[Tutor] odd behavior within __init__

2005-04-15 Thread Jeff Shannon
(Oops, forgot to change this to go to the list...)

On 4/14/05, Orri Ganel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 4/14/05, Rich Krauter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 4/14/05, Max Noel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Well, if you want b and a to refer to the same object, just use b = 

 If you'll look at my code, you'll see that I *did* try that approach,
 and it did not persist past __init__ for some reason:

That's because you re-bound the local name 'self', but that doesn't
affect anything outside the local namespace.  Remember, __init__()
returns None; the object has already been allocated before __init__()
is called, and while __init__() can mutate the object it can't affect
the reference that the interpreter has created.  (Unless you resort to
hacking the contents of the parent frame, but we won't get into that.
You *don't* want to do this.)

In this case, I agree that a factory is your best bet.

Jeff Shannon

 class Node:
 def __init__(self, cargo=None, prev=None, next=None, nod=False):
   x.__init__(...) initializes x; see
 x.__class__.__doc__ for signature
   if not isinstance(cargo, Node) or nod:
   self.cargo = cargo
   self.prev = prev
   self.next = next
   self = cargo  ## see?
   print id(self), id(cargo)
   print self.cargo

  a = Node(1)
  b = Node(a)
 12932600 12932600

 Email: singingxduck AT gmail DOT com
 AIM: singingxduck
 Programming Python for the fun of it.
 Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Launching a file browser

2005-04-01 Thread Jeff Shannon
On Mar 31, 2005 2:14 PM, Mike Hall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  It's been too long since I used Python on MacOSX, but IIRC you can't
  just run a Python GUI program from the shell. Or something like
  that...you should ask this one on the python-mac SIG mailing list:
 I'm unclear on why a command like webbrowser.open() will comfortably
 launch your default web browser (in my case Safari), but something as
 ubiquitous to an OS as a file browser has special needs to launch.

At the OS level, these two actions are *completely* different.  The
webbrowser module launches an entirely separate program in its own
independent process, where the file browser is opening a standard
dialog inside of the current process and dependent upon the current
process' message loop.  (AFAIK, every GUI environment uses some sort
of message/event loop...)

I don't know Macs, but on Windows, the closest file browser parallel
to what the webbrowser module is doing would be
os.system(explorer.exe), which launches a separate program in an
independent process.  However, if you're trying to get the results of
the file selection back into your own app, you need to do the file
browsing within your own process (or explicitly use some form of
inter-process communication).  In order to use a GUI file-browsing
dialog, you need to follow all the rules for a GUI program.

Jeff Shannon
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] random import errors?

2005-04-01 Thread Jeff Shannon
On Apr 1, 2005 3:20 PM, Jay Loden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a python script that runs on my webserver every fifteen minutes.  It
 has run for several months with absolutely no problems.  Suddenly, yesterday
 morning I got an email from cron with an import error for sre_constants (see

Since you're able to import these files manually, it's unlikely to be
a problem with your Python installation.  I'd suggest trying to figure
out what changed between the day before yesterday and yesterday.  I'm
just guessing here, but I'd expect that this is probably related to
either permissions or environment variables.

Jeff Shannon
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Launching a file browser

2005-03-30 Thread Jeff Shannon
On Mon, 28 Mar 2005 18:53:39 -0800, Mike Hall

 I my case the gui will be comprised of html and javascript, talking to
 python through system calls. I basically want to know if there's an
 equivalent of the webbrowser() module (which launches my browser) for
 file dialogs. This is what EasyDialogs should do, but does not.

If you're using html and browser scripting for your GUI, then you'll
probably need to use html and browser scripting for your file dialog
too.  A file dialog is just another GUI segment, so it should work the
same as the rest of your GUI.

Jeff Shannon
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Float precision untrustworthy~~~

2005-03-30 Thread Jeff Shannon
On Mon, 28 Mar 2005 22:13:10 -0500, Jacob S. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've already deleted the recent thread--
 But sometimes I agree with he who said that you can't trust floats at all.
 The scientific theory suggests that if an output is not what it should be,
 then the hypothesis is untrue.
 In this case, the hypothesis is the fact that float division should always
 produce the same output as our decimal division used in common schools
 today. Since that is not always true, then floats are not trustworthy~~~
 frankly, the mere fact that floats are difficult to check with equality has
 bitten me more than anything I've met yet in python.

The scientific method is also quite well aware of the limits of
precision.  *EVERY* tool that you use to make measurements has
precision limits.  In most of those cases, the imprecision due to
measuring tools will overwhelmingly swamp the tiny bit of imprecision
involved with floating-point arithmetic.

It's also worth pointing out that most of the float imprecision isn't
anything inherent in the floats themselves -- it's due to converting
between binary and decimal representation.  Just as a phrase that's
translated from English into Russian and then back to English again
can have its meaning shifted, translating between different numerical
bases can create error -- but it's usually *much* less error than the
natural language translations cause.

