Re: [Tutor] Problems starting python

2008-09-06 Thread arsyed
On Fri, Sep 5, 2008 at 6:28 AM, Linus Lindström [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello. When i first installed python from the cd i bought it seemed to work
 perfectly... But then when i cancel the program and try to start it again I
 get the message: IDLE's subprocess didn't make connection. Either IDLE
 can't start a subprocess or a personal firewall software is blocking the
 connection., and the problem still stands... I've tried to completely shut
 down my firewall but without success... Please help me!

A little googling reveals a possible fix below; I'm not sure I get it
though.  If this fails, you can try running idle with the -n flag,
which avoids running a subprocess.

--- from

IDLE (Python GUI) won't start! What should I do?

Sometimes when IDLE starts, it prompts the following error message:

  Subprocess Startup Error: IDLE's subprocess didn't make
connection. Either IDLE can't start a subprocess or personal firewall
software is blocking the connection.

Here is the workaround (a fix is under research):

* launch Windows Explorer
* find (or create) a file with .py extension
* right click this file, select Edit with IDLE

Now, the IDLE (Python GUI) should start.
Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] How to use urllib2.https_open with SSL support in Windows XP for python 2.5.2]

2008-08-19 Thread arsyed
On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 9:36 PM, xbmuncher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I tried it just like both of you suggested and sent a req object straight to
 urlopen. Here is my code:
 import urllib2
 url = ''
 headers = {
 'User-Agent' : 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT)',
 'Accept' :
 'Accept-Language' : 'fr-fr,en-us;q=0.7,en;q=0.3',
 'Accept-Charset' : 'ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7'

 #None = GET; set values to use POST
 req = urllib2.Request(url, None, headers)
 handle = urllib2.urlopen(req)
 resp =
 print resp.geturl()
 print resp


 Here is the error msg:
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File C:\Documents and Settings\user\Desktop\, line 16, in
 handle = urllib2.urlopen(req)
   File C:\Python25\lib\, line 124, in urlopen
 return, data)
   File C:\Python25\lib\, line 381, in open
 response = self._open(req, data)
   File C:\Python25\lib\, line 399, in _open
 '_open', req)
   File C:\Python25\lib\, line 360, in _call_chain
 result = func(*args)
   File C:\Python25\lib\, line 1115, in https_open
 return self.do_open(httplib.HTTPSConnection, req)
   File C:\Python25\lib\, line 1080, in do_open
 r = h.getresponse()
   File C:\Python25\lib\, line 928, in getresponse
   File C:\Python25\lib\, line 385, in begin
 version, status, reason = self._read_status()
   File C:\Python25\lib\, line 349, in _read_status
 raise BadStatusLine(line)

What URL are you trying this against?  The URL in your code; doesn't seem to respond at all so I can't reproduce
your error.  Have you tried against a well known HTTPS endpoint like;?  What happens?

I'll try to guess anyway .. the Status Line in an HTTP response is the
first line that gives the response code, something like HTTP/1.1 200
OK.  Maybe your server is returning malformed headers?

See below for more:
Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] How to use urllib2.https_open with SSL support in Windows XP for python 2.5.2

2008-08-19 Thread arsyed
On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 9:26 PM, xbmuncher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 8:44 PM, Kent Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 12:40 PM, xbmuncher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I wanted to use the urllib2.https_open()  but it said the module did not

 I'm not aware of a urllib2.https_open() function. I think you just
 give an https url to urllib2.urlopen(). Can you show us your actual
 code and error message?

 I accessed it like this:

 Its probably the syntax formation of using this https functionality that I
 have wrong. Maybe you can show me how.

That method is part of the HTTPSHandler class as the docs page you
cited implies.  I believe this is what urllib2.urlopen instantiates
once it parses your URL and notices the https scheme.  You don't
need to instantiate that handler and invoke that method directly.
Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] How to use urllib2.https_open with SSL support in Windows XP for python 2.5.2]

2008-08-18 Thread arsyed
On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 4:25 PM, bob gailer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Forwarding to the list. Please always reply to the list.

 Bob Gailer
 Chapel Hill NC 919-636-4239

 When we take the time to be aware of our feelings and needs we have more
 satisfying interatctions with others.

 Nonviolent Communication provides tools for this awareness.

 As a coach and trainer I can assist you in learning this process.

 What is YOUR biggest relationship challenge?

