[Tutor] Anagram creator

2008-12-27 Thread btkuhn

Hi everyone,

I'm having trouble with an anagram generating program that I am writing 
in Python. My output is not what it should be and I think the reason 
has something to do with my helper functions creating a reference to a 
dictionary each time it is called rather than a new clone dictionary. 
Here is my main function, with explanation afterward:

   def anagramsHelper(phrase,dictionary,anagramsofar):if 
isSolved(phrase): #returns true if the dictonary for the phrase is empty

   print anagramsofar
 return True
   for word in dictionary:
   if wordCanBeMade(word, phrase):
   anagramsofar=anagramsofar+ +word
   phraseclone=removeLetters(word, phrase)

Initially it takes a dictionary representing a word or phrase (eg 
{'a':2,'d':1, 'e':2}), a dictionary in the form of a list of words, and 
anagramsofar which is initially passed as .
Next, isSolved returns true if the dictionary is empty, meaning that 
all letters in the phrase have been used up. Otherwise, for each word 
in the dictionary, the program tests whether the word can be made from 
letters in the phrase. If it can, the word is appended to phrasesofar. 
removeLetters then removes the letters that were used to make the word. 
I saved the new phrase as phraseclone as an attempt to troubleshoot; 
originally I just used the original phrase variable. Next, the function 
is recursively called with the letters removed from the phrase. The end 
result is that when the phrase dictionary is empty, anagramsofar is 
printed. This should generate all anagrams of a given phrase using a 
given dictionary of words.

So, for instance, I might call (from my main function):

dictionary=importDictionary()  #A list of 10,000 strings, representing 
words in the dictionary

anagramsHelper(george bush,dictionary,)

wordCanBeMade returns a boolean T or F, and I've posted the code 
for removeLetters below.

My code is not working as expected, and after a good deal of debugging 
it seems that during the recursive calls, when I remove letters from 
the dictionary they stay removed, even though I'm trying to create a 
new dictionary with each call (so that removed letters are not 
remembered). As a result, anagramsofar gets longer with every call and 
isSolved returns True every time, since all keys are removed after the 
first few calls. Here is the function for removeLetters:

   def removeLetters(word, phrase):
   for letter in word:
 return phraseclone

I'm trying to create a copy of phrase with each function call and then 
return the copy to prevent the program remembering the removed 
keys...but it's not working. Does anyone see what I'm doing wrong? I 
can post the entire program if needed; I just wanted to keep things 
somewhat concise.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] Python Lib Files

2008-12-14 Thread btkuhn

Hello everyone,

I discovered yesterday that the Python package has a number of built in 
example scripts in the /lib directory. Perhaps this is common knowledge 
but I did not know about it. I can't seem to find any kind of guide to 
the files, though. Is there a readme somewhere that someone can point 
me to, or perhaps documentation for the files online? I cant find 
anything on the python.org site. This is for version 2.5.

Thanks very much,
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] Working with lists

2008-12-13 Thread btkuhn

Hi everyone,

I seem to use this pattern alot when writing functions and I'm 
wondering if there is a more efficient method. It comes up whenever I 
want to work with more than one item in a list; for instance, say I 
want to add each consecutive number in alist and output the new list. 
Ideally, I'd be able to write:

for num in list1:

This doesn't work, though because there's no way to access nextnum 
unless I implement a count variable like this:

for num in list1:

Instead, it usually ends up easier to write:

for index in range (len(list1)-1):

It's not a big deal to have to write the additional code, but problems 
arise when I use this structure in the context of more complex 
functions, when I am passing multiple lists of varying length, because 
it is easy to get confused with the index numbers and I can't do 
anything to the last value of the list, since I then get an 
indexerror because the function tries to call list[i+1].

Is there a simpler way to do a procedure like this?

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] List of lists help

2008-11-20 Thread btkuhn


I am completely baffled by this action and would appreciate any help. 
My problem is occurring within a class which is within a larger 
program; if I need to post the entire program let me know and I will. 
It's only about 250 lines so far. Anyways, I am using a list of lists 
to store data in a GUI game called goMoku. It is kind of like a connect 
five game, pretty simple. When a user clicks a certain square, this 
line is called to store the move:

self.boardarray[row][col] = self.currentPlayer

self.currentPlayer is either White or Black which are constants set 
to 1 and 2, so that when, say, the black player clicks on row 2 column 
4, self.boardarray[2][4] will be set to 2. Instead, the program is 
setting multiple values within the list as 2. Here is an example 
output, when I click on (0,0):

[[2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 
0, 0, 0, 0], [2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], etc.

