the loop so user can enter number

if guess  the_number:
print Sorry. You guessed too high.
start_number += 1
attempt_counter(start_number, the_number)#warn user of 
remaining tries

elif guess  the_number:
print Sorry. That was too low.\n
start_number += 1
attempt_counter(start_number, the_number)#warn user of 
remaining tries
print Congratulations. You guessed it!\n
print Do you want to play again? Type 'y' for yes and 'n' for 
response = raw_input( )
if 'y' in response:
print Thanks for playing.  Goodbye.   

#Track guesses attempted and warn of end of game when chances
def attempt_counter(start_number, the_number):
print That was attempt #%d. % (start_number)
if start_number == 10:
print That was your last chance.  The correct answer was %d.
% (the_number)
print Do you want to start a new game. Type 'y' for yes and
'n' for no.
answer = raw_input( )
if 'y' in answer:
print Thanks for playing.  Goodbye.

#function calls to start program
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Re: [Tutor] Guessing Game Program

2011-03-24 Thread Donald Bedsole
On Fri, Mar 25, 2011 at 12:53 AM, Donald Bedsole wrote:
 Hi Malcolm :-)

 On Fri, Mar 25, 2011 at 12:37 AM, Malcolm Newsome wrote:
 Hey Don!

 I posted an eerily similar request to another python group about two weeks
 ago!  I, too, am very new to programming and the guessing game was my first
 shot at writing a script from scratch!

 I got interested in writing a guessing game because I was trying to
 fix a C++ program that wouldn't compile with g++ because they were
 using a non-standard randomizer() function.  (I really don't know C++,
 but I thought trying to fix the problems with someone else's program
 might help me to learn).  I didn't make much headway in understanding
 how to generate random numbers in C++, but it made me curious about
 how to do it in Python.  Python seems much easier!

 Below is my code (improved with some help from others).  I still would like
 to make some improvements to it also.  But, perhaps there will be some ideas
 in it that can help you as well!  Looking forward to learning and growing!

 All the best!


 Thanks for posting your code.  I will look at it later (closing in on
 1:00 AM here) to see what I can learn from it.  Tutorials are great,
 but it seems looking at code makes it easier for me to learn.

 Thanks for taking the time to post, and I hope you're successful in
 your programming studies.


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Re: [Tutor] Error in programming

2011-03-24 Thread Donald Bedsole
Hi Lea,

On Fri, Mar 25, 2011 at 1:27 AM, Lea Parker wrote:

 Just wondering if you have some time to cast your eyes over another  basic

 # Prompt user for data

 def main():

     print 'This program is to calculate your ticket sales to the softball

     print   #blank line

     # Value of each level of seat

     a_seat = 15.00

     b_seat = 12.00

     c_seat = 9.00

     # Obtain data

     sales_a = int (raw_input('Enter the number of class A tickets sold '))

     sales_b = int (raw_input('Enter the number of class B tickets sold '))

     sales_c = int (raw_input('Enter the number of class C tickets sold '))

 income_generated(a_seat, b_seat, c_seat, sales_a, sales_b, sales_c)

 # Obtain data to determine income generated from sales

 def income_generated(a_seat, b_seat, c_seat, sales_a, sales_b, sales_c):

     total_sales = times the seat value by the number of seats sold for
 each seat

     and add totals togeter(sale_a * a_seat) + (sale_b * b_seat) + (sale_c
 * c_seat)

     #Display result to user

     print int ('Your total sales for the softball game are: $ ',

 # Call the main function


 I get the following errors:


 This program is to calculate your ticket sales to the softball game

 Enter the number of class A tickets sold 5

 Enter the number of class B tickets sold 5

 Enter the number of class C tickets sold 10

 Traceback (most recent call last):

   File F:/Backups/MY Documents26.2.11/Documents/Lea University/CSU/ITC10 -
 Programming Principles/2011/Assessment Tasks/Assessment 1b and
 1c/, line 29, in module


   File F:/Backups/MY Documents26.2.11/Documents/Lea University/CSU/ITC10 -
 Programming Principles/2011/Assessment Tasks/Assessment 1b and
 1c/, line 18, in main

     income_generated(a_seat, b_seat, c_seat, sales_a, sales_b, sales_c)

