Re: [Tutor] How to run a small python client-server on Google App Engine

2012-04-19 Thread ian douglas
I suppose you could run something persistent on a reserved instance at
Google App Engine, but typically they kill any process running longer than
30 seconds. And the persistent servers aren't free.
On Apr 19, 2012 7:36 AM, Surya K wrote:

  I wrote a small python Client-Server program.. (I use python 2.7)

 and want to make it real. I mean, I want to put the server on Google App

 I went through it and found that, I need to use Google API so that it
 should work on GAE.

 So, How could I create  such a small Google App Engine's app. I mean..

 Can anyone help me on it..
 (Assuming that there is a which just shows how many clients are
 connected to it, how do I make a app of such program)

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Re: [Tutor] Python with HTML

2012-01-29 Thread ian douglas
If you're hoping for something like PHP that can be parsed inline with
html, you're out of luck. It's also bad design to mix business logic with
your presentation layer.

You might want to look into some frameworks like django to help you along.
On Jan 28, 2012 2:04 AM, t4 techno wrote:

 hi everyone,

 I want to make a web page which has to include some python script and html
 tags as well, am not getting how to do that .
 I searched some articles but cant understand them .
 is there anything like linking an external html file into python script ?

 Can u please help for same
 waiting for your instructions or some links that can help me


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Re: [Tutor] Why do you have to close files?

2012-01-26 Thread ian douglas

On 1/26/12 3:20 PM, amt wrote:

Exercise 17, extra credit 6 Learn python the hard way: Find out why
you had to do output.close() in the code.



I don't get it. If you don't close input and output it works exactly
the same as if you would close them, so why do you have to do
output.close() and input.close()?

Also does it matter if you do: input.close() and then output.close()?
Is there an order to follow?

There's no order to follow, and it's really more about cleaning up after 
yourself than being a necessity. If you were writing to real files, your 
operating system would limit how many open files you could have at any 
time, so you want to make sure you close file handles you're no longer 

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Re: [Tutor] Setting Network settings from Python/Djang

2012-01-22 Thread ian douglas
Well DNS would be easy, just modify /etc/resolve.conf ... the other files
you need to modify would depend on your distro because they all do
something slightly different it seems.
On Jan 22, 2012 3:25 AM, Ganesh Kumar wrote:

 I'm working on a simple web interface for an embedded computer. The
 computer will ship with a static default ip that will then need to be
 updated by the install tech who may not be tech/linux savvy.

 Basicly I need to change the following system settings from a Django app.

1. IP Addres
2. Subnet
3. Default Gateway
4. DNS Servers 12

 I realize that I can could just overwrite the config files in linux but I
 was wondering if there is a more Python way of doing it.

 I want any ready to use module is there, please guide me.


 Did I learn something today? If not, I wasted it.

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[Tutor] Question about sorting a list within a dictionary within a list

2011-08-01 Thread ian douglas
I'm using the Bono library for talking to EC2, and I'm getting a list of 
EC2 instances back in a list called reservations. Each element in the 
list is a dictionary of information. One of those dictionary elements is 
a list called 'instances', and I only ever care about the first entry. 
That instances[0] value is a dictionary, which holds a key I want to use 
to sort the base reservations list.

I found this helpful bit for sorting a list of dictionaries by a key 
within the dictionaries:

... this works great if you just have a list of dictionaries. I'm not 
sure how to go deeper within that to sort my data without iterating 
through the entire 'reservations' list and building an entirely new 
list. Maybe it would be easier, but I'm just curious if it's possible 
without messing with my main 'reservations' list.

