Re: [Tutor] Coursera Python Course starts today

2013-08-21 Thread Nick Raptis
On 20/08/13 03:02, Leam Hall wrote:


Leam, your link for some reason redirects on a default coursera page,
probably cause I'm not enlisted.

I think a better link for the course would be

so that others interested may find it.

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Re: [Tutor] short url processor

2011-05-13 Thread Nick Raptis

On 05/14/2011 03:49 AM, ian douglas wrote:

for i in giant_list:
if i[0]:
if i[1]:
mc.set(i[0], i[1])

Until Alan comes with a more round answer, I'd suggest something along 
the lines of

[mc.set(x, y) for (x, y) in giant_list if x and y]

I'm writing this by memory, but check list comprehension in the 

Anyway, there are map, reduce and such functions in python, but I think 
that in python 3.x you have to import them.

Now, the real question would be, can you use the cursor as an iterator 
(but without hitting the database for each new record)?

Then you can skip the worst part of loading all the values in giant_list.
Just an idea for Alan and the others to answer.

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Re: [Tutor] How to print the installed web browser

2010-09-01 Thread Nick Raptis

On 09/01/2010 11:17 AM, Alan Gauld wrote:

Ranjith Kumar wrote

I`m using ubuntu how to find and print the installed web browsers 

python scripting.

How would you do it without Python scripting?
Is it even possible?

And on a multiuser system like Linux would you print out all the browsers
installed for the current user or for all users?

Alan, let me make a wild guess here.

Ubuntu does have little Preferred applications config tool. I don't 
know how or where it stores this data, but my guess is it's the same 
place xdg (as in xdg-open) gets it's configuration from. This article 
might help

Quote from above article (near the end): ...especially as there is 
(currently) no single, portable, authoritative way for applications to 
query the values of these settings...

Ranjith, get ready for some configuration file parsing.
But if you just want to open a url with the default browser, you can 
just execute xdg-open your-url as a subprocess.

Hope I shifted you to the right direction.


PS-trivia: I got to guess these just because I've read the source from 
import antigravity

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Re: [Tutor] How to print the installed web browser

2010-09-01 Thread Nick Raptis

On 09/01/2010 11:46 AM, Nick Raptis wrote:

Alan, let me make a wild guess here.

Ubuntu does have little Preferred applications config tool. I don't 
know how or where it stores this data, but my guess is it's the same 
place xdg (as in xdg-open) gets it's configuration from. This article 
might help

Quote from above article (near the end): ...especially as there is 
(currently) no single, portable, authoritative way for applications to 
query the values of these settings...

Ranjith, get ready for some configuration file parsing.
But if you just want to open a url with the default browser, you can 
just execute xdg-open your-url as a subprocess.

Hope I shifted you to the right direction.


PS-trivia: I got to guess these just because I've read the source from 
import antigravity

Ooops! Sorry if I caused any confusion, I thought the goal was to print 
the default browser, not all of the installed ones. Silly me.
Still, the Preferred applications tool seems to know that info (so to 
give you a choice) so it might be something to dig into.

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Re: [Tutor] input problem

2010-08-22 Thread Nick Raptis

On 08/22/2010 09:35 PM, Roelof Wobben wrote:


I made this programm :

def count_letters(n,a):
count = 0
for char in n:
if char == a:
count += 1
return count
fruit= input(Enter a sort of fruit: )
teller = input(Enter the character which must be counted: )
x=count_letters (fruit,letter)
print De letter, letter , komt, x , maal voor in het woord, fruit

The problem is that I can't have the opportuntity for input anything.
I use python 2.7 on a Win7 machine with as editor SPE.


You are using Python 2.x, so you should use raw_input() instead of input().

Note that in Python 3.x, raw_input() has been renamed to just input(), 
with the old 2.x input() gone.

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Re: [Tutor] input problem

2010-08-22 Thread Nick Raptis

On 08/22/2010 09:35 PM, Roelof Wobben wrote:


I made this programm :

def count_letters(n,a):
count = 0
for char in n:
if char == a:
count += 1
return count
fruit= input(Enter a sort of fruit: )
teller = input(Enter the character which must be counted: )
x=count_letters (fruit,letter)
print De letter, letter , komt, x , maal voor in het woord, fruit

The problem is that I can't have the opportuntity for input anything.
I use python 2.7 on a Win7 machine with as editor SPE.


