[Tutor] Pickling files in Python

2011-11-19 Thread Joe Batt

Hi all
 I am new to programming and on a very steep curve. I am using Python 3 to 
learn and I am having trouble understanding exactly what pickling is. I have 
written a program that asks for a URL and then writes the source code from the 
URL to a file, then pickles the file I just created. I am not sure why I pickle 
something as opposed to just saving it as a normal file?
I saved the url source code file as a .txt and also the pickled file as .txt. I 
am not sure of the filetype I should save a pickled file as.When I look at the 
files (the saved source file and the pickled file) they look the same. I am 
viewing them in notepad on the Mac.
Many thanksJoe
  Pickle an 
object- Puzzle 5 #  Joe Batt 18 Nov 2011 - 
import pickleimport urllib
def geturlfile(urlfile):#gets the user URL from main opens it and saves it to 
var fileurlfrom urllib.request import urlopen
fileurl=urlopen(urlfile)#opens the file on computer and writes the var fileurl 
to ithtml_file=open('///Users/joebatt/Desktop/python/puzzle5.txt','w')
for line in fileurl.readlines():linestring=line.decode(utf-8) 
#ensures written in string not bytehtml_file.write(linestring)
html_file.close() #closes the puzzle file#just prints file to check its correct 
filecontents=html_file.read()html_file.close()print (filecontents)
print (type(filecontents))
#pickles the file filecontents containing the url file
pickle.dump(filecontents,pickledfile)pickledfile.close()   return ()

# Main programurlfile=input('Please input the URL ')geturlfile(urlfile) 
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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[Tutor] Further pickle problem :0(

2011-11-19 Thread Joe Batt

Hi all again
Thank you to those that have helped me previously with this problem it is 
Thanks to Walter I have actually found the pickle file that I am trying to 
restore to a variable however I am getting the following error
Traceback (most recent call last):  File 
/Users/joebatt/Desktop/python/pickling puzzle 5.py, line 39, in module
a=pickle.load(file)  File 
 line 26, in decodereturn codecs.ascii_decode(input, 
self.errors)[0]UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xd1 in 
position 8: ordinal not in range(128)
The simple program I am using to 'depickle' is
I am using Python 3 and working through the Python Challenges on 
www.pythonchallenge.com, the site is a few years old and I was thinking that 
possibly it is based around Python 2.x ??? If thats the case is the error due 
to me using 3 as opposed to 2.x
Many thanksJoe___
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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[Tutor] Stacks and Stack underflow/Stack overflow

2011-11-19 Thread Joe Batt

Hi All 
Could some kind soul please explain why you get a stack underflow and a stack 
I am getting the following error in Python 3
Traceback (most recent call last):  File 
/Users/joebatt/Desktop/python/pickling puzzle 5.py, line 39, in module
a=pickle.load(file)_pickle.UnpicklingError: unpickling stack underflow
when I am running the following
Now I am very much a learner so please correct and explain my misunderstanding. 
I am visualising my program as taking the 'banner.p.webarchive' and and pushing 
it onto the stack byte by byte until it reaches the end of the file i.e. A B C 
--- push C then B then A 
A B C ---  A   B   C
Then the program pops the stack C does what it needs to do to unpickle it then 
pops B does what it needs to unpickle then A.
My understanding is that the stack underflow means that it is trying to pop 
from the top of the stack and there is nothing to pop i.e. it is empty. Why 
though if the stack has been loaded with the file 'banner.p' in my program does 
it say there is nothing to pop and thus a stack underflow?
Also my understanding of the stack overflow is that the stack itself is a 
finite size and when it has tried to push the file to the stack it didn't fit 
because it was too big, i.e. in my example if the stack was only big enough for 
2 letters and I tried to push ABC it would give a stack overflow because I was 
trying to push 3. How would I deal with this? Can I make the stack bigger or a 
way to just push A B pop AB then push C and pop it.
Thank you guys Im sorry for probably what are very silly basic questions.
Joe   ___
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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[Tutor] In a pickle over pickles….Python 3

