[Tutor] Starting over with Python

2006-12-13 Thread John Carmona
After quite a while away from Python, I have decided to re-study Python. I 
am interested to learn Python to support my love for Cryptography. I have a 
first very easy question (did some search on Google but could not find 
anything helpful). I realise that this is very basic so be gentle with me.

If i insert the following script:

odd =1
while odd =100:
if (odd%2)==1:
print odd
odd = odd + 1
I get a list of the odd numbers from 1 to 99. But now if I wanted to add 
those number together (i.e. 1 + 3 +5 + 7 etc.), what line of coding should I 
include? I have tried to add odd + odd but it did not work. In advance 

If anyone could direct me to some site where python is associated with 
Cryptography I would be very grateful. Many thanks

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Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] (no subject). Ord and Chr query

2005-05-28 Thread John Carmona
Hi Ben, you wrote

--- John Carmona [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Ben I could not get your script working


You were right, it is working now, thanks

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] (no subject). Ord and Chr query

2005-05-27 Thread John Carmona
To all that have answered, many thanks. I will check the tutorials that have 
been pointed out to me. I have also got the Dive into Python printed and I 
will start reading that one too pretty soon.
I am off on holiday starting Tuesday so I won't have the time to study too 
much in the next couple of days (maybe at work if it is quiet...).
Speak to you soon guys and thanks again

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] (no subject). Ord and Chr query

2005-05-26 Thread John Carmona
Pujo, Alan, John and Ben, thanks for the input.

Sorry I should have been clearer with the query perhaps.
Alan I am just going through the book Learning Python written by Lutz and 
Ascher, and this is part of one exercise. I am still having problem in 
putting my head around in writting even very simple script. I can see the 
whole picture but have enormous problem in putting it down to paper (or 
screen). Once I see the solution I can really understand. I am actually 
archiving everything that I am learning. Problem is I am not a programmer, I 
don't use Python on a regular/daily basis so of course it seems that the 
learing curve is very steep but I am really enjoying it.

Pujo you were spot on again, thanks. Ben I could not get your script working 
I am probably screwing up somewhere.

John can you see now the reason why I was asking those questions, sorry for 
not being clearer (i have even forgoten to put a line on the subject...

See you soon

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] read() question

2005-05-11 Thread John Carmona
MyText = open('The_text.txt','r').read()

In the above line could someone tell me what the 'r' stand for. Many thanks


Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] need a example of translate or maketrans

2005-05-10 Thread John Carmona
Terry, thanks very much that was very helpful right at this moment :)

This is what beginners like me needs small example that explain very well 
how to use some of the functions. I found sometimes that the explanation on 
the book or the documentation going over my head because they don't show a 
concrete example. Thanks again


Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Python Challenge - Riddle 2

2005-05-10 Thread John Carmona
Hey Liam thanks again for the hint. I have finally managed to use the 
???trans function. But now apply it to the URL, I am lost again. (I did 
apply it to the URL-twice) but nope, nothing is happening. One more hint if 

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Python Challenge - Riddle 2

2005-05-10 Thread John Carmona
This is what I did. I have tried the whole field, part of the URL (after the 
.com), etc.. I Just get the old 404 not found message.


Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Python Challenge - Riddle 2

2005-05-10 Thread John Carmona
copied the URL, paste it in my script in Python and run it (once) did not 
get nowhere, then did it a second time, and again did not get nowhere.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Python Challenge - Riddle 2

2005-05-10 Thread John Carmona
To all thanks I have got it now!!!


Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] Python Challenge - Riddle 2

2005-05-09 Thread John Carmona
OK I am stuck on this one. I see what I need to do (correct me if I am 
wrong). But I need to write a script that will replace each letter by 
another one (In this case a -- c etc.). I look at String, List and 
Dictionary. I thought I could use the text.replace option but I am not sure. 
Anybody to put me in the right track.

Also how can I add my work email address (but keeping this one) to have the 
mail forwarded to me, they have cut access to my hotmail at work and I am 
wasting too much time in waiting to go home to check my emails from 

Many thanks

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Python Challenge - Riddle 2

2005-05-09 Thread John Carmona
Thanks Liam, I will start checking this afternoon.


Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] python challenges

2005-05-07 Thread John Carmona
Hi to everybody reading this thread, can anybody point me to the URL where I 
can find these challenges. Many thanks


Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Re Help with this script

2005-04-29 Thread John Carmona
Hi Alan, I did not receive personally your last email but I have read it on 
the forum.