Also, you have a typo in your code (teller instead of letter) so fix 
that too :)

A couple more comments:
- You don't have to initialize fruit and letter. Doesn't make sense in 
this context.

- Although I can see you made the count_letters() function as an 
exercise, there is a build in method of string that accomplishes the 
same effect.

Try x=fruit.count(letter)

- Give a bit of thought about what would happen if someone enters a 
whole string instead of a character for letter. How should your program 
accommodate that?

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Re: [Tutor] input problem

2010-08-22 Thread Nick Raptis

Please try and reply to the list instead of just me.

raw_input did not the trick.
fruit.count is the next exercise.
Oke, I deleted the initialazion and change teller into letter.


Should be alright now.. Hmmm

Can you paste your exact code AND the error you're getting? As I 
understand you never get the prompts, right?

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Re: [Tutor] problem with simple script

2010-07-28 Thread Nick Raptis

On 07/28/2010 02:51 PM, Richard D. Moores wrote:
I have a practical need for a script that will give me a random int in 
the closed interval [n, m]. Please see

This works fine when I enter both n and m as, for example, 23, 56, 
or even 56, 23. But often the closed interval is [1, m], so I'd like 
to not have to enter the 1 in those cases, and just enter, say, 37 
to mean the interval [1, 37]. Highlighted lines 9-11 are my attempt to 
do this, but it fails. This seems like it should be so simple to do, 
but it isn't not for me. Advice, please.


Dick Moores

Split the input before the if.
Fork based on the length of the resulting list.

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Re: [Tutor] String replace question

2010-07-28 Thread Nick Raptis

On 07/28/2010 03:41 PM, Rod wrote:


I need to replace a period (.) in a domain name with a slash period (\.).

I'm attempting to use the string replace method to do this.


uri =

uri.replace('.', '\.')

This returns 'domain\\.com'

Of course it does! Try to print the value. Now the extra backslash is 
gone. Confused yet?

Well, the backslash is an escape character in Python and other languages 
too. It's used for special characters like newlines ( \n ).
But then how can you enter just a backslash by itself? Easy, escape it 
with a backslash. So \ becomes '\\'

The representation under your uri.replace() line reflects that (escaped) 

When you're printing it though, you see the string as you meant it to.

So, nothing is wrong with your lines of code , there's only one 
backslash there, it just get's represented as two.

In fact, you should have escaped \. your self writing the line as such:
uri.replace('.', '\\.')
but since \. is not a special character, python is smart enough to not mind

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Re: [Tutor] nested list help

2010-07-27 Thread Nick Raptis

On 07/27/2010 04:48 PM, Evert Rol wrote:

On the other hand, if you want to combine lists based on their first element, 
consider using dictionaries and extend lists which have the same key. Depending 
on how you create the lists (eg, when reading columns from a file), you can 
actually do this during creationi.

I'm very much with Everet on this one. Your data would be better 
contained in a dictionary as such:

x = {'NM100': [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13],
 'NM200': [15, 16, 17]}

Choosing your data structure is, most of the time, as important as the 
rest of your code.

The rest of the time, the format of your input is not something you can 
control so:
If your data is already on a nested list, as it's on your example, you 
can convert them quite easily to a dictionary.
You then can manipulate them with ease, and if you do want them back on 
nested list format, convert them back.

Here's a very quick script I wrote on how to do it.
Please read it through and hit me with questions on what you don't 

input = [['NM100', 3, 4, 5, 6, 7],
 ['NM100', 10, 11, 12, 13],
 ['NM200', 15, 16, 17]]

# Convert and combine the input into a dictionary
output_dict = {}
for entry in input:
key = entry[0]
values = entry[1:]
if key in output_dict:
output_dict[key] = values
print output_dict

# Convert the dictionary back into a nested list
output = []
for key in output_dict:
entry = output_dict[key]
entry.insert(0, key)

print output

Of course, my script is very basic and it doesn't tend to a lot of 
things you'd might want, like eliminating double values or sorting, but 
it should start you on your path.


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Re: [Tutor] need help with msvcrt.getch()

2010-07-27 Thread Nick Raptis

On 07/27/2010 05:22 PM, Richard D. Moores wrote:

Python 3.1 on Vista.

Please see

I'm trying to recall what I used to know, thus this simple script. But 
'y' or 'q' do nothing. What's wrong?