2011-11-18 Thread Joe Batt

Hi All,Sorry to trouble you all again with more nooby problems! Only been 
programming a week so still all a haze especially since self taught…..
I am opening a url and saving it to a file on my computer, then I am trying to 
pickle it. I have written the url file to a file on my computer then opened it 
and assigned the contents to a var 'filecontents' and tried to pickle it it is 
giving the error:
Traceback (most recent call last):  File 
/Users/joebatt/Desktop/python/pickling puzzle 5.py, line 39, in module
geturlfile(urlfile)  File /Users/joebatt/Desktop/python/pickling puzzle 5.py, 
line 28, in geturlfilepickle.dump(filecontents,pickledfile)TypeError: must 
be str, not bytes
Yet I tested the variable filecontents using   print (type(file contents))  and 
it is saying that it is a str yet the error seems to indicate it is a byte, can 
anyone point me in the right direction please?
(I know my coding is very untidy and verbose, sorry I am very new and at the 
moment I have to think in baby steps with little knowledge!)
  Pickle an 
object- ###
import pickleimport urllib
def geturlfile(urlfile):#gets the user URL from main opens it and saves it to 
var fileurlfrom urllib.request import urlopen
fileurl=urlopen(urlfile)#opens the file on computer and writes the var fileurl 
to ithtml_file=open('///Users/joebatt/Desktop/python/puzzle5.txt','w')
for line in fileurl.readlines():linestring=line.decode(utf-8) 
#ensures written in string not bytehtml_file.write(linestring)
html_file.close() #closes the puzzle file#just prints file to check its correct 
filecontents=html_file.read()html_file.close()print (filecontents)
print (type(filecontents))
#pickles the file filecontents containing the url file
return ()

# Main programurlfile=input('Please input the URL ')geturlfile(urlfile) 
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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[Tutor] Printing with no newline :(

2011-11-06 Thread Joe Batt

I am learning Python 3 and programming and am very new so please bear with me…
I am writing a program to pull out specific characters in a sequence and then 
print then out. So far so good however when the characters are printed out they 
pint on separate lines as opposed to what I want, all on the same line. I have 
tried \n and just ,  in the pint statement i.e. print(letterGroup[4],) and 
print(letterGroup[4]\n) and even print(letterGroup[4],/n)……..
Can anyone help and explain please….Thank you
for line in file:m = re.search(regexp, line)if m:

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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[Tutor] Help with re in Python 3

2011-11-04 Thread Joe Batt

Hi all,Still trying with Python and programming in general…. 
I am trying to get a grip with re. I am writing a program to open a text file 
and scan it for exactly 3 uppercase letters in a row followed by a lowercase 
followed by exactly 3 uppercase letters. ( i.e.  oooXXXoXXXooo )If possible 
could you explain why I am getting EOL while scanning string literal when I 
try running the following program in Python 3.
My program:
  file=('///Users/joebatt/Desktop/python3.txt','r')for line in 
file.readlines():if regexp.search(line):print(Found value 3 caps 
followed by lower case followed by 3 caps)file.close()
If possible could you explain why I am getting EOL while scanning string 
literal when I try running my program in Python 3.
Thanks for your help

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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[Tutor] A total newbie…sorry

2011-10-27 Thread Joe Batt

I am just starting to try to learn Python on IDLE on a Mac running Python 3.2.2 
(v3.2.2:137e45f15c0b, Sep  3 2011, 17:28:59) and I have come unstuck at the 
very beginning I tried
 print HelloSyntaxError: invalid syntax print 'Hello'SyntaxError: 
 invalid syntax print HelloSyntaxError: invalid syntax 
And as you can see its just saying invalid syntax yet if I run Python in the 
terminal using the same syntax it works
Python 2.7.1 (r271:86832, Jun 16 2011, 16:59:05) [GCC 4.2.1 (Based on Apple 
Inc. build 5658) (LLVM build 2335.15.00)] on darwinType help, copyright, 
credits or license for more information. print HelloHello 
I can see its a different version but what is the problem?
Many thanks and sorry for the VERY basic question :(
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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