The board is 13X13 and position 0 for each list in the list of lists is 
being set to 2, while only position 0 in the first list should be 
changed to 2. To check for errors, I've surrounded the statement by 
print statements to see what's going on, like this:

print self.boardarray
print row,col,self.currentPlayer,self.boardarray[row][col]
self.boardarray[row][col] = self.currentPlayer
print self.boardarray

My output is:

[[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 
0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], etc.

0 0 2 0
[[2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 
0, 0, 0, 0], [2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], etc.

I do not understand what is going on. Everything is as expected except 
that the extra positions are being assigned as 2. Can anyone suggest 
what is going wrong?

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] Intermediate/advanced concepts

2008-11-06 Thread btkuhn

Hi everyone,

I've been teaching myself python for a few months and I'm becoming 
frustrated because I've kind of hit a wall in terms of learning new 
information. In an effort to continue to learn I've found some material 
on more intermediate/advanced topics like linked lists, nodes, trees, 
etc. However, it's kind of like reading a math textbook - the tutorials 
do a decent job of explaining the material but it's all kind of 
theoretical, and I'm not sure how I'd apply these concepts in real 
world applications, or incorporate them into my code. Does anyone have 
any suggestions for learning about real world application of more 
advanced concepts?

Also, are there other concepts that I should focus on? Frankly, I'm a 
bit bored because I've hit this ceiling, and I'm not really sure where 
to go to next.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] Building RSS reader with Python

2008-11-05 Thread btkuhn

Hi everyone,

I'm new to programming and am building a very basic rss reader for my 
first major project with python and GUI. As it is, I have it set up so 
that if I input an exact rss feed address (ex 
http://news.google.com/?output=rss) I can retrieve stories. Id like to 
make it so that I can enter a site (like http://news.google.com) and 
have it search for the address of rss feeds on the site, so that I 
don't have to know exact page addresses for the rss, since most sites 
don't have such a straightforward location for the RSS page. Is there a 
way to do this?

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] Tkinter troubles

2008-11-03 Thread btkuhn

Hi guys,

 I'm having trouble with weird activity with a Tkinter GUI I'm
creating. I've stripped down the code somewhat to simplify the
problem somewhat, and I've posted it below, with further explanation
at the end of this message:

 from Tkinter import *
import tkFileDialog,tkSimpleDialog

class App:
   def __init__ (self,master):
   self.window = Frame(master)
   self.master= master
   #Create frame to contain all others
   #Create widgets

   def createwidgets(self):

width=WINDOWWIDTH/3,height=WINDOWHEIGHT, bg='white')
width=2*WINDOWWIDTH/3,height=WINDOWHEIGHT, bg='blue')
   self.leftframe.pack(side=left, expand=yes, fill=x)
   self.rightframe.pack(side=left, expand=yes, fill=x)

   def displayStories(self):
   self.lb = Text(self.leftframe)

   def addMenu(self,master):
   self.menu = Menu(self.window)

  self.feedmenu = Menu(self.menu)
   self.menu.add_cascade(label=RSS, menu=self.feedmenu)
   self.feedmenu.add_command(label=Load RSS,




 Basically I'm trying to create 2 columns on the page so that
(eventually) I will be able to have sepearte text boxes in each
column. The code so far creates a leftframe and rightframe, with
parent frame self.display . When I run the script this happens as

But next, I want to create a text box within self.leftframe which is
done in function displayStories . self.lb is created with parent
self.leftframe . When this is run, the text box shows up, but my
layout goes to hell. I want the text box to be contained within
self.leftframe, but when it is added self.leftframe disappears (or is
completely filled by the text box), the dimensions that I had
specified for self.leftframe and self.rightframe are forgotten about,
and I can see self.display (black background) on the part of the
screen in the left frame that is not filled by the text box. This
makes a lot more sense if you run the simple script I've posted.

I've tried adjusting various options, and also using the grid
manager instead of pack, but I can't seem to figure out why this is
happening. Can anyone help out?


Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] Setting up server for CGI

2008-10-30 Thread btkuhn

Hi everyone,

I am new to programming and have been programming with Python for
about 2.5 months. After learning the basics of the language I am
trying to teach myself CGI with Python. I've
come across a few resources that teach CGI, but I am having much
trouble setting up a
server to view CGI scripts on my browser (Note: some of terminology
may be wrong). I am running Windows XP with a Firefox browser.