Dick Moores

Hi Dick!
I'm not on Windows here so this might be a wild guess.

From the documentation I gather that msvcrt can work either on binary 
or text mode.
Perhaps you operate in the wrong one and need to switch with 

Anyway, insert some print lines to see what exactly is it that /getch() 
gets and debug from there

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Re: [Tutor] Calculating and returning possible combinations of elements from a given set

2010-07-27 Thread Nick Raptis

On 07/28/2010 01:20 AM, ZUXOXUS wrote:

Hi all pythoners

I've got a probably easy to answer question.

Say I've got a collections of strings, e.g.: 'man', 'bat', 'super', 

They are in a list, or in a sequence or whatever, say a bag of words

And now I want to know how many couples I can do with them, and I want 
the program to show me the actual couples: 'manman', 'manbat', 
'mansuper', 'manultra', 'batbat', 'batman', 'batsuper', etc.

But hey, why building up new words from just two strings? I also want 
to know the possible combinations of three words, four words, and 
perhaps, why not, five words.

So, is it easy to do?

Sorry, I'm new in programing, and am probably far from being a math-master

I'm clueless, I think probably the code have some FOR I IN SEQUENCE... 
but then what? I don't know how to say: take every element and paste 
it to another one from the bag, and with another one, and with another 

If it's too complex, I dont need the whole code recipe, just need some 
clues, or perhaps a useful link

Thank you very much in advance!

Take a look in the itertools module
Check the section *Combinatoric generators: (website doesn't have an 
anchor link for that, search around a bit)

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Re: [Tutor] Searching a text file's contents and comparing them toalist

2010-07-14 Thread Nick Raptis

On 07/14/2010 11:57 PM, Eric Hamiter wrote:

Last question (for today, at least): Right now, the output is less
than aesthetically pleasing:

(['Located on aisle 1: ', 'bread', 'magazines'], ['Located on aisle 2:
', 'juice', 'ice cream'], ['Located on aisle 3: ', 'asparagus'], ['Not
found in the database: ', 'butter', 'soap'])

How can I format it so it looks more like this:

Located on aisle 1:

Located on aisle 2

I tried putting \n into it but it just prints the literal string.
I'm sure it has to do with the list format of holding multiple items,
but so far haven't found a way to break them apart.

Readup on str.join() (link is not that 
helpful I admit, google some uses too)

For example,
print \n.join(first_run)
will get you started.

I think the end code you're looking for is something like

output = [\n.join(run) for run in sorted_list]
print \n.join(output)

but I'm not sure if you've got the hang of list comprehensions by now.

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Re: [Tutor] Python Documentation Clarification

2010-07-12 Thread Nick Raptis

compile(source, filename, mode[, flags[, dont_inherit]])

I see within this built in function, the first argument can be what 
they define as source, the second argument as the filename and the 
third as the mode.

But what confuses me is sometimes I see a bracket, above as [, flags[, 
dont_inherit]]. Is this an optional argument like flags=dont_inherit?

Brackets do indeed mean optional arguments.
So you can do
compile(source, filename, mode, flags=whatever, dont_inherit=True)
or something.

The nested brackets most likely show that (in your example), 
dont_inherit is optional, but can be used only if you (optionally) also 
provide the flags argument.

Of course, don't take my word for it and read the rest of the 
description in the documentation.

Also read here:

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Re: [Tutor] Function returns 'None'

2010-07-11 Thread Nick Raptis

On 07/11/2010 04:59 PM, Dominik Danter wrote:


As en exercise I wrote the following function:

def recursfac(x,carryover=1):
print 'x:',x,'carryover:', carryover
if x  1:
carryover *= x
recursfac(x-1, carryover)
return carryover

print recursfac(3)

Very much to my surprise I get the following output:

x: 3 carryover: 1
x: 2 carryover: 3
x: 1 carryover: 6

Where did I go wrong?

Your problem is that you expect the return to exit the recursion 
altogether. Instead, carryover is passed to the previous level of the 
recursion, which has nothing more to execute and returns None.

