Re: [Tutor] AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute, 'geturl'

2005-10-11 Thread Joseph Quigley
>  You are welcome. This time I would like to help you but the code is 
> incomplete
> (import error for Image) and I have never used urllib2 so I don't really know 
> what to 
> do.
>  Again, try to debug it with pdb. Place "import pdb; pdb.set_trace()" where 
> you want 
> the break point and see what's going on.
> Javier


I'm embarased to say that I was trying to download an image that doesn't exist 
(I had the url wrong).
Thanks for hte tip on pdb,

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'geturl'

2005-10-10 Thread Javier Ruere
Joseph Quigley wrote:
> Ok, new version (sorry to bug you).
> This time I've edited the program so that you can only download todays 
> (it won't work for any other date). Now I can connect to the server but 
> it sticks on "Downloading image!"
> Thanks for your prevoius help.
> Joe

  You are welcome. This time I would like to help you but the code is 
incomplete (import error for Image) and I have never used urllib2 so I don't 
really know what to do.
  Again, try to debug it with pdb. Place "import pdb; pdb.set_trace()" where 
you want the break point and see what's going on.


Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'geturl'

2005-10-09 Thread Joseph Quigley

Ok, new version (sorry to bug you).
This time I've edited the program so that you can only download todays 
(it won't work for any other date). Now I can connect to the server but 
it sticks on "Downloading image!"

Thanks for your prevoius help.
#! /usr/bin/env python
#  Created by Joseph Quigley #
#  This program is under the GNU GPL Licence #
#  Either version 2 or any higher version.   #
#  Garfield and the Garfield trade mark are  #
#  Copyrighted by Paws Inc.  #

# Import modules
import time
import urllib2
import os
import sys
from Tkinter import *
import Image
import ImageTk
import getpass

class Data:
# Define time and date
todays_date = time.localtime(time.time())
todayDay = time.strftime("%d", todays_date)
todayMonth = time.strftime("%m", todays_date)
todayYear = time.strftime("%y", todays_date)
todayYearFull = time.strftime("%Y", todays_date)
getDate = None
month = None
day = None
yearFull = None
year = None

# More file location junk
stripName =""# % (yearFull)
todayStrip = "ga051009.gif"#ga%s%s%s.gif" % (todayYear, todayMonth, 
otherStrip = None   
download = None
f = None
VERSION = '0.9.3'

if sys.argv[1] == "--version":
print """\nGacor %s
A Garfield Comic Downloader and reader.

Copyright (C) 2005 Joseph Quigley

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  
USA\n""" % Data.VERSION
raise SystemExit

except IndexError:
print "\n" * 100

user = getpass.getuser()
name = 'gacor'

if == 'posix':
imgDir = '/home/%s/.gacor/' % user
elif == 'nt':
if os.path.exists('C:\Documents and Settings'):
imgDir = "C:\\Documents and Settings\\%s\\.gacor\\" % user
if os.path.exists('D:\Documents and Settings'):
imgDir = "D:\\Documents and Settings\\%s\\.gacor\\" % user
if os.path.exists('E:\Documents and Settings'):
imgDir = "E:\\Documents and Settings\\%s\\.gacor\\" % user
if os.path.exists('F:\Documents and Settings'):
imgDir = "F:\\Documents and Settings\\%s\\.gacor\\" % user
if os.path.exists('G:\Documents and Settings'):
imgDir = "G:\\Documents and Settings\\%s\\.gacor\\" % user
if os.path.exists('H:\Documents and Settings'):
imgDir = "H:\\Documents and Settings\\%s\\.gacor\\" % user
if os.path.exists('I:\Documents and Settings'):
imgDir = "I:\\Documents and Settings\\%s\\.gacor\\" % user
if os.path.exists('J:\Documents and Settings'):
imgDir = "J:\\Documents and Settings\\%s\\.gacor\\" % user
if os.path.exists('K:\Documents and Settings'):
imgDir = "K:\\Documents and Settings\\%s\\.gacor\\" % user
setImgDir = raw_input("Please specify your Documents and Settings 
Drive\n(eg: C:\\ not C)\n> ")
imgDir = "%sDocuments and Settings\\%s\\.gacor\\" % user

if not os.path.exists(imgDir):

def Connect():
print "Connecting to server..."
Data.f = urllib2.urlopen("%s/%s" % (Data.stripName, Data.todayStrip))
except  urllib2.URLError:
print """Temporary failure in name resolution.
This means that you may not be online or the site is down.
You may want to try again later.\n\n This could also mean that you have entered 
a bad date in gettoher."""
print "\n\nProgram will quit in 3 seconds."
raise SystemExit
print "Connected."

def Dsp_Image(pic):
root = Tk()
root.title("GaCoR (Garfield Comic Reader)")
app = Frame(root)
img =
imgPrep = ImageTk.PhotoImage(img)
imgShow = Label(app, image=imgPrep).grid()
info = Label(app, text="Displaying a Garfield for %s\%s\%s." % (Data.month,, Data.year)).grid()

def getImg(pic):
print "Dowloading Image"
pict_Data =
pict = file("%s" % (pic), 'w')
print "Finished Download"

def ShowImg(pic):
Dsp_Image("%s%s" % (imgDir, pic))

def comicDate():
while True:
print "\nEnter comic date in mmdd format (eg: 09122002 "

Re: [Tutor] AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'geturl'

2005-10-09 Thread Joseph Quigley

Javier wrote:

>  Class Data has a class attribute, 'f', defined as an empty string. Check if 
> Data.f is initialized before calling getImg.
>  Also, why initialize with an empty str? Put a None in there or don't define 
> the attribute at all.
>  A tip: in line 126 there is a print Data.f. This will show nothing in this 
> case. When printing for debugging, error reporting or user input, always 
> place quotes around values so that it is easier to spot empty strings or non 
> printable characters.
>  Finally, keep in mind that you can always use pdb to see what's up.