 I wanted to use the urllib2.https_open()  but it said the module did not
 exist. The manual says I need SSL support installed. I've done some
 searching.. but I haven't been able to find an official implementation of
 SSL support for python 2.5 for windows. If its required for urllib2 I assume
 its part of the official python library of modules, is there an MSI
 installer or official place to get the SSL support that was mentioned in the
 urllib2 doc page? I just want to use the https capability of urllib2.


Calling urlopen with an https scheme should be sufficient as long as
python with SSL support is installed.  I have the ActiveState Python
2.5.2 distribution on Windows XP and it seems to work fine:

In [3]: response = urllib2.urlopen('')

In [4]: response = urllib2.urlopen('')

In [5]: html =
Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] regular expressions

2008-08-05 Thread arsyed
On Tue, Aug 5, 2008 at 7:01 AM, Jim Morcombe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Could someone please give me some help using the re module.

 This works:
 import re

 text = Jim is a good guy

 s2 = re.sub('Jim', 'Fred', text)
 print s2

 and I get Fred is a good guy
 If I have:
 text = Bill Smith is nice
 how do I get rid of Smith and just have
 Bill is nice

 I tried
 s2 = re.sub('Smith', '', text)
 but it complained.

What was the error message? It should work fine:

In [25]: text = 'Bill Smith is nice'

In [26]: re.sub('Smith', '', text)
Out[26]: 'Bill  is nice'

 If I have:
 text = Jim likes a girl (Susan)
 and I want to get rid of (Susan), how do I do this.

You need to escape the parentheses because those are grouping
metacharacters in regular expressions:

In [27]: text = 'Jim likes a girl (Susan)'

In [28]: re.sub('\(Susan\)', '', text)
Out[28]: 'Jim likes a girl '

The regex howot document below explains a lot of this stuff:

 First, the ( seems to muck things up.
 Second, how do I just use re to delete characters.  I tried using sub,
 but it doesn't seem to like

 Jim Morcombe

 Tutor maillist  -

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] newbie graphing question

2008-07-27 Thread arsyed
On Sun, Jul 27, 2008 at 8:40 AM, Peter Petto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm about to try some Python programming for drawing simple geometric
 pictures (for math classes I teach) and was hoping to get some advice that
 will send me off in the best direction.

 I want to write programs that can draw figures with commands akin to
 point(x,y) to draw a point at coordinates (x,y), or segment (x1,y1,x2, y2)
 to draw a segment between points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2)?

 I'd appreciate recommendations as to the best facility or library to use to
 this end. I primarily use a Mac, but my students primarily use Windows.

 I'd love to hear any and all pointers or comments. Thanks!

Take a look at PiScript:
Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] question about socket status

2008-07-22 Thread arsyed
On Mon, Jul 21, 2008 at 1:25 PM, Rupp, Romaine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am new to programming with python and sockets.

 I would like to determine the status of a socket as it  is returned when you
 do 'netstat –a | grep port#'.  I would like  to know if the socket state

 Is there a way to get this information through a socket call?

 I've tried using socket.getperrname() function, but that only tells if there
 is a connection.

 Is there a way to get more information on the state of the socket

If you're on linux, you could try poking around /proc/net. See, for example:

But I think invoking netstat and parsing the output from python might
work well enough.
Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Import modeuls

2008-07-21 Thread arsyed
On Mon, Jul 21, 2008 at 3:46 AM, Oleg Oltar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If I am adding, it still doesn't import anything.
 Do I have add the import (from sampletest import EmailWithoutA) in my init

I didn't notice this before, but I don't think python does tilde expansion
in sys.path. Try using an absolute path, for example:

sys.path.insert(0, ~/folder)


sys.path.insert(0, /home/user/folder')
Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Import modeuls

2008-07-21 Thread arsyed
On Mon, Jul 21, 2008 at 5:15 AM, Oleg Oltar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 They want me to do one test runner which runs any test... And ideally it
 should work on any platform

 When I added something to $PYTHONPATH, they told me to remove it...

You can set environment variables within python, e.g.:

os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = '/some/path:' + old_path

What I don't know is if child processes invoked through os.popen inherit
that variable on all platforms. However, the subprocess.Popen object takes
an explicit env variable for that purpose:

So you should be able to use that for the same effect.
Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Tkinter Help

2008-07-21 Thread arsyed
On Mon, Jul 21, 2008 at 1:59 PM, Ruivaldo Neto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I have a Python app that runs as a Windows Service. Inside this
 application, there is a Thread that starts a webservice.
 When this webservice is called, this thread displays a simple Tkinter
 window with some entry´s for input.