My current code looks like this: (it's a file)

from django.http import HttpResponse
import boto.ec2
from operator import itemgetter

def index(request):
conn = boto.connect_ec2()
reservations = conn.get_all_instances()

# this is where I'm trying to sort everything
res_sorted = sorted(reservations, key=itemgetter('launch_time'))

output = 'table'
output += 'tr'
output += 'thState/th'
output += 'thLaunched/th'
output += 'thPublic Hostname/th'
output += 'thPublic IP/th'
output += 'thPrivate Hostname/th'
output += 'thPrivate IP/th'
output += '/tr'
for reservation in res_sorted:
instance = reservation.instances[0]
output += 'tr'
output += 'td' + instance.state + '/td'
output += 'td' + instance.launch_time + '/td'
output += 'td' + instance.public_dns_name + '/td'
output += 'td' + instance.ip_address + '/td'
output += 'td' + instance.private_dns_name + '/td'
output += 'td' + instance.private_ip_address + '/td'

Ideally, I'd like to make each table column 'sortable' so the user can 
click on state/launched/etc (I may add more columns in the future), but 
I'm not sure how to search deeper within the 'reservations' list for the 
sorted() call to get at the 'launch_time' element within the instaces[0] 

Also, I'm sure there are much better ways to do the display logic, but 
I'll tackle that another time.

Thanks for any pointers,

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[Tutor] time zone conversion

2011-08-01 Thread ian douglas

Hi all,

Been trying to wrap my head around some datetime vs time stuff with 
regards to parsing a string as a date plus time with a timezone offset.

This is the string I'm given:


And I can use time.strptime to parse out its individual elements, but 
then I need to adjust that time, in UTC/Zulu to my local time zone.

Here's what I'm currently trying:

old_launch_time = '2010-01-22T00:14:33.000Z'
os.environ['TZ'] = 'UTC'
launch_time = time.strptime(old_launch_time, 

os.environ['TZ'] = 'US/Pacific'
print 'old time: ' + old_launch_time
print 'new time: ' + time.strftime(%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S, 


old time: 2010-01-22T00:14:33.000Z
new time: 2010-01-22 00:14:33

But the different tzset() calls are not adjusting based on the 7 or 8 
hour difference.

I know that all incoming dates/times are coming to me in UTC. I just 
can't seem to get a good handle on how to properly convert it to my own 
time zone.


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Re: [Tutor] Question about sorting a list within a dictionary within a list

2011-08-01 Thread ian douglas

On 08/01/2011 01:03 PM, Peter Otten wrote:

ian douglas wrote:

I'm using the Bono library for talking to EC2, and I'm getting a list of

I cannot help you with the django or boto part.

Well, I suppose that using django/bono wasn't really relevant to the 

I appreciate the feedback though, I'll definitely keep it in mind for 
future projects. The sort() and mykey() stuff you proposed looked neat. 
I'll dig into that stuff more to see how it works when I finish this 
project. I appreciate the LEGAL_SORTKEYS bit too, it was on my to-do 
list as well.

In the end, I ended up flattening things a little, instead of having a 
list of objects, and those objects holding a list of instances, and each 
of those instances being objects themselves:

reservations_bulk = conn.get_all_instances()
reservations_unsorted = [] ;
for reservation in reservations_bulk:
instance = reservation.instances[0].__dict__
reservations = sorted(reservations_unsorted, 

I'm sure there's an even cleaner way of doing the for loop too?

I hadn't seen the __dict__ property before for objects, and that allowed 
me to just build a simple list of dictionaries, which I could then run 
through the itemgetter() solution I'd found on StackOverflow.


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Re: [Tutor] Accessing Specific Dictionary items

2011-08-01 Thread ian douglas

On 08/01/2011 03:05 PM, Mike Nickey wrote:

Hi all,

I'm trying to access and use specific items within a dictionary that
is returned but am having issues in doing so.
[{'city': 'Sunnyvale', 'region_name': 'CA', 'area_code': 408,
'metro_code': 'Santa Clara, CA', 'country_name': 'United States'}]

How can I populate a list of many different returns so that I have a
list that contains all the cities and in line with the item that is

The first step is to populate the list unsorted as it needs to be in
correlation to the item that it came from.
Thanks for your help.

Could you give us examples of what you want the list to look like? It 
will help us direct you to an answer.

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Re: [Tutor] How to replace the '\'s in a path with '/'s?