I'll try to clean up what had gotten past me.

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'geturl'

2005-10-08 Thread Javier Ruere
Joseph Quigley wrote:
> Well, I'm back to coding more on my comic downloader and viewer and I 
> keep getting this error:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "F:\Gacor\", line 244, in ?
> getImg(Data.todayStrip)
>   File "F:\Gacor\", line 127, in getImg
> Data.f.geturl()
> AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'geturl'

  Class Data has a class attribute, 'f', defined as an empty string. Check if 
Data.f is initialized before calling getImg.
  Also, why initialize with an empty str? Put a None in there or don't define 
the attribute at all.
  A tip: in line 126 there is a print Data.f. This will show nothing in this 
case. When printing for debugging, error reporting or user input, always place 
quotes around values so that it is easier to spot empty strings or non 
printable characters.
  Finally, keep in mind that you can always use pdb to see what's up.


Tutor maillist  -

[Tutor] AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'geturl'

2005-10-08 Thread Joseph Quigley
Well, I'm back to coding more on my comic downloader and viewer and I keep getting this error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "F:\Gacor\", line 244, in ?
  File "F:\Gacor\", line 127, in getImg
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'geturl'

My code is attached (sorry, but it's got lot's of text)
#! /usr/bin/env python
#  Created by Joseph Quigley #
#  This program is under the GNU GPL Licence #
#  Either version 2 or any higher version.   #
#  Garfield and the Garfield trade mark are  #
#  Copyrighted by Paws Inc.  #

# Import modules
import time
import urllib2
import os
import sys
from Tkinter import *
import Image
import ImageTk
import getpass

class Data:
# Define time and date
todays_date = time.localtime(time.time())
todayDay = time.strftime("%d", todays_date)
todayMonth = time.strftime("%m", todays_date)
todayYear = time.strftime("%y", todays_date)
todayYearFull = time.strftime("%Y", todays_date)
getDate = ''
month = ''
day = ''
yearFull = ''
year = ''

# More file location junk
stripName =""; % (yearFull)
todayStrip = "ga%s%s%s.gif" % (todayYear, todayMonth, todayDay)
otherStrip = ""
download = ""
f = ""
VERSION = '0.9.3'

if sys.argv[1] == "--version":
print """\nGacor %s
A Garfield Comic Downloader and reader.

Copyright (C) 2005 Joseph Quigley

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA\n""" % Data.VERSION
raise SystemExit

except IndexError:
print "\n" * 100

user = getpass.getuser()
name = 'gacor'

if == 'posix':
imgDir = '/home/%s/.gacor/' % user
elif == 'nt':
if os.path.exists('C:\Documents and Settings'):
imgDir = "C:\\Documents and Settings\\%s\\.gacor\\" % user
if os.path.exists('D:\Documents and Settings'):
imgDir = "D:\\Documents and Settings\\%s\\.gacor\\" % user
if os.path.exists('E:\Documents and Settings'):
imgDir = "E:\\Documents and Settings\\%s\\.gacor\\" % user
if os.path.exists('F:\Documents and Settings'):
imgDir = "F:\\Documents and Settings\\%s\\.gacor\\" % user
if os.path.exists('G:\Documents and Settings'):
imgDir = "G:\\Documents and Settings\\%s\\.gacor\\" % user
if os.path.exists('H:\Documents and Settings'):
imgDir = "H:\\Documents and Settings\\%s\\.gacor\\" % user
if os.path.exists('I:\Documents and Settings'):
imgDir = "I:\\Documents and Settings\\%s\\.gacor\\" % user
if os.path.exists('J:\Documents and Settings'):
imgDir = "J:\\Documents and Settings\\%s\\.gacor\\" % user
if os.path.exists('K:\Documents and Settings'):
imgDir = "K:\\Documents and Settings\\%s\\.gacor\\" % user
setImgDir = raw_input("Please specify your Documents and Settings Drive\n(eg: C:\\ not C)\n> ")
imgDir = "%sDocuments and Settings\\%s\\.gacor\\" % user

if not os.path.exists(imgDir):

# Errors
def Connect():
urllib2_URLError = """Temporary failure in name resolution.
This means that you may not be online or the site is down.
You may want to try again later."""
print "Connecting to server..."
   Data.f = urllib2.urlopen("%s%s" % (Data.stripName, Data.todayStrip))
except  urllib2.URLError:
   print urllib2_URLError
print "Connected."

def Dsp_Image(pic):
root = Tk()
root.title("GaCoR (Garfield Comic Reader)")
app = Frame(root)
img =
imgPrep = ImageTk.PhotoImage(img)
imgShow = Label(app, image=imgPrep).grid()
info = Label(app, text="Displaying a Garfield for %s\%s\%s." % (Data.month,, Data.year)).grid()

def getImg(pic):
print "Dowloading Image"
print Data.f
pict_Data =
pict = file("%s%s" % (imgDir, pic), 'w')
print "Finished Download"

def ShowImg(pic):
Dsp_Image("%s%s" % (imgDir, pic))

def comicDate():
while True:
print "\nEnter comic date in mmdd format (eg: 09122002 "