Re: [Tutor] counter not working in Quick Sort script

2015-10-30 Thread Patti Scott via Tutor
That make sense, thank you.  I changed the quick_sort() to

def quick_sort(A, start, stop, count):
if start < stop:
# increment count by length of partition less the pivot
count += (stop - start - 1)
split = partition(A, start, stop)

# recursively sort lower partition
left = quick_sort(A, start, split-1, count)
if left:
count = left
# recursively count upper partition
right = quick_sort(A, split, stop, count)
if right:
count = right

return count

Yes, the sorting worked on all the *lists I tested.*  For counting comparisons, 
I used a sorted list with a known number of comparisons to be able check the 
accumulator variable. 


On Thu, 10/29/15, Alan Gauld  wrote:

 Subject: Re: [Tutor] counter not working in Quick Sort script
 Date: Thursday, October 29, 2015, 9:12 PM
 On 29/10/15 19:11, Patti
 Scott via Tutor wrote:
 Caveat: I didn't check the algorithms for
 I'll just take your word
 for that.
 > My
 accumulator variable to count the number of comparisons
 returns nonsense.
 > def
 quick_sort(A, start, stop, count):
   if start < stop:
 >          #
 increment count by length of partition less the pivot
 >          count += (stop - start -
 >          print(count)
 >          split = partition(A, start,
   # recursively sort lower partition
         quick_sort(A, start, split-1, count)
 >          # recursively count upper
 >          quick_sort(A,
 split, stop, count)
 >          return count
 Notice that you only set count
 once at the top of the function.
 What the
 recursive instances of the function do is irrelevant
 because you don't use their return values.
 So the return value
 of this function is
 always (count + stop - start -1) for the
 initial invocation value of count.
 I suspect you really want to
 do something to count based on
 the returns
 from the recursive calls too.
 > def main():
 unsorted = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ]
 This looks very sorted to me? Is that
 >      count
 = quick_sort(unsorted, 0, len(unsorted), 0)
 count should return
 0+len()-0-1 -> len-1 = 7
 >      print(unsorted)
 >      print("There are {}
 > main()
 > This code is giving
 me this output:
 ➜  algorithms  python3
 > 7
 This is the outer
 functions count
 > 13
 > 18
 > 22
 > 25
 > 27
 > 28
 > 28
 These are the recursive values
 of count which are
 invisible to the outer
 > [1, 2, 3,
 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
 This is the
 sorted result
 > There
 are 7 comparisons.
 And this
 reflects the outer value of count again.
 Your code does exactly what you told it to
 Your problem is that you are not using
 the returned
 counts from the recursive
 Alan G
 Author of the Learn to
 Program web site
 Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:
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[Tutor] counter not working in Quick Sort script

2015-10-29 Thread Patti Scott via Tutor
Mac OS 10.10
Python 3.4.3
I self-study Python and am using it for a Coursera algorithm class.

Hi!  My script sorts correctly on all my test arrays. My accumulator variable 
to count the number of comparisons returns nonsense.  I'm counting the (length 
- one) of each sublist that will be sorted in place, not the individual 
comparisons.  I put in a print statement for the count variable, and the 
expected values print, but the function seems to be returning the first 
increment of the count variable instead of the final value.  I reread on the 
difference between print and return, but I haven't figured this out yet.  I 
think I'm doing something language-specific wrong would appreciate another set 
of eyes.

def partition(A, start, stop):
p = A[start] # make pivot first element in partition
i = start + 1
for j in range(i, stop):
# swap elements if A[j] bigger than pivot
if A[j] < p:
A[j], A[i] = A[i], A[j]
i += 1

# swap pivot into sorted index
A[start], A[i-1] = A[i-1], A[start]
return i

def quick_sort(A, start, stop, count):
if start < stop:
# increment count by length of partition less the pivot
count += (stop - start - 1)
split = partition(A, start, stop)

# recursively sort lower partition
quick_sort(A, start, split-1, count)
# recursively count upper partition
quick_sort(A, split, stop, count)

return count

def main():
unsorted = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ]
count = quick_sort(unsorted, 0, len(unsorted), 0)
print("There are {} comparisons.".format(count))


This code is giving me this output:

➜  algorithms  python3
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
There are 7 comparisons.

