Re: [Tutor] Trying to use MySQLdb.cursor

2005-03-25 Thread Vicki Stanfield
 below to print the data returned from my query, but I would like to
 labels at the top of the columns. How do I do this dynamically?

 You shouldn't, it makes your code very vulnarable to changes in the
 Its the same principle as using 'select * from...', a bad idea in
 production code. And if you know which columns you are selecting you
 by definition know what labels to use.

 And another reason why its a bsad idea is that databvase columns often
 have weird abbreviated names that you don't want to expose users to.

 Alan G.

I am just trying to write code to demonstrate this capability in Python.
If I am actually in a position where I have access to the database schema,
I would not do so. I agree with your comments.


Tutor maillist  -

[Tutor] Mysqldb module - where ?????

2005-03-24 Thread Vicki Stanfield
I am googling for a slackware package containing the Mysqldb module, but
all I am coming up with is MySQLdb. I am not hallucinating right? They are
indeed two separate modules?


Tutor maillist  -

[Tutor] Trying to use MySQLdb.cursor

2005-03-24 Thread Vicki Stanfield
I finally gave up and used MySQLdb to connect to my database. It connects
okay, and returns data, but now I have a new question. I use the code
below to print the data returned from my query, but I would like to make
labels at the top of the columns. How do I do this dynamically? I would
like to get the fieldnames as defined by mysql and print them before
printing each column. Is there a way to do this?

Here is the relevant portion of the code:

def getdata():
 conn = MySQLdb.Connect(
 host='localhost', user='user',
 passwd='password', db='sample',compress=1,
 cursor = conn.cursor()
 cursor.execute(SELECT computers.comp_location FROM computers, mice
WHERE mice.mouse_type = USB
AND computers.comp_location like A%
AND mice.mouse_comp = computers.comp_id;)
 rows = cursor.fetchall()

 print '''
 table border=1 cellpadding=5

 for row in rows:
  print tr
  for cell in row:
  print td %s /td % row[cell]

  print /tr

Thanks for helping me get going.

Tutor maillist  -

[Tutor] Getting error that calendar is underfined when importing calendar module

2005-03-23 Thread Vicki Stanfield
Hi all. I am using Python 2.4 on a Slackware Linux box and am having a
problem importing the calendar module into a program that I am writing.
The code is simple and looks like this:

import cgitb, os, sys
sys.strerr = sys.stdout

import cgi
import time
import calendar

print Content-Type: text/html\n\n
print htmlhead/headbody\n\n

#Get date variables
from datetime import datetime
date =
today= date.strftime(%m %Y)
thisyear = date.strftime(%Y)
thismonth = date.strftime(%m)

#Print calendar for the current month

For some reason that I don't understand, I get an error when I use this
code in a cgi way (run the file out of cgi-bin) but not when I type it
from the command line. The error I get is this:

   43 calendar.prmonth(int(thisyear),int(thismonth))
calendar = module 'calendar' from '/var/www/cgi-bin/',
calendar.prmonth undefined, builtin int = type 'int', thisyear = '2005',
thismonth = '03'

AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'prmonth'
  args = ('module' object has no attribute 'prmonth',)

The calendar module description says there is a prmonth, and as I said, it
works from the command line. Can anyone tell me what I am missing?


Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Getting error that calendar is underfined when importing calendar module

2005-03-23 Thread Vicki Stanfield
 The cgi is importing itself when you 'import calendar'. Try renaming your to something
 else like


Thanks. I was almost there, having noticed that dir(calendar) was
different when run from the script than in an interactive session.


P.S. Now to parse the data.

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Passing data from html to py

2005-03-23 Thread Vicki Stanfield
I have one last question on this particular script. I am using the
following line to print out the post data:

for key in form:
print %s: %sbr % (key, form[key].value)

It works fine except for when the key is to a list object made by the
following select statement:

select id=prod[] name=prod[] multiple=multiple size=4
option id=MB name=MBMotherboards/option
option id=CPU name=CPUProcessors/option
option id=Case name=CaseCases/option
option id=Power name=PowerPower Supplies/option
option id=Mem name=MemMemory/option
option id=HD name=HDHard Drives/option
option id=Periph name=PeriphPeripherals/option

AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'value'
  args = ('list' object has no attribute 'value',)

How does one traverse a list object to get the selected data?

Thanks for any help.

Tutor maillist  -

[Tutor] Python cgi doesn't get data from html form as expected

2005-03-22 Thread Vicki Stanfield
I have recently started doing cgi in Python and have run into a problem. I
have an html form which has various widgets which accept data. I also have
this in that html file:

form method=post runs but doesn't seem to contain the data from the form. I'm
not sure of the format for the for with regard to FieldStorage btw. Here
is the contents of

#! /usr/bin/python
import cgitb, os, sys

import cgi

print Content-Type: text/html\n\n
print htmlhead/headbody
form = cgi.FieldStorage()
for each in form:
print each
print form['fname'].value, form['lname'].value
#print address:, form['addr'].value()
print /body/html

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Python cgi doesn't get data from html form as expected

2005-03-22 Thread Vicki Stanfield
 I haven't done too much web stuff (or much of anything) with python, but
 I looked into your question a bit (researching other's problems may help
 me avoid them =)).  A quick search brought up this page which seems to
 have information which may help you.

 Hope that helps.
 Best Regards,
 Michael Lasky

I don't see anything in that page that changes what I am doing. I can get
rid of everything that has to do with retrieving data from
cgi-FieldStorage, and the code executes fine although I get a blank page.
I have revised the code somewhat, but the initial problem of
cgi.FieldStorage being empty is still there. I don't get an error now,
just an empty page. Here is the revised code:

 #! /usr/bin/python
print Content-Type: text/html\n\n
print htmlhead/headbody\n\n

import cgitb, os, sys
sys.strerr = sys.stdout

import cgi

form = cgi.FieldStorage()
field_list = 'ul\n'
for field in form.keys():
field_list = field_list + 'li%s/li\n' % field
field_list = field_list + '/ul\n'
print field_list
print /body/html\n\n

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Python cgi doesn't get data from html form as expected

2005-03-22 Thread Vicki Stanfield
 Please post the HTML for the form you are submitting and the HTML from a
 View Source on the result.


Sorry to have bothered the list. I figured out the answer (sort of). I had
parse the HTML code through an XHTML parser which removed all the name=
leaving id= only. That doesn't work with the cgi.FieldStorage function. I
still don't know how to do it with XHTML which doesn't evidently support
the name= at all. So, html it is.


Tutor maillist  -