Re: [Tutor] reading binary files

2009-02-02 Thread jadrifter
On Mon, 2009-02-02 at 11:31 +, wrote:
 I am trying to read data from a file that has format
 item_name  num_items  item_type  items 
 TIME  1  0.0
 DISTANCE 10  0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0
 TIME  1  1.0
 DISTANCE 10  1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
 I can read this if the data are in ASCII format using
 in_file = open(my_file.dat,r)
 data1 =
 tokens = data1.split()
 and then stepping through the resulting list but the data 
 also appear in the same format in a binary file.  I tried 
 converting the binary file to an ASCII file using
 ifile = open(my_file.dat,rb)
 ofile = open(new_file.dat,w)
 base64.decode(ifile, ofile)
 but that gave the error Error: Incorrect padding.  I imagine
 that there is a straightforward way of doing this but haven't
 found it so far.  Would be grateful for any suggestions!
 Alun Griffiths
Honestly I'm not sure what you're asking for but in general for reading
binary data the I use the struct module.  Check it out in the

John Purser

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] The better Python approach

2009-01-21 Thread jadrifter
a = '1234 5678 1 233 476'
['1234', '5678', '1', '233', '476']

Where the '' are the command prompt from python.  Don't type those.
A space is the default split delimiter.  If you wish to use a '-' or new
line feed them as strings to the split  method.


On Wed, 2009-01-21 at 08:33 -0500, Robert Berman wrote:
 Good Morning,
 Given a string consisting of numbers separated by spaces such as '1234 
 5678 1 233 476'. I can see I have two obvious choices to extract or 
 parse out the numbers. The first relying on iteration so that as I 
 search for a blank, I build a substring of all characters found before 
 the space and then, once the space is found, I can then use the int(n) 
 function to determine the number.  From my C++ background, that is the 
 approach that seems not only most natural but also most 
 efficient..butthe rules of Python are different and I easily see 
 that I can also search for the first blank, then using the character 
 count, I can use the slice operation to get the characters. Of even 
 further interest I see a string built-in function called split which, I 
 think, will return all the distinct character sub strings for me.
 My question is what is the most correct python oriented solution for 
 extracting those substrings?
 Robert Berman
 Tutor maillist  -

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Volunteer opportunities

2009-01-21 Thread jadrifter
On Wed, 2009-01-21 at 23:31 -0500, bob gailer wrote:

 Depends on your knowledge of Python and (if any) CMS Pipelines.
 Design critique (devil's advocate)
 Cleaning up and fine-tuning the parser
 Coding built-in stages
 Financial support
 Let me know what sparks your interest. And say a bit about your
 background and why this interests you.
 Bob Gailer
 Chapel Hill NC


Honestly the first thing that caught my eye was that you were in Chapel
Hill.  I grew up in Durham NC.  I'm in Tacoma WA now.

I'm a disabled vet who got into computers and programming from an
accounting career.  Most of what I've done has been database oriented. I
started playing with Python a few years ago and just enjoy the language
and would like to find some practical application to use it with.

I'm more of a consumer than producer on the tutor list.  I read a lot,
mostly technical stuff, but nothing that complex.  I took a peek at the
889 manual for Pipelines from the wiki page you linked to.  It seems to
assume a LOT of knowledge I don't have so I'm not sure I'm suitable at
all for the project. 

John Purser

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] calculator will not multiply

2009-01-18 Thread jadrifter
On Sun, 2009-01-18 at 10:37 -0500, David wrote:
 Everything else works + - / but not *
 from __future__ import division
 import sys
 def add(x, y):
  return x + y
 def sub(x, y):
  return x - y
 def dev(x, y):
  return x / y
 def mul(x, y):
  return x * y
 def compute(arg1, arg2, arg3):
  if sys.argv[2] == +:
  total = add(int(sys.argv[1]), int(sys.argv[3]))
  print total
  elif sys.argv[2] == -:
  total = sub(int(sys.argv[1]), int(sys.argv[3]))
  print total
  elif sys.argv[2] == /:
  total = dev(int(sys.argv[1]), int(sys.argv[3]))
  print total
  elif sys.argv[2] == *:
  total = mul(int(sys.argv[1]), int(sys.argv[3]))
  print total
  print oops
 compute(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3])

It worked fine for me.  Don't forget to put quotes around the * sign or
the shell will substitute.

./ 2 '*' 9
./ 2 * 9
./ 2 \* 9
but not:
./ 2 * 9

John Purser

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] strings and int()

2009-01-14 Thread jadrifter
Try eval(2*3)

On Thu, 2009-01-15 at 10:14 +1000, Mr Gerard Kelly wrote:
 If you have a string 6, and you do int(6), you get the number 6.
 But if you have a string 2*3 and you do int(2*3) you get a name error.
 How do you take an expression in a string, and evaluate the expression
 to get a number?
 I want to be able to turn the string 2*3 into the number 6.
 Tutor maillist  -

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] eval and floating point

2009-01-14 Thread jadrifter
On Thu, 2009-01-15 at 12:19 +1000, Mr Gerard Kelly wrote:
 Thanks very much
 I've noticed that the eval() function gives an integer, so eval(3/2)
 gives back 1. float(eval(3/2)) doesn't seem to work, any way to get a
 floating point number back with eval()?
 I know you can just do (3./2.), but is there any way to do it with
 just (3/2)?

