Re: [Tutor] urllib2 and tests

2013-05-04 Thread RJ Ewing
Thank you, I figured out what the problem was. I was passing in url into
the test_file_fetch function instead of self. URL was a global. I did get
the asserts mixed up. They were the opposite of what I wanted. Sorry I
didn't include the whole file for reference.

Thanks again

On Sat, May 4, 2013 at 9:08 PM, Steven D'Aprano  wrote:

> On 05/05/13 13:27, RJ Ewing wrote:
>> When I run the following, I get the following error:
> [...]
>  If I run the fetch_file function outside of the test, it works fine. Any
>> ideas?
> The code you are actually running, and the code you say you are running
> below, are different. Your error message refers to a file
>, not the you show us. As given, cannot
> possibly work, since it doesn't define "filefetcher". I can only guess that
> this is meant to be the module you are trying to test, but since you don't
> show us what is in that module, I can only guess what it contains.
> More comments below:
>  RROR: test_fetch_file (__main__.TestFileFetcher)
>> --**--**
>> --
>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>File "", line 12, in test_fetch_file
>>  fetched_file = filefetcher.fetch_file(URL)
> What's filefetcher? I'm guessing its the module you are testing, which is
> consistent with the next line showing the file name
> File "/Users/rjewing/Documents/**Work/", line 7, in
>> fetch_file
>>  return urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
>> "/Library/Frameworks/Python.**framework/Versions/2.7/lib/**
>> python2.7/",
>> line 126, in urlopen
>>  return, data, timeout)
>> "/Library/Frameworks/Python.**framework/Versions/2.7/lib/**
>> python2.7/",
>> line 392, in open
>>  protocol = req.get_type()
>> AttributeError: 'TestFileFetcher' object has no attribute 'get_type'
> Somehow, your test suite, the TestFileFetcher object, is being passed down
> into the urllib2 library. I can only guess that somehow url is not an
> actual URL. I suggest you add a line:
> print(url, type(url))
> just before the failing line, and see what it prints.
>  --**--**
>> --
> This cannot be the actual test suite you are running, since it cannot run
> as shown. It doesn't import unittest or the module to be tested.
>  class TestFileFetcher(unittest.**TestCase):
>>  def test_fetch_file(URL):
>>  phrase = 'position = support-intern'
>>  fetched_file = filefetcher.fetch_file(URL)
> And here's your error! Just as I thought, URL is not what you think it is,
> it is the TestFileFetcher instance.
> Unittest cases do not take arguments. Since they are methods, they are
> always defined with a single argument, conventionally called "self",
> representing the instance that the method is called on. So normally you
> would define a method like this:
> def test_fetch_file(self, url):
> which then takes a single *implicit* argument "self", provided by Python,
> plus a second *explicit* argument, "url". But because this is a test
> method, the unittest framework does not expect to pass an argument to the
> method, so you have to write it like this:
> def test_fetch_file(self):
> and get the url some other way.
> One common way would be to define an attribute on the test, and store the
> URL in that:
> class TestFileFetcher(unittest.**TestCase):
> URL = "some_url_goes_here"  # FIX THIS
> def test_fetch_file(self):
> phrase = 'position = support-intern'
> fetched_file = filefetcher.fetch_file(self.**URL)
> ...
>   unittest.assertIsNone(fetched_**file,
>>'The file was not fetched correctly')
> This part of the test seems to be wrong to me. It says:
> "compare the value of fetched_file to None; if it is None, the test
> passes; if it is some other value, the test fails with error message 'The
> file was not fetched correctly'"
> But then you immediately go on to use fetched_file:
>   text = filefetc

[Tutor] urllib2 and tests

2013-05-04 Thread RJ Ewing
When I run the following, I get the following error:

RROR: test_fetch_file (__main__.TestFileFetcher)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 12, in test_fetch_file
fetched_file = filefetcher.fetch_file(URL)
  File "/Users/rjewing/Documents/Work/", line 7, in fetch_file
return urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
line 126, in urlopen
return, data, timeout)
line 392, in open
protocol = req.get_type()
AttributeError: 'TestFileFetcher' object has no attribute 'get_type'


class TestFileFetcher(unittest.TestCase):

def test_fetch_file(URL):
phrase = 'position = support-intern'

fetched_file = filefetcher.fetch_file(URL)
  'The file was not fetched correctly')

text = filefetcher.add_phrase(fetched_file)
unittest.assertNotIn(phrase, text, 'The phrase is not in the file')


def fetch_file(url):
print 'Fetching file from %s' % url
return urllib2.urlopen(url).read()

If I run the fetch_file function outside of the test, it works fine. Any
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Re: [Tutor] implementing rot 13 problems

2013-03-12 Thread RJ Ewing
Thank you all for the help. I really appreciated the suggestions. Some of
the things you pointed out, I originally used, but started changing thing
when it wasn't working. I got it to work, but if you could let me know if
there is anything I should do to make this code more pythonesque that would
be great.