Thank you,
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Re: [Tutor] [OT] Best Practices for Scientific Computing

2014-12-29 Thread Patti Scott
Could someone clarify "Modularize code rather than copying and pasting?"


On Fri, 11/14/14, Albert-Jan Roskam  wrote:

 Subject: [Tutor] [OT] Best Practices for Scientific Computing
 To: "Python Mailing List" 
 Date: Friday, November 14, 2014, 12:19 PM
 I thought this might be worth sharing, especially on a
 windy, rainy Friday evnening:
 Here are the best practices mentioned in the article:
 Write programs for people, not computers.
 A program should not require its readers to hold more than a
 handful of facts in memory at once.
 Make names consistent, distinctive, and meaningful.
 Make code style and formatting consistent.
 Let the computer do the work.
 Make the computer repeat tasks.
 Save recent commands in a file for re-use.
 Use a build tool to automate workflows.
 Make incremental changes.
 Work in small steps with frequent feedback and course
 Use a version control system.
 Put everything that has been created manually in version
 Don't repeat yourself (or others).
 Every piece of data must have a single authoritative
 representation in the system.
 Modularize code rather than copying and pasting.
 Re-use code instead of rewriting it.
 Plan for mistakes.
 Add assertions to programs to check their operation.
 Use an off-the-shelf unit testing library.
 Turn bugs into test cases.
 Use a symbolic debugger.
 Optimize software only after it works correctly.
 Use a profiler to identify bottlenecks.
 Write code in the highest-level language possible.
 Document design and purpose, not mechanics.
 Document interfaces and reasons, not implementations.
 Refactor code in preference to explaining how it works.
 Embed the documentation for a piece of software in that
 Use pre-merge code reviews.
 Use pair programming when bringing someone new up to speed
 and when tackling particularly tricky problems.
 Use an issue tracking tool.
 Have a great weekend!
 All right, but apart from the sanitation, the medicine,
 education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, a 
 fresh water system, and public health, what have the Romans
 ever done for us?
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Re: [Tutor] methods of sorting

2014-04-23 Thread Patti Scott
This makes sense.  Thanks.  

No question on the specific code, I was just thinking I should show I'd done 
any experimenting with the methods 

Hi Patti,

My answers below, interleaved between your questions.

On Tue, Apr 22, 2014 at 04:18:38PM -0700, Patti Scott wrote:

> I'm practicing with lists.  I was looking for documentation on sorting 
> with cmp() because it isn't immediately clear to me how comparing 
> items two at a time can sort the entire list.  Identify max or min 
> values, yes, but not sort the whole list.  So, the Sorting HOW TO 
> (Dalke, Hettinger)  posted on goes into detail on using a 
> key parameter for sorted() and .sort(), and using operator module 
> functions. 

Think about how you might sort four items 42, 23, 57, 30. There are many 
different ways to sort, and this is one of the least efficient, but 
easiest to understand. We start by putting the unsorted items on the 
left, and the sorted items on the right, as if we were sorting a handful 
of playing cards:

[42, 23, 57, 30] []

Take the first item from the left, and find where it belongs on the 
right. Since the right is currently empty, that's easy:

[23, 57, 30] [42]

Now take the next item from the left, and find where it belongs on the 
right. How do you do that? By comparing it to each item already there. 
If it compares less than the item, insert it just before the item; 
otherwise keep going.

In this case, we compare 23 < 42, which returns True, so we insert 23 to 
the left of 42.

[57, 30] [23, 42]

Now repeat with the next item. In this case, 57 < 23 returns False, so 
we continue. 57 < 42 also returns False, and there are no more numbers 
to check so we put 57 at the end:

[30] [23, 42, 57]

Finally we compare 30 < 23, which returns False, then 30 < 42, which 
returns True, so we insert 30 just to the left of 42:

[] [23, 30, 42, 57]

Now that we know how to sort using "less than" < as the comparison 
function, we can use some other comparison function that works 
similarly. Instead of using < we can use the built-in function 
cmp(a, b), which returns -1 if a < b, 0 if a == b, and +1 if a > b.