2011-07-31 Thread ian douglas
Try a double backslash

On Jul 30, 2011 10:30 PM, Richard D. Moores wrote:
 64-bit Vista
 Python 3.2.1

 I would like to write a function that would take a path such as
 'C:\Users\Dick\Desktop\Documents\Notes\College Notes.rtf'
 and return 'C:/Users/Dick/Desktop/Documents/Notes/College Notes.rtf' .
 tried this:

 def test(path):
 return path.replace('\', '/')

 print(test('C:\Users\Dick\Desktop\Documents\Notes\College Notes.rtf'))

 gets me

 File c:\P32Working\, line 2
 return path.replace('\', '/')
 SyntaxError: EOL while scanning string literal
 Process terminated with an exit code of 1


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Re: [Tutor] Python editor for Ipad

2011-07-21 Thread ian douglas
Yes, Cloud9 supports running/debugging/testing. They've also got github 
support for pulling in your projects. It's a pretty clever tool.

On 07/21/2011 01:24 PM, Tahir Hafiz wrote:
Cloud9 seems interesting as a browser based IDE. Do you know if there 
is a way to run Python code as well create/edit it?


On Thu, Jul 21, 2011 at 5:30 PM, Corey Richardson wrote:

Excerpts from James Reynolds's message of Thu Jul 21 10:40:53
-0400 2011:
 I might have to discuss some routines I've written in Python
(and possibly
 C). It would be easier to whip out the Ipad and show them some
of the things
 I've done, rather than a bulky laptop.

 I could of course PDF everything with highlighting off of
eclipse, but
 ideally Ideally I would prefer a way for the user to interact
with the text,
 rather than an image.

 So basically, an IDE or text editor with syntax highlighting for

 If you have any thoughts, I would greatly appreciate it!

If you have a browser, Cloud9 IDE might be able to do it. Or you
could use
pygments to render the text to HTML and ... do you even have
access on an ipad? (This is assuming you don't want your code out
for the whole world to see). So your best bet would probably be
Cloud9 or
a similar product.
Corey Richardson
 Those who deny freedom to others, deserve it not for themselves
-- Abraham Lincoln

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Re: [Tutor] Python editor for Ipad

2011-07-21 Thread ian douglas

On 07/21/2011 01:46 PM, Corey Richardson wrote:

Excerpts from ian douglas's message of Thu Jul 21 16:44:17 -0400 2011:

Yes, Cloud9 supports running/debugging/testing. They've also got github
support for pulling in your projects. It's a pretty clever tool.

Could you share your secret? I didn't dig enough to figure it out. I saw the
Run button and its configuration, but it looks like it wants a JS file and
args? Or...maybe not?

Ah, my bad. Creating files should be allowed, but running *Python* files 
seems to still be on their TODO list as of March 23rd. Sorry for the 

As soon as they Email me a password recovery message, (I signed up in 
May at Google IO), I can get more information to the list.


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Re: [Tutor] Strategy to read a redirecting html page

2011-05-31 Thread ian douglas

On 05/31/2011 04:34 PM, Hugo Arts wrote:

On Wed, Jun 1, 2011 at 1:00 AM,  wrote:


I am having issue in reading a html page which is redirected to a new page.
I get the first warning/error message page and not the redirection one.
Should I request a second time the same url page or Should I loop forever
until the
page content is the correct (by parsing it) one?
Do you have a better strategy or perhaps some modules deal w/ that issue?
I am using python 2.7.1 on Linux ubuntu 11.04 and the modules urllib2,
urllib, etc...
The webpage is secured but I registered a password manager.

urllib2 works at the HTTP level, so it can't catch redirects that
happen at the HTML level unfortunately. You'll have to parse the page,
look for ameta http-equiv=refresh tag, and fetch the URL from it.
That's a pretty simple parsing job, probably doable with regexes. But
you're free to use a proper html parser of course.

Also, given that the 301/302 redirect you get in that response could 
ALSO redirect, I'd suggest looping until a counter is exhausted, so you 
don't end up in an infinite loop if pages redirect to each other.


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Re: [Tutor] Python Interview Questions..

2011-05-26 Thread ian douglas
If I were interviewing for a Perl or PHP position, then yes. However, if 
I just wanted to see if they knew the algorithm, I'd let them use 
whatever language they were most comfortable in, provided those of us 
interviewing also knew the language.

