Re: [Tutor] Even More Converter!

2008-03-22 Thread Rolando Pereira
Kepala Pening wrote:
 import re
 num = 123456789
 print ','.join(re.findall(\d{3}, str(num)))

The problem with that is that it cuts the digits in the end of the
number, if they can't form a 3 digit value.


import re
n = 1234

print ,.join(re.findall(\d{3}, str(n)))

Output: 123, instead of 1,234

I think the use of a function would be better.

def convert_num(num):
num = map(lambda x: int(x), str(num))
tmp_number = []
for i in range(len(num)):
if k == 2 and i != range(len(num))[-1]:
k = 0
k += 1
num = map(lambda n: str(n), tmp_number)
num = .join(num)
return num

First it converts the number into a list in which each digit is a
separate member.

Then it reverses that list (because when we want to add the commas, we
start to count from the right and not from the left, that is, it's 1,234
and not 123,4).

Next a few loop variables (k and tmp_number), and we loop through the
num list, appending it's reversed digits into tmp_number, except
when we have added 2 numbers without adding a comma, so we append the
next number AND a comma.

When the cycle ends, tmp_number is a list of ints with , string
separating groups of 3 numbers.

In the end, it make num the same as tmp_number, with all it's
members turned to strings (didn't knew that join() only worked with
strings in a list), reverse it (so it returns the same number that was
in the beginning, and joins everything into a string.


n = 1234

Output: 1,234

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Re: [Tutor] Even More Converter!

2008-03-22 Thread Rolando Pereira
Alan Gauld wrote:
 If that is important you might need to investigate a locale specific 
 way of defining the seperator. I know Windows has hooks to get 
 it from the local settings but I'm not sure about *nix and I don't 
 know if Python has a generic way.
 This might not matter to you in practice , but I thought I'd 
 mention it just in case...

There is always the shell command locale.


import subprocess

output = subprocess.Popen(locale | grep NUMERIC, shell=True, \
print output.communicate()[0]

LC_NUMERIC=pt_PT.UTF-8 (In my case)


The problem with this is that it assumes the default shell is properly
  setted up (which may not be the case, for example this output happens
in Bash, but in ZSH it gives en_US.UTF-8), which may not be the case.

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Re: [Tutor] getting filen basename without extension

2008-01-10 Thread Rolando Pereira
Timmie wrote:
 I would like to get the name of a file without it's extension/suffix.
 What is the easiest and fastes way to get the basename
 of a file wihout extension?
 What I found is this:
 import os
 myfile_name_with_path = 'path/to/my/testfile.txt'
 basename = os.path.basename(myfile_with_path)
 filename = os.path.splitext(basename)
 myfile_name_without_suffix = filename[0]
 Can this be done with less code?
 Thanks and kind regards,
 Tutor maillist  -

I did something like this:

import os
path = 'path/to/file.ext'
filename = path.split(.)[0].split(/)[-1]
print filename

The only problem I see is if the file has some . character besides the
one before the extention.

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Re: [Tutor] The name of the module

2007-10-17 Thread Rolando Pereira
János Juhász wrote:
 Dear Tutors,
 there was a thread some weeks ago about
 how can we find out 
 what is the name of the current module, 
 where the function was loaded from,
 where the function running from or so, 
 with some magic.
 I can't find it in the archive.
 May someone help me with some reference about it ?
 Yours sincerely,
 János Juhász
 Tutor maillist  -

I can only find something back in February of this year.

Don't know if that's what you're after though.

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Re: [Tutor] How to Practice Python?(Linpeiheng)

2007-10-01 Thread Rolando Pereira
Alan Gauld wrote:
 There are no such things
 as standard solutions to programming problems, its not like
 doing math!

But usually there is The Right Way.

I think...

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Re: [Tutor] Hi,every one

2007-06-22 Thread Rolando Pereira
Yang Yang escreveu:
 i am a newman for python world
 i have some word want to ask
 1.what is the best book for python study.

I like Dive into Python.
( )

 2.what's is the better IDE for python

That depends on what OS you are.

 Thanks for all
 Tutor maillist  -

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Re: [Tutor] two input acceptions