Or instead of using the built-in cmp function, we can use any function 
that takes two arguments, the items to be compared, and returns one of 
-1, 0 or 1.

Even though the Python list.sort() method is a lot faster and more 
clever than what I show above, it too allows you to provide a custom 
comparison function to decide which comes earlier or later when sorting.
Here's an example with and without a comparison function:

py> sorted(['dog', 'aardvark', 'chicken', 'horse'])
['aardvark', 'chicken', 'dog', 'horse']

py> sorted(['dog', 'aardvark', 'chicken', 'horse'], 
...   lambda a, b: cmp(len(a), len(b)))
['dog', 'horse', 'chicken', 'aardvark']

In the second case, we sort by the length of the words, not the content 
of the word. So "dog" (three letters) compares less than "aardvark" 
(eight letters). A couple of other notes:

- Rather than define a comparison function using def, I use lambda as 
  a shortcut. lambda creates a function, but limited only to a single
  expression. So "lambda a, b: cmp(len(a), len(b))" is equivalent to:

  def function(a, b):
      return cmp(len(a), len(b))

- Notice that I use the built-in cmp function inside my comparison 
  function. That's just for convenience, you don't have to do that.

> How obsolete are the cmp() and the decorate-sort-undecorate methods?  
> To be understood but probably not used in new code?

Both are very obsolute, but for different reasons.

The problem with using a comparison function is that it is very 
inefficient and it can really slow down sorting of large lists by a lot. 
It is better to use the DSU idiom rather than call a comparison 
function. In fact, that is so much better, that recent versions of 
Python make the DSU idiom built-in: that's what the "key" argument to 
the sort() and sorted() functions is for. When you supply a key function 
to sort, it internally uses the DSU idiom. You almost never need to use 
it yourself.

Using the key function is so much better than using a comparison 
function that in Python 3 the comparison function was dropped 
altogether and using key is the only way to customize sorting.

> Python Programming, Zelle;  Python 2.7.3,  PowerShell, Notepad ++
> I tried several means of sorting for exercises, eg
[lots of code shown]

I'm sorry, did you have a question about the sorting code or were you 
just sharing it with us? If you're asking which should be preferred, I 
would prefer the version using the key=... argument to sort.

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[Tutor] methods of sorting

2014-04-22 Thread Patti Scott
I'm practicing with lists.  I was looking for documentation on sorting with 
cmp() because it isn't immediately clear to me how comparing items two at a 
time can sort the entire list.  Identify max or min values, yes, but not sort 
the whole list.  So, the Sorting HOW TO (Dalke, Hettinger)  posted on goes into detail on using a key parameter for sorted() and .sort(), 
and using operator module functions.  

How obsolete are the cmp() and the decorate-sort-undecorate methods?  To be 
understood but probably not used in new code?

Python Programming, Zelle;  Python 2.7.3,  PowerShell, Notepad ++

I tried several means of sorting for exercises, eg

# extended to let user print report out by name,GPA or credit hours

from gpa import Student, makeStudent
def readStudents(filename):
    infile = open(filename, 'r')
    students = []
    for line in infile:
    return students
def writeStudents(students, filename):
    outfile = open(filename, 'w')
    for s in students:
        outfile.write("%0.2f\t%s\t%0.2f\t%0.2f\n" % (s.gpa(),s.getName(), 
s.getHours(), s.getQPoints()))
def cmpGPA(s1, s2):
    #function compares two students based on GPA
    return cmp(s1.gpa(), s2.gpa())

def cmpHours(s1, s2):
    #function compares two students based on credits
    return cmp(s1.getHours(), s2.getHours())
def cmpNames(s1, s2):
    #function compares two students' names
    return cmp(s1.getName(), s2.getName())
def main():
    print "This program sorts student grade information by GPA."
    order = raw_input("Do you want results printed by name, credits or GPA? ")
    filename = raw_input("Enter the name of the data file: ")
    data = readStudents(filename)
    if order[0] == ('c' or 'C'):
    elif order[0] == ('g' or "G"):
    filename = raw_input("Enter a name for the output file: ")
    writeStudents(data, filename)
    print "The data has been written to file %s." % (filename)


