Re: [Tutor] How do I add an argument too...

2005-07-18 Thread Jeffrey Maitland
Well I use the getopt module.

so in my it would be something like.

import getopt

   opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], U:u:P:p:H:h:?,
[Username=, username=, Password=, password=, Help=,help=])
except getopt.GetoptError:
print :nothing specila just an error

for o, a in opts:
   if o in (-U, -u,  --Username, --username): username = a
   if o in (-P, -p, --Password, --password): password = a
   if o in (-H, -h,--Help, --help,?): print foo help

Hope the example helps. 

Tutor maillist  -

[Tutor] Re: Defining a function (Joseph Q.)

2005-04-12 Thread Jeffrey Maitland
Brian van den Broek writes: 

Joseph Quigley said unto the world upon 2005-04-11 20:23:
Well, now I've learned what def is good for. But what could I put in the 
parenthesis of  def foo():?
Of course self is always available, but what would maybe def 
foo(number1): do? An error right? So I now repeat my self, what else 
besides self could I put in there? 

Hi Joseph, 

as Liam explained, you put the arguments (if any) to the function in
the parenthesis. 

But, I want to address the bit where you said Of course self is
always available. *Any* valid Python identifier (or name) can be used
(is always available): 

def silly(a_name_I_picked_at_random):   # well, not quite
... print a_name_I_picked_at_random # at random ;-)

The name a_name_I_picked_at_random is like a placeholder inside the
function for whatever input we gave to the function. And *that* can be
any object: 

function silly at 0x01298070

Some functions require certain sorts of inputs in virtue of what they
try to do with them, but we can still pass any sort of object in.  For
instance, Liam had: 

def foo(a, b):
... 	return a + b

Now, try this: 

foo(42, '42')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File interactive input, line 1, in ?
  File interactive input, line 2, in foo
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str'

That's not a problem with Liam's function; it's a problem that I
caused by sending it inappropriate inputs. 

At any rate, you are correct that you can always name an argument
self. But self is, by *very* strong convention, used only within
classes.  Simplifying[*] a bit, a method is a function defined
internal to a class. If you define a method in a class, you call the
first argument of the method definition self, and it is
automatically interpreted as a reference to the `active' instance of
the class on which the method is called. 

So, don't use self outside of method definitions. You can (we are
all adults here), but doing so will only confuse things given the
strength of the convention. 

[*] The simplification comes in that not all methods in a class need
to be bound to an instance, so not all methods employ self. But, my
guess is that is something you shouldn't be worrying about just yet. 


Brian vdB 

Tutor maillist  -
Brian is correct. 

Also I would like to point out that
def foo(*args): #this allows for any number of arguments to be passed.
The *args is powerful when used correctly. *args is a list of any length of 
arguments being passed to the function and/or class, and the arguments 
passed can be any type/object you want to pass . 

So you might do something like.
def foo(*args):
 print len(args)
# this prints the length of the list of the arguements passed 

# so using that function you would see something like. in the example I only 
used basic types but you can pass objects as well.
foo(1, 2, 3, cat, mouse, ['bee', 'honey', 'stinger'])

Notice that the length that is returned is only 6 but there are 8 items so 
it appears to have been passed to the function.   In actuallity it is only 6 
items.  There is 3 integers, then 2 strings, then 1 list that is 3 items 
long. Thus the length of the list args is 6 items long. I wouldn't recomend 
passing mixed types like this to a function using args because it can get 
very confusing. I hope this helps you out and doesn't confuse you. I know 
from first hand experience the first time I saw the *args in some code I was 

If you know the type of variables that are to be passed to the function and 
the number of them then it is easier to specify them, and use names. such 

def bar(num1, num2): #this is not catching invalid data types and such.
 return num1 + num2 #returns the sum of num1 + num2 

bar(1, 2)

Also if you want to have default values passed incase the call is issued 
without any arguments passed.
#This will take 2 arguments and add them together and return the sum
# but the default values will fill in the remaining (missing) arguments.
def my_foo(num1 = 0.0, num2 = 1.0):
 return num1 + num2 

my_foo(2, 2)

The reason that my_foo() returns 1.0 is that no arguments were given so the 
default values were used and the 2nd argument default value is 1.0 and was 
added to the 1st argument's default value of 0.0. Thus 0.0 + 1.0 

The reason that in the my_foo(6.7) example 7.7 is returned is that the 
default value of the 2nd argument is used since no 2nd argument was given 
was given. so it was 6.7 + 1.0 

And Finally both arguments were specified my_foo(2, 2) the function takes 
both values and adds them giving you 4. 

I hope this helps, and does not make any more confusing. I try to be consise 
when giving information however I like to be thorough in my explanations. 


[Tutor] Re: New to programming question

2005-04-12 Thread Jeffrey Maitland
Ben Markwell writes: 

This is an exercise from How to think like a Computer Scientist. 

The following example shows how to use concatenation and a for loop to 
generate an abecedarian series. Abecedarian refers to a series or list in 
which the elements appear in alphabetical order. For example, in Robert 
McCloskey's book *Make Way for Ducklings*, the names of the ducklings are 
Jack, Kack, Lack, Mack, Nack, Ouack, Pack, and Quack. This loop outputs 
these names in order:  

prefixes = JKLMNOPQ 
suffix = ack  

for letter in prefixes: 
print letter + suffix  

The output of this program is:  


Of course, that's not quite right because Ouack and Quack are 

*As an exercise, modify the program to fix this error.

