Re: [Tutor] Learning Regular Expressions

2016-05-30 Thread Terry--gmail

Thanks Alan

I noticed that I was using some double ' to encircle some things and 
some single ' for apostrophes in contractionsand fixed those...but 
apparently since you could run it, that part didn't matter. The problem 
was ultimately caused by a stray ''' which was a fragment of me messing 
with things trying to fix them and it slipped down my screen and was 
hidden from me when I would look at the script!

Thanks for double checking me. :)

On 05/30/2016 03:07 PM, Alan Gauld via Tutor wrote:

On 30/05/16 18:21, wrote:

I moved my notes that contained any '\'s to a different python file.
However, if we run it, we get the error I was having. Here's the

Runs fine for me.

Can you run it using the python command line interpreter rather
than IDLE? Do you still get errors? If so cut n paste the full
error to the list.

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[Tutor] Learning Regular Expressions

2016-05-24 Thread Terry--gmail

Running Linux Mint
The YouTube Sentdex Video tutor I am following.
He is working in Python3.4 and I am running Python3.4.3

He's demonstrating some Regular Expressions which I wanted to test out. 
On these test scripts, for future referrence, I have been putting my 
notes in Tripple Quotes and naming the scripts descriptively to be able 
to find them again, when I need to review. However, this time, when  I 
copied in a simple script below my RE notes, and ran it from IDLE (and 
from Console) I got the following error:

SyntaxError:  EOF while scanning triple-quoted string literal

Now, there was also a tripple-quoted string I had set a variable to in 
my I thought it was the active part of the script! But 
eventually, through the process of elimination, I discovered the 
scripted worked great without the notes!  I'd like to know what it is in 
the below Tripple-Quoted section that is causing me this problem...if 
anyone recognizes. In IDLE's script file..._it's all colored green_, 
which I thought meant Python was going to ignore everything between the 
tripple-quotes! But if I run just the below portion of the script in 
it's own file, I get the same While Scanning Tripple-Quotes error.

#!/usr/bin/env python3

Regular Expressions - or at least some


\d  any number
\D  anything but a number (digit)
\s  space
\S  anything but a space
\w  any character
\W  anything but a character
.   any character (or even a period itself if you use \.) except for a 

a   search for just the letter 'a'
\b  the white space around words

{x}we are expecting "x" number of something
{1, 3}  we're expecting 1-3 in length of something -, so for digits we 
write  \d{1-3}

+  means Match 1 or more
?  means Match 0 or 1
*   Match 0 or more
$  Match the end of a string
^  Match the beginning of a string
|   Match either or   - so you might write  \d{1-3} | \w{5-6}
[ ]  a range or "variance" such as [A-Z] or [A-Za-z] Cap 1st letter 
followed by lower case
or [1-5a-qA-Z] starts with a number inclusive of 1-5 then 
lower case letter then

followed by any Cap letter! :)

White Space Characters  (may not be seen):
\n  new line
\s  space
\t   tab
\e  escape
\f  form feed
\r  return

.  +  *  ?  [  ]  $  ^  (  )  {  }  |  \   if you really want to use 
these, you must escape them '\'


Thanks for your thoughts!
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Re: [Tutor] Building Starships -- object of type 'int' has no len()

2014-08-21 Thread Terry--gmail

Thanks Japhy Bartlett!

[[0] for i in range(5)]

Works! I converted to fit into my routine as:

lens = [[] for i in range(len(catalog2[0]))]  the new statement
for row in catalog2:
for col, item in enumerate(row):
lens = [max(col) for col in lens]

My result is:

[6, 17, 5, 9, 12, 7, 0, 0, 0]  THAT IS THE CORRECT ANSWER!


Peter Otten
Thanks! Those work also!

Danny Yoo
Thanks for the Documentation on creating multidimensioned lists! 
Interesting read! And now I know why my first attempts to get 
multi-dimensions from an equation failed.

Alan Gauld

lens = [ [] for n in catalog2[0] ]

--And greatly simplifies how I first constructed this!

