Re: [Tutor] Beginning Python 3.4.0 Programmer:Stephen Mik: Cannot get input variable to make While Loop conditional to work

2014-04-22 Thread Alan Gauld

On 22/04/14 01:18, Alan Gauld wrote:

input takes as an argument a prompt string and returns the value
input by the user so your usage should look like:

smv_grandVariable("Enter a 1 to play or 0 to exit:")

Whoops, something went badly wrong in an edit there.
It should read:

smv_grandVariable = input("Enter a 1 to play or 0 to exit:")

apologies for that.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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Re: [Tutor] Beginning Python 3.4.0 Programmer:Stephen Mik: Cannot get input variable to make While Loop conditional to work

2014-04-21 Thread Alan Gauld

On 21/04/14 19:12, Stephen Mik wrote:

...I am inputting or trying to input,a Sentry Variable
to a While Loop. I want to test out the Main program" While" Loop before
I add an inner "While" Loop. The program I have written,when run on the
Python 3.4.0 Shell,does not stop for input of the "While" Sentry
Variable,it just gives a program error: "Value of smv_grandVariable
undefined". What am I doing wrong here?

> import random
> ...
> print("Do you want to play the game?\n")
> print("Enter a 1 to play or 0 to exit:")

> input(smv_grandVariable)

You have completely misunderstood input...

input takes as an argument a prompt string and returns the value
input by the user so your usage should look like:

smv_grandVariable("Enter a 1 to play or 0 to exit:")

But that's a terrible name for a variable. You should name
variables after their purpose. What does this variable
represent? You say its a sentry? So call it sentry...
Having the word "variable" in a variable name is
nearly always a mistake.

> while (smv_grandVariable == 1 and smv_grandVariable != 0):

And your second mistake is that you have not converted the
string typed by the user to a number(specifically an int)
but you are comparing the variable to the numbers 0,1

Finally the logic of your test can be replaced by
the simpler

while int(smv_grandVariable) != 0:

since 1 is also not zero.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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Re: [Tutor] Beginning Python 3.4.0 Programmer:Stephen Mik: Cannot get input variable to make While Loop conditional to work

2014-04-21 Thread Walter Prins

On 21 April 2014 19:12, Stephen Mik  wrote:
> Dear Python Community:
> I am new to Python,with only about a month's experience. I am writing
> Python 3.4.0 code that apparently isn't doing what it should be doing.
> Specifically, I am inputting or trying to input,a Sentry Variable to a While
> Loop. I want to test out the Main program" While" Loop before I add an inner
> "While" Loop. The program I have written,when run on the Python 3.4.0
> Shell,does not stop for input of the "While" Sentry Variable,it just gives a
> program error: "Value of smv_grandVariable undefined". What am I doing wrong
> here?

You are misunderstanding how input() works.  It is a function, which
means it returns a result, and takes one parameter which is a
prompt/message to display, e.g you should have something like this:

result = input('Input a string:')

This displays 'Input a string:' to the user and then waits for input,
after which it puts the inputted value into the variable 'result'.
That also hopefully explains the error message -- it's telling you
that 'smv_grandVariable', which you've given to input() and which
Python's duly trying to display is undefined.  (By the way, try to
pick a better name for that variable which suggests what its role is
supposed to be.)  Also see here:

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[Tutor] Beginning Python 3.4.0 Programmer:Stephen Mik: Cannot get input variable to make While Loop conditional to work

2014-04-21 Thread Stephen Mik
Dear Python Community:
    I am new to Python,with only about a month's experience. I am writing 
Python 3.4.0 code that apparently isn't doing what it should be doing. 
Specifically, I am inputting or trying to input,a Sentry Variable to a While 
Loop. I want to test out the Main program" While" Loop before I add an inner 
"While" Loop. The program I have written,when run on the Python 3.4.0 
Shell,does not stop for input of the "While" Sentry Variable,it just gives a 
program error: "Value of smv_grandVariable undefined". What am I doing wrong 
here? I'll try to post that part of the Code that is malfunctioning as well as 
Python Shell 3.4.0 Traceback Analysis. Please help if you can,this program is 
due on Thursday the 22nd of April,2014.#CS 110A Spring 2014 Sect 4988 Assignment 4
#Date April ,2014
#Programmer Stephen W. Mik
#This program is modified after a version found
#in the TextBook "Python Programming 3rd Edition"
#by Michael Dawson Copyright 2010;ISBN-13: 978-1-4354-5500-9
#Or the Alternate ISBN-10: 1-4354-5500-2.
#It is based on the material found on page 50,and pages 81-84
#of the Book, along with a downloaded basic program Structyre
#"guess_my_number" ,found in the book companion's Website Files 
#"" Chapter 3.
#This program uses a random number generator(supplied by Python 3.4.0) to
#to pick a changeable number between 1 and 60. The User is prompted to guess 
the number
#by inputting a guess at the prompt. The user is then advised whether the 
correct number
#has been guessed. If it has been guessed correctly,the user is congratulated. 
If the number
#has not been guessed correctly,the attempt is noted and quantified. then the 
user is told whether
# the guess number was too large (and then for the user to guess a lower 
number) or the number
#guessed was too small (and in this case for the user to guess a higher 
number). The number of
#attempted non-successful guesses is accumulated and totalled and then when 
finally the User guesses
#the correct number ; the guess attempts are outputted along with 
Congatulations. The User is queried
#if they want to play the game again,if not,the Program ends.
#Use the random import module for a random number between 1 and 60

import random
print("\tWelcome to the Guess My Number Game! ")
print("\n The Mysterious Number to guess is between 1 and 60. ")
print("Try to guess the Mystery Number in as few tries as you can.\n")

#Enter Main Query Loop
print("Do you want to play the game?\n")
print("Enter a 1 to play or 0 to exit:")
while (smv_grandVariable == 1 and smv_grandVariable != 0):
#Enter the play games main loop area

#Take Control of the main While Loop
print("Do you want to run the Guess My Number game again? \n")
print("IF so, 1 to play again or 0 to not play \n")
#end of main control Loop
#print out ending comments
print("Program is Ended")

input("\n\nPress the enter key to exit. ")
#End of Program 
Python 3.4.0 (v3.4.0:04f714765c13, Mar 16 2014, 19:24:06) [MSC v.1600 32 bit 
(Intel)] on win32
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information.
Welcome to the Guess My Number Game! 

 The Mysterious Number to guess is between 1 and 60. 
Try to guess the Mystery Number in as few tries as you can.

Do you want to play the game?

Enter a 1 to play or 0 to exit:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "E:\My Code\", line 37, in 
NameError: name 'smv_grandVariable' is not defined
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