OK i understand now what you were talking about, sorry it took such a long 
time for me to see the solution, the good thing about it is that I am 
learning tons.

I will probably post soon again once I hit a wall on my next exercise. 
Thanks a million for your help (also Kent and John - I will try to rewrite 
your poem/exercise once I get a minute, thanks)

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Re Help with this script

2005-04-27 Thread John Carmona
OK Alan, I thing I have seen the light!!. Here is the script that Kent and 
you asked me to look at modified:

def print_options():
  print --
  print Options:
  print a. print options
  print f. quit the programme
  print --
choice = 0
while choice != 'f':
   choice = raw_input(Choose an option: )
   if choice == 'a':
   print Here we go again
   if choice == 'f': break
Is it that if you use while 1: you create a recursive function? Hope I am 


OK the situation is that I haven't still found out what the answer
is, I
have noticed in the other hand that if I select the option a let's
say 4
times, I need to enter the option f 4 times. I am curious to know
what the
solution is. I have read your chapter on recursion but that did not
OK, basically the problem is that you have unintentionally created
a recursive function. Every time you call it you create a new copy
of the function. When you exit the function you wind up back in
the previous copy. So as many times as you call the function you
have to exit it the same number of times to get back to the top
of your program.
Have a think about it, and see if that makes sense.
Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Re Help with this script

2005-04-26 Thread John Carmona
Hi Alan, sorry for not replying sooner I am right in the middle of setting 
up a network at home. Thanks for your email.

OK the situation is that I haven't still found out what the answer is, I 
have noticed in the other hand that if I select the option a let's say 4 
times, I need to enter the option f 4 times. I am curious to know what the 
solution is. I have read your chapter on recursion but that did not clear 

As soon as i get a minute I will look again.
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Re Help with this script

2005-04-25 Thread John Carmona
Thanks Kent, as far as I can see I get the same problem that on my script, i 
need to enter f 3 to 4 times before I exit the programme. Hmmm, why, I 
can't see it really, i thought that the fact to have the break command 
would terminate the script straight away. If I enter f first then the 
programme ends.  What am i missing?

John Carmona wrote:
	 	Thanks for the help Kent, Noel and Alan. Here is my final script (it 
seems to be working ok but sometimes if I select quit the programme, I 
need to enter that option 2 or 3 times before it works, is this a bug

Try this program. Choose option a a few times, then choose f enough times to 
exit. See if you can figure out what is going on.

def print_options():
  print --
  print Options:
  print a. print options
  print f. quit the programme
  print --
  while 1:
  choice = raw_input(Choose an option: )
  if choice == 'a':
  print 'About to call print_options'
  print 'Finished calling print_options'
  if choice == 'f': break
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Re Help with this script

2005-04-24 Thread John Carmona
Thanks for the help Kent, Noel and Alan. Here is my final script (it seems 
to be working ok but sometimes if I select quit the programme, I need to 
enter that option 2 or 3 times before it works, is this a bug (I am running 
Win XP), please feel free to comment if you thing that something could be 
improved. Time to do the next exercise.