Really, all this talk about floating-point imprecision is *way*
overblown.  It's important to be aware of it, yes, because in some
cases it can be relevant... but it's a *long* way from making floats
unusable or unreliable.

  64**(1/3) == 4
  64**-3 == 4
  a = 1/3

Note that you'll have the same problems if you use a Decimal number
type, because there's also an imprecision with Decimals.  The problem
is that you're expecting a digital variable with a limited discrete
set of possible values to be equivalent to a rational number -- but no
binary or decimal floating-point number can exactly represent 1/3.  A
Decimal approximation would have a 3 as the final digit rather than a
1, but there *would* be a final digit, and *that* is why this can't

 Why not just implement decimal or some equivalent and
 get rid of hidden, hard to debug headaches?   

Well, a Decimal type *has* been implemented... but it's just trading
one set of headaches for another.  What your code is apparently
expecting is a Rational type, which has been discussed ad infinitum
(and probably implemented several times, though not (yet) accepted
into the standard library); Rationals have the problem, though, that
any given operation may take an unpredictable amount of time to
execute.  Would you consider it an improvement if, instead of
wondering why you're not getting an equality, you were wondering
whether your machine had frozen?

There's always a trade-off.  It's important to be aware of the
weaknesses of the tools that you use, but *every* tool has weaknesses,
and it doesn't make sense to discard a tool just because you've
learned what those weaknesses are.

Jeff Shannon
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] If elif not working in comparison

2005-03-28 Thread Jeff Shannon
On Mon, 28 Mar 2005 09:27:11 -0500, orbitz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Floats are inherintly inprecise.  So if thigns arn't working like you
 expect don't be surprised if 0.15, 0.12, and 0.1 are closer to the same
 number than you think.

However, the imprecision of floats is in the 10-12 precision digit
range.  That is, it's precise up to about 0.01 (or slightly
fewer decimal places if the integer part is large).  Given the
precision with which those constants are specified, I doubt that float
imprecision will be an issue here, unless there's a *lot* of repeated
operations, e.g. a loop with many (i.e. hundreds to thousands of)

Jeff Shannon
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Linked List

2005-03-06 Thread Jeff Shannon
On Sat, 5 Mar 2005 06:20:40 -0800 (PST), Shitiz Bansal

 In order to explain wat my problem is, here is an
 example code. Its not exactly what I am doing, I am
 using multiple threads and a rather complicated code
 so  try and understand the sense rather than the code
  for i in myls:
 print i
 if i==20:
 The point is, the list(both size and elements) is
 changing even as it is being operated upon.

My first thought was to say, Use a queue.Queue.  But it appears that
you need to be able to do more than just add items at the end of the

I suspect that what you need is along the lines of a priority queue.
 That is, something that works approximately like a queue, but when
you add items to it, you also specify a priority for them.  Then, when
you retrieve an item from the queue, what you get is not necessarily
the first-inserted item, but rather the item with highest priority.

You might want to check the Cookbook to see if there's a priority
queue recipe there.  If not, I suspect that Google can be convinced to
yield something...

Jeff Shannon
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Criticism / Suggestions

2005-03-01 Thread Jeff Shannon
On Wed, 02 Mar 2005 01:17:28 -0500, Bill Kranec [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 [...] I wanted to be able to define
 multiple tournament objects off of the same roundlist, to avoid
 generating the list every time a new object is created.  I think what I
 really want to do is have a separate Round class, from which Tournament
 inherits the list of rounds.  I have started to implement something like
 this in my most recent version, but haven't finished it yet.  ( I need
 to understand class inheritance better. )

This sounds like a good idea, but inheritance is probably not the
right way to solve it.  Every Tournament contains a list of Rounds,
but it's probably not accurate to say that a Tournament is a type of
Round.  (Inheritance works best when it describes an is-a
relationship, not a has-a relationship.)

It's probably better to have Tournament and Round be independent
classes, but have Tournament instances hold a list of Rounds (which
may be passed in during initialization, or may be added later).  This
is called composition, and is just as important (or perhaps more
important) of an idea as inheritance, even though inheritance gets all
the press.  ;)

Jeff Shannon
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] SubClassing

2005-02-27 Thread Jeff Shannon
On Fri, 25 Feb 2005 05:54:39 -0200, Ismael Garrido
 def __init__(self, this, that, new):
 Parent.__init__(self, this, that)  #note self
 self.new = new

If the paren's init t has a lot of possible arguments, it may be
easier to do things this way:

class Child(Parent):
def __init__(self, new, *args, **kwargs):
Parent.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
self.new = new

This way, the Child class doesn't need to know or care about what
parameters get passed on to Parent; it uses the ones it needs, and
passes all the rest on.