   File F:/Backups/MY Documents26.2.11/Documents/Lea University/CSU/ITC10 -
 Programming Principles/2011/Assessment Tasks/Assessment 1b and
 1c/, line 23, in income_generated

     and add totals togeter(sale_a * a_seat) + (sale_b * b_seat) + (sale_c
 * c_seat)

 NameError: global name 'sale_a' is not defined

 My way of thinking is firstly I need to fix line 29 which is main(), I tried
 to do this by adding the brackets around text output in line 26. This seemed
 to allow me to type main against margin rather than it wanting to indent but
 didn’t fix the problem. Your suggestions would be appreciated.



Don't know if it's the only problem, but :

 NameError: global name 'sale_a' is not defined

I think this comes from the fact that you spelled one variable name
sale_a in one place, and up where you originally assigned it you
spelled it, sales_a.

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[Tutor] help with user input

2011-03-21 Thread Donald Bedsole
I'm going through a tutorial called Learn Python the Hard Way by Zed
Shaw.  At the end of his lessons he has Extra Credit sessions, and
I'm stuck on one.

I'm on lesson 35, here is a link to it:

The lesson involves creating a very simple text based game.  One of
the functions accepts user input:

def gold_room():
print This room is full of gold.  How much do you take?

next = raw_input( )
if 0 in next or 1 in next:
how_much = int(next)
dead(Man, learn to type a number.)

if how_much  50:
print Nice, you're not greedy, you win!
dead(You greedy bastard!)

The instruction from the Extra Credit section reads:

The gold_room has a weird way of getting you to type a number. What
are all the bugs in this way of doing it? Can you make it better than
just checking if 1 or 0 are in the number? Look at how int() works
for clues.

I have read the documentation for int() and done some googling, but no
lights have come on. :-)

Here is what I have so far:

def gold_room():
print This room is full of gold. How much do you take?

next = raw_input( )
if next = 50:
how_much = int(next)

dead(You were too greedy.)

if how_much  50:
print Nice, you're not greedy, you win!

dead(Man, learn to type a number!)

This works fine as long as the user enters a number.  However, if they
enter anything else, they just get the first :else statement, You
were too greedy.

My googling found solutions using an exception, but that hasn't been
introduced yet in the tutorial.  How would you solve this without
using an exception?

Thanks for any help,

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Re: [Tutor] help with user input

2011-03-21 Thread Donald Bedsole
Thank you, Marc

On Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 4:47 PM, Marc Tompkins wrote:
 On Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 1:12 PM, Donald Bedsole wrote:

 This works fine as long as the user enters a number.  However, if they
 enter anything else, they just get the first :else statement, You
 were too greedy.

 I think that's because you're trying to do a string comparison, rather than
 a numeric comparison. (if next = 50:)  You need to convert 'next' to an
 int FIRST, then compare to 50, not 50.

 My googling found solutions using an exception, but that hasn't been
 introduced yet in the tutorial.  How would you solve this without
 using an exception?

 If you don't want to use an exception, check the entered value first (note:
 I haven't checked my code, so caveat lector) -

 next = raw_input()
 if next.isdigit():
     if int(next)  50:
     print Nice, you're not greedy, you win!
     dead(You were too greedy.)
     dead(Man, learn to type a number!)

 isdigit() returns True if every character is a digit; False otherwise.

 Using an exception:

 next = raw_input()
     if int(next)  50:
     print Nice, you're not greedy, you win!
     dead(You were too greedy.)
 except ValueError:
     dead(Man, learn to type a number!)

 Note that I specified ValueError - you want to make your exception handling
 as specific as possible, so that if really unforeseen things go wrong, your
 program doesn't blindly treat them as normal.  In other words, if any
 exception other than ValueError were to pop up here, you would want the
 program to terminate and show you a traceback so you could fix it.

It'll take me awhile to digest this.  Thanks for your time and your help.
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Re: [Tutor] with no console

2011-03-18 Thread Donald Bedsole
Hi folks,

On Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 3:16 PM, Alan Gauld wrote:

 sihong lin wrote

 Those days the idle couldn't open in windows 7.
 Today I found the type of file\Python27\lib\idlelib) is
 no console. what is it means? that is why the idle couldn't
 open, right?