Thanks Everyone! This gets me going again
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Re: [Tutor] Building Starships -- object of type 'int' has no len()

2014-08-20 Thread Terry--gmail

Alan Gauld

We are not quite out of the woods on this last example you gave me. It 
now seems to be complaining
that it doesn't want to append an integer to the list or that this isn't 
the place to use '.append'  -- I am probably interpreting it's complaint 

Python 3.3

If I run this last piece of code that we just added 'enumerate(row)' to:

lens = [0] * len(catalog2[0])
for row in catalog2:
for col, item in enumerate(row):
print(col, item, len(item))
lens = [max(col) for col in lens]

My result is:

0 Drives 6  my print statement result

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /home/justme/1a_Computer_Related/Python/scripts/, 
line 43, in module

AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'append'

While messing with the above problem, I found myself thinking (almost 
always a mistake on my part) that the '.append' extension doesn't need 
the list pre-formatted any more than a simple lens= [], since .append 
has the ability to expand the list anyway, which would let the number of 
columns be more easily expanded later in life by the programmer simply 
adding a column of data to the table, so I tried-

lens = []
for row in catalog2:
for col, item in enumerate(row):
print(col, item, len(item))
lens = [max(col) for col in lens]

But my result says otherwise:

0 Drives 6

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /home/justme/1a_Computer_Related/Python/scripts/, 
line 45, in module

IndexError: list index out of range

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Re: [Tutor] Building Starships -- object of type 'int' has no len()

2014-08-20 Thread Terry--gmail

Marc, my understanding is, is that:


-should be building a mirror image of my list of lists called catalog2, 
which currently has 9 columns by x number of rows, and that we are 
plugging into these positions, the sizes of all the elements in that 
block of data.

If that is true, then lens[col] is creating lists which contain the 
sizes of the elements in that particular column.

So, I completely don't understand why we would eliminate the positioning 
of which list we are referencing in lens by saying:


It seems to me that, that statement would put the entire block of 
element sizes into one list, and the next MAX statement would then yield 
only a single number, which would be the largest size element it 
encounted in the whole of catalog2!

Or am I really missing the boat here? :)

Thanks for your thoughts!

On 08/20/2014 02:26 PM, Marc Tompkins wrote:

On Aug 20, 2014 12:07 PM, Terry--gmail wrote:

 Alan Gauld

 We are not quite out of the woods on this last example you gave me. 
It now seems to be complaining
 that it doesn't want to append an integer to the list or that this 
isn't the place to use '.append'  -- I am probably interpreting it's 
complaint wrong:

 Python 3.3

 If I run this last piece of code that we just added 'enumerate(row)' to:

 lens = [0] * len(catalog2[0])
 for row in catalog2:

 for col, item in enumerate(row):
 print(col, item, len(item))

 lens = [max(col) for col in lens]

 My result is:

 0 Drives 6  my print statement result

 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File /home/justme/1a_Computer_Related/Python/scripts/, 
line 43, in module

 AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'append'

Once again you're confusing the list with its contents.  lens is a 
list; lens[col] is an integer.  lens.append(whatever) should do the trick.

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Re: [Tutor] Building Starships -- object of type 'int' has no len()

2014-08-20 Thread Terry--gmail

Hi Marc Tompkins!

You are absolutely right that

lens = [0] * len(catalog2[0])

Just creates a list of integers!

Here is what happened, my original method of finding the maximum element 
sizes in the 9 x ? block of data held in catalog2, only needed a final 
list of integers to contain it. However, as everyone helped me make my 
routine more pythonic, things evolved, but we always used the same 
beginning formatting statement until Alan Gauld gave me, as a last 
example, a different way to do the same thing, but he left out, I think, 
a matching formatting statement, and I ASSUMED WE WERE STILL USING THE 

You drew my eyes to it. So, I replaced the above statement with this line:

lens = [[], [], [], [], [], [], [],[], []]

So, trying that:

lens = [[], [], [], [], [], [], [],[], []]
for row in catalog2:
for col, item in enumerate(row):
lens = [max(col) for col in lens]

My result is:

[6, 17, 5, 9, 12, 7, 0, 0, 0]  THAT IS CORRECT!  IT 

But, when I try to automate the formatting of lens so that my data block 
can easily be changed in the originating table:

lens = [[]] * len(catalog2[0])
for row in catalog2:
for col, item in enumerate(row):
lens = [max(col) for col in lens]

My result is:

[17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17]  THAT IS NOT CORRECT!