Jeff Shannon
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] sys.argv[1: ] help

2005-02-27 Thread Jeff Shannon
On Sun, 27 Feb 2005 17:55:54 +, Richard gelling
 No What I get if I was to type in
 ./arg1.py a  b c
 All I get is

It sounds as though the command shell is not passing along the
additional parameters.  Try opening Windows Explorer, and go to the
Folder Options (in the Tools menu, IIRC).  Go to the File Types tab,
find PY (Python File), and click the Advanced button.  In the
resulting dialog, select the open action and click edit, then look
at the command line that it's using.  You want something that looks

C:\Python23\python.exe %1 %*

The '%*' bit at the end is what I suspect may be missing in your settings.

(There's some chance that cmd.exe uses a different set of settings
than Windows Explorer does, in which case you'll have to research that
independently.  I know that you can use the assoc command to
associate the .py extension with the Python.File filetype, but I'm not
sure how to create filetypes or change actions that are taken upon
filetypes if it's different from the Explorer settings)

Jeff Shannon
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Active Python

2005-02-17 Thread Jeff Shannon
On Thu, 17 Feb 2005 15:54:43 -0800 (PST), Terry Carroll [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 On Wed, 16 Feb 2005, Robert Campbell wrote:
  I am not a programmer, but have decided to learn Python.  I am wondering
  if anyone has used the Activestate ActivePython and what are the
  advantages/disadvantages of using it rather than the standard Python
 If you're on Windows, I recommend it.
 It is the full Python, plus some Windows extensions.

I fully agree.  ActivePython contains everything that you'd get from
the standard distribution, plus extra tools that are especially useful
under Windows.  (I like PythonWin a lot more than IDLE...)
 The only downside I've encountered is that, as of 2.4, it no longer
 includes the Help files in their original HTML format.  Instead, there's
 just one big help file in Windows Help format.
 I prefer the HTML, because I can then run searches against it from
 outside the help system.  

Interesting -- I prefer the CHM (Windows helpfile), because it's
internally indexed.  I feel that the internal search is more
convenient than external searches would be.  But I suppose that
there's room for reasonable people to disagree, here. :)

Jeff Shannon
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Queued threads

2005-02-16 Thread Jeff Shannon
On Wed, 16 Feb 2005 16:50:07 +1300, Liam Clarke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Oops, you probably want to do this then-
 for i in range( 0, 3 ):
  oThread = Thread( target=mainFunction ).start()
 while oThread:
  print 'sleeping 3 seconds'
  time.sleep( 3 )

Probably not.  Note that, since oThread's value is not changed in the
body of this while loop, you will either never execute the body (if
oThread is false) or execute it infintely many times (if oThread is
true).  I doubt that's the desired behavior. ;)

In this case, since Thread.start() apparently always returns None, the
while loop is effectively a no-op.  However, if it *did* get
triggered, it would do so immediately after the first thread [which
returned a true value from start()] was started -- preventing later
threads from being started because the main program is stuck in this
endless loop.

You could perhaps rewrite the whole thing like this:

.for i in range(3):
.mythread = Thread(target=mainFunction)
.while mythread.isAlive():
.print sleeping 3 seconds [main thread]

Though as others have said, if you're not starting the second thread
until the first is finished, then you might as well just make it
explicitly sequental and not bother with threads:

.for i in range(3):

If you actually want the threads to process concurrently, and simply
wait until all of them are done, you could do this:

.threadlist = []
.for i in range (3):
.mythread = Thread(target=mainFunction)
.for thread in threadlist:

The join() method will wait until that thread is finished, and then
return.  If the thread is already finished when it's called, it
returns immediately.

Jeff Shannon
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] dictionary dispatch for object instance attributes question

2005-02-16 Thread Jeff Shannon
On Tue, 15 Feb 2005 23:48:31 -0500, Brian van den Broek
 Jeff Shannon said unto the world upon 2005-02-15 21:20:
  On Tue, 15 Feb 2005 17:19:37 -0500, Brian van den Broek
  For starters, I've made metadata a class attribute rather than an
  unconnected dictionary.  This seems conceptually nicer to me.
 The problem is that my Node instance live in a TP_file class instance,
 and the way my code is now, the TP_file instance also needs to see the
 metadata dict. There are a few tags, which if present in any Node of
 the file make me want to treat the entire file a bit differently. (Of
 course, here is the place where my novice-designer status is most
 likely to be bitting me.) So, that's why I have it as a module level
 object, rather than within a class. (I do, however, see your point
 about it being neater.)

Okay, that makes sense.  You have two different classes (the TP_file
class and the Node class) that need access to the same information, so
yes, having it at the module level lets them share it more
effectively.  (Alternately, since it sounds like the TP_file class is
where all of the Node instances are created, you *could* decide that
the metadata belongs as part of the TP_file, which would then actively
share it with Node... but what you've got sounds like a very
reasonable plan, so at this point I wouldn't worry about it.)