def main():
    print "This program sorts students based on user request."
    filename = raw_input("Enter name of the file containing student data: ")
    data = readStudents(filename)
    order = raw_input("Choose the field on which to sort students (name, GPA or 
credits): ")
    #print order[0]
    if order[0] == ('n' or "N"):
        tuples = [(student.getName(), student) for student in data]
        data = [(tuples[i][1]) for i in range(len(tuples))]
    elif order[0] == ('c' or "C"):
        tuples = [(student.getHours(), student) for student in data]
        data = [(tuples[i][1]) for i in range(len(tuples))]
    elif order[0] == ('g' or "G"):
        tuples = [(student.gpa(), student) for student in data]
        data = [(tuples[i][1]) for i in range(len(tuples))]
    filename = raw_input("Enter a name for the output file: ")
    writeStudents(data, filename)
    print "The data has been written to %s ." % (filename)
if __name__=='__main__':


def main():
    print "This program sorts students based on user request."
    filename = raw_input("Enter name of the file containing student data: ")
    data = readStudents(filename)
    order = raw_input("Choose the field on which to sort students (name, GPA or 
credits): ")
    print order[0]
    if order[0] == ('g' or "G"):
        data = sorted(data, key=lambda student: student.gpa())
    elif order[0] == ('c' or "C"):
        data = sorted(data, key=lambda student: student.getHours())
    elif order[0] == ('n' or "N"):
        data = sorted(data, key=lambda student: student.getName())
    filename = raw_input("Enter a name for the output file: ")
    writeStudents(data, filename)
    print "The data has been written to %s ." % (filename)
if __name__=='__main__':
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Re: [Tutor] conditional execution

2014-04-02 Thread Patti Scott

Thank you Emile, Zach, Chris and d.
  I am actually catching lots of my typos before I try to run anything ...

 From: spir 
Sent: Wednesday, April 2, 2014 3:18 AM
Subject: Re: [Tutor] conditional execution

On 04/01/2014 06:24 PM, Zachary Ware wrote:
> Hi Patti,
> On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 11:07 AM, Patti Scott  wrote:
>> I've been cheating:  comment out the conditional statement and adjust the
>> indents. But, how do I make my program run with if __name__ == 'main':
>> main() at the end?  I thought I understood the idea to run a module called
>> directly but not a module imported.  My program isn't running, though.
> The simple fix to get you going is to change your ``if __name__ ==
> 'main':`` statement to ``if __name__ == '__main__':`` (add two
> underscores on each side of "main").  To debug this for yourself, try
> putting ``print(__name__)`` right before your ``if __name__ ...``
> line, and see what is printed when you run it in different ways.
> Hope this helps, and if you need any more help or a more in-depth
> explanation of what's going on, please don't hesitate to ask :)

And you don't even need this idiom if your module is only to be executed (not 
imported). Just write "main()".

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[Tutor] conditional execution

2014-04-01 Thread Patti Scott
I've been cheating:  comment out the conditional statement and adjust the 
indents. But, how do I make my program run with if __name__ == 'main': main() 
at the end?  I thought I understood the idea to run a module called directly 
but not a module imported.  My program isn't running, though.

Below is the last textbook example (Python Programming, Zelle) I reworked.  
Runs when I comment out the conditional statement.  I am self-studying.  Python 
2.7.3,  Notepad++,  Windows PowerShell.

# calc.pyw
# a 4-function calculator that uses Python arithmetic
# illustrates use of objects and lists to build a simple GUI