I haven't figured out what the difference is between the two formatting 
statementsbut it appears to be profound! Ha!

And the MAX statement that I was referring to that you couldn't see was 
the last line where the column lists were used to find the maximum size 
of each column of sizes and change lens to a single list of integers:

lens = [max(col) for col in lens]



I just don't know how to automatically format lens with enough [] like I 
was able to tell

On 08/20/2014 02:56 PM, Marc Tompkins wrote:

On Wed, Aug 20, 2014 at 1:38 PM, Terry--gmail wrote:

Marc, my understanding is, is that:


-should be building a mirror image of my list of lists called catalog2,
which currently has 9 columns by x number of rows, and that we are plugging
into these positions, the sizes of all the elements in that block of data.

What's important is how you defined lens:

  lens = [0] * len(catalog2[0])

That's a list of integers, as far as I can tell without running it
(I'm away from an interpreter at the moment.)  So no, you cannot do
lens[col].append(whatever), because - as the error message said -
'int' object has no attribute 'append'.

There might be some misunderstanding about what list.append(whatever)
does - it adds whatever to the end of list.  It does NOT assign
values to elements that already exist; to do that, you need to do
assignment by index.  So maybe this is what you're looking for?:

 lens[col] = len(item)

So, I completely don't understand why we would eliminate the positioning of
which list we are referencing in lens by saying:


It seems to me that, that statement would put the entire block of element
sizes into one list, and the next MAX statement would then yield only a
single number, which would be the largest size element it encounted in the
whole of catalog2!

Or am I really missing the boat here? :)

will append a single integer to lens.  I'm afraid I don't quite follow
the bit about the next MAX statement, as I've lost the thread of
what your larger project is trying to accomplish...  In any case,
max() _should_ only return a single number, no?

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Re: [Tutor] Building Starships -- object of type 'int' has no len()

2014-08-19 Thread Terry--gmail
The down side of setting the domain to be mailed to as plain 
text, appears to be that Thunderbirdy has changed all my email to plain 
text, instead of just the email going to this domainwhich is weird.

Leam Hall:

I have just one additional function to create in the User Design section 
where the the user designs his own starship, to complete, before I move 
on to the Alien Design section where the computer semi-intelligently and 
randomly designs the unknown Alien ship we are going to meet out in 
interstellar space. That will be in 1 dimensional space to start with. 
You can either try to run away, charge right in and try to match 
relative direction and speed, or sweep in and fly right past the enemy 
blasting away at it. As the program gets worked out, I will alter for 
more dimensionseventually, as I learn graphics. Right now, it is 
about the combat against an unknown enemy of unknown strength and 
capabilities. I figure it's a fun way to acquire pythonic skills and 
manage to remember all the commands possible. It's what I did when I 
first learned BASIC.'s going to be traditional with me...

If you want, and if it doesn't violate any rules for this mailing list, 
I could post the User Design section for you to look over to see what my 
basic concepts are, just after I add and test this last section. 
Ultimately, I want this design section to be really easy to add 
additional capabilities to later and it is sort of written for the most 
part that way right nowalthough necessity also requires some custom 
filtering for different catagories of parts - like, you can only 
purchase one Hull for your ship!

( :) I probably wouldn't try to learn my techniques thoughmy python 
skills and vocabulary are a real work in progress and I read so much 
that I am forgetting what I have read. And I have no doubt I have 
probably broken pythonic rules and slaughtered proper methodology to 
high heaven in the layout and implementation. Ha Ha Ha)

But this section does workat least until I discover a bug in some 
untested possible combination of choices. The way I broke it was by 
adding additional functions.

Just let me know if you want me to post it for you to look over.


The bare 'except' was a throw away. By bare 'except' I am assuming you 
mean without defining the type of error 'except' is to act upon?

except ValueError:
do something

-Or does bare 'except' mean something else?

Alan Guald:

I have been trying out the different ways you suggested for doing this, 
and have ran into a problem on making the very last one work. I stuck a 
print statement in it to help, but I am not sure what the error 
statement is telling me:

for row in catalog2:
for col, item in row:
lens = [max(col) for col in lens]

and I get the following error in 'for col, item in row:'

 'ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 2)':

I don't see why it would possibly say there are too many values to 
unpack or why it would expect only 2!