So the first step to fix this would be to make sure that your function 
returns carryover no matter what:

def recursfac(x,carryover=1):
print 'x:',x,'carryover:', carryover
if x  1:
carryover *= x
recursfac(x-1, carryover)
return carryover
return carryover

Or simply (to remove the code duplication):

def recursfac(x,carryover=1):
print 'x:',x,'carryover:', carryover
if x  1:
carryover *= x
recursfac(x-1, carryover)
return carryover

Now there's still one more problem. The output is this:

x: 3 carryover: 1
x: 2 carryover: 3
x: 1 carryover: 6

Why is it returning 3 istead of 6?

Well, the function didn't catch the returned carryover value on the way 
up, so it's just returns what it knows: the value of carryover that it 
self has computed.

Instead, you have to do this:

def recursfac(x,carryover=1):
print 'x:',x,'carryover:', carryover
if x  1:
carryover *= x
carryover = recursfac(x-1, carryover)
return carryover

And this returns
x: 3 carryover: 1
x: 2 carryover: 3
x: 1 carryover: 6


What you should learn from this is that, when doing recursion, figuring 
out what your function should do on the way up is as crucial as what you 
want it to do on the way down.


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Re: [Tutor] Function returns 'None'

2010-07-11 Thread Nick Raptis

On 07/11/2010 06:28 PM, Nick Raptis wrote:

def recursfac(x,carryover=1):
print 'x:',x,'carryover:', carryover
if x  1:
carryover *= x
carryover = recursfac(x-1, carryover)
return carryover

And this returns
x: 3 carryover: 1
x: 2 carryover: 3
x: 1 carryover: 6


Also, I realized that my final code may be tough to decipher now.. A 
nicer way to write it would be (the functionality is still exactly the 

def recursfac(x,carryover=1):
print 'x:',x,'carryover:', carryover
if x  1:
carryover *= x
result = recursfac(x-1, carryover)
# done with recursion, start our way up
result = carryover
return result

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Re: [Tutor] Function returns 'None'

2010-07-11 Thread Nick Raptis

On 07/11/2010 06:50 PM, Luke Paireepinart wrote:

I think the new version is harder to understand.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 11, 2010, at 10:43 AM, Nick  wrote:

Aww! A critic! You humble me (really, I'm not being sarcastic here, I 
welcome it gladly)

I won't argue about it, though. If you prefer it, the last version is 
still there :)

My reasoning is that, with the new variable name ('result') in place, 
now it is evident (to me at least) that 'passover' is passed on the way 
down, while 'result' is passed on the way up. Harder it not, it seems 
more clean

Also, another preference of mine, would you be kind enough to answer to 
the list and cc the original poster if you can? Doing it the other way 
around breaks my (quite stupid I admit) filters, and perhaps others' too.

Thanks for the feedback.
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Re: [Tutor] newbie to gui programming

2010-07-08 Thread Nick Raptis

Thanks a lot for the mails all of you.

Someone commented that wxpython occassionally shows it C/C++ roots. Will
that haunt me cos' I have zero knowledge of C/C++.
That would be me, sorry about that, didn't mean to confuse you further. 
Well, think it this way, if you have zero knowledge of C, you won't even 

What about py-gtk? Is it more pythonic to learn and hence easy?

Not really, every library shows it's roots every now and then.

Or can I start with tkinter (and maybe remain with it), if it is easy to
learn? (I liked fetchmailconf and I think it was done in tkinter).
It comes bundled with python, is easy for easy tasks but 'might' be a 
burden as you scale up your projects. Why not?

I get discouraged a bit fast, so I want the first toolset to be as easy
as possible.

With warm regards,

Well I can relate to that. Was not so long ago when all choice seemed 
overwhelming and I thought that I better learn the best language/library 
from the start or I'll be wasting time.
Truth is, it doesn't really matter this much. Start with one, anyone and 
for whatever reason (eg, you found a book for it) and go for it for a 
week. If it doesn't work for you, you'll know by then, and not a lot of 
energy got wasted.
GUI programming is hard cause there a lot of new concepts to learn. 
Learning those concepts so you can apply them to any library should be 
your goal.

Anyway, my personal story is that after trying wxPython with a book a 
bit I decided that GUI programming was not my thing at all, and started 
writing games with pygame. Many similar concepts, twice the fun. Now I'm 
doing web work.