I think C++ is more common now for data structures and algorithms.


On 05/26/2011 10:34 AM, Prasad, Ramit wrote:

When giving an interview, I ask interviewees to write samples of code.

Would you ask your code samples for a python (or XXX language) position do you 
have them code it in...C or actually code it in Python (or XXX language)?

Another favorite of mine was asking a candidate to write a piece of code that 
took a paragraph of text as a parameter, and while maintaining the order of the 
sentences, reverse the order of the words in each sentence.

I ask because this would be fairly easy in Python (admitted my interview 
solution would have problems with handling punctuations), but probably a lot 
more complex in something like C.

Is C still the standard interviewing basis for the computer science basics 
(e.g. data structures, algorithms, etc)?


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Re: [Tutor] Clunky Password maker

2011-05-26 Thread ian douglas

On 05/26/2011 02:45 PM, Wolf Halton wrote:
Now I am looking at how to make it have an admin function to set the 
valid characters, and have a way to output the password into main()

Simple, just learn to use the 'return' statement:

def new_pass(p):
pp = int(raw_input(Enter the length you want your password to 
be:[%i]  % (p)) or p)

  # length of password chosen or default length
new_password = generate_new_pass(pp)
print \nYour New Password is: %s\n % new_password
return new_password

def generate_new_pass(userlength):
valchars = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + string.punctuation
series = list(valchars)
rr = random.sample(series, userlength)
return join(rr)

def main():
my_new_password = new_pass(default_length)

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Re: [Tutor] Python Interview Questions..

2011-05-24 Thread ian douglas
To expand on Martin's questions, when I've interviewed in the past, I've 
asked (or been asked as an interviewee) questions that investigate 
critical thinking, like those silly-sounding questions of how many golf 
balls would fit in a bus or how many windows are there in Seattle. 
Those kinds of questions are meant to gauge how you think through a 
problem, not necessarily coming up with the correct answer.

When giving an interview, I ask interviewees to write samples of code. A 
popular one is to write the Fibonacci algorithm in code, or how to write 
a quick-sort or merge-sort algorithm. Being familiar with some of these 
computer science principles will show your familiarity with lower level 
understandings of how software works. It also helps identify people who 
are self-taught and only know higher level operations, and those who 
have gone to college/university for computer science or formal software 
development training.

Another favorite of mine was asking a candidate to write a piece of code 
that took a paragraph of text as a parameter, and while maintaining the 
order of the sentences, reverse the order of the words in each sentence. 
So The sky was blue. The grass was green. would become blue was sky 
The. green was grass The.

Good luck on your interviewing.


On 05/24/2011 03:11 PM, Martin A. Brown wrote:

Hi there,

  : Hey I'll be appearing for Job Interviews and wondering if anybody
  : of you appeared for a Python Interview Or if on the other end as
  : an interviewer.   Can you please share the questions asked?  
  : That will be of great help :)

I would point out that there are many types of interviews.  There's
the technical screen, which is what it sounds like you are asking
about, but there are other types of interviews that tend to focus on
drawing out your approach to problems or your mindset.  With the
latter type of interview, I would only suggest that you know

If however, you are worried about the technical content of an
interview, it is possible that having my list of questions may help
you.  It may also hinder you, because the set of questions that I
ask may differ dramatically from another technical interviewer.  We
are a fickle lot, prone to ask questions we (think we) know the
answers to, which may differ from what you know [0].

With that said, here's a subset of the questions that I commonly use
when interviewing candidates for a technical screen--I would rarely
ask all of these.

   * What's your favorite stdlib module?  (And, why?)
   * Distinguish a dict() and a set().  When would I use which?
   * Distinguish a tuple() and a list().  When would I use which?
   * What's the risk of 't = sys.stdin.readlines()'?
   * What's an iterator?  Why would I care?
   * When should I use 'with'?  Is there any advantage?
   * What's a regex?  Why not just use string matching?
   * What does os.stat() return?  For what is this useful?
   * What's WSGI?  Why would I use it?
   * What are ElementTree and lxml?
   * What's a decorator?
   * What (unit) testing tools exist and how would I use them?
   * What does 'raise' do?  What does 'pass' do?
   * Describe Python's inheritance model.

