Re: [Tutor] Question about writing to Excel with slavic characters

2012-03-09 Thread Marko Limbek
Hi Walter

I understand, thank you. Maybe I am trying to do what is not meant to be done.
I tried as you suggested

mySavReaderObject = SavReader(savFileName)
mySavReaderObject.fh, mySavReaderObject.spssio)

but it won't work

  File C:\Dropbox\Exc_MarkoL_Zenel\Python\crosstabs\src\src\,
line 715, in module
mySavReaderObject.fh, mySavReaderObject.spssio)
AttributeError: 'SavReader' object has no attribute 'spssio'

So the methods must really be somewhat internal.

The information that I get in
numVars, nCases, varNames, varTypes, printTypesFile, printTypeLabels, varWids
is not sufficient to me.

What I need from this programme are the labels that are in the column
'Values'  in SPSS 'Variable view'.
What is the most important is that unicode characters like 'č', 'š',
'ž', in the labels can be read. This is the only reason why I am
touching this programme.
I will forward the question to Albert.

Thank you,


On Thu, Mar 8, 2012 at 5:18 PM, Walter Prins wrote:
 Hi Marko,

 I'm going out on a limb here as I know next to nothing about either
 SPSS or Albert-Jan's wrapper module, and so with that caveat, some

 On 8 March 2012 14:59, Marko Limbek wrote:
 I overcame commenting. I managed to read my own file and print it. Now
 I am trying to use method getNumberofVariables()  but unsuccesfully.
 First way


 gives me this error

 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\Dropbox\Exc_MarkoL_Zenel\Python\crosstabs\src\src\,
 line 660, in module
 TypeError: getNumberofVariables() takes exactly 3 arguments (1 given)

 Second way

 getNumberofVariables(savFileName, fh, spssio)

 gives me this error

 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\Dropbox\Exc_MarkoL_Zenel\Python\crosstabs\src\src\,
 line 660, in module
    getNumberofVariables(savFileName, fh, spssio)
 NameError: name 'getNumberofVariables' is not defined

 The short answer:
 Don't use getNumberofVariables, use the script as demonstrated at the
 bottom of the script in the if __name__ == __main__ section.  I
 suppose something like this should do (I've modified it slightly to
 make it a bit more obvious what's happening):

 ## - Get some basic file info
 savFileName = rC:\Program
 Files\IBM\SPSS\Statistics\19\Samples\English\Employee data.sav
 mySavReaderObj = SavReader(savFileName)
 numVars, nCases, varNames, varTypes, printTypesFile, printTypeLabels,
 varWids = \
 #Now the number of variables is presumably in numVars...

 The longer answer:
 Firstly, getNumberofVariables() is defined as a class instance method.
  This means you can only ever call it on an object instance of that
 class. It is not a standalone function that can be called freestanding
 as you tried to do in your latter attempt.  That is why you got the
 not defined error -- There is no freestanding function by that name
 (even if there happens to be a /method/ by that name inside the
 SavReader class.) so Python complained as such.

 Your prior attempt, which as you noticed requires to have parameters
 fh and spssio supplied appears to me to be effectively somewhat of an
 internal/private/helper method that is written in the style of a
 function, so consequently the method has no external dependencies on
 any state in the object/class and hence has to have the spssio and fh
 supplied when it's called.  You can see elsewhere in the class when
 this method is called, the object itself keeps track of the fh and the
 sspsio and so passes these into the method as required.

 From this you can infer that you'd be able to do the same and thus
 successfully call getNumberofVariables() by retrieving the fh and
 sspsio from your SavReader object (e.g. what I called mySavReaderObj
 above), by passing in mySavReaderObj.fh and mySavREaderObj.spssio when
 calling mySavReaderObj.getNumberofVariables().  But, as per the short
 answer, you probably don't want to do that.

 As an aside it also then follows it would be possible to
 rewrite/refactor the getNumberofVariables() method (and indeed several
 others) to remove the fh and sspsio parameters, by having them picked
 up directly from the object instance when required.   Debateably, it
 might be an improvement that makes the code a bit more object oriented
 and less surprising to use.