  In addition, update() can now modify several attributes at once, at
  the cost of a bit of extra parsing up front.
 The metadata all occurs one element to a line in my original file.
 [...] Maybe I'm still missing a better way, but as I am processing
 line by line, each line with one element, I don't see how to use this
 cool looking multiple elements at once approach. 

Yes, if you know that you will only have one header per line, then
it's reasonable to process them one line at a time.  You could
alternatively have the TP_file gather all the header lines for a given
node into a list, and then process that list to create the Node
instance, but given the specifics of your case you probably wouldn't
gain anything over your current approach by doing so.

This is what makes programming so interesting -- there's so many
different choices possible, and which one is best depends on a large
number of factors.  When writing a program for some task, the best
design for a particular set of circumstances may be completely
different than the best design for a somewhat different particular set
of circumstances -- and the best design for general usage is probably
an altogether different thing still.

Good luck!

Jeff Shannon
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Help needed with script to batch-create shapefiles

2005-02-16 Thread Jeff Shannon
On Wed, 16 Feb 2005 21:37:10 +, Chris Bromley

 Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Others have already pointed out that we will have a hard time helping
without a bit more information.  But I've noticed something odd in
your code -- it probably doesn't have anything to do with your
problem, but it seems like an awkward idiom to me.

 fc = fcs.next()
 while fc:
 # [...]
 fc = fcs.next()

This, it seems to me, is equivalent to (but less readable than) the following:

.for fc in fcs:
.# [...]

If you're going to do something with every member of a list, then it's
much more straightforward to use a for loop (which automatically
tracks the iteration) than to use a while loop and manually adjusting
the loop-controlling expression.

Actually, it occurs to me that this *might* cause a confusing result
in your code.  Presuming that fcs is a standard iterator (as your
usage of next() suggests), then calling next() on an exhausted
iterator will raise a StopIteration exception.  The for loop will
automatically handle that, but with your while loop it would be caught
by the following bare except statement.  That means that you'll run
(what I presume to be) your error-handling code even when you
successfully convert every member of fcs...

Jeff Shannon
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]

2005-02-08 Thread Jeff Shannon
Smith, Jeff wrote:
It looks like that finally is the simplest expression of the original
switch statement:
import sys
def p():
ftable = { 'a' : lambda: sys.stdout.write('a\n'),
   'b' : lambda: sys.stdout.write('b or c\n'),
   'c' : lambda: sys.stdout.write('b or c\n'),
   'd' : p }
ftable.get(var, lambda: sys.stdout.write('default case\n'))()
I do note that it took this group of experienced programmers several
tries to impliment this simple switch statement without actually using
switch.  I dare say with standard switch syntax we would've had it right
the first time :-)
I wasn't following this thread all the way through, but to be honest,
I'd have solved this differently -- that may be the best direct
translation of some switch statement, but that doesn't mean it's the
best-fit solution here.  ISTM that, given the desire to print some
text (or nothing) based on the contents of a variable, I would *not*
handle the output inside the switch -- that is, I'd (conditionally)
print a value from a string-containing dictionary, rather than use a
table of functions that print strings.
table = { 'a': 'a', 'b': 'b or c', 'c': 'b or c', 'd': None }
result = table.get(var, 'default case')
if result:
print result
This, to my mind, is much cleaner -- you're factoring out the repeated
code, whether print statement or call to sys.stdout.write(), reducing
the complexity of the dict.  You're making flow control much more
straightforward.  You're making the whole thing easier to read.
The key, here, is that instead of saying I want a switch, how can I
implement that in Python?, I've taken the approach of The end result
I want is ***; what tools does Python offer to achieve that?  This
conceptual shift is, IMHO, *the* most important mental hurdle in
learning a [second/third/n-th] language.
Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]

2005-02-07 Thread Jeff Shannon
Alan Gauld wrote:
As an aside, I did try to create a lambda based solution but was
unable.  Let me know what's wrong:
ftable = { 'a' : lambda: print 'a',
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
I did say if Python had *proper* lambdas...
Unfortunately Python insists on only having *expressions* as
lambdas and since print is a command not a function you can't
use it in Python lambdas! Dumb or what??!
So you are stuck with predefining a bunch of one liner
functions and then creating a dictionary or going back
to if/elif chains, which is where we came in... :-)
Well, in this particular case, if one really wants to use lambdas then 
one could (after importing sys, of course) replace the print statement 
with a call to sys.stdout.write() --

ftable = { 'a': lambda: sys.stdout.write('a\n'), ... }
Note that sys.stdout.write() will *not* automatically add the newline 
that print does (which is why I've specified it in the above sample). 
 Indeed, print can do all sorts of odd things with whitespace, 
leaving sys.stdout.write() as the best way to have real control over 
your output anyhow...