Also, the list comprehension you have used on the final line reminds me 
that I would really like to understand comprehensions better. Is there 
some info on the Internet that starts very basic concerning 
comprehensions and explains step by step in complexity how they are 
structured and what the computer is doing?

Just looking at the code setting there inside the list brackets and know 
what the output is going to be, reminds me of a programmed cell of a 
spreadsheetkind of.

Mark Tompkins:

Does (x) have Buddha-nature?

In college, in a Psychology of Communications class, I spent a lot of 
time studying, writing about, and contemplating The Is-ness of IS!  
Does that count?

I hand typed all of the above code in, except the error portion.

This is pasted from Ninja-IDE and it comes out in smaller letters and is 
impossible to make larger...

for row in catalog2:

for col, item in row:


lens = [max(col) for col in lens]

Mark Lawrence gave me the idea to copy from Ninja-IDE to gedit and then 
copied it from gedit  here:  (actually I saved it in gedit and then 
re-grabbed it with gedit )

for row in catalog2:
for col, item in row:
lens = [max(col) for col in lens]

Boy! It looks far better on my page than the straight Ninja-ide paste 
above! And it is now manipulatable, I can enlarge and shrink 
it...whereas, the Ninja paste resists things like trying to delete the 
extra lines of white space below it and I have even saw it collapse to 
flat right before my eyes!

So, I guess the best route is to paste from Ninja to gedit and then to 
my emailassuming this is good on your end.

On 08/19/2014 02:29 PM, Marc Tompkins wrote:

On Tue, Aug 19, 2014 at 1:04 PM, Mark Lawrence wrote:

I'm not aware of any problem with Thunderbird or any 

[Tutor] Building Starships -- object of type 'int' has no len()

2014-08-17 Thread Terry--gmail
WOW! There is a lot of help on this mailing list! I want to thank 
everyone for their valuable input! Thanks!  (I am working my way through 
the replies.)

Sorry about the HTML. I think I have it turned off now in Thunderbirdy 
for this address. If so, then what follows should not be flat. If it is 
flat, please tell me.

The problem portion of the program now works, as I have corrected where 
my strings were getting converted to integers. However, if it is OK. I'd 
like to discuss and ask a few questions on a few things that have been 
brought up.


You commented on the non-Pythonic nature of my program. HA HA HA! I 
don't doubt it!

I am coming from a BASIC background based on line numbers and GOTO and 
GOSUB statements, and when I read this book on Python I am sure I 
understood it in terms of that old BASIC. Hence, my nested FOR 
statements have been laid out in layers as I did it in this Python 
program because that is how I envisioned those statements through BASIC 
eyes. BUT, they might also have looked something like:

30 FORX=1TOZ:FORC=1TOE:do something here:NEXTE:NEXTZ

The fact is, I am VERY interested in acquiring that 'Pythonic' view you 
mention and I have encountered that term bandied about on the Internet, 
but have come away confused as to exactly what Pythonic Thinking really 
is! The writers seem to take it for granted I know. I don't.

After all, the way I laid the code out in my program is actually 
functional. So, I am really curious about the benefit of a Pythonic Way, 
and what it looks and reads like...

Is their a Pythonic Table anywhere on the Internet, where various 
possible coding methods in Python are contrasted to the real Pythonic 
Way? -So I can examine and study the contrasted structure to understand 
what the Pythonic Structure is accomplishing? (Maybe I am asking the 
wrong question here.)

I must confess that I had, when first writing the code to discover the 
maximum size of each column for later print to screen, searched the 
Internet for a python statement or an import of some kind that I could 
simply hand my block of data to, and have it come back with the maximum 
sizes of the columns. (Yes. I'm an optimist! :) ). But, I did find the 
below piece of code which sounded like it was doing what I wanted, so I 
tested it and then integrated into my program:

lens = [max(map(len, col)) for col in zip(*catalog2)]