Here is what I've tried so far:

I followed the instructions on a tutorial and created a C:\cgihome
server, and then
created the following file:


It contains the following code:
import CGIHTTPServer
import BaseHTTPServer
class Handler(CGIHTTPServer.CGIHTTPRequestHandler):
cgi_directories = [/cgi]
PORT = 8000
httpd = BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer((, PORT), Handler)
print serving at port, PORT

This is supposed to set up a basic server on my system. When I run
from the command line,
it seems to be working and displays the message Serving at Port

According to the tutorial I should then be able to run CGI scripts by
saving them in
C:/cgihome/cgi , and then opening in the browser (after running the
server script on the
command line). So for instance I wrote this script:

print Content-Type: text/html
print \
h2Hello World!/h2

and saved it as C:\cgihome\cgi\cgitest.py . When I try opening it in
my browser, though,
I just get 404 error: File not found. This shows up both in the
browser window and the
command prompt window. When I try using a plain .html file saved in
C:\cgihome instead, I
get the same error. I can't get anything to run. I'm sure I'm doing
something wrong, but
I don't know what. I have also tried downloading the Apache server as
well, but it is 10
times more complex than my simple server script, and geared towards
Linux users who know what they are doing.

Can someone please explain to me like I'm a child how to set up a
basic web server that I
can run CGI scripts on?

Thanks very much.
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Setting up server for CGI

2008-10-30 Thread btkuhn
I'm not sure what you mean, What directory do you run from?. I have 
the file saved as C:\cgihome\cgi\cgitest.py and I try running it by 
typing the following in the URL field: 
http://localhost:8000/cgi/cgitest.py . I tried changing the folder name 
to cgi-bin and get the same error. It says, Nothing matches the given 
URI, even though the file is saved in the directory specified.

The Python program itself is saved in C:/Python25 but I don't think 
this makes a difference, especially since I can't run regular html 
files with my server.

Thanks again.

Quoting Kent Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 9:41 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I followed the instructions on a tutorial and created a C:\cgihome 
server, and then

created the following file:


It contains the following code:
import CGIHTTPServer
import BaseHTTPServer
class Handler(CGIHTTPServer.CGIHTTPRequestHandler):
   cgi_directories = [/cgi]
PORT = 8000
httpd = BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer((, PORT), Handler)
print serving at port, PORT

This is supposed to set up a basic server on my system. When I run 
from the command line,

it seems to be working and displays the message Serving at Port 8000.

What directory do you run from? It should be the cgihome directory.

Alternately, rename your /cgi directory to /cgi-bin and from the
command line in the cgihome directory, run

python -m CGIHTTPServer

We had a very recent thread about this that might help; see the various
please help with simple python CGI script posts here:


Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] Exhaustive Enumeration

2008-09-21 Thread btkuhn
This is from the MIT Opencourseware intro to computer science course, 
which I've been working my way through. I understand what needs to be 
done (I think), which is basically to test each possibility and return 
the list of states with the most electoral votes that can be paid for 
under the campaign budget. I am just at a loss as to how to do it, and 
I've been thinking about it all weekend. Here is the problem I am 
referring to. One assumption is that every $1 of money spent in a state 
translates into a popular vote. Many thanks for any suggestions. Also, 
the next part of the question asks to do the same thing using Branch 
and Bound, which I also anticipate having trouble with. If I haven't 
described things sufficiently, the complete problem is available at:

http://ocw.mit.edu/OcwWeb/Electrical-Engineering-and-Computer-Science/6-00Fall-2007/Assignments/index.htm , problem 

Complete and test this function according to her specification below. 
Note that she was using exhaustive
enumeration to compute the result. Your friend assured you that the 
function needs no more than 5 additional

lines of code.

# Problem 2: Exhaustive enumeration
def finance_campaign_ee(budget, free_states):
   Takes a budget, in dollars, and a list of available states, as a
   list of dictionaries.