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]

2005-02-04 Thread Jeff Shannon
Smith, Jeff wrote:
IMHO, if/elif/else statements are far more abused than either switch or
ternary but I certainly wouldn't argue they should be removed from the
IMHO, if it's true that if/elif/else statements are more abused than 
ternaries, then it's only because they're *used* far more often than 
ternaries.  I'd say that the percentage of uses which could count as 
abuse is *far* higher for ternary than for if/elif/else.

And I avoid (and recommend against) Python's a and b or c trick for 
similar reasons -- it *is* a trick.  A 'real' ternary operator is 
confusing enough; this trick is more readable (words instead of opaque 
symbols) but more difficult to write correctly given the constraints 
on 'a'...

Maybe I'm just weird, but I just don't find so much benefit to putting 
*everything* in-line.  Occassionally it improves readability, but more 
often it obscures and obfuscates.

Jeff Shannon
Credit International
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]

2005-02-03 Thread Jeff Shannon
Max Noel wrote:
On Feb 3, 2005, at 09:48, Alan Gauld wrote:
Pythons lambda feature is a bare minimum (and Guido wants to remove
Does he? Damn, just when I was learning functional programming! (in 
Haskell, if you're curious ^^)

However, Python doesn't need lambdas to be able to write in a 
functional style.  Functions are first-class objects and can be passed 
around quite easily, and IIRC Python's list comprehensions were 
borrowed (though probably with notable modification) from Haskell.

Keep in mind that both lambdas and named functions are created at 
runtime, so the creation of both is fully dynamic.  Indeed, there are 
only a few differences between lambdas and named functions in Python:

  - Anonymous vs named
  - Single expression vs suite of statements
  - Inline vs. pre-created
Note that the second of these is a consequence of the third -- given 
Python's block-indentation-based structure, there's no good way to 
inline a multi-statement suite (how many of those statements belong to 
that 'if' suite?).  Statements need to have a clear indentation level, 
and while one can sometimes fudge that for a single statement, it gets 
exponentially messier as the number of statements goes up.

I'd also argue that the inline nature is the *true* differentiating 
feature of lambdas -- the fact that they're anonymous is relatively 
minor.  Consider, also, that if they weren't inline then you'd need a 
name to refer to them by... and at that point, you *have* a 'normal' 

So, while there are some advantages to having single-use callables be 
defined inline (i.e. lambdas), their removal from Python (which 
wouldn't happen before the mythical Python 3k anyhow) isn't likely to 
be as devastating as some might lead you to believe. ;)  It certainly 
won't prevent you from using Python for functional programming...

(And personally, I suspect that if lambdas *are* removed, they will be 
replaced with a different construct that will fill the same needs in a 
more Pythonic way...)

Jeff Shannon
Credit International
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]

2005-02-03 Thread Jeff Shannon
Alan Gauld wrote:
There is no perfect language, and very few truly bad
languages - they never get out of the lab - they all
have something that they are good at and from which
we can learn!
Heh, I'd look at that a bit differently -- I think that there's a 
*lot* of bad languages, it's just that we're spared ever hearing about 
the majority of them because they don't ever get very far. ;)

(But then, at my job I'm stuck using a horrible Frankenstein's monster 
of a proprietary language on a daily basis, so I can't help but 
believe that there's plenty more awful languages around that didn't 
happen to be rescued from oblivion by an accident of history...)

Jeff Shannon
Credit International
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]

2005-02-03 Thread Jeff Shannon
Alan Gauld wrote:

However, Python doesn't need lambdas to be able to write in a
functional style.
I disagree Jeff. It does need lambdas to do FP properly, and
better lambdas than we have currently. What it doesn't need
is the lambda keyword and syntax - although pesonally I like
lambda since it is descriptive!
Well, we'll have to continue to disagree on that. ;)  Personally, I 
can't help but think that 'lambda' is descriptive only to people 
who've experienced it elsewhere, and that that does *not* include the 
majority of the programming community, but I could be mistaken. :)

Functions are first-class objects and can be passed
around quite easily,
Yes, but lambdas are more than first class functions, they
are anonymous functions! In fact really just callable code
blocks, not necessarily functions in the strictest sense
(except that every callable in FP is a function...! ;-)
Well, given that in Python a function is just a callable code block 
that's bound to a name... ;)  Personally, I fail to see why having an 
anonymous function is such a huge conceptual advantage, no matter how 
many times this is proclaimed as truth by lambda-users, but again this 
is just my own impression.