It worked great! So I kept it (as a thing of utter beauty) as I was awed 
by it. -until I started getting that syntactic error pointing to that 
line. The problem is, I didn't understand the commands within the above 
statement (max, map, zip, and the * usage) and how they were 
interactively accomplishing things (the statement was utterly over my 
head at this juncture), and when it came to debugging, after a few 
embedded print statements failed to tip me off to the problem and the 
bug persisted, I kept suspecting the I decided to 
replace the above code with something that was very familiar and 
understandable to me (albeit, not a thing of pythonic beauty):

lens = [0] * len(catalog2[0])

for line_number in range(len(catalog2)):

for col in range(len(catalog2[line_number])):

if lens[col]  len(catalog2[line_number][col]):

lens[col] = len(catalog2[line_number][col])

-And was surprised to discover the same bug persisted! The situation 
buffaloed me into thinking there was something about the language I was 
not comprehending in this section, when the actual problem, as we 
discovered, was elsewhere.some of the string data had been converted 
to integers, and thus expecting a string instead of an integer, I got 
the Type Error.

But I am now very curious to see how this same coding would be 
accomplished in a Pythonic Way, so, letting the statement you gave me 
redefine the entire flow of thought in that area of code--

catalog2 = [

[Drives, Type, Price, Max Speed, Energy Drain, Rq-Crew, , 
, ],

[Drives, Solar Sail, 3, 1, None, 2, , , ],

[Drives, Bussard Ramjet, 10, 7, 2, 3, , , ],

[Drives, Fusion, 70, 15, 5, 8, , , ],

[Drives, Matter-Antimatter, 1500, 145, 15, 13, , , ],

[Drives, Warp Drive, 2500, 250, 45, 17, , , ],


We want to find the maximum size for each column--

lens = [0] * len(catalog2[0])

for line_number, row in enumerate(catalog2):
for col, item in enumerate(row):
if lens[col]  len(item):
lens[col] = len(item)


[6, 17, 5, 9, 12, 7, 0, 0, 0] -that is the correct answer.

Did I do this correctly? Or, was there a way to compact it more?

What have we gained?

We have grabbed the entire row of data, and then looped through it 
without setting indexes when referring to the parts of each line...thus 
less clutter. Did we do this because there is less overhead generated as 
we sweep through the data?

It is the same number of lines, BUT there is less typing in most of the 

Do we anticipate an execution speed increase doing it this way also?

Or have we altered the 

Re: [Tutor] Building Starships -- object of type 'int' has no len()

2014-08-17 Thread Terry--gmail

I found another place in Thunderbirdy to set 'plain text'.

This is a test.

Does the below code look correct now?

--And did I reply correctly this time?  (Reply-All and keep only address...)

for line_number, row in enumerate(catalog2):

for col, item in enumerate(row):

if lens[col]  len(item):

lens[col] = len(item)

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Re: [Tutor] Building Starships -- object of type 'int' has no len()

2014-08-17 Thread Terry--gmail
I'm copy and pasting from Ninja-IDE, which I thought was created 
specifically to do python I never checked to see if it 
needs to have the tab set to enter 4 spaces, as it appeared visually to 
be doing that.  But, I don't remember whether I used their tab or 
manually typed 4 spaces. SO, I have typed the lines below in manually:

for line_number, row in enumerate(catalog2):
for col, item in enumerate(row):
if lens[col]  len(item):
lens[col] = len(item)

How's that?


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[Tutor] Building Starships -- object of type 'int' has no len()

2014-08-15 Thread Terry--gmail

Python 3.3

This has something to do with the nature of FOR statements and IF 
statements, and I am sure it must be a simple mistake...but I seem to be 

I am writing a starship encounter program as my first real python 
programwhere the user gets a random amount of credits to design his 
own ship and the computer also gets a random number of credits to spend 
and designs it's own ship, and then they go into combat against each other.

This is part of the design phase for the user. The user has picked one 
category of the catalog, such as:

Hulls, Drives, Shields, Weapons, Personnel, etc

catalog and catalog2 are lists of lists:  [[],[],[]]

OK. So, my program has scanned the master catalog for a particular 
chosen category and has built catalog2 containing all the parts of that 
one category and their associated differences (rows), and now I want to 
print it out as a menu for the user to pick what part to add of this 
particular category to his ship.

But first, so that I can pretty print the menu items and their 
associated capabilities to the screen in nice uniform columns, I need to 
know the maximum size of what is going to be printed in each column on 
the screen in advance, so I do the below learning scan through catagory2 
and I build the simple list 'lens' to contain the max size of each column.