2007-05-18 Thread Rolando Pereira
adam urbas escreveu:
 Thanks for the help.  I've made quite some progress since I first posted this 
 email.  I have a question though, what did you mean when you were talking 
 about the raw_input( )?  How can the regular input( ) be used evilly?  If you 
 could explain in depth, I would be very grateful.  I have a new question 
 related to my program, I guess it's the same one as before.  When I 
 run the program and input the rectangle option, it asks me for a radius, 
 unless I input 1, instead of rectangle.  How do I program it to accept both 1 
 and rectangle? Date: Sat, 12 May 2007 18:55:20 +0100 From: [EMAIL 
 PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] CC: Subject: Re: [Tutor] 
 (no subject)  adam urbas escreveu:  Hi,I just started python today and I 
 would like a few pointers, if you don't mind.  I tried using a tutorial, but 
 was only able to get the correct results for the most basic problems.  # Area 
 calculation programprint “Welcome to the Area calculation program”print “––
–––”print# Print out the menu:print “Please select a shape:”print “1  
Rectangle”print “2  Circle”# Get the user’s choice:shape = input(“ “)# 
Calculate the area:if shape == 1:height = input(“Please enter the height: 
“)width = input(“Please enter the width: “)area = height*widthprint 
“The area is”, areaelse:radius = input(“Please enter the radius: “)area 
= 3.14*(radius**2)print “The area is”, areaI've been trying to get this to 
work.  I was on a forum on Google and they said to put:input(press ENTER to 
continue)at the end.  I did, but it didn't work.  It runs the program but just 
shuts itself off when its done and i don't even get to select any of the option 
things that i'm s upposed to be able to select.  It just turns on then back 
off and I don't even get to see anything.  Could someone help me 
_  Create the 
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___  Tutor maillist  -  First, 
welcome to the world of Python. :D Second. please give a title when you start 
a new thread on a mailing list. Third, format your posts and code. Since 
Python uses indented code, it's  kinda hard to read it when it's all in one 
line (Don't worry, I'll paste  it indented in a file attached to this email :D 
)  Now for the code.  After arranging the code, the first thing I noticed 
were this characters “ ”  I tried running the code, and if gave me a error 
there, so I just  replace then with  , and voilá, the code worked :D . So 
the lesson  here is always use either   or ' ' in the code.  Oh, a
lso another thing. Don't use input() to get the user input, because  that 
command can run code and it may be evilly used. Always use  raw_input() 
instead :D .  Anyway, I hope I helped you,   --  
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First of all, what email client are you using?
Because the text is getting all weird and difficult to read (it's all in 
one line, with no paragraphs and things like that).

Now, the thing about input() and why it's not a good policy to use is 
that, unlike raw_input(), what type in a input() is executed by Python 
(in raw_input() is stored as a string).


var = raw_input()

Now we have a variable called var which contains the string that says 
You can confirm that by typing:
print var

There, no harm done. Now let's try the same thing using the input() command:

var = input()

Now let's type print var again as we did before.

print var
  ['L', 'O'. 'L']

Now what happened? Because you used the input() command, what you type 
was interpreted by Python, instead of being stored in a string and since 
the list() command is used to create a list, Python did just that. He 
created a list. Now, in this example, no harm was done. But image 
someone typing the command os.system(command to delete some file or run 
some file). That would send a delete command to the terminal, or 
install some file (it could even be a virus).

Ok, it's a little harder to explain, but the thing you should is that 
usually raw_input() = GOOD, input() = BAD.

Now, I couldn't quite understand the second problem.
Please explain a little better.

PS: Now I know why I see all posts messed up. 

Re: [Tutor] (no subject)

2007-05-12 Thread Rolando Pereira

adam urbas escreveu:

Hi,I just started python today and I would like a few pointers, if you don't mind.  I tried 
using a tutorial, but was only able to get the correct results for the most basic problems.  
# Area calculation programprint “Welcome to the Area calculation program”print 
“–”print# Print out the menu:print “Please select a shape:”print “1  
Rectangle”print “2  Circle”# Get the user’s choice:shape = input(“ “)# Calculate the 
area:if shape == 1:height = input(“Please enter the height: “)width = input(“Please 
enter the width: “)area = height*widthprint “The area is”, areaelse:radius = 
input(“Please enter the radius: “)area = 3.14*(radius**2)print “The area is”, 
areaI've been trying to get this to work.  I was on a forum on Google and they said to 
put:input(press ENTER to continue)at the end.  I did, but it didn't work.  It 
runs the program but just shuts itself off when its done and i don't even get to select any 
of the option things that i'm s

upposed to be able to select.  It just turns on then back off and I don't even 
get to see anything.  Could someone help me out.ThanksAdam

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Tutor maillist  -

First, welcome to the world of Python. :D
Second. please give a title when you start a new thread on a mailing list.
Third, format your posts and code. Since Python uses indented code, it's 
kinda hard to read it when it's all in one line (Don't worry, I'll paste 
it indented in a file attached to this email :D )

Now for the code.

After arranging the code, the first thing I noticed were this characters “ ”

I tried running the code, and if gave me a error there, so I just 
replace then with  , and voilá, the code worked :D . So the lesson 
here is always use either   or ' ' in the code.

Oh, also another thing. Don't use input() to get the user input, because 
that command can run code and it may be evilly used. Always use 
raw_input() instead :D .

Anyway, I hope I helped you,

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# Area calculation program

print Welcome to the Area calculation program
print –––––––––––––

# Print out the menu:
print Please select a shape:
print 1  Rectangle
print 2  Circle

# Get the user’s choice:
shape = input( )

# Calculate the area:
if shape == 1:
height = input(Please enter the height: )
width = input(Please enter the width: )
area = height*width
print The area is, area
radius = input(Please enter the radius: )
area = 3.14*(radius**2)
print The area is, area
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