def rot_text(self, s):
ls = list(s)
for position, char in enumerate(ls):
if char.isupper() or char.islower():
test = 'M' if char.isupper() else 'm'
if char <= test:
ls[position] = chr(ord(char) + 13)
ls[position] = chr(ord(char) - 13)
return "".join(ls)

On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 4:11 AM, Karim  wrote:

> What can be said after this detailed lesson...Bravo!
> On 12/03/2013 11:58, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
>> On 12/03/13 16:57, RJ Ewing wrote:
>>> I am trying to implement rot 13 and am having troubles. My code is as
>>> follows:
>> A few comments follow.
>>def rot_text(self, s):
>>>   ls = [i for i in s]
>>>   for i in ls:
>>>   if i.isalpha():
>>>   if i.isupper():
>>>   if i <= 'M':
>>>   x = ls.index(i)
>>>   ls[ls.index(i)] = chr(ord(i) + 13)
>> This is unnecessarily verbose and complicated.
>> First problem, you use the name "i" to represent a character. Generally
>> you should avoid single character names, and prefer meaningful names that
>> explain what the variable represents. If you must use a single character,
>> then the conventional names include:
>> x, y, z: numbers, particularly floats
>> x: (rarely) an arbitrary value of no particular type
>> i, j, k: integer loop variables (rare in Python)
>> n, m: other integers
>> s: string
>> c: character
>> Notice that "c for character" makes much more sense than "i for
>> character".
>> You can, and should, create a list from the string using the list()
>> function, rather than a list comprehension that just walks over the
>> characters:
>> ls = [c for c in s]  # No, too verbose.
>> ls = list(s)  # Much better.
>> You then loop over the list, again using "i for character". You can
>> combine all those multiple if statements into a single clause:
>>   for i in ls:
>>   if i.isalpha() and i.isupper() and i <= 'M':
>> But wait! The call to isalpha() is not necessary, because if a character
>> is *not* alphabetical, isupper() will always return False:
>> py> '9'.isupper()
>> False
>> So we can throw out the call to isalpha().
>> Your code to rot13 the letter is, sadly, broken:
>> x = ls.index(i)
>> ls[ls.index(i)] = chr(ord(i) + 13)
>> This might make more sense if I re-write it using more meaningful names:
>> position = ls.index(char)  # This variable never gets used :-(
>> ls[ls.index(char)] = chr(ord(char) + 13)
>> The bit with chr() and ord() is fine. But what you do with it is wrong.
>> The problem is that index always returns the position of the *first* copy
>> of the item. So if your string is:
>> 'ABA'
>> the first time around the loop, your character is 'A'. ls.index('A') will
>> return 0, and the rot13ed version, 'N', will be shoved into position 0. The
>> second time around the loop, the character is 'B' and the rot13ed version
>> gets shoved into position 1. But the third time, the character is 'A'
>> again, index() will return 0 again, and the rot13ed version gets shoved
>> into position 0 instead of position 2, giving you:
>> 'NOA'
>> The best way to fix this is to ignore index, and instead count which
>> character we're at each time:
>> position = -1
>> for char in ls:
>> position = position + 1  # Advance the count.
>> ... blah blah blah
>> ls[position] = chr(ord(char) + 13)
>> But wait! Python has a function to do exactly this for us:
>> for position, char in enumerate(ls):
>> ... blah blah blah
>> ls[position] = chr(ord(char) + 13)
>> Have a go with that, and see how far you get.
> __**_
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[Tutor] implementing rot 13 problems

2013-03-11 Thread RJ Ewing
I am trying to implement rot 13 and am having troubles. My code is as

class Rot_13(webapp2.RequestHandler):
def write_form(self, user=""):
self.response.out.write(rot_form % user)
 def get(self):
 def post(self):
user = self.request.get("text")
s = self.rot_text(user)
print s
s = "".join(s)
 def rot_text(self, s):
ls = [i for i in s]
for i in ls:
if i.isalpha():
if i.isupper():
if i <= 'M':
x = ls.index(i)
ls[ls.index(i)] = chr(ord(i) + 13)
x = ls.index(i)
ls[ls.index(i)] = chr(ord(i) - 13)
 elif i.islower():
if i <= 'm':
x = ls.index(i)
ls[x] = chr(ord(i) + 13)
elif i > 'm':
x = ls.index(i)
ls[x] = chr(ord(i) - 13)
return ls

def escape_html(self, s):
return cgi.escape(s, quote = True)

Now if I enter abc, I get nop. But if I enter abcdefghijklmnop, I
get abcqrstuvwxyznop. I have included print statements to check if ls[x] is
changing and it is, but something is going wrong when I return the ls, and
I am not quite sure what it is.

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