As I run the program, this works perfectly for every NEW category the 
user picks, and the rows of associated data are printed just like I 
want...*UNTIL the user chooses to buy a second part from a category 
he has already visited*, and at that point things error out. Below is 
the problem code and the error:

lens = []

# pre-format the list called lens for maximum number of columns 
contained in catalog2

lens = [0] * len(catalog2[0])

# map the largest sizes of each column into list 'lens'

col, line_number = 0, 0

for line_number in range(len(catalog2)):

for col in range(len(catalog2[line_number])):

*if lens[col]  len(catalog2[line_number][col]):*

lens[col] = len(catalog2[line_number][col])

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File, line 379, in module
myship = designShip(credits, myship)
  File, line 354, in designShip
hull, myship, credits, section = nicePrint(hull, credits, myship, 
catalog, section)

  File, line 199, in nicePrint
if lens[col]  len(catalog2[line_number][col]):
TypeError: *object of type 'int' has no len()*

I don't get it. This code does the same job, again and again 
successfully as I proceed to pick new categories. Why would it care if I 
want to go over the same ground more than once??? It seems to me that 
the FOR STATEMENT automatically zeros the counters 'col' and 
line_number' when it starts counting, but why would it suddenly choke 
because of going over old territory???

In trying to debug i have checked catalog2 and it's data is present and 
intact. I added  the line 'col, line_number = 0, 0' in the sequence of 
events although I don't see why it would be needed, and evidently it 
isn't needed because the problem persists. What's left to check?

I really want to buy more guns and bombs and armor! But the program 
seems to be on the side of gun control!!!

Thanks for your thoughts and suggestions!

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[Tutor] Building Starships -- object of type 'int' has no len()

2014-08-15 Thread Terry--gmail

Thanks for your response JL.

I added the following Exception to the code snippet:

for line_number in range(len(catalog2)):

for col in range(len(catalog2[line_number])):


if lens[col]  len(catalog2[line_number][col]):

lens[col] = len(catalog2[line_number][col])

except TypeError:


print(col #: , col)

print(line_number, line_number)

print(catalog2 col content: , catalog2[line_number][col])

print(catalog2 col content TYPE: , type(catalog2[line_number][col]))


Below is the exception printout. I ordered the catalog2 printout portion 
to be more readable:

[['Drives', 'Type', 'Price', 'Max Speed', 'Energy Drain', 'Rq-Crew', '', 
'', ''],
 ['Drives', 'Solar Sail', 3, 1, 'None', 2, '', '', ''], 
here's the problem

 ['Drives', 'Bussard Ramjet', '10', '7', '2', '3', '', '', ''],
 ['Drives', 'Fusion', '70', '15', '5', '8', '', '', ''],
 ['Drives', 'Matter-Antimatter', '1500', '145', '15', '13', '', '', ''],
 ['Drives', 'Warp Drive', '2500', '250', '45', '17', '', '', '']]
col #:  2
line_number 1
catalog2 col content:  3
catalog2 col content TYPE:  class 'int'

Hmmm. It appears that when I bought a Solar Sail the first time through, 
my code has altered my master Catalog away from holding strings to 
holding integers for that particular row-record, which is why when I 
return to a particular  category to make a second purchase, the code 
errors out when it hits the integers that are suppose to be strings.

You know, for some reason, it just never sank into my thick skull that 
the integer 3 doesn't have a length. I just proved that to myself on the 
python commandline. It's just that my eyes see the number 3 displayed on 
the screen and my blond brain automatically counts it as occupying 1 
space in the printout and thinks it's length is 1which is why the 
texts say to use str() on integers and floats in mixed printouts, I guess.

Thanks! I guess the above code is actually fine.

Now, I just need to discover how and where I am somehow altering the 
master catalog where everything is suppose to be contained in strings. 
The problem with that is, I don't think there is any code to mess with 
the master catalog. I create catalog2 from scans of catalog each time 
another category is picked. And I store the chosen parts, after a 
quantity has been selected, in a list called myship. So, the problem 
must be where I do the quanity calculation, as that is done in integer 
form before the new row is added to myship. So, I will start there as I 
suspect I didn't switch it back to strings when I altered the catalog2 
row, just before I appended it to myship.

Thanks for putting me back on track!
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