And, some others that are geared more toward those who have written
network (or SQL) applications:

   * What's a file descriptor?
   * What's a socket?
   * How do I create a listening socket in Python?
   * What's a signal?
   * How do I talk to a SQL DB from Python?  Any other DBs?
   * What tools are available for calling an external process?
   * What's a queue?
   * What's a thread?  Are there any (special) concerns about
 threads I should have as a Python programmer?

If you have some familiarity with Python (particularly in a
Unix-like environment) many of these questions would be familiar to
you.  I would get some idea of your facility with the language and
the underlying operating system from the accuracy and comfort with
which you answered.  You might also find one or two of these
(mis)leading and might want to tell me about corner cases that you
as a developer have faced.  That would also be interesting to me as
a technical interviewer.



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Re: [Tutor] Making a script part of the terminal

2011-05-20 Thread ian douglas
To expand further, some distributions of Linux set a 'bin' path under 
your home folder as part of your native PATH, even if it doesn't exist.

So if your Linux username is, say, mscott, see if echo $PATH already 
includes something like /home/mscott/bin in the path already. If so, 
simply create a bin folder:

mkdir ~/bin

and then place your Python scripts within that folder, and follow 
Edgar's other advice about adding #!/usr/local/bin/python and using 
chmod +x etc.

If you're on a non-Linux platform, I'm sure others can provide further help.


On 05/20/2011 11:03 AM, Edgar Almonte wrote:

hey ! i can answer that !

birst in the fist line of you script put something like this


change the path for where you have python ( try using 'whereis python' )

sencond make the file executable add the +x attribute ( using chmod )

third  put the script in some place and and that path to the PATH
enviroment variable.

good luck

On Fri, May 20, 2011 at 1:43 PM, michael  wrote:

Okay, my title might be undescriptive, let me try to explain it better. I
want to take a script I've written and make it usable by typing its name in
the terminal. Perfect example is the python interpreter. You just type in
the word python to the terminal and then the interpreter runs. I know other
programs can do this as well (like mozilla or nautilus or rhythmbox).  So
how do I make my scripts executable from the terminal?

What is it about you... that intrigues me so?

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[Tutor] BaseHTTPServer, how do catch/trap broken pipe errors?

2011-05-19 Thread ian douglas

Hey all,

I released my short URL engine last night and it works great. The only 
problem I'm having now is that it's throwing LOTS of 'broken pipe' 
errors, which as I understand from looking at raw socket docs in Python, 
should throw a trappable exception.

This might be a little more 'advanced' than the average tutor questions, 
so I posted some details at just so I could keep the 
huge code sample and error messages off the mailing list. I'd appreciate 
it if anyone could help me figure out where the best place is to wrap a 
try/except call, and which exceptions I should be looking for.


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[Tutor] short url processor

2011-05-13 Thread ian douglas

Hey folks,

I'm rewriting a short url processor for my job. I had originally written 
it as a multi-threaded Perl script, which works, but has socket problems 
causing memory leaks. Since I'm rebuilding it to use memcache, and since 
I was learning Python outside of work anyway, figured I'd rewrite it in 

I'm using BaseHTTPServer, overriding do_GET and do_POST, and want to set 
up a custom logging mechanism so I don't have to rewrite a separate log 
parser, which I'll eventually rewrite in Python as well.

The problem I'm having, though, is that the BaseHTTPServer setup is 
outputting what appears to be an apache-style log to STDOUT, but the 
logging.debug or calls I make in the code are also going to 
STDOUT despite my attempt to use logging.basicConfig() overrides and 
setting a filename, etc.