from graphics import *
from button import Button

class Calculator:
    # this class  implements simple calculator GUI
    def __init__(self):
        # create window for calculator
        win = GraphWin('calculator')
        win.setBackground('slategray') = win
        # now create the widgets
    def __createButtons(self):
        # create list of buttons
        # start with all the standard-sized buttons
        # bSpecs gives center coords and labels of buttons
        bSpecs = [(2,1,'0'), (3,1,'.'), 
            (1,2,'1'), (2,2,'2'), (3,2,'3'), (4,2,'+'), (5,2,'-'),
            (1,3,'4'), (2,3,'5'), (3,3,'6'), (4,3,'*'), (5,3,'/'),
            (1,4,'7'), (2,4,'8'), (3,4,'9'), (4,4,'<-'), (5,4,'C')]
        self.buttons = []
        for (cx,cy, label) in bSpecs:
            self.buttons.append(Button(, Point(cx,cy), .75,.75, label))
        # create the larger equals button
        self.buttons.append(Button(, Point(4.5,1), 1.75, .75, '='))
        # activate all buttons
        for b in self.buttons:
    def __createDisplay(self):
        bg = Rectangle(Point(.5,5.5), Point(5.5, 6.5))
        text = Text(Point(3,6), "")
        self.display = text
    def getButton(self):
        # waits for button to be clicked and returns label of that button
        while True:
            p =
            for b in self.buttons:
                if b.clicked(p):
                    return b.getLabel()  # method exit
    def processButton(self, key):
        # updates calculator display for press of this key
        text = self.display.getText()
        if key == 'C':
        elif key == "<-":
            # backspace, slice off the last character
        elif key == '=':
            # evaluate the expression and display result
            # the try ... except mechanism catches errors in the 
            #    formula being evaluated
                result = eval(text)
                result ='ERROR'
            # normal key press, append it to end of display
    def run(self):
        # infinite event loop to process button clicks
        while True:
            key = self.getButton()
#this runs the program
if __name__ == 'main':
    #first create a calulator object
    theCalc = Calculator()
# now call the calculator's run methond

and I get

PS C:\Users\Owner\Py Programs> python
PS C:\Users\Owner\Py Programs>

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[Tutor] Unit testing individual modules

2013-11-19 Thread Patti Scott
Python 2.4
self-study with Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science by Zelle
I am trying to import a program that has a conditional execution statement at 
the end so I can troubleshoot individual modules in the main() program.
Below is the textbook example program.  When I try to import the program from 
Idle, I get 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in -toplevel-
    import rball
ImportError: No module named rball
(Also if I try to import with .py or .pyc)
From the commandline interface, I can import the program, but __name__  is 
still  "__main__" and I haven't successfully unit tested any of the individual 
# textbook example of top-down design for Monte Carlo raquetball simulation
from random import random
def main():
    #probA, probB, n = getInputs()
    #winsA, winsB = simNGames(n,probA,probB)
    #printSummary(winsA, winsB)
    def printIntro():
    print "This program simulates a game of racquetball between two"
    print 'players called "A" and "B."  The ability of each player is'
    print "indicated by a probability (a number between 0 and 1) that"
    print "the player wins the point when serving.  Player A always"
    print "has the first serve."
    def getInputs():
    #Returns the three simulation parameters
    n = input("How many games to simulate? ")
    a = input("What is the probability player A wins service? ")
    b = input("What is the probability player B wins service? ")
    return a, b, n
    def simNGames(n, probA, probB):
    #simulates n games of racquetball between players whose
    #   abilities are represented by the prob. of winning serivce
    #Returns total number of wins for A and B
    winsA = winsB = 0
    for i in range(n):
    scoreA, scoreB = simOneGame(probA, probB)
    if scoreA > scoreB:
    winsA = winsA + 1
    winsB = winsB + 1
    return winsA, winsB
    def simOneGame(probA, probB):
    #Simulates a single game between players whose
    #   abilities are represented by the prob. of winning service.
    # Returns final scores for A and B, one game
    serving = 'A'
    scoreA = scoreB = 0
    while not gameOver(scoreA, scoreB):
    if serving == 'A':
    if random()< probA:
    scoreA = scoreA + 1
    serving = 'B'
    if random() < probB:
    scoreB = scoreB + 1
    serving = 'A'
    return scoreA, scoreB
    def gameOver(a,b):
    # a and b represent running scores for one racquetball game
    # Returns True if game over, False otherwise
    return a==15 or b==15
    def printSummary(winsA, winsB):
    # Prints a summary of wins for each player.
    n = winsA + winsB
    print "Games simulated:", n
    print "Wins for A: %d (%0.1f%%)" % (winsA, float(winsA)/n*100)
    print "Wins for B: %d (%0.1f%%)" % (winsB, float(winsB)/n*100)
    probA, probB, n = getInputs()
    winsA, winsB = simNGames(n,probA,probB)
    printSummary(winsA, winsB)
if __name__ == "__main__": main()___
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