Re: [Tutor] First Try 1.2

2006-02-23 Thread Alan Gauld
Hi John,

Its developing nicely so I'll add some more style issue comments :-)

 import random

 # store the /home/mutt/lotto.txt in f
 f = file('/home/mutt/lotto.txt','w')
 # create or replace lotto.txt in my home directory
 f.write('Here are your numbers:\n\n')

I'd move the middle comment up with the one above.
Think of a block of comments commenting on a paragraph of
code, rather than dealing in single lines:

 # store the /home/mutt/lotto.txt in f
 # create or replace lotto.txt in my home directory
 f = file('/home/mutt/lotto.txt','w')
 f.write('Here are your numbers:\n\n')

Now the code is easier sepsarated from the comment.
BUT, is the comment really needed, after all the explicit pathname
shows whgere it is going and the variable tells us where we are storing it.
How much of:

 f = file('/home/mutt/lotto.txt','w')
 f.write('Here are your numbers:\n\n')

will be hard to understand if you come back in a few months?
Comments are best used to explain the *why* of code and let good
variable names and structure describe the how. A concept often
called Self documenting code

 # user input for number of games to generate
 how_many_games = int(raw_input('How many games you would like generated? 
 # user input for number of balls (to allow different lotto games)
 number_of_balls = int(raw_input('\nHow many balls are in the lotto you 
 wish to play? '))
 # user input for how many numbers per game (to allow systems entries)
 how_many_numbers = int(raw_input('\nHow many numbers you would like per 
 game? '))
 # check if there is a power ball
 chk_pwrball = raw_input('Is there a power ball? (y/n) ')

 how_many_games = int(raw_input('How many games you would like generated? 
 number_of_balls = int(raw_input('\nHow many balls are in the lotto you 
 wish to play? '))
 how_many_numbers = int(raw_input('\nHow many numbers you would like per 
 game? '))
 chk_pwrball = raw_input('Is there a power ball? (y/n) ')

Again comparing these two do the comments add much more information than
the variable names do? And by removing them the code itself becomesa much
more obvious and readable.

 print '\n\nHere are your numbers : \n'

 # loop for the number of games selected by user
 for game in range(1, how_many_games + 1):

# generate 6 random numbers between 1 and 45 inclusive then sort them
lotto_numbers = random.sample(range(1,number_of_balls + 1), 

if chk_pwrball == 'n':

# Right justified in 3 character width then a tab (\t) then a blank 
 line (\n)
print '%3s\t%s\n' % (game, lotto_numbers)

# write the numbers to lotto.txt
save_numbers = 'Game: %3s\t%3s\n' % (game, lotto_numbers)

The commenting in this section is better spaced but again mostly just
says what the code does. The comment explaining the string format is
probably the most valid comment in the program, it describes what the
format is trying to accomplish which is valid since format strings are
not self evident.

if chk_pwrball == 'y':
pwrball = random.sample(range(1,number_of_balls +1), 1)
print '%3s\t%s   \tPower Ball: %s\n' % (game, lotto_numbers, 
save_numbers = 'Game: %3s\t%s   \tPower Ball: %s\n' % (game, 
 lotto_numbers, pwrball)

 print '\nHope you win!'
 f.write('\nHope you win!')

And interesting that you (coprrectly) chose not to comment this sectoon at 

Don't take these comments too personally but it is just a classic case of 
you have improved the code clarity to the point where the comments, which
were originally necessary, are now superfluous! This is a common mistake
for beginners so I thought I'd take the opportunity to highlight the issue:

Comments are useful but clearly written code is much better

Alan G 

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] First Try 1.2

2006-02-22 Thread John Connors

Added a power ball option to the lotto program today. The program does way 
more then I ever intended when I started it so I'll try a new project. Maybe 
I'll come back to it when I try out Tkinter and try to give it a GUI.