That's not the eval function returning that integer so much as it is
Python itself.  You might try:
eval (1.0 * 3/2)

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] help

2009-01-11 Thread jadrifter
On Sun, 2009-01-11 at 14:01 -0800, rev pacce wrote:
 I have no expierence using python. I was following a tutorial and i
 kept getting a syntax error. it wasprint hello world!  hello
 world was not coming up underneath it.. i tried to run the module but
 that didnt work either.


Don't type the  into python.  Just type:
print hello world!

into the interactive prompt and I think it will work for you.


Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Python debugger

2009-01-10 Thread jadrifter
Despite the name I believe Winpdb is platform independent  I haven't
used it myself but I looked into it while following this thread.

John Purser

On Sat, 2009-01-10 at 12:56 +0100, Michael Bernhard Arp Sørensen wrote:
 It might and I'll keep it in mind. 
 However, I'm not going to ditch my linux just to get a gui debugger.
 After all, I do have WingIDE installed in Linux, but I wanted to be
 free of the GUI limitations I have when I code on a host that I
 connect to through a minicom on another ssh host. I do that from time
 to time.
 Thanks anyway. I got what I needed. :-)
 On Fri, Jan 9, 2009 at 3:14 PM, Kent Johnson wrote:
 On Fri, Jan 9, 2009 at 7:36 AM, Michael Bernhard Arp Sørensen wrote:
  I can't use a graphical debugger because i mostly code
 python over ssh on
  remote servers in my company.
 Winpdb opens a socket connection between the debugger and
 Perhaps it would run over an ssh tunnel...
 Tutor maillist  -

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] simple array access

2009-01-07 Thread jadrifter
On Wed, 2009-01-07 at 18:12 -0800, Artie Ziff wrote:
 I used python list comprehension to create a grid (list of lists) of
 Objects (instances of MyItem class). Can anyone make recommendations to
 achieve a simple access to the elements. My attempt at array access
 (like this: array[1,2] ) does not work. What am I overlooking? Thanks in
 advance! :)

You might want to take a look at NumPy

John Purser

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Usage of for loop

2009-01-05 Thread jadrifter
On Mon, 2009-01-05 at 18:49 +0530, vanam wrote:
 Hi all,
 i am beginner to this python language and slowing learning the
 language by referring docs.I am trying to understand the for loop
 i.e., usage of for loop in python,unlike c where i can give condition
 in python it is simple iterating over sequence.
 I am trying tounderstand the below lines of code but of no avail. 
 a = [cat, window,defenestrate]
 for x in a:
  print x, len(x)
 i cant understand what x is doing here and what is the purpose of it 
 can anyone help me out here?
 Raghavendra  Vanam
 Tutor maillist  -

x is a new variable and when used this way it holds one of the members
of a for each trip through the loop.

After your for loop is done there will be two new names in a dir()
listing if you're using the interactive python shell.  There will be a
name a and a  name x.  If you type print x it will output
defenestrate because it still holds the last value of a from the for

John Purser

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Distinction between tuples and lists

2009-01-01 Thread jadrifter
On Thu, 2009-01-01 at 15:07 +0100, Christopher Mutel wrote:
 Hello all-
 I stumbled across some discussion of why the fundamental difference
 between lists and tuples is not mutability, but hetero- versus
 homogeneous data, e.g.
 However, after reading the cited discussions, my python books, etc., I
 have to admit I don't really understand this idea. What does it mean
 that lists are intended for homogeneous sequences? What is different
 about lists that would make them more suited for homogeneous sequences
 than heterogeneous sequences (or vice-versa for tuples)? In the end,
 from what I understand, the idea of homo/heterogeneity seems
 orthogonal to mutability, which is the main distinction emphasized by
 e.g. Learning Python.
 I would greatly appreciate any help provided,
 -Chris Mutel
 Tutor maillist  -

I read it and don't get their emphasis or perhaps level of concern.  As
explanatory pieces these two blogs aren't very helpful.  They provide a
few assertions with no apparent (to me) attempt to support or explain

Both data types are indexed and both can contain homogeneous (same as)
or heterogeneous (different than) data.  I get that lists are analogous
to a C linked lists as tuples are to C structs.  I get that the
flexibility of one and the stability of the other makes them useful in
different situations.  Being able to use struct notation (employee.age
instead of employee[4]) would be nice but also not that difficult to
implement as a class either.

On re-re-re-reading it (I hate it when I don't get the point) I think
they're arguing for a more structured You must use this properly
approach to be built into the language.  And that makes some sense.  Who
would want a database call (say to an employee database table) that
returned  a record as a list?  On the other hand who would want a record
set (group of records) returned as a tuple?  There's no reason to assume
the third record will always be that of John Smith but the 3rd field of
John Smiths's record better be his phone number and not his social
security number or else wackiness will ensue.

Still, aint it great to work with a language that lets us bounce back
and forth between structures as we please?

John Purser

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Top posters to tutor list for 2008

2009-01-01 Thread jadrifter
On Thu, 2009-01-01 at 09:34 -0500, Kent Johnson wrote:
 For several years I have been using a simple script to find the top 20
 posters to the tutor list by web-scraping the archive pages. I thought
 others might be interested so here is the list for 2008 and the script
 that generates it. The lists for previous years (back to 2003) are at
 the end so everyone on the list doesn't hit the archives to find out
 The script gives a simple example of datetime, urllib2 and
 BeautifulSoup. It consolidates names that vary by case but other
 variations are not detected.


Thank you for this.  I've been thinking about a web scraping script but
didn't  have a clue how to go about it.  Seeing someone else's practical
implementation is a huge help!

A little serendipity to start 2009 off with.

Happy New Year to all.


Tutor maillist  -