In trying to solve the problem I have come up with the following:
prefixes = 'JKLMNOPQ'
suffix = 'ack'
xsuffix = 'uack' 

for letter in prefixes:
n = 0
if prefixes[n] == 'O' or 'Q':
print prefixes[n] + xsuffix
print letter + suffix
--- I know it doesn't work, but want to know if I am on the right track. And 
what is the solution?
Well you did come up with a way that would work sort of and you seem to be 
ont eh right track. I would make 1 small change if using your approach. 

prefixes = 'JKLMNOPQ'
suffix = 'ack' 

for letter in prefixes:
 if letter == 'O' or letter == 'Q': print letter + 'u' + suffix
 else: print letter + suffix 

However there are other methodes to solve this problem but following the 
logic you are using this works. 


Tutor maillist  -

[Tutor] Re: Recursive list checking

2005-04-08 Thread Jeffrey Maitland
joe_schmoe writes: 

Dear Pythonites 

I am looking for a more elegant solution to a piece of code that is too 
unwieldy and reptitive. The purpose of the code is for a new addition to a 
list to check whether it is a duplicate of a list element already a member 
of that list, and if so to regenerate itself randomly and to perform the 
same check again until such time as it is unique.
For example, this is what I am currently doing: 

=code block  

   # generate unique numbers and append to list
   nmbr01 = random.randrange( 1, 20 )
   nmbr_list.append( nmbr01 ) 

   nmbr02 = random.randrange( 1, 20 )
   # check for duplicates and re-generate a number if needed
   while nmbr02 in nmbr_list:
   nmbr02 = random.randrange( 1, 20 )
   nmbr_list.append( nmbr02 ) 

   nmbr03 = random.randrange( 1, 20 )
   while nmbr03 in nmbr_list:
   nmbr03 = random.randrange( 1, 20 )
   nmbr.append( nmbr03 ) 


This method works, but increasing the numbers to be appended makes the 
code excessively long. I can't see anything in list methods that seems to 
do the trick, so anybody want to make a suggestion please? 

Tutor maillist  -
Well I would start by doing something like. 

nmbr_list = []
value = int(raw_input(Input the number of items you wish to generate)) 

for i in range(value):
 if i == 0:
   nmbr = random.randrange( 1, 20 )
   nmbr_list.append( nmbr01 )
nmbr = random.randrange( 1, 20 )
# check for duplicates and re-generate a number if needed
while nmbr in nmbr_list:
   nmbr = random.randrange( 1, 20 )
nmbr_list.append( nmbr ) 

I hope that helps. or gives you an idea.

Tutor maillist  -

[Tutor] Re: Recursive list checking

2005-04-08 Thread Jeffrey Maitland
Jeffrey Maitland writes: 

joe_schmoe writes:  

Dear Pythonites  

I am looking for a more elegant solution to a piece of code that is too 
unwieldy and reptitive. The purpose of the code is for a new addition to 
a list to check whether it is a duplicate of a list element already a 
member of that list, and if so to regenerate itself randomly and to 
perform the same check again until such time as it is unique.
For example, this is what I am currently doing:  

=code block   

   # generate unique numbers and append to list
   nmbr01 = random.randrange( 1, 20 )
   nmbr_list.append( nmbr01 )  

   nmbr02 = random.randrange( 1, 20 )
   # check for duplicates and re-generate a number if needed
   while nmbr02 in nmbr_list:
   nmbr02 = random.randrange( 1, 20 )
   nmbr_list.append( nmbr02 )  

   nmbr03 = random.randrange( 1, 20 )
   while nmbr03 in nmbr_list:
   nmbr03 = random.randrange( 1, 20 )
   nmbr.append( nmbr03 )  


This method works, but increasing the numbers to be appended makes the 
code excessively long. I can't see anything in list methods that seems to 
do the trick, so anybody want to make a suggestion please?  

Tutor maillist  -
Well I would start by doing something like.  

nmbr_list = []
value = int(raw_input(Input the number of items you wish to generate))  

for i in range(value):
 if i == 0:
   nmbr = random.randrange( 1, 20 )
   nmbr_list.append( nmbr01 )
nmbr = random.randrange( 1, 20 )
# check for duplicates and re-generate a number if needed
while nmbr in nmbr_list:
   nmbr = random.randrange( 1, 20 )
nmbr_list.append( nmbr )  

I hope that helps. or gives you an idea.

Tutor maillist  -
Err just noted that I screwed up on my idea.. here.. is a better party same 
idea edited some. 

nmbr_list = []
value = int(raw_input(Input the number of items you wish to generate)) 

# so this loops the value specified times, as this will add that number to 
list too.  so a range of 1 - 20 in random order if 20 is the sepcified 
for i in range(value):
if i == 0:
 nmbr = random.randrange( 1, value )
 nmbr_list.append( nmbr )
  nmbr = random.randrange( 1, value )
  # check for duplicates and re-generate a number if needed
  while nmbr in nmbr_list:
 nmbr = random.randrange( 1, value )
  nmbr_list.append( nmbr ) 


also feel free to ask me more speicifc questions via email if you think they 
won't help the cominity at all. 

Tutor maillist  -

[Tutor] Might be a silly question!

2005-02-11 Thread Jeffrey Maitland
Hello all, 

I am drawing a blank right now and can't seem to find anything on it and I 
am sure this issue has been addressed before, so here is the question. 

Can and if you can how do you set a variable as a constant? 

Example of what I mean: (this is loose and not python since variable type 
declaration is not needed in python) 

CONST int gamma = 5 

This would mean in my little mind that the variable gamma which is an 
integer of 5 can not be changed in the code and would throw an error if you 
tried. Just wondering if there is a way of doing this in Python.  This is 
just to clear this up in my mind it means nothing to my code since the way I 
write variable names any variable I want to remain unchanged I use caps to 
help distinguish easily. 



They say the quickest way between to 2 points is a straight line, however 
where is the fun in that?
Tutor maillist  -