   Computes and returns the list of states that maximizes the total
   number of electoral votes such that these states can be acquired
   on the budget. Returns an empty list if no states can be acquired.
   for s in free_states:
   if s['pop'] = budget:

   # Base case
   if len(cheap_states)==0:
   # Recursive case

   inc_states=finance_campaign_ee( budget-curr_state['pop'],

   excl_states=finance_campaign_ee( budget, other_states )

   # ... your code goes here ...
   res_list   =return res_list

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Exhaustive Enumeration

2008-09-21 Thread btkuhn
I'm actually not enrolled in the course; MIT puts some of its course 
materials available online as a general resource. I am out of school 
and trying to teach myself python on my own. I'm very much a beginner, 
and since I'm not privy to the lectures or notes from this course I 
have to fill in things from other sources. Basically, with respect to 
this problem, I'm at a loss as to how to approach it. My first thought 
was to use some sort of nested for loop structure to iterate through 
each possible state combination, but I don't think this is possible, 
since a for loop would just test for, for instance, (state 1 and 2, 
state 1 and 3, state 1 and 4, etc.) and not (state 1 and 3, state 1 and 
2 and 3, etc.). I could maybe make it work for a very small number of 
states, but if you are taking 10 states as arguments I don't see a way 
this could work. Also, the way the question is asked seems to imply 
that the new code will go after the existing code, and also that it 
will be only about five lines. I'm guessing that maybe some kind of 
recursion is required but I really don't know, and recursion is a new 
concept to me as well.


Quoting Robert Berman [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  A very interesting problem.  Given this is homework, I am not
sure what it is you want.

Do you want the solution coded and tested?
Do you want this to include two or three algorithms optimized for
speed as well as accuracy?

I think the problem is well enough defined so that you do not need
any clarification of what it is your professor wants from you.

If you would like some  help finding a solution set, perhaps you
would consider submitting some of your own solutions and commentary
as to where your ideas are breaking down. Then, probably, a number of
people will jump in to help you.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: This is from the MIT Opencourseware intro
to computer science course, which I've been working my way through. I
understand what needs to be done (I think), which is basically to
test each possibility and return the list of states with the most
electoral votes that can be paid for under the campaign budget. I am
just at a loss as to how to do it, and I've been thinking about it
all weekend. Here is the problem I am referring to. One assumption is
that every $1 of money spent in a state translates into a popular
vote. Many thanks for any suggestions. Also, the next part of the
question asks to do the same thing using Branch and Bound, which I
also anticipate having trouble with. If I haven't described things
sufficiently, the complete problem is available at:

, problem 5.

Complete and test this function according to her specification below.
Note that she was using exhaustive
enumeration to compute the result. Your friend assured you that the
function needs no more than 5 additional
lines of code.

# Problem 2: Exhaustive enumeration
def finance_campaign_ee(budget, free_states):
  Takes a budget, in dollars, and a list of available states, as a
  list of dictionaries.

  Computes and returns the list of states that maximizes the total
  number of electoral votes such that these states can be acquired
  on the budget. Returns an empty list if no states can be acquired.

  for s in free_states:
  if s['pop'] = budget:

  # Base case
  if len(cheap_states)==0:
  # Recursive case

  inc_states=finance_campaign_ee( budget-curr_state['pop'],

  excl_states=finance_campaign_ee( budget, other_states )

  # ... your code goes here ...
  res_list   =return res_list

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] Practice exercise sources

2008-09-14 Thread btkuhn

Hi guys,

I'm new to programming and have been learning Python as suggested by a 
friend as a good language to start with. I bought the Learning Python 
book from O'Reilly and I'm about 2/3 of the way through, and I've also 
read through 2 intro tutorials on the web. At this point, I understand 
the basics of lists, functions, objects, etc. and can code to solve 
simple problems. However, I'm finding that learning programming is like 
learning math: you can't learn simply reading the book - solving 
problems is what reinforces the material and helps you remember it, and 
teaches you to solve problems creatively. The book (although very 
comprehensive) doesn't have many problems, and the tutorials I've found 
only have basic exercises that illustrate the point they are making.

I've read through some of the archives on this list and this is 
somewhat helpful as far as providing unique problems, but I guess what 
I'm looking for is a database/list of problems to solve, with answers 
that you can look at after you've had a go, so that you can see what 
the expert would have done. Kind of akin to the problems at the end 
of the chapter in a math textbook, with solutions in the back. Can 
anyone point me towards a good resource?

Thanks very much,
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] Practice exercise sources

-- Thread btkuhn

  Re: [Tutor] Practice exercise sources



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[Tutor] Practice exercise sources

Re: [Tutor] Practice exercise sources
Alan Gauld

Re: [Tutor] Practice exercise sources
Kent Johnson

Re: [Tutor] Practice exercise sources
Samir Parikh



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