[Tutor] Bug

2017-05-17 Thread Grace Sanford
Theoretically, the following code is suppose to check if the user has won a
tic tac toe game by checking if there are all "X"s in either the
horizontal, vertical, or diagonal lines of a grid (represented by a list
with "board" with elements 0-8).  If one of these is the case, it is
suppose to print the "You won" string.  Nevertheless, when I change list
variable to reflect one of these conditions, there is no printing
occurring.  I cannot figure out why.

if board[0:3]==["X", "X", "X"] or board[3:6]==["X", "X", "X"] or
board[6:9]==["X", "X", "X"] or \
[board[0],board[3],board[6]]==["X", "X", "X"] or
[board[1],board[4],board[7]]==["X", "X", "X"] or
[board[2],board[5],board[8]] ==["X", "X", "X"] or \
[board[0],board[4],board[8]]==["X", "X", "X"] or
[board[2],board[4],board[6]]==["X", "X", "X"]:
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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[Tutor] Help finishing a function

2017-05-17 Thread Grace Sanford
I am wondering if someone can help/advise me on finishing the code for this

import turtle
import time
import random

# This list represents the board. It's a list
# of nine strings, each of which is either
# "X", "O", "_", representing, respectively,
# a position occupied by an X, by an O, and
# an unoccupied position. The first three
# elements in the list represent the first row,
# and so on. Initially, all positions are
# unoccupied.
the_board = [ "_", "_", "_",
  "_", "_", "_",
  "_", "_", "_"]

def do_user_move(board, x, y):
signature: list(str), int, int -> bool
Given a list representing the state of the board
and an x,y screen coordinate pair indicating where
the user clicked, update the board
with an O in the corresponding position.
The function returns a bool indicated if
the operation was successful: if the user
clicks on a position that is already occupied
or outside of the board area, the move is
invalid, and the function should return False,
otherise True.
print("user clicked at "+str(x)+","+str(y))
width = turtle.window_width ()
height = turtle.window_height ()
#Given coordinates of user click, update board with "O" in
corresponding position
if x<(-width/2)+(width/3):
column = 0
elif x>(-width/2)+(width/3) and x<(width/2)-(width/3):
column = 1
elif x>(width/2)-(width/3):
column = 2
if y>(height/2)-(height/3):
row = 0
elif y<(height/2)-(height/3) and y>(-height/2)+(height/3):
row = 1
elif y<(-height/2)+(height/3):
row = 2
p = row * 3 + column
for board[p]=="_":
pass #code here
#Check if user clicks on a position that is already occupied
pass #code here
#Check if user clicks outside the board area
if x<(-width/2) or x>(width/2) or y<(-height/2) or y>(height/2):
return False
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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[Tutor] Help writing a function

2017-05-17 Thread Grace Sanford
I need suggestions/help for writing the following function:

import turtle
import time
import random

# This list represents the board. It's a list
# of nine strings, each of which is either
# "X", "O", "_", representing, respectively,
# a position occupied by an X, by an O, and
# an unoccupied position. The first three
# elements in the list represent the first row,
# and so on. Initially, all positions are
# unoccupied.
the_board = [ "_", "_", "_",
  "_", "_", "_",
  "_", "_", "_"]

def do_user_move(board, x, y):
signature: list(str), int, int -> bool
Given a list representing the state of the board
and an x,y screen coordinate pair indicating where
the user clicked, update the board
with an O in the corresponding position.
The function returns a bool indicated if
the operation was successful: if the user
clicks on a position that is already occupied
or outside of the board area, the move is
invalid, and the function should return False,
otherise True.
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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