Here's the basics of what I'm doing. Forgive my code, I've already been 
told it's ugly, I'm new to Python and come from a background of Perl/PHP.

import struct
import string,cgi,time
import psycopg
import logging
import re
import memcache
from BaseHTTPServer import BaseHTTPRequestHandler, HTTPServer
from time import strftime,localtime

class clientThread(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):

time.strftime(%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S,localtime()),
method, # get or post
request, # requested entity
short_url, # matching short_url based on 
entity, if any

http_code, # 200, 301, 302, 404, etc
long_url, # url to redirect to, if there was one
cached, # 'hit', 'miss', 'miss-db', 'error'
notes # extra notes for the log file only

def do_GET(self)
# logic goes here for finding a short url form 
memcache, then writing the appropriate

# output data to the socket, then logging happens:



def main():
if mc.get('dbcheck'): # memcache already has some data
print(memcache already primed with data)
else: # nothing in memcache, so load it up from database
print('Connecting to PG')
cur.execute(SELECT count(*) FROM short_urls) ;
mycount = cur.fetchone() ;
print(fetching %s entries, mycount)
cur.execute(SELECT short_url,long_url FROM short_urls)
giant_list = cur.fetchall()

# cache a marker that tells us we've already 
initialized memcache with db data


# I'm sure there's a MUCH more efficient way of doing 
this ... multi-set of some sort?

for i in giant_list:
if i[0]:
if i[1]:
mc.set(i[0], i[1])

print(finished retrieving %s entries plus set up a new 
dictionary with all values % mycount)

#{{ set up the socket, bind to port, and wait for incoming 

server = HTTPServer(('',8083), clientThread)
print 'short url processing has begun'

# this is where I try to tell Python that I only want 
my message in my log:
# no INFO:username prefix, etc., and also to write it 
to a file


except KeyboardInterrupt:
print '^C received, shutting down server'

My code runs without any errors, though I have left some code out of 
this Email that I didn't feel was relevant such as the logic of seeing 
if a short url exists in memcache, trying to fetch from the db if there 
was no match, and if the db lookup also fails, force-deleting short urls 
from memcache based on other instructions, that sort of thing. None of 
it deals with logging or the BaseHTTPServer code.

To recap, the code runs, redirects are working, but ALL output goes to 
STDOUT. I can understand that print statements would go to STDOUT, but 
the BaseHTTPServer seems to want to write the Apache-style log to 
STDOUT, and my call also prints to STDOUT instead of my file.

I'd love to hear any thoughts from people that have had to deal with 
this. The logging is the last piece of the puzzle for me.

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Re: [Tutor] short url processor

2011-05-13 Thread ian douglas

On 05/13/2011 05:03 PM, Alan Gauld wrote:

How do you know they are going to stdout? Are you sure
they aren't going to stderr and stderrr is not mapped to stdout
(usually the default). Have you tried redirecting stderr to a
file for example?

As I say, just some thoughts,

Thanks for your thoughts, Alan. I had done some testing with cmdline 
redirects and forget which is was, I think my debug log was going to 
stdout and the apache-style log was going to stderr, or the other way 

After a handful of guys in the #python IRC channel very nearly convinced 
me that all but 3 stdlib libraries are utter worthless crap, and telling 
me to download and use third-party frameworks just to fix a simple 
logging issue, I overrode log_request() and log message() as such:

class clientThread(BaseHTTPRequestHandler): #[[[

def log_request(code, size):

def log_message(self, format, *args):
open(LOGFILE, a).write(%s\n % (format%args))

... and now the only logging going on is my own, and it's logged to my 
external file. Overriding log_request means that BaseHTTPServer no 
longer outputs its apache-style log, and overriding log_message means my 
other and logging.debug() messages go out to my file as 


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Re: [Tutor] short url processor

2011-05-13 Thread ian douglas

On 05/13/2011 05:03 PM, Alan Gauld wrote:

As I say, just some thoughts,

I *am* curious, Alan, whether you or anyone else on the list are able to 
help me make this a little more efficient:

cur.execute(SELECT short_url,long_url FROM short_urls)
giant_list = cur.fetchall()

for i in giant_list:
if i[0]:
if i[1]:
mc.set(i[0], i[1])

At present, we have about two million short URL's in our database, and 
I'm guessing there's a much smoother way of iterating through 2M+ rows 
from a database, and cramming them into memcache. I imagine there's a 
map function in there that could be much more efficient?

v2 of our project will be to join our short_urls table with its 'stats' 
table counterpart, to where I only fetch the top 10,000 URLs (or some 
other smaller quantity). Until we get to that point, I need to speed up 
the restart time if this script ever needs to be restarted. This is 
partly why v1.5 was to put the database entries into memcache, so we 
wouldn't need to reload the db into memory on every restart.