Give it time, trust your gut and don't panic, you'll end up right where 
you want :)

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Re: [Tutor] Django Read

2010-07-08 Thread Nick Raptis

There actually aren't that many books on django around yet which is a pity.
You should definitely read The django book:
either on the online version on that link, or it's printed counterpart 
(yes, it's really the same book):

The printed one is a bit more updated (1.1) and pays off it's money 
because of it's great reference section :)


On 07/08/2010 03:48 PM, Dipo Elegbede wrote:

Hi all,

I have done a little basic on python and have to start working on a
major django platform.
I'm starting new and would like recommendations on books I can read.

Kindly help me out. I want to get my hands dirty as fast as I can so
that I can be part of the project.

Thanks and Best regards,


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Re: [Tutor] Having a return when subprocess.Popen finishes

2010-07-08 Thread Nick Raptis
subprocess.Popen is a class, and as such it returns an object which can 
do a lot of stuff besides just reading the output.

What you want to do here is using it's communicate() method as such:

output, errors = ping.communicate()

Also, there is a quicker way, I think from version 2.7 forward: use  the 

output = subprocess.check_output(your command here)

Always check latest documentation for your python version too


On 07/08/2010 04:04 PM, Paul VanGundy wrote:

Hi All,

I'm trying to get data from subprocess.Popen. To be specific, I am
trying to read a ping echo and take the output and assign it to a
variable like below:

ping = subprocess.Popen(ping -c 5 %s % (server),
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)

However, when I run the command the output that gets assigned to my ping
variable is something along the lines of 'subprocess.Popen object at
0x9524bec' and am not returned to  prompt. I know that is the proper
output but I need to be able to capture the ping replies and assign
those to a variable. I tried adding a \r and \n at the end of my cmd.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm open to improvements,
different ways of doing it and corrections. :) If more info is needed
let me know. Thanks.

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Re: [Tutor] newbie to gui programming

2010-07-07 Thread Nick Raptis

Well, choice is a great thing!
Except when you're new and all that choice seems overwhelming :)

When I started out python a year ago, I knew just enough C to know that 
I didn't want C/C++ to be my first language that I learned.
That's why I found the wxPython style a nuisance, because I was at the 
same time trying to learn the python way of doing things.
I do see the merits you say in how wxPython does things, it just didn't 
work out then.
In the end, I never did any GUI work because of the overwhelming choice 
and instead did a little pygame stuff and then got into django, mostlly 
because my local community did.
So, db-centric seems good to me right now and will definately check dabo 
out, although to be honest, a webkit application on top of django sounds 
as good.

Anyways, I'm drifting all this while away from the purpose of this list.
Thank you so much for the answers, you're such a helpful bunch.


On 07/07/2010 10:16 AM, Alan Gauld wrote:

Nick Raptis wrote

Really good news is that on this very list on another thread, someone 
suggested Dabo

It's a python library on top of wxPython and it's database-logic-GUI

But its not a complete wrapper for wxPython so you still need
to revert to wxPython at some stages. Also its being database
centric is great if thats what you are doing, not so great for games
programming etc.

But the tight coupling of wxPython to its C++ roots can be seen
as a bonus because it means you can quickly use its Ruby and
Perl incarnations too - and if you need to the base C++.

This is one of the reasons I mainly use Tkinter - because I already
knew the underlying Tk and I can use those same skills in Lisp
and Ruby and Perl UI code.

You pays your money and makes your choice! :-)

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Re: [Tutor] differences between mmap and StringIO

2010-07-07 Thread Nick Raptis

Actually, for simple file operations I'd neither.
Standard file usage is described here, if you haven't checked it out, 
which I'm sure you have

StringIO is useful as a buffer. That is, you make a file-like object in 
memory with StringIO, manipulate it as a file, and can then copy it to a 
real file with standard file operations. Really really useful for very 
intensive file operations. Pdf creation comes in mind.

mmap... Well I didn't even know it existed until you mentioned it! Seems 
to be an advanced method of reading a file in memory and manipulating it 
from there with choice of whether it actually affects the physical file 
or not. It's help page says it is also used for communicating with 
subprocesses.. wow! You definately won't need that :)

Anyway, files, StringIOs and mmaps are file-like objects, which means 
they have the same methods and functionality, so you know how to use 
one, you know them all from this aspect.

My recommendation would be, either manipulate a file directly which is 
fine for most cases.

Or if you really want to:
open your file for reading, make a StringIO instance, copy your file to 
it, close the file,

do whatever you want in memory,
open your file again for writing, copy the StringIO to it, close both.
I'd consider that overkill for most projects

Is there something in particular you want to do?