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Re: [Tutor] Question about writing to Excel with slavic characters

2012-03-09 Thread Marko Limbek
Hi Walter

It is as you say. Thanks for long explanation.
I am using the newer version.
Now I also understand difference between single underscore and double
underscore. I would still have problems if I would want to programme
them for instance.

Well I always try to be independent and I want to answer the questions
by myself. Learning the tutorial by heart is also not my way. Maybe I
need just to understand it better and understand better the whole
philosophy of private and public methods. And what is __init__ method
and __enter__ method and so on.
I was just asking of that getNumberofVariables() method, because I
wanted to run the methods my self and see if I get the labels I wanted
by myself. I wouldn't want to ask the author directly does this
programme does this or that because that might be silly questions
because the answer would be, 'well of course it does, run this and
this method' and you will see. I don't want to consume too much time
of the people. So I wanted to check first. As an amateur as I am.
Nobody really trained me how to programme except for in the first
years at the faculty some 10 years ago, but at that time I was not
that interested in programming.

Now we are resolving the issue directly with Albert.

Have a nice day,

On Fri, Mar 9, 2012 at 11:49 AM, Walter Prins wrote:
 Hi Marko,

 On 9 March 2012 08:34, Marko Limbek wrote:
  File C:\Dropbox\Exc_MarkoL_Zenel\Python\crosstabs\src\src\,
 line 715, in module
 mySavReaderObject.fh, mySavReaderObject.spssio)
 AttributeError: 'SavReader' object has no attribute 'spssio'

 So the methods must really be somewhat internal.

 Python doesn't enforce access levels like some other languages do
 which means effectively, any member of any object can in principle be
 accessed.  By gentlemans agreement, members with a name starting
 with a single underscore are supposed to be considered private
 (although you can still ignore this agreement and access them anyway)
 while members with double underscores get some behind the scenes
 assistance to ensure privateness and name uniqueness via name
 mangling.  (There's a couple of other minor behavioural differences,
 but the point stands -- there's no preventing you as programmer from
 accessing private members of a class if you insist to do so.  But
 then it's doubly your problem if that gets you into trouble ;) )

 Anyway, the message then really means what it says -- The SavReader
 object instance you're using really does not have an spssio member
 (there should be no problem accessing it if it was there so I must
 interpret that message to mean what it says.)   I'm not sure why this
 would be the case -- perhaps we're not looking/using the same version
 of the reader class and the member name has changed?  (I previously
 guessed/assumed  that you were using the following version, or
 something close enough to it, given here:
  Looking back I see you're actually using a slightly newer version
 from here:
 But, everything I've said appears to still hold true about the updated
 version, so can you clarify which version you're currently using?)

 Regardless, the error simple enough to troubleshoot -- have a look at
 *your* version of the SavReader class, and find out what the member
 name should in fact be.  There are calls to e.g.
 getNumberofVariables() in the class itself, from which you can
 determine what the object data/field/variable member is that holds the
 value to pass to the spssio parameter of getNumberofVariables().

 But, I have to repeat: The value that you get from
 getNumberofVariables() is the exact same value that you get inside of
 the numVars variable after calling:

  numVars, nCases, varNames, varTypes, printTypesFile,
 printTypeLabels, varWids = mySavReaderObj.getSavFileInfo()

 You can see this will be the case if you read the code:
 1) The __init__ method assigns self.numVars_ from the result of
 calling self._readBasicSavFileInfo().
 2) This in turn calls on self.getNumberofVariables() as follows:
  numVars = self.getNumberofVariables(self.fh, self.spssio)[1]
 ... and that local variable numVars is what is returned and ends up in
 the object member self.numVars_.
 3) Then, looking at getSavFileInfo() you can see that it in turn
 simply returns self.numVars_,
 4) In other words it returns the same value that it previously
 retrieved using self.getNumberofVariables().