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[Tutor] un-buffered web output

2011-03-25 Thread ian douglas

Hey List,

In Perl, I can manipulate a special variable called $| to control 
buffered output, even on web pages, so I can watch something run (like 
CGI processes reading files or running system commands) as Perl 
processes it (pseudo real-time), as opposed to languages like PHP which 
buffers all output and draws it all in one shot.

I saw this on Stack Overflow, and was curious if this is still the best 
practice to do the same thing in Python?

sys.stdout = os.fdopen(sys.stdout.fileno(), 'w', 0)


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Re: [Tutor] Need help with dates in Python

2011-03-09 Thread ian douglas
I'm new to the language as well, but I think you're missing your 
indentation after each of your 'if' conditions?

On 03/09/2011 10:34 AM, nookasree ponamala wrote:

if t  max:
maxyr = max should be indented
if t  min:
minyr = min should be indented
t = (a,b,maxyr,minyr)
print t
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Re: [Tutor] remote code execution

2011-02-15 Thread ian douglas
Sounds like it should be possible via SSH, but I have no idea how you'd 
set that up within Eclipse.

On 02/15/2011 10:50 AM, S de Haan wrote:
For instance, Im working on my local machine with Eclipse, but using 
the Interpreter that is on one of my Linux Servers.
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Re: [Tutor] Help with range of months spanning across years

2011-02-01 Thread ian douglas
It bugs me that so many people are quick to jump on the we wont' do 
your homework bandwagon -- I was accused of the same thing when I 
posted a question to the list myself. I've been programming 
professionally for many years but learning Python in my spare time... I 
sent this reply to Sean privately, but frankly I'm so annoyed at the 
'homework' replies, I figured I'd just post it here.

I'm still very junior to Python, but this seems to work for me using 
recursion. I'm sure there's a much more elegant way of doing this, but 
like I said, I'm still pretty new to the language.

def makelist(startmonth,startyear,endmonth,endyear):
mylist = []
if (startyear == endyear):
for month in range (startmonth,endmonth+1):
mylist += [(startyear,month)]
for month in range (startmonth,13):
mylist += [(startyear,month)]
mylist += makelist(1,startyear+1, endmonth, endyear)
return mylist ;

print makelist(8,2009,1,2010)

I'd love to hear any replies from the experts on the list on how to make 
this more efficient in Python 'cause I'm still learning myself.

On 02/01/2011 05:14 PM, Elwin Estle wrote:

--- On Tue, 2/1/11, Sean  wrote:

What would be the most straightforward way to create a list
year/month pairs from start to end?  I want to end up
with a list of
tuples like this:

mylist = [(2009, 8), (2009, 9), (2009, 10), (2009, 11),
(2009, 12), (2010, 1)]
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Re: [Tutor] Accessing a secured webpage

2011-01-28 Thread ian douglas

If it's HTTP basic_auth, you could try this method too:

On 01/28/2011 01:54 PM, Karim wrote:


I want to create a client to access a webpage. But when I access it 
interactively  there is a dialog box

which ask for login and password.
I want to access it in batch via python but I could only found a basic 

||#||!/bin/env||  ||python|
|#||  ||-*-||  ||coding:||  ||utf-8||  ||-*-|

|import|  urllib2
reponse|=|  urllib2.|urlopen|(|'||http||:||/||/||www||.||kernel||.||org||/||'|)
xhtmldata|=|  reponse.|read|()
|for|  num,ligne|in|  |enumerate|(xhtmldata.|splitlines|()) :
 |print|  |||%04d||  ||-||  ||%s%|(num,ligne)
I want to provide login and password via python code. The web adress 
is like

If you have link it is welcome!