Having to define every function before using it would
be a big hassle and make code less readable IMHO.
Here, ISTM that you're emphasizing the in-line nature of lambdas as 
being their key usage point...  And personally, I prefer to have a 
glossary of terms rather than having to decipher jargon by context. ;)

only a few differences between lambdas and named functions in
  - Anonymous vs named
the key feature
Again, I fail to see why this is such an advantage -- I've seen 
assertions that it is, over and over again, but never any convincing 

  - Single expression vs suite of statements
A python restriction.
Well, I *did* specify that I was talking about 'in Python'... ;)

I'd also argue that the inline nature is the *true* differentiating
feature of lambdas -- the fact that they're anonymous is relatively
I agree, if I had an inline mechanism that forced me to
provide a name I could just use 'f' over and over and
not feel too cheated, but its nicer not to have an artificial
name when theres no need.
Personally, I prefer to have the opportunity to provide a meaningful 
name, and don't see where a generic name is any more restrictive than 
having no name, but again, maybe that's just me.

So, while there are some advantages to having single-use callables
be defined inline
The other advantage is the huge conceptial advantage that
real lambdas confer. The breakthrough idea of
def f(x): return x+x
being the same as
f = lambda x: x+x
is only possible to demonstrate if you have lambda to start with.
And yet that concept of a function name being just another variable
and the callable code being an object in its own right becomes
much more obvious in my opinion. lambda is a learning tool which
shows what is really happening whereas def is just syntactic sugar.
Hm, I understood the idea of functions being just code objects that 
were bound to a name, and could be passed around, stored in 
collections, and effectively renamed, well before I really got a hold 
on lambdas as anything more than some confusing bit of magic.  Of 
course, I started in C, where I was fairly comfortable with the idea 
of function pointers; function objects are a pretty simple step up, 
abstraction-wise, from that.

I suppose that one might argue that I *still* just don't really get 
lambdas (and I wouldn't argue with that).  I can see some advantages 
to small inline functions, though I suspect that a more-explicit 
currying mechanism (such as the proposed partial() higher-order 
function) could easily replace such uses.  I'm sorry to say, though, 
that the supposed advantages of anonymity come across as little more 
than handwaving assertions to me, no matter how sincerely they're 
intended.  (I've just started to read through SICP, to pick up some 
lisp/scheme, in hopes of understanding the appeal a bit better, so 
maybe there's hope for me yet. ;) )

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]

2005-02-03 Thread Jeff Shannon
Max Noel wrote:
On Feb 3, 2005, at 23:41, Jeff Shannon wrote:
(But then, at my job I'm stuck using a horrible Frankenstein's monster 
of a proprietary language on a daily basis, so I can't help but 
believe that there's plenty more awful languages around that didn't 
happen to be rescued from oblivion by an accident of history...)
Yeah. Sometimes I read a little bit of Wikipedia's Esoteric 
Programming Languages page, and some of them just leave me in awe. 
Brainfuck (and its variant Ook!) and INTERCAL (GOTO is considered 
harmful, so we removed it -- INTERCAL uses COME FROM instead) are 
already quite impressive, but the very idea of Befunge makes my brain 
want to explode. Especially that extension to the language that allows 
one to write N-dimensional programs. :D
The difference here is that those are languages that were *intended* 
to be brain-melting.  The language I'm talking about (Pick Proc, aka 
UHL) was intended to do real work with -- though at times I think it 
was designed by a brain-damaged lemur that was huffing paint fumes.

For example, every line (except flow-control statements i.e. 'if' and 
'go' (there's a few other exceptions as well, but anyhow...)) must 
begin with a single character that denotes what the line does - 'c' 
for comment, 'o' for output (print to terminal), 'h' to build a 
command, 'p' to execute that command... empty lines are forbidden. 
Note also that the position *after* the final newline character is 
considered a line, and therefore a file cannot end with a newline.

Especially when combined with several of the utilities that it's 
commonly used to script for, it begins to approach Perl in 
indecipherability, without even having the excuse of being largely 
non-alpha characters.

I'd consider writing a Python extension that would interact with the 
system such that I wouldn't need to use this awful little scripting 
language, but that would require more effort and thought than I'm 
willing to invest in learning the details of this system.

Jeff Shannon
Credit International
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Better structure?

2005-02-01 Thread Jeff Shannon
Jacob S. wrote:
So, how would one go about this in a non broken code way? Don't they 
have something like what I'm requesting.
No, but it's pretty easy to do:
def exact_lstrip(astring, stripstring):
if astring.startswith(stripstring):
astring = astring[len(stripstring):]
return astring

[...] Also why 
shouldn't string methods include stuff like lstrip which do precisely 
what I request?
Maybe it's because other people would have different expectations?
The current implementation of strip() (including lstrip() and 
rstrip()) seems to work well for the most common case, and I'm not 
sure that your expectation is necessarily more generally useful than 
the current behavior.  Especially given that your behavior is the one 
that's easier to hand-code if it's desired.