 So, the 2 ways are functionally identical w.r.t. the retrieval of the
 NumberofVariables.  The only differences are that a) with the latter
 call you get a bunch of other stuff besides the number of variables,
 and b) With the latter call you don't have to worry about spssio or fh
 parameters (because they're absent/not required

Re: [Tutor] Question about writing to Excel with slavic characters

2012-03-08 Thread Marko Limbek
On Wed, Mar 7, 2012 at 11:36 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 Marko Limbek wrote:

 I put the recommended code

 savFileName =
 with SavReader(savFileName) as sav:
    header =
    for line in sav:

 but I am get errors

 Will you tell us what errors, or should we just guess?

 Since I love guessing games, let me try... my guess is that you get

 AttributeError: 'SavReader' object has no attribute 'next'

 Am I close? If so, try using next(sav) instead of

I overcame commenting. I managed to read my own file and print it. Now
I am trying to use method getNumberofVariables()  but unsuccesfully.
First way


gives me this error

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\Dropbox\Exc_MarkoL_Zenel\Python\crosstabs\src\src\,
line 660, in module
TypeError: getNumberofVariables() takes exactly 3 arguments (1 given)

Second way

getNumberofVariables(savFileName, fh, spssio)

gives me this error

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\Dropbox\Exc_MarkoL_Zenel\Python\crosstabs\src\src\,
line 660, in module
getNumberofVariables(savFileName, fh, spssio)
NameError: name 'getNumberofVariables' is not defined

Why there needs to be fh and spssio?
I would like to be able to know how to use all the methods to run and
test them and see, if any of them can give me labels from the file
instead of just pure numbers, before I start asking questions if there
is any method that can read labels. I am really sorry but I tried to
find answers to that in the tutorial.
I would like to read labels with such characters like čšž and not just
read pure numbers.

 I have however managed to compile the programme in the module, I just
 had to comment more than 20 lines (because of that problem with
 employee data.sav ).
 I also don't know, if it was right to comment all those lines. Without
 commenting them I can't even compile the module.

 Marko, it seems that you don't know how to program Python. Perhaps you
 should do a Python tutorial or two so you can fix the code instead of just
 commenting out lines.

 Perhaps start here:

I have been using Python for a few months now and I am a
mathematician, so I have done some programming. It is true however
that I am not trained programmer. So please excuse dumb questions. But
I have fixed the code so far that I can read and print.

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Re: [Tutor] Question about writing to Excel with slavic characters

2012-03-07 Thread Marko Limbek

I have been trying to use that programme but without success.
In Eclipse you usually create new project in two steps, first you
create new Pydev project, then inside you create new Pydev module.
I have created new project and new module 'crosstabs', where I want to
read spss file. My programme is the module.
Now I have put this ReaderWriter programme into the same Pydev project
as a another new module called 'rw' and then imported it into my
module 'crosstabs' with

import rw
from rw import SavReader

I don't even know, if I did that correctly. Actually I don't even know
how to implement that programme.
I put the recommended code

savFileName = 
with SavReader(savFileName) as sav:
header =
for line in sav:

but I am get errors

I have however managed to compile the programme in the module, I just
had to comment more than 20 lines (because of that problem with
employee data.sav ).
I also don't know, if it was right to comment all those lines. Without
commenting them I can't even compile the module.

Maybe someone can tell me, how to actually implement that programme?
Where to put it in my Eclipse?

Is this programm ethe best way to read spss with Python?

Thank you so much,


On Tue, Mar 6, 2012 at 4:53 PM, Marko Limbek wrote:
 Hi Albert

 Two notes
 first I have used the promising looking package memics and the result
 is the same as foreign package. Reading in R is fine, but reading in
 rpy on Python27 unfortunatelly I get funny characters again like

 second I have to run your programme and I get the following errors,
 that I send in attachment as printscreen. There is a file employee
 data.sav that I don't have and if I define my own file, I am asked in
 the next step about the variable id that I also don't have. So I
 would like to ask for your advise.