#By J Carmona
#Programme that compute volumes or surfaces
##First menu is for the calculation of area
##Second menu is for the calculation of volume
##First ask the user what he wants to do
running = True
def area_rect():
   length = input(Length: )
   width = input (Width: )
   print The area is: ,length*width
def area_circ():
   radius = input(What is the radius?: )
   print The area is approximately: , 3.14159*(radius**2)
def area_squ():
   side = input (What is the length of one side?: )
   print The area is: , side*side
def area_tgle():
   base = input (What is the base of the triangle?: )
   heigth = input (What is the heigth of the triangle?: )
   print The area is: ,base*heigth/2
def vol_sph():
   radius = input(What is the radius?: )
   print The volume is: , (4*3.14159*radius**3)/3
def vol_cube():
   side = input(Side: )
   print The volume is: ,side**3
def vol_box():
   width = input (What is the width of the box?: )
   length = input (What is the length of the box?: )
   depth = input (What is the depth of the box?: )
   print The volume is: , width*length*depth
def vol_cone():
   radius = input (What is the radiux of the base of the cone?: )
   heigth = input (What is the heigth of the cone?: )
   print The volume is: , 0.*3.144159*(radius**2)*heigth
def task_options():
   print ---
   print Options:
   print a. Print options: 
   print b. Do you want to calculate areas?: 
   print c. Do you want to calculate volumes?: 
   print d. Quit the programme
   print ---
   choice = raw_input(Choose an option: )
   if choice == 'a':
   print task_options()
   elif choice == 'b':
   print print_options()
   elif choice == 'c':
   print print_options_2()
   elif choice == 'd':
   running = False
def print_options():
   print --
   print Options:
   print a. print options
   print b. calculate circle area
   print c. calculate square area
   print d. calculate rectangle area
   print e. calculate triangle area
   print f. quit the programme
   print --
   while 1:
   choice = raw_input(Choose an option: )
   if choice == 'a':
   elif choice == 'b':
   elif choice == 'c':
   elif choice == 'd':
   elif choice == 'e':
   if choice == 'f': break
def print_options_2():
   print --
   print Options:
   print a. print options
   print b. calculate the volume of a sphere
   print c. calculate the volume of a cube
   print d. calculate the volume of a box
   print e. calculate the volume of a cone
   print f. quit the programme
   print --
   while 1:
   choice = raw_input(Choose an option: )
   if choice == 'a':
   elif choice == 'b':
   elif choice == 'c':
   elif choice == 'd':
   elif choice == 'e':
   elif choice == 'e':
   if choice == 'f': break
#Call starting menu

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] How can I suspend...

2005-04-09 Thread John Carmona
I am off to sunny Spain for the next 2 weeks and I would like to suspend the 
emailing from Python.tutor for that period. Could someone put me in the 
right direction on how to do that, thanks.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Re: Calendar question

2005-04-06 Thread John Carmona
Kristian you have said:
I can think of 2 ways to accomplish this.
1. Try to convert monthString to an int, use the lookup if that fails.
This might be a good way to learn try/except processing.
2. Just double-up your dictionary to include a second set of keys:
{'1':1, '2':2 ...}
and just use your existing lookup method, unmodified. You wouldn't
have to worry about string-int conversion after raw_input this way,
so it's cleaner to implement.
When you say to double-up the dictionary do you mean using the following 

Dict = [{1:1,2:4,etc.},
{3:9,4:16, etc}]
Thanks JC
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] Calendar question

2005-04-05 Thread John Carmona
I am back, thanks again all to help me sorting out the High_Low guessing 
game using time.

Can somebody put me on the right track for the following script. I know how 
to use the calendar.prcal command to print the 12 months of choosen year. 
But how do you use the prmonth command, if you, for example, want to write 
something asking you:

to enter a year (this I know)
to enter a month of that year
and print just the month
I look and some of the previous posts, search the net but could not find 
anything specific. Thanks

Also, I have been looking for some exercises to do using Python, obviously 
(and unfortunately) they need to be at a beginner level. Or better if anyone 
wants to send me one to do I would be very grateful

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Calendar question

2005-04-05 Thread John Carmona
Thanks Kristian, it works a treat. Now you have set me up with finding out 
how to use the months entered by name. If I am stuck I will post again.

Thanks very much
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Calendar question

2005-04-05 Thread John Carmona
Kristian you wrote:
This assumes all input as integers; if you want months entered by
name, you'll have to write a conversion routine (hint: use a dict).
I have been looking for a while about doing a conversion routine (using a 
dictionary??), are you saying that I should convert a string (January, 
February, etc.) into integers. Could you please give me some light (do not 
write the code please but just point me to the right direction if you can)

Many thanks
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] What is the best book to start? - Many Thanks!

2005-04-03 Thread John Carmona
Dear Hoffmann, I am also a Newbie and I am currently going through A Byte 
of Python tutorial from Swaroop C H.