 But the mainloop simple stays running without presenting any popup or
 The app is running as SYSTEM on Windows. As other user, the code works

 Any advice to make this work ?

 Thanks in advance.

I think this is because you need to have the service marked as
Interactive.  This page has some information:

It might be worth asking the question in the py-win32 group or some windows
related forum.
Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] (no subject)

2008-07-20 Thread arsyed
The python wiki has some options that might be worth checking out under
Playing and Creating Sounds:

On Sun, Jul 20, 2008 at 2:16 AM, amit sethi [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hi list ,
 Can someone give me an idea about the audio libraries in python . I tried
 using pymedia . What are the options available .
 A-M-I-T S|S

 Tutor maillist  -

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Import modeuls

2008-07-20 Thread arsyed
On Sun, Jul 20, 2008 at 12:46 PM, Oleg Oltar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I need to import several modules from many folders which has subfolders


 a suit uses tests from tests folder. I need to import them somehow from
 tests folder. I added ~/folder to PYTHONPATH in my test_runner:

 import sys
 import os

 sys.path.insert(0, ~/folder)
 os.popen(python2.5 %s %sys.argv[1])

 But when trying to import module in the samplesuite file:

 from tests.sampletest.EmailWithoutA import EmailWithoutA

 But I getting ImportError: No module named 

 Please help

Do you have an file in the tests and suites directories?

More on that here:

The files are required to make Python treat the directories as
containing packages; this is done to prevent directories with a common name,
such as string, from unintentionally hiding valid modules that occur later
on the module search path. In the simplest case, can just be an
empty file, but it can also execute initialization code for the package or
set the __all__ variable, described later.
Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] confusing HTTP error while using urlopen

2008-07-18 Thread arsyed
It looks like the site wants an Accept header. The following works:

import urllib2
url = ''
headers = {'Accept': 'text/html'}
req = urllib2.Request(url=url, headers=headers)
rsp = urllib2.urlopen(req)
page =
print page

On Fri, Jul 18, 2008 at 5:38 PM, Chad Crabtree [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Well I can confirm this behavior.  I tried changing the user-agent
 thinking there might be some filtering based on that but no go. Still
 HTTP 400 error.  WGET works just fine though

 On Fri, Jul 18, 2008 at 4:31 PM, asdg asdg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'll skip the introduction and go right to the question cause it's as
  as it's confusing for me.
  Why does urllib2.urlopen(;) return HTTPError: HTTP
  Error 400: Bad Request, while the site opens with no problems in any
  Thank you in advance for answering :)
  Tutor maillist  -
 Tutor maillist  -

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] module paths

2008-07-06 Thread arsyed
I copy/pasted your script and it ran fine on my end. Is it possible that
you've got more than one installation of python and the feedparser module is
installed somewhere other than for the python interpreter at
/usr/local/bin/python (since that's what your script references)? Perhaps
trying python will help since your code when you invoke the
python shell.

On 7/5/08, Gonzalo Garcia-Perate [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm looking at python after a long time. I wanted to build a quick
 parser for some rss feeds and have started using feedparser.

 When I test my code on the python interactive shell things work fine
 but when I try to write it into a file I get the following error:
 AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'parse'

 this is what I run on the shell:
 import feedparser
  d = feedparser.parse(;)
 {'feed': {'updated': u'2008-07-04T14:11:15Z', 'updated_parsed': (2008,
 7, 4, 14, 11, 15, 4, 186, 0), 'links': [{'href':
 u'', 'type': u'text/html', 'rel': u'alternate'},
 {'href': u'', 'type':
 u'application/atom+xml', 'rel': u'self'}], 'title': u'TED | TEDBlog',

 This is what my script (which fails looks like...):
 import feedparser

 d = feedparser.parse(;)

 I'm trying to ring this form within textmate or form the terminal at
 different locations as (./

 Tutor maillist  -

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Exploring the Standard Library

2008-07-05 Thread arsyed
This might work:

 import os
 print os.__file__

Also, you might find Doug Hellman's Python Module Of The Week helpful:

On 7/5/08, Nathan Farrar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I'd like to spend some time exploring the standard library.  I'm running
 python on Ubuntu.  How would I find the location of the modules (find /
 -name does not yield results)?


 Tutor maillist  -

Tutor maillist  -