Re: [Tutor] What books do you recommend?

2009-12-09 Thread Weidner, Ronald

> My problem, though, is I still find it difficult to write meaningful code or 
> use the built in libraries
> effectively and/or correctly because I can't find example code to mimic. I 
> tried sifting through
> ActiveState recipes page, but most of the code seems uninteresting or useful 
> only if utilized
> in a bigger project.

What do you mean by "meaningful" code?  I think that might be your issue.

What I'd recommend is to figure out *what you want to accomplish*.  Python is 
just a means
to accomplish something, but what matters is the accomplishment.  You may want 
to write a
GUI desktop app for a specific purpose.  You may want to create a web-based 
app.  You may
want to write code to process information, scrape web sites...create a game, 
create some
kind of tool.

Once you decide on that, you will be more focused on what you need to learn.  
If, for
example, you need to have persistent storage of information, you then might 
want to
read up on databases and perhaps SQLite in Python.  Etc.  Then you will find 
code that
will be applicable to your concerns, and help you learn.  I feel that learning 
"in a vacuum", unrelated to some personal creative goal, just doesn't work well.


I agree with Che.  For me, picking a project then completing it is the best way 
for me to learn a language.
That said this link is a great resource in my opinion...

The book there is fantastic and all the links on the right side of the page 
lead to other great resources.
The only resource that I feel was left out was this one.  I've learned a lot 
from this site too.

Good luck...

Ronald Weidner

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Re: [Tutor] Recursive user input collection problem

2009-10-13 Thread Weidner, Ronald
I didn't test this but shouldn't you have a line like this...

return getinput(variable,prompt)

Ronald Weidner

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of William Witteman
Sent: Tuesday, October 13, 2009 4:22 PM
Subject: [Tutor] Recursive user input collection problem

I need to collect a couple of integers from a user, but I want to make
sure that I actually get integers.  I tried this, but subsequent calls
to the function don't update variable.  I'm not sure this is terribly
clear - here's the code:

num_of_articles = 0
num_of_reviewers = 0

def getinput(variable,prompt):
  Get the input by prompting the user and collecting the response - if it is 
  a non-integer, try again.
  variable = 0
  variable = raw_input(prompt)

return variable

  except ValueError:
print("We need an integer (number) here.")

num_of_articles = getinput(num_of_articles,"Enter number of articles: ")
num_of_reviewers = getinput(num_of_reviewers,"Enter number of reviewers: ")


This works fine if I put in good input, but not if I pass in a bad
value.  Can anyone show me where I have gone astray?  Thanks.



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Re: [Tutor] [OT] Secure coding guidelines

2009-10-13 Thread Weidner, Ronald
In reference to this tip,  my question is why?

- don't use string formatting to create SQL statements - use the
two-argument form of execute() to pass args as a sequence

Ronald Weidner

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Kent Johnson
Sent: Saturday, October 10, 2009 8:52 PM
To: Didar Hossain
Subject: Re: [Tutor] [OT] Secure coding guidelines

On Sat, Oct 10, 2009 at 5:31 AM, Didar Hossain  wrote:
> Hi,
> This is a little off-topic, but, I though I might put this question in.
> Since I am learning Python, I was wondering if there are any good
> references on secure
> coding practices. Books, guides or even any howtos would suffice.

I don't know any references, but a few tips:
- don't use eval or exec on untrusted code
- don't unpickle data from an untrusted source
- don't use string formatting to create SQL statements - use the
two-argument form of execute() to pass args as a sequence
- AFAIK there is no generally accepted, secure sandbox for running
untrusted Python code (other than Google App Engine I guess) so don't
run untrusted code

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Re: [Tutor] Here's something to talk about

2009-04-15 Thread Weidner, Ronald

1. Python is not Java (see Philip Eby's blog entry  Let go of your
concepts that only Items can go into an ItemCollection - Python already has
some perfectly good collection builtins.  Instead of writing a custom
ItemCollection, why not write a generic Exporter that takes any Python
sequence (such as a list, set, tuple, etc., anything that supports iter)?

2. SQLExporter does not use recommended form for substituting values into an
SQL statement.  It is preferred that one use the 2-argument form of execute,
in which the first argument contains '?' or '%s' placeholders, and the
second argument is a tuple of values.  That is, instead of:

first, last = "Bobby", "Tables"
cursor.execute("INSERT into STUDENT (firstname, lastname) values


first, last = "Bobby", "Tables"
cursor.execute("INSERT into STUDENT (firstname, lastname) values (?,?)",

No need for wrapping in quotes, already handles values with embedded quotes,
and no SQL injection jeopardy (   This slightly
complicates your SQL exporter, it would have to return a tuple containing
the INSERT statement and the tuple of substitution values, instead of just a
string to be passed to execute.

3. The Pythonic way to create a comma-separated string of values from a list
of strings is:  ','.join(value_list).  If you have a list of tuples and want
two comma-separated strings, do: keystring, valstring = (','.join(s) for s
in zip(*key_value_tuple_list))

4. While I am not a slave to PEP8, your mixed case method names with leading
capitals look too much like class names and/or .Net method names.