On 07/08/2010 01:52 AM, Eduardo Vieira wrote:

Hello, I'm getting confused about the usage of those 2 modules. Which
should I use one to get/manipulate data from a text file?


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Re: [Tutor] newbie to gui programming

2010-07-06 Thread Nick Raptis
Please excuse if I'm jumping on the topic. Haven't done any GUI work so 
this interests me too.

wxPython always seemed a great choice as it works on all platforms, and 
uses GTK+ for linux.
Well, what mainly bugs me about wxPython is that most of it's API names 
come from the wx C library, you almost can feel the C code underneath.

I would really love a more pythonic wrapper around it.

Really good news is that on this very list on another thread, someone 
suggested Dabo
It's a python library on top of wxPython and it's database-logic-GUI 
separation looks a lot like the MVP of django, which I'm familiar with.

Of course, a bit not that easy to install if you're just starting out 
and there are no books for it. It's also database oriented, but I 
consider this a plus.

I'd like to hear your views on whether you think it might be a good 
choice for a new python programmer, exactly for the above reasons.

I think it might be worth the hurdles and pay off in the end.


On 07/06/2010 09:48 PM, Alan Gauld wrote:
There are many toolkits but these have as many similarities as 

But none of them will be easy to learn if you have not done GUI work
before because GUI programming is a whole new style and that's what
takes the time. Once you learn one framework picking up another is
not that hard - just a lot of new API names to learn!

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Re: [Tutor] To write data in two different fonts?

2009-08-13 Thread Nick Raptis

Dave Angel wrote:

 However, if someone had tried to do that in a single call to the 
current function, their code would already be broken because the 
dictionary doesn't preserve order, so the  substitution might not 
happen first. 

Wow, I never thought about the dictionary not being sorted messing 
things up. Thanks for the insight.

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Re: [Tutor] To write data in two different fonts?

2009-08-12 Thread Nick Raptis
Your main concern when displaying plain text in HTML is actually only 5 

, , , , '
which you should escape(replace) with their coresponding HTML entities.
Here's a few lines of code to give you an idea how to do it:

#put this somewhere in the beginning of your script,
#tailor it as you like
entities = {'' : 'amp;',
   '' : 'lt;',
   '' : 'gt;',
   '' : 'quot;',
   ' : 'apos;'}


#put this in the file crunching loop
#I'll use *line* as the text variable, like it would happen
#in a *for line in file* scenario
   for character, entity in entities.items():
line = line.replace(character, entity)
   . #do the rest of your stuff with the line

That's a simple implementation and it actually performs 5 replacements 
on every line of your file (which
is not as slow as you might think though) but should get you started if 
you need it.

You also might want to consider escaping other characters as well (maybe 
spaces to preserve whitespace without a pre)

Get your hands on an online HTML entity reference online.

Extra points:
Include a CSS file with your HTML output to handle representation.
With some more lines in your script you can then code different fonts or 
sizes according to any logic you want.

Won't go into explaining HTML though (hint: use the class HTML attribute)

If it sounds more complex than you'd like, it's ok. It's more powerful 
and more rewarding too.
Once you get the basic structure in, you can extend your script to do 
pretty much anything with your text.


Alan Gauld wrote:

prasad rao wrote

I put in tag pre and it worked. But at one particular line in a module
the font changed colour.After that all the lines are in blue colour and
under lined.

How are you viewing the file?
As Kent poinred out pure text files have no fonts or colours.
So the blue colour must be coming from the tyool you are using to 
display the contents. It is interpreting sometjhing in the data as a 
command to switch format. Since you are using HTML
it is probably a a tag. Have you checked the data for any a 
sequences (or and other  characters for that matter)?

figure out why the change of colour of font took place.

Open it in a simple text editor like notepad or nano and see what it 
looks like.


Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] To write data in two different fonts?

2009-08-12 Thread Nick Raptis
Dave Angel wrote: 
As I said, you'd probably get in trouble if any of the lines had '' 
or '' characters in them.  The following function from the standard 
library can be used to escape the line directly, or of course you 
could use the function Nick supplied.

xml.sax.saxutils.escape(/data/[, /entities/])

   Escape '', '', and '' in a string of data.