 No, that just means you don't get a black DOS window in the
 background. But since I don't have Win 7 I can't comment on
 the reason you have an IDLE problem, but I believe it should
 work OK in Windows 7.

 Can anyone else confirm?

 Alan Gauld
 Author of the Learn to Program web site

IDLE opens ok for me on Windows 7.
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Re: [Tutor] with no console

2011-03-18 Thread Donald Bedsole

On Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 12:46 PM, sihong lin linsihong2...@yahoo.comwrote:


 Those days the idle couldn't open in windows 7. Today I found the type of
 file\Python27\lib\idlelib) is no console. what is it means?
 that is why the idle couldn't open, right?



Can you start Python from a command prompt?
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Re: [Tutor] New to programming

2011-03-18 Thread Donald Bedsole
Hi, Welcome to the list:

On Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 7:48 PM, Savyn - OpenERP Mail wrote:
 Dear Everyone

 I am new to programming (a passion mainly). I have no background in 
 programming.  The beginner tutorial seems hard after a few 
 chapters or not sure how to merge requirement with the tutorials.

 Where and how should I start programming with python for complete beginner?

 Many thanks

Here's the tutorial I'm doing now.  It's for complete programming beginners:

Allen Gault (a member of this list) also has a tutorial for beginners
at his site:

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Re: [Tutor] Boolean question

2011-03-16 Thread Donald Bedsole
Hi Jack,

On Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 1:50 AM, Jack Trades wrote:
 On Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 12:22 AM, Donald Bedsole

 not (False and True)

 Python evaluates it as True

 1)You evaluate what's in the parentheses first.  A thing can not be
 false and true at the same time, so the answer is false.

 Yes, the expression in the parenthesis is evaluated first.  However it's not
 just one thing being evaluated.

 'and' evaluates one argument at a time and returns immediately if the
 argument is False.

 In this case there are 2 distinct 'things'.  False and True.  False,
 obviously, evaluates to False, which causes 'and' to stop and return False.
 This reduces the expression to...

 not False

 2)However, the not outside the parentheses flips the meaning of what
 is inside the parentheses, so false becomes True. ?

 Correct, the expression not False evaluates to True.

Ok, so, as another example:

not(True and False) is True

because: the first argument True is true, and the second argument
False when returned is negated by not becomes not False which
evaluates to True?

Thanks for the help!  Btw, you're blog looks interesting; I'm going to
have to check it our more closely later.
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Re: [Tutor] Boolean question

2011-03-16 Thread Donald Bedsole
Hi Allen,

 Boolean algebra can be a weird thing to get your head around
 the first time you come across it :-)

Yes, :-)

 Here are some of the standard rules:

 True and thing = thing
 False and thing = False
 True or thing = True
 False or thing = thing

Thanks for your response and for  the rules, but for some reason I'm
not understanding.  In the above quote, what is meant by thing?

Thank you.
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Re: [Tutor] Boolean question

2011-03-16 Thread Donald Bedsole
On Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 5:53 PM, bob gailer wrote:

 Thing in this context means 'anything. could be a string, number, list, any
 Python object.

Ok, thanks Bob.
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Re: [Tutor] Boolean question

2011-03-16 Thread Donald Bedsole
Hi Jack,

On Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 1:55 AM, Jack Trades wrote:

 'and' evaluates one argument at a time and returns immediately if the
 argument is False.

And  or works in the inverse manner?  It evaluates one argument at
a time and returns immediately if the argument is [True]. ?

For example,

 not (True or False)

The first argument was True, so True was returned and negated by
the not with a final result of False for the expression.

Is this correct?
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[Tutor] first steps

2011-03-15 Thread Donald Bedsole
Hi Ryan,

Also, when it works correctly, IDLE won't run the program again via
the  chaos.main() statement. I get this:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File pyshell#1, line 1, in module
NameError: name 'chaos' is not defined

I think IDLE is looking for a file name to run.  If your file name is, use that.
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[Tutor] first steps

2011-03-15 Thread Donald Bedsole
Did you enter it like this at the prompt:

  chaos.main() statement

If so, that's a problem.  Your function was called:  main(), so if
you type chaos.main(), Python doesn't know what you're talking about.
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