In general, I find your approach too intrusive into the objects you would
like to export or load.  I would prefer to see a Loader and/or Exporter
class that takes my own application object, configured with table name and
field names, and then creates the proper XML or SQL representation.

-- Paul

In the future, I'll try not to have a Java accent when speaking Python.  
( No guarantee though :) ) That said, thanks for the syntax tips and
Python preferred snips.  

One of your points represents a great opportunity to make mine.  Suppose
this code is several years old.  Now we have a new requirement that 
states we need to work with the data as you described above. How
much of the existing code would you have to change to make that change 
happen?  The answer is exactly one line.  And here is the line...

exporter = SQLExporter("itemTable")

And you would change the line to something like...

exporter = SQLTupleExporter("itemTable")

or perhaps...

exporter = ExportItemToDatabase('', 'user', 'pass', 'schema')

Of course, you would need to define a class to go along with your change
but all of that will be NEW code.  Not a change to existing code.  So,
all of your existing code should still be valid and tested.  The only
thing you'll need to do validate and test your new code.

There are no tentacles.  Replacing exporter with a different kind of
exporter does not invalidate anything you've done in your code before.

Maybe you need to do both? Maybe you need to export the old way, and 
export the new way.  How difficult would that be with 2 export 
objects?  In this case, you wouldn't need to change any lines of code, 
but rather you would add 2 more lines to the main logic and 
implement the needed class.

It's really just a strategy for creating maintainable code.  Maybe
It's a good strategy, maybe it isn't.  I guess it would depend on 
the project.  I find the technique interesting and useful.  

Ronald Weidner


Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Here's something to talk about

2009-04-15 Thread Weidner, Ronald

I must confess I do not really understand your intent
(a) with the code itself
(b) with the fact of publishing it

Maybe I have read it too fast. What I saw is an implementation of strict object 
interface, in the sense strictly separating the inner and outer parts of an 
object. Sure, this is an aspect of OO. But AFAIK this is not very pythonic, not 
very common at least (and I personly do not feel attracted by this coding style 
-- rather I consider it a useless overload).
For code security reasons? You may be interested in the concepts of the 
so-called "Object-capability model":

It's ok not to be attracted to the code or the concept.  It's not for everyone 
(or perhaps it's not for anyone).  Thanks for the link.  That was an 
interesting read.  Let me confess my intentions.  I enjoy programming and I 
also enjoy talking about programming, and sharing ideas.  That's it.  

The problem that coding in this style tries to solve is change and evolution. 
During the evolution of software many things can change.  Including the things 
we sometimes take for granted when we start a project.  Like the input and 
output of the program.  This example shows how cobbling a few objects together 
can produce some very different results with very little logic change.

There are better more generic ways to solve these problems.  Probably even more 
pythonic ways to solve them.  I hope to discuss them in this thread.

Ronald Weidner
Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Here's something to talk about (Weidner, Ronald)

2009-04-15 Thread Weidner, Ronald

class Item ( object ):

def __init__( self ):
self._FullName = ''
self._Recovery = 0
self._Exporter = SimpleItemExporter (); # 

[Tutor] Here's something to talk about

2009-04-15 Thread Weidner, Ronald
# This code is posted for the purpose of conversation.  If it is of some 
# value to someone that would be great.  But what I hope is that the code
# sparks conversations about what I did in this code and why I did it.  Since
# the list seems thick with OOP questions at the moment, I thought this might
# be relevant.  Digest and enjoy.

class Item ( object ):

def __init__( self ):
self._FullName = ''
self._Recovery = 0
self._Exporter = SimpleItemExporter ();

def SetFullName( self, name ):
self._FullName = name

def SetRecovery( self, value ):
self._Recovery = value

def SetExporter( self, exporter ):
self._Exporter = exporter

def Export( self ):
properties = { 'FullName':self._FullName, 
'Recovery':self._Recovery }
self._Exporter.Export( properties ) 

class ItemCollection( object ):

def __init__( self ):
self._ItemList = []
self._CollectionIndex = -1
self._Loader = None

def Add ( self, item ):

def MoveFirst ( self ):
self._CollectionIndex = -1

def MoveNext ( self ):
self._CollectionIndex += 1
if self._CollectionIndex < ( len ( self._ItemList ) ):
return self._ItemList[ self._CollectionIndex ]
return None

def MoveTo ( self, index ):

def GetLength ( self ):

def SetCollectionLoader ( self, loader ):
self._Loader = loader

def Load ( self ):
if self._Loader <> None:

class SimpleItemExporter ( object ):

def __init__( self ):

def Export ( self, dictionary ):
print "The recovery status of " +str(dictionary['FullName'])+ " 
is: " + str(dictionary['Recovery'])

class XMLExporter ( object ):
def __init__ ( self, tag='XML' ):
self.SetRootTag( tag )

def SetRootTag ( self, tag ):
self._RootTag = tag;

def Export ( self, dictionary ):