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Regular expression re.search() object . Please help

2005-01-13 Thread Jeff Shannon
Liam Clarke wrote:
for lineIndex in range(len(probe_pairs)):
   if probe_pairs[lineIndex].startswith(Name=):
If the intent is simply to remove all lines that begin with Name=, 
and setting those lines to an empty string is just shorthand for that, 
it'd make more sense to do this with a filtering list comprehension:

openfile = open(probe_pairs.txt,r)
probe_pairs = openfile.readlines()
probe_pairs = [line for line in probe_pairs \
  if not line.startswith('Name=')]
(The '\' line continuation isn't strictly necessary, because the open 
list-comp will do the same thing, but I'm including it for 
readability's sake.)

If one wants to avoid list comprehensions, you could instead do:
openfile = open(probe_pairs.txt,r)
probe_pairs = []
for line in openfile.readlines():
if not line.startswith('Name='):
Either way, lines that start with 'Name=' get thrown away, and all 
other lines get kept.

Jeff Shannon
Credit International
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Re: communication between java and python?

2005-01-13 Thread Jeff Shannon
Lee Harr wrote:
I'm trying to communicate between Python and Java and using
os.popen(). But thing dont work...The Java program reads strings from
stdin and the python program just writes to stdout.

popen(command[, mode[, bufsize]])
Open a pipe to or from command. The return value is an open file
object connected to the pipe, which can be read or written
depending on whether mode is 'r' (default) or 'w'.

So, I do not believe that you can both write to and read from
a file handle opened with popen.
Not only that, but access to the file-like pipe objects is probably 
buffered.  You'll want to call pipe.flush() after writing to it, or 
the child process won't actually see what you've written.

Jeff Shannon
Credit International
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] My best GUI app so far.

2005-01-11 Thread Jeff Shannon
, there's nothing particularly special about lambdas -- you 
can create and pass around regular named functions, too.  Each time 
that make_adddigit_callback() is called, it creates and returns a new 
function object which captures the current value of 'digit', in 
exactly the same way that lambda does.  A function object (whether 
named with def, or lambda) like this, which captures a variable's 
current state, is called a closure.  Closures are indispensible for 
GUI callbacks like this, and many people automatically turn to lambda 
when they want a closure.  For me, though, having a proper def 
statement somewhere feels clearer.  (The merits of lambda vs. def'd 
functions are a frequent subject of heated debate on comp.lang.python, 
so if you prefer to stick with the lambdas in this case, I'm sure 
you'd be able to find plenty of people to support you... ;) )

Jeff Shannon
Credit International
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] About Perl's Integer module

2004-12-17 Thread Jeff Shannon
. complex2('site2.company.com')
. complex2('www.python.org')
This uses the md5 module to generate a 'fingerprint' for each domain 
name.  It gets that fingerprint as a long hexadecimal number, and then 
slices off the first few characters to make the directory names.  Now, 
this method is going to be heavily weighted towards numbers instead of 
letters, and it can create a maximum of 16^4 (65,536) different 
directories instead of 64^4 (16,777,216), so you're somewhat more 
likely to have collisions (multiple sites in a single directory), but 
it's still not very likely.  (That chance can be reduced by using 
longer names, too.  Using three-character directory names gives 16^6 
possibilities -- which is equal to 64^4, the same as your perl script.)

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Tutor maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Tutor] check_range

2004-12-14 Thread Jeff Shannon
Jeff Shannon wrote:
if myrange in range(10,90):  # in is the key word here
return True
return False

This is, however, the correct solution. :)  
Or I *should* say, rather, that this is *a* correct solution, in that 
it will yield the expected answer.  Kent Johnson's '10  x  90' is a 
better solution, however -- 'if x in range(...)' creates a list of 
numbers, and then steps through that list comparing x to each one in 
turn, while Kent's version makes only two comparisons and no object 
creations.  While one should never prematurely optimize, it's also 
good to be aware of how much work is done by different options, and in 
this case 'if x in range()' isn't any clearer than the direct 
comparisons.  I'd think nothing of the extra cost of using range() if 
it *did* make the code easier to read, but there's no sense in going 
to extra work for no benefit.  :)

Jeff Shannon
Credit International
Tutor maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Tutor] Please help matching elements from two lists and printing them

2004-12-09 Thread Jeff Shannon
kumar s wrote:
On top of this this process is VERY SLOW on high end
server too. 
That's because, for each line in spot_cor, you're examining every item 
in spot_int, and if there's a match, you examine every element in 
spot_int again!  If I'm remembering my big-O notation correctly, that 
makes this O(n*m + m) -- even if it simplifies to O(n*m) (which I 
think it may), that's still quadratic time -- as the length of your 
lists grows, your performance will degrade *very* rapidly.

