[Tutor] Working example of using SSL:

2018-06-22 Thread James Lundy
Can any one get me started with SSL by providing a working example with some 

God Bless:

James Lundy
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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[Tutor] List vs. Set:

2018-02-25 Thread James Lundy
To whom it may concern. This code is from Dr. John Keyser.

gooddata = []

for singleday in datalist:
if (singleday[0] == day) and (singleday[1] == month):
gooddata.append({singleday[2], singleday[3], singleday[4], 

# Perform analysis
minsofar = 120
maxsofar = -100
numgooddates = 1
sumofmin = 0
sumofmax = 0

# so singleday in datalist is a list while singleday in gooddata is a 

for singleday in gooddata:

sumofmin += singleday[1]
sumofmax += singleday[2]
if singleday[1] < minsofar:
minsofar = singleday[1]
if singleday[2] > maxsofar:
maxsofar = singleday[2]

Could this be a bug in my Pycharm 3 compiler I have had mixed experiences 
running the code.

An insertion of a space after for singleday in gooddata: line 54 caused the 
program to run as desired, once, since other runs cause the error

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "C:/Users/Dad/PycharmProjects/TopDownDesign/WeatherDataSpecialDay.py", 
line 56, in 

sumofmin += singleday[1]

TypeError: 'set' object does not support indexing


I will attach the code and test file. Please allow me to thank you in advance 
for answering this query. I am new with Python and would appreciate any advice.

God Bless:

James Lundy
## Read in Data 
# Open file
filename = input("Enter the name of the file: ")
infile = open(filename, 'r')

# Read in data
datalist = []

for line in infile:
#get data form line
date, h, l, r = (line.split(','))
lowtemp = int(l)
hightemp = int(h)
rainfall = float(r)
m, d, y = date.split('/')
month = int(m)
day = int(d)
year = int(y)

#put data into list
datalist.append([day, month, year, lowtemp,hightemp, rainfall])

#Close file

## Analyze Data 
# Get Data of interest
month = int(input("For the date you care about, enter the month:"))
day = int(input("For the date you care about, enter the day: "))
# Fomd jostproca; data fpr date
gooddata = []

for singleday in datalist:
if (singleday[0] == day) and (singleday[1] == month):
gooddata.append({singleday[2], singleday[3], singleday[4], 

# Perform analysis
minsofar = 120
maxsofar = -100
numgooddates = 1
sumofmin = 0
sumofmax = 0

# so singleday in datalist is a list while singleday in gooddata is a 

for singleday in gooddata:

sumofmin += singleday[1]
sumofmax += singleday[2]
if singleday[1] < minsofar:
minsofar = singleday[1]
if singleday[2] > maxsofar:
maxsofar = singleday[2]

avglow = sumofmin / numgooddates
avghigh = sumofmax / numgooddates

## Present results 
print ("There were", numgooddates,"days")
print ("The lowest", minsofar)
print ("The highet", maxsofar)
print ("The avaerage low has been", avglow)
print ("The average high", avghigh)

## Extra code for test #
# #greeting = "Howdy!How ar you today?I'm great!"
#lines = greeting.split('')
#for line in lines:

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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