xml = ""
keys = dictionary.keys()
for key in keys:
xml = xml + "\n\t<" + key + ">" + str(dictionary[key]) 
+ ""

print "<" + self._RootTag + ">" + xml + "\n" 

class SQLExporter ( object ):

def __init__ ( self, tableName):
self._TableName = tableName

def Export ( self, dictionary ):
value = ""
field = ""
first = 1
keys = dictionary.keys()
for key in keys:
if first <> 1:
field = field + ", "
value = value + ", "
field = field + " " + key
value = value + "'" + str(dictionary[key]) + "'"
first = 0

print "INSERT into " + self._TableName + " (" + field + ") 
values (" + value + ")"  

class ItemCollectionLoader ( object ):

def LoadCollection(self, collection):

for i in range ( 1, 5 ):
item = Item()
item.SetFullName( 'Ron The Dude' )
item.SetRecovery( i )
collection.Add( item )

more = 1
collection = ItemCollection()

# here we create a loader obbject
loader = ItemCollectionLoader()

# this loader object could do other things instead of the contrived example 
# shown here.  Such as the loader object could read from a file, or a network
# resource, stdin, whatever.  As long as it's LoadCollection interface doesn't
# change the object could be many things.  I've decided to illustrate this 
# later in the code with the exporter object.


while more <> None:
item = collection.MoveNext ()
if item <> None:

# What's important here to note is that the exporter may have 
# constructors but, the Export method takes the same arguments 
in each 
# export class.  In other words, it's interface is the same.  
So, we
# can easily switch one exporter object for another.  With a 
little more
# code you could even export these items in more than one 
format (if needed).

#exporter = SimpleItemExporter()

Re: [Tutor] ideas on how to process a file

2009-04-10 Thread Weidner, Ronald
In my last e-mail I think I suggested making an Item object.  This time I'll 
suggest an ItemCollection object.  Now you can have an Add(self, item) that 
could validate.  This could be some rather simple loop and test logic.

Ronald Weidner

[] On Behalf Of Spencer Parker
Sent: Friday, April 10, 2009 1:00 PM
To: Kent Johnson
Cc: Alan Gauld;
Subject: Re: [Tutor] ideas on how to process a file

The question is now...what do I do to find duplicate entries in the text file I 
am reading.  I just want to filter them out.  There are a ton of duplicate 
entries in there.
On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 10:43 AM, Spencer Parker>> wrote:
Oh...nice...this makes things much easier than what I had before.

I mainly used writelines because I couldn't figure out why it was only writing 
one line.  Then I did and never took out the writelines...I just did and it 
works just fine for the most part.

Thanks again for the help.

On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 10:18 AM, Kent Johnson>> wrote:
On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 12:04 PM, Spencer Parker>> wrote:
> This is my code:
I guess you have something like this now:

for line in text_file.readlines():
   if line.find('FULLNAME')>=0:

This can be better written as

for line in text_file: # No need for readlines(), a file is iterable
 if 'FULLNAME' in line:
   write_file.write(line)  # writelines() is for writing multiple lines at once


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[Tutor] subprocess Popen

2009-04-03 Thread Weidner, Ronald
I have a long running py script that I'm trying to kick off from another long 
running py script as a separate process... If either script fails or 
terminates, I don't want the other script to be effected as a result. In other 
words I need a separate process not a new thread. In any case, this code I 
thought would work but it doesn't.

someLongRunningScript= ( "%s/" % ( os.getcwd() ) )
someLongRunningScriptArgs= ( '--verbose --directory=%s --link=%s %s' % ( 
directory_name, link_name, span_option ) )
longCommand = ( '%s %s' % ( someLongRunningScript, someLongRunningScriptArgs) )
pid = subprocess.Popen ( ["/usr/bin/python", longCommand ] ).pid
print ( "/usr/bin/python %s " % ( longCommand ) )

What's interesting is that if I copy the text printed in the 5th line, paste 
into my shell, then run it -- the process I'm trying to start works perfectly.

The problem seems to have something to do with the way arguments are being 
passed to the python script named

Help is greatly appreciated.

Tutor maillist  -

[Tutor] subprocess Popen

2009-04-03 Thread Weidner, Ronald
I have a long running py script that I'm trying to kick off from another long 
running py script as a separate process... If either script fails or 
terminates, I don't want the other script to be effected as a result. In other 
words I need a separate process not a new thread. In any case, this code I 
thought would work but it doesn't.

someLongRunningScript= ( "%s/" % ( os.getcwd() ) )
someLongRunningScriptArgs= ( '--verbose --directory=%s --link=%s %s' % ( 
directory_name, link_name, span_option ) )
longCommand = ( '%s %s' % ( someLongRunningScript, someLongRunningScriptArgs) )
pid = subprocess.Popen ( ["/usr/bin/python", longCommand ] ).pid
print ( "/usr/bin/python %s " % ( longCommand ) )

What's interesting is that if I copy the text printed in the 5th line, paste 
into my shell, then run it -- the process I'm trying to start works perfectly.

The problem seems to have something to do with the way arguments are being 
passed to the python script named

Help is greatly appreciated.


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