   You can escape other strings of data by passing a dictionary as the
   optional /entities/ parameter. The keys and values must all be
   strings; each key will be replaced with its corresponding value. The
   characters '', '' and '' are always escaped, even if /entities/
   is provided.

Let us know if that doesn't do the trick.


Thanks Dave for the info on xml.sax.saxutils.escape
Didn't know about this one.

For the rest:
It is sometimes
This is the source code of the xml.sax.saxutils.escape function:

def __dict_replace(s, d):
   Replace substrings of a string using a dictionary.
   for key, value in d.items():
   s = s.replace(key, value)
   return s

def escape(data, entities={}):
   Escape , , and  in a string of data.

   You can escape other strings of data by passing a dictionary as
   the optional entities parameter.  The keys and values must all be
   strings; each key will be replaced with its corresponding value.

   # must do ampersand first
   data = data.replace(, amp;)
   data = data.replace(, gt;)
   data = data.replace(, lt;)
   if entities:
   data = __dict_replace(data, entities)
   return data

As you can see, it too uses string.replace to do the job.
However, using a built-in function that works for what you want to do is 

It's tested and might also be optimized to be faster.
It's easy and fun to look into the source though and know exactly what 
something does.

It's also one of the ways for a begginer (me too) to progress.

From the source code I can see this for example:
*Don' t pass the entity dictionary I proposed earlier to this function:*
entities = {'' : 'amp;',
  '' : 'lt;',
  '' : 'gt;',
  '' : 'quot;',
  ' : 'apos;'}
If you pass an entity for '' into escape(), it will escape it in the 
already partially escaped string, resulting in chaos.

Think of it, this function not checking for a '' entity passed to it 
might worth qualifying as a bug :)

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] droplet like behaviour in Python

2009-08-11 Thread Nick Raptis

pedro wrote:

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
import sys
theFilePath = sys.argv[1]
print theFilePath

But when I try to drop something on it nothing happens. Sorry I guess 
there is something fundamental that I am missing.


Pedro, I'll reply to this message instead of the last one because, I 
actually tried the little script you have there, and it does work

I'm on Windows though.

Well, my version of your script is this:
import sys
for arg in sys.argv:
   print arg


The raw_input() at the end is what keeps the window open so I can see 
that something really happened before the window closed.
When I drop a file into my script, it prints two lines: The script 
filename and the filename of the file I dropped.

So I call it a win.

I don't know how it behaves in mac, but please try and tell. (Also put 
your usual #!/usr/bin/env python in there to work for you)

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] droplet like behaviour in Python

2009-08-11 Thread Nick Raptis

For the Windows users out there:

A google search returned me this:
Make Python Scripts Droppable in Windows

I checked my registry and the extension was there. That must be why my 
drop script works.
No idea how it got there though. FWIW, I have installed Python through 
the .msi installer.

PS: What I like is that the page I linked actually has my little test 
script in it :D

  I must be doing something right.

PS2: I guess I'm starting to deduce that the answer is 
platform/installation specific rather than python/script specific.

   That turns the question it to a whole new direction for me.


Nick Raptis wrote:

pedro wrote:

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
import sys
theFilePath = sys.argv[1]
print theFilePath

But when I try to drop something on it nothing happens. Sorry I guess 
there is something fundamental that I am missing.


Pedro, I'll reply to this message instead of the last one because, I 
actually tried the little script you have there, and it does work

I'm on Windows though.

Well, my version of your script is this:
import sys
for arg in sys.argv:
   print arg


The raw_input() at the end is what keeps the window open so I can see 
that something really happened before the window closed.
When I drop a file into my script, it prints two lines: The script 
filename and the filename of the file I dropped.

So I call it a win.

I don't know how it behaves in mac, but please try and tell. (Also put 
your usual #!/usr/bin/env python in there to work for you)

Tutor maillist  -

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] clear screen inside python interpreter

2009-08-06 Thread Nick Raptis

I don't think there's a Python command to do this.

You can always print enough newlines to clear your view of the window:

print \n * 80

or use os.system to issue a command the shell/terminal/cmd will understand

import os


import os

I resently made a 'game of life' clone and used the first method to 
clear the screen. It's good enough for many things!


Monte Milanuk wrote:
Okay, simple question: is there anything similar to to 'clear' or 
'cls' to clean up a console window full of commands in the python 
shell?  Short of exiting and restarting the interpreter I'm not having 
a lot of luck here.



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