Here's a simplified version of your code.  I've changed the for loops 
so that they iterate over the lists directly, instead of iterating 
over a range and then using that number to index into the list -- the 
result is the same, but this way is less extra work and easier to read.

out = open('sa_int_2.txt','w')
for cor_ele in spot_cor:
for int_ele in spot_int:
cols = split(int_ele, '\t')
y = cols[0] + '\t' + cols[1]
if x == y:
for int_ele2 in spot_int:
if y in int_ele2:
out.write(int_ele2 + '\n')
Remember, every time you use 'in', it means traversing the entire 
list.  Multiple levels of nesting statements that use 'in' causes a 
polynomial expansion of work.

Now, here's how I'd rewrite your code.
out = open('sa_int_2.txt','w')
element_dict = {}
for line in spot_int:
cols = split(line,'\t')
key = '\t'.join(cols[:2])
element_dict[key] = line
for cor in spot_cor:
value = element_dict[cor]
out.write(value + '\n')
except KeyError:
Note that I iterate through each list only once, so my timing should 
be O(n + m).  First, I preprocess spot_int by putting it into a 
dictionary.  I create keys for the dictionary that are identical to 
what will be in spot_cor.  Then I iterate through spot_cor, and match 
each element with what's in the dictionary I've made.  If I find 
something that matches, I write it out; if I don't, then I simply move 
on to the next item in spot_cor.

This does make several assumptions.  First, it assumes that every line 
in spot_int will be unique in the first two columns -- that is, I'm 
assuming that nowhere in the file would you find lines like the following:

 5 0 123
 5 0 456
If these cases *do* happen, then all but the last such line would be 
lost, and only the last one would be left in the dictionary (and thus 
found and written out).  In your version, all lines whose first two 
columns match will be written out.  (This may be the source of your 
extra results.)

If you *do* need to handle lines like this, then it wouldn't be hard 
to modify my code for it.  Each value in the dictionary would become a 
list, and matching lines are appended to that list.  The line 
'element_dict[key] = line' becomes 'element_dict.setdefault(key, 
[]).append(line)', and writing to the file becomes a for-loop instead 
of a single write.

The other assumption that I make is that these files are all of 
reasonable size to fit into memory.  Your code makes this same 
assumption, too, of course.  This assumption should be valid for up to 
a few tens of thousands (maybe even hundreds of thousands, depending 
on your hardware) of items.  If you have more than this, then your 
best bet would be to start using a real database.  (I've heard good 
things about mysql and sqlite support in Python...)

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Tutor maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Tutor] MemoryError

2004-12-09 Thread Jeff Shannon
Liam Clarke wrote:
So, I'm going to throw caution to the wind, and try an re approach. It
can't be any more unwieldy and ugly than what I've got going at the
If you're going to try a new approach, I'd strongly suggest using a 
proper html/xml parser instead of re's.  You'll almost certainly have 
an easier time using a tool that's designed for your specific problem 
domain than you will trying to force a more general tool to work. 
Since you're specifically trying to find (and replace) certain html 
tags and attributes, and that's exactly what html parsers *do*, well, 
the conclusions seems obvious (to me at least). ;)

There are lots of html parsing tools available in Python (though I've 
never needed one myself). I've heard lots of good things about 

Jeff Shannon
Credit International
Tutor maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Tutor] Difference between for i in range(len(object)) and for i in object

2004-12-09 Thread Jeff Shannon
kumar s wrote:
  Here is my code:

Create an empty list...
for m in cor:
Now, for each element in some other list from somewhere else,
... cols = split(cor,'\t')
Ignore the element we've just isolated and try to split the entire 
list on '\t' ...

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 2, in ?
  File /usr/local/lib/python2.3/string.py, line 121,
in split
return s.split(sep, maxsplit)
AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'split'
Yup, the list 'cor' doesn't have a split() method.  The string that 
presumably should be in 'm' would have such a method, though.

Here is 2nd way:

for m in cor:
... cols = split(cor,'\t')
Once again, you're operating on the list, not the element of the list.
Here is my 3rd way of doing this thing:
for m in range(len(cor)):
... cols = split(cor[m],'\t')
Here, you *are* operating on an element of the list.  But if I were to 
write this segment to be parallel to your previous two attempts, it 
would be:

cols = split(cor[cor],'\t')
which probably wouldn't surprise you when it doesn't work...

My question:
 Many people suggested me to avoid  iteration over  a
object using (range(len)) its index and use instead
'Python's power' by using for i in object, instead. 

However, when I tried that using some data, as
demonstrated above, I get error because append method
does not work on list.
No -- look carefully at the tracebacks, and you'll see that nowhere 
does it complain about append(), nor does it give the line numbers in 
which the append() takes place.  It complains about split(), and tells 
you exactly which line the problem is on ('File stdin, line 2, in 
?' -- since you're doing this in an interpreter, there's no filename 
or function name).

Jeff Shannon
Credit International
Tutor maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]