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Re: [Tutor] Having a problem with markdown

2011-01-26 Thread ian douglas
Thanks Tino,

It's certainly not homework, I'm learning Python after being in the Perl/PHP
world for well over a decade. Trying to teach this old dog some new tricks.
On Jan 26, 2011 6:47 AM, Tino Dai wrote:
 On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 2:46 AM, ian douglas

 Hey all,

 I followed a tutorial on creating a very simple wiki in Python, which
 worked fine until the example where the instructor wanted to render the
 output through markdown.markdown()

 Here's the view code:

 from import Page
 from django.shortcuts import render_to_response
 from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect
 import markdown

 def view_page(request, page_name):
 page = Page.objects.get(pk=page_name)
 except Page.DoesNotExist:
 return render_to_response(create.html, {page_name:page_name})
 content = page.content


 The problem I'm having is that the output in a browser is outputing HTML
 markers as lt; and gt; instead of  and  so the browser literally
 phello world/p. If I leave the line as it originally was:


 It just prints hello world as saved in the database. I'm just not sure
 where to start looking for a solution here, and would appreciate any

 Two thing:
 - This sounds like homework.
 - This is a python mailing list, not a django mailing list

 Where I would start would be to investigate what the markdown class does.
 addition I would read over the django documentation to see why django is
 doing that. It's in the django documentation, I hit that issue not too

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Re: [Tutor] Having a problem with markdown

2011-01-26 Thread ian douglas
Thanks, Benjamin, I figured it was a version issue, I'm just so new to 
Python that I didn't know where to look. Sorry for polluting the list 
with Django questions, I thought it was an underlying Python issue, not 
the framework.


On 01/26/2011 10:10 AM, Benjamin Kircher wrote:

Hi Ian.

Well, I did that very same tutorial a few months ago and ran into the same 
issue. It's not an issue with markdown but a feature called auto-escaping. The 
tutorial is quite old (but nonetheless good), so back in that day auto-escaping 
wasn't the default in Django. Now it is.

However, you might want consult the Django docs about auto-escaping


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Re: [Tutor] ideas for a simple program

2011-01-25 Thread ian douglas
With an Email address like hacker0100, your best bet might be to do 
what we told another user just a few days ago:

Find an open-source project, and try to add a new feature to it, or fix 
a bug in it. That way you learn about the language, the project, and 
could get your name out there as a contributor if your changes are 
accepted by the original author.

On 01/25/2011 09:25 AM, walter weston wrote:

can I have some good ideas for simple programs, I have come to realize 
the hardest part of programming is not having a project to do and 
having to think of one haha

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[Tutor] Having a problem with markdown

2011-01-25 Thread ian douglas

Hey all,

I followed a tutorial on creating a very simple wiki in Python, which 
worked fine until the example where the instructor wanted to render the 
output through markdown.markdown()

Here's the view code:

from import Page
from django.shortcuts import render_to_response
from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect
import markdown

def view_page(request, page_name):
page = Page.objects.get(pk=page_name)
except Page.DoesNotExist:
return render_to_response(create.html, {page_name:page_name})
content = page.content

The problem I'm having is that the output in a browser is outputing HTML 
markers as lt; and gt; instead of  and  so the browser literally 
shows phello world/p. If I leave the line as it originally was:


It just prints hello world as saved in the database. I'm just not sure 
where to start looking for a solution here, and would appreciate any 

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Re: [Tutor] Exercise suggestions

2011-01-22 Thread ian douglas
For me, the quickest way to jump into a programming language was seeing 
a current open source project and say I wish it did this too, or that 
instead ... and implement it myself. Not only do you learn about the 
project itself, and pick up some tips and tricks along the way, you then 
also have a way to tell the original author about something you could 
contribute if others are interested.

So, it's not just working on something to make it better, you do it to 
make it personal to your own needs instead.

On 01/22/2011 01:52 PM, Elwin Estle wrote:
Sure, there are tons of these sorts of apps already, but so what?  
Maybe you can make one that is better.

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