 On Mon, Mar 5, 2012 at 8:20 PM, Albert-Jan Roskam wrote:

 The R package foreign, in particular the read.spss function has some known
 problems reading spss system files. The memisc package also has a function
 to read .sav files. The big advantage of that function is that you can
 select rows and columns prior to actually reading the data into memory.

 If you're just using R and Rpy to read .sav files, you could also consider
 using a Python program that I wrote a while ago:
 It runs on Windows, Mac and Linux and requires no installation of spss. I'd
 be interested to hear your experiences.


 All right, but apart from the sanitation, the medicine, education, wine,
 public order, irrigation, roads, a
 fresh water system, and public health, what have the Romans ever done for

 From: Marko Limbek
 Sent: Monday, March 5, 2012 2:05 PM
 Subject: Re: [Tutor] Question about writing to Excel with slavic characters

 Thank you!

 That was easy. Now I have another problem.
 I use RPy and read the spss database with method read.spss inside a
 nested R code in Python, that looks like that:

 import rpy



 baza - read.spss( + analysis[0] + )



 Now when my text data labels in spss have slavic characters, they are
 not recognised and output is something like that:

 stiriletna srednja �ola
 nedokon�ana osnovna �ola

 What should I do here?

 Thanks a lot,


 On Mon, Mar 5, 2012 at 1:46 PM, Christian Witts
 On 2012/03/05 02:37 PM, Marko Limbek wrote:

 Hi everyone.

 I am new to list and few months old to Python. I am writing some text
 to Excel and I open the new book and try to write to the book and the
 save it using

 Now when I write slavic characters in the text to Excel (č, š, ž, for
 instance 0xc5), I get an error, I can't save it.
 I have declared appropriate encoding

 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 # coding=utf-8

 and those characters appear normally in the code, but there seems to
 be the problem with the function
 Does anyone have any ideas, what would be the problem and how to solve
 it? Some additional encoding or some changes or parameters to the method?

 Is that the right forum for my question?

 Thank you,

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 What package are you using to create your Excel workbook ?
 If it's xlwt you can set your encoding type when you create your

[Tutor] Question about writing to Excel with slavic characters

2012-03-05 Thread Marko Limbek
Hi everyone.

I am new to list and few months old to Python. I am writing some text
to Excel and I open the new book and try to write to the book and the
save it using

Now when I write slavic characters in the text to Excel (č, š, ž, for
instance 0xc5), I get an error, I can't save it.
I have declared appropriate encoding

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# coding=utf-8

and those characters appear normally in the code, but there seems to
be the problem with the function
Does anyone have any ideas, what would be the problem and how to solve
it? Some additional encoding or some changes or parameters to the method?

Is that the right forum for my question?

Thank you,

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Re: [Tutor] Question about writing to Excel with slavic characters

2012-03-05 Thread Marko Limbek
Thank you!

That was easy. Now I have another problem.
I use RPy and read the spss database with method read.spss inside a
nested R code in Python, that looks like that:

import rpy



baza - read.spss( + analysis[0] + )



Now when my text data labels in spss have slavic characters, they are
not recognised and output is something like that:

stiriletna srednja �ola
nedokon�ana osnovna �ola

What should I do here?

Thanks a lot,


On Mon, Mar 5, 2012 at 1:46 PM, Christian Witts wrote:
 On 2012/03/05 02:37 PM, Marko Limbek wrote:

 Hi everyone.

 I am new to list and few months old to Python. I am writing some text
 to Excel and I open the new book and try to write to the book and the
 save it using

 Now when I write slavic characters in the text to Excel (č, š, ž, for
 instance 0xc5), I get an error, I can't save it.
 I have declared appropriate encoding

 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 # coding=utf-8

 and those characters appear normally in the code, but there seems to
 be the problem with the function
 Does anyone have any ideas, what would be the problem and how to solve
 it? Some additional encoding or some changes or parameters to the method?

 Is that the right forum for my question?

 Thank you,

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 What package are you using to create your Excel workbook ?
 If it's xlwt you can set your encoding type when you create your workbook
 book = xlwt.Workbook(encoding=utf-8)

 Christian Witts
 Python Developer
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