If you are completely new to programming like me, you will find that this 
tutorial is excellent.
Good luck

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] I am puzzled - help needed

2005-03-31 Thread John Carmona
Alan and John thanks for the help. I have now this bit of script but it is 
not running.

from time import *
n = time()
s = str(n)
numb = s[-2:]   # last two characters of the string
numb = int(numb) # convert back to a number
guess = (raw_input('Enter a number: '))
if guess == numb:
   print (Bravo, you have just won the right to play again!)
elif guess  numb:
   print You are just a bit too low, try again
   print You are just a bit too high, try again
   print The End
If i write the following line:
n = time.time()
I get the following error message:
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File C:/Python24/Example/high_lowtest.py, line 3, in -toplevel-
   n = time.time()
AttributeError: 'builtin_function_or_method' object has no attribute 'time'

I feel like an idiot asking what is probably very basics questions but my 
desire to learn is quite high right now and I don't want to lose it, thanks 

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] Calendar module

2005-03-30 Thread John Carmona
Hi guys, I have typed this programme from the Josh Cogliati manual
import calendar
year = input(Type in the year number: )
I get this error message
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File C:/Python24/Example/cal.py, line 1, in -toplevel-
   import calendar
 File C:\Python24\Example\calendar.py, line 4, in -toplevel-
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'prcal'

And for some reason it does not work. I saved it as cal.py and it is running 
from the same folder that hold Python 2.4 (I run XP)

any reason why it is not working (I managed to make it work at my workplace 
by the way.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] I am puzzled - help needed

2005-03-30 Thread John Carmona
I am not sure that it is possible to ask that question please feel free to 
turn me down if it is going against the forum rules.

I have going through Josh Cogliati tutorial, I am stuck on one of the 
exercise. I need to rewrite the high_low.py program (see below) to use the 
last two digits of time at that moment to be the random number. This is 
using the import time module.

I just can't work out how to do that, I have been looking at it for the past 
2,5 hours but can't break it. Has anyone done it in order for me to study 

Many thanks in advance for any help
This is the original programme:
number = 78
guess = 0
while guess != number
   guess = input (Guess a number: )
   if guess  number:
   print Too high
   elif guess  number:
   print Too low
print just right
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] Defining functions

2005-03-24 Thread John Carmona
Hi there,
I have written (well almost as I copied some lines from an existing example) 
this little programme - part of an exercise.

#By J Carmona
#Programme that compute area for
#circle, square, rectangle
def area_rect():
   length = input(Length: )
   width = input (Width: )
   print The area is: ,length*width
def area_circ():
   radius = input(What is the radius?: )
   print The area is approximately: , 3.14159*(radius**2)
def area_squ():
   side = input (What is the length of one side?: )
   print The area is: , side*side
def print_options():
   print --
   print Options:
   print 1. print options
   print 2. calculate circle area
   print 3. calculate square area
   print 4. calculate rectangle area
   print 5. quit the programme
   print --
   choice = input(Choose an option: )
   if choice == 1:
   elif choice == 2:
   elif choice == 3:
   elif choice == 4:
   elif choice == 5:
#Call starting menu
If I try to change the 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 by a letter i.e. a, b, c, d, e the 
programme stop functionning. I get an error message saying that

Traceback (most recent call last):
 File C:/Python24/Example/area_cir_squ_regt.py, line 39, in -toplevel-
 File C:/Python24/Example/area_cir_squ_regt.py, line 27, in print_options
   choice = input(Choose an option: )
 File string, line 0, in -toplevel-
NameError: name 'c' is not defined
What am I missing? Thanks
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] I need some guidance

2005-03-23 Thread John Carmona
Hi to everyone first, this is my first posting and I hope that I won't make 
a mess.

I am 100% newbie (and when I mean newbie it is with a big N).
I decided to have a go at programming and after reading different articles I 
decided to have a go at Python (first because it is free, secondly because 
apparently it is easier than other languages). The reason for me to try to 
learn programming is that I have been involved with computer (graphic 
operator) but I have decided to modify my profesionnal path (risk of future 
redundancy) and want to equip myself better.

I have started by reading the excellent Non-ProgrammersTutorial For Python 
by Josh Cogliati. I like it a lot. My first problem is as I don't have any 
experience in programming I sometimes get a bit lost in the explanation 
(i.e. I am just learning about Defining Functions. It fascinates me, but it 
is taking me a long to get around it.

My first question is do i need to really understand everything first time I 
come across or does it get easier if you kind of move along and get back to 
it later?

Second question: As i am not, unfortunately, involved professionaly  in the 
field of programming is there a specific technique to learn other than just 
read everything I put my hand on?

Third question: Does anybody know if it is possible to get involved in this 
field in a non-lucrative kind of way in order to learn faster and of course 
to apply this science in a real world.

I guess it's enough question for now, sorry to bore you as you probably have 
seen this question over time.

I apologise for my English as it is not my first language and thank in 
advance anybody that will help me with my queries.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org