Anywayhere's my latest effort.

import random

# store the /home/mutt/lotto.txt in f
f = file('/home/mutt/lotto.txt','w')
# create or replace lotto.txt in my home directory
f.write('Here are your numbers:\n\n')

# user input for number of games to generate
how_many_games = int(raw_input('How many games you would like generated? '))
# user input for number of balls (to allow different lotto games)
number_of_balls = int(raw_input('\nHow many balls are in the lotto you wish 
to play? '))
# user input for how many numbers per game (to allow systems entries)
how_many_numbers = int(raw_input('\nHow many numbers you would like per 
game? '))
# check if there is a power ball
chk_pwrball = raw_input('Is there a power ball? (y/n) ')

print '\n\nHere are your numbers : \n'

# loop for the number of games selected by user
for game in range(1, how_many_games + 1):

# generate 6 random numbers between 1 and 45 inclusive then sort them
lotto_numbers = random.sample(range(1,number_of_balls + 1), 

if chk_pwrball == 'n':

# Right justified in 3 character width then a tab (\t) then a blank 
line (\n)
print '%3s\t%s\n' % (game, lotto_numbers)

# write the numbers to lotto.txt
save_numbers = 'Game: %3s\t%3s\n' % (game, lotto_numbers)

if chk_pwrball == 'y':
pwrball = random.sample(range(1,number_of_balls +1), 1)
print '%3s\t%s   \tPower Ball: %s\n' % (game, lotto_numbers, 
save_numbers = 'Game: %3s\t%s   \tPower Ball: %s\n' % (game, 
lotto_numbers, pwrball)

print '\nHope you win!'
f.write('\nHope you win!')


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Re: [Tutor] First Try 1.2

2006-02-22 Thread Kent Johnson
John Connors wrote:

 import random
 # store the /home/mutt/lotto.txt in f
 f = file('/home/mutt/lotto.txt','w')
 # create or replace lotto.txt in my home directory
 f.write('Here are your numbers:\n\n')

The comments don't really add anything to the program. Comments that
restate exactly what the code is doing are not that helpful. The code
should be clear by itself. As a beginner they may seem like a helpful 
crutch but you will get better at reading the code.

For example,
how_many_games = int(raw_input('How many games you would like generated? '))

is well-written and expressive. With the helpful variable name and the 
input prompt it's pretty easy to figure out what it does. Adding the comment
# user input for number of games to generate

actually obscures the code without adding to its comprehensibility.

A better choice might be to have one comment for the whole block of user 
input code, something like
# Get required user input

Good comments describe the code at a higher level than the code itself, 
or explain tricky bits. Comments that give a blow-by-blow account of the 
code just get in the way.

I will often break my code into small chunks with a comment before each 
chunk that says what it does. Then it is very easy to skim the code and 
skip sections I'm not interested in.

 # user input for number of games to generate
 how_many_games = int(raw_input('How many games you would like generated? '))
 # user input for number of balls (to allow different lotto games)
 number_of_balls = int(raw_input('\nHow many balls are in the lotto you wish 
 to play? '))
 # user input for how many numbers per game (to allow systems entries)
 how_many_numbers = int(raw_input('\nHow many numbers you would like per 
 game? '))
 # check if there is a power ball
 chk_pwrball = raw_input('Is there a power ball? (y/n) ')

Here is another reason why it is a bad idea to just describe the code in 
the comments - often the code changes and the comment doesn't. Now you 
have an inaccurate comment which is worse than no comment at all.
 # generate 6 random numbers between 1 and 45 inclusive then sort them
 lotto_numbers = random.sample(range(1,number_of_balls + 1), 

 print '\nHope you win!'

Good luck!

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] First Try 1.1

2006-02-21 Thread Kent Johnson
John Connors wrote:
 I understand that the else is not neccessary for the program to work 
 but should I include it to show the end of the loop? I guess it's not 
 important in a program like this that has only 1 loop but maybe it makes 
 reading more complcated programs easier or is the indentation sufficient?

'else' in a for loop has a very specific meaning and usage - the else 
clause is executed only if the for loop completes normally, without 
executing a break statement. This is useful when you have a loop that is 
searching for some condition, and you want to execute some default code 
if the condition is never met. For example, a simple loop to search a 
list for a value and print a result could look like this (note: this is 
NOT the best way to solve this problem, it is just a simple example of 
for / else):

   def search(value, lst):
  ...   for item in lst:
  ... if value == item:
  ...   print 'Found', value
  ...   break
  ...   else:
  ... print value, 'not found'
   lst = range(10)
   search(3, lst)
Found 3
   search(11, lst)
11 not found

for / else is very handy in this situation and should not be used just 
to show that the loop is over.


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[Tutor] First Try 1.2

2006-02-21 Thread John Connors
G'day :)

I've added a little more to the program. It now sorts the game numbers from 
lowest to highest which makes filling out the tickets a lot easier, I've 
been putting off doing this because I wasn't sure how to go about it but 
once I started looking I found python does it all for me with .sort()

Also added some extra user input so different types of lotto games can be 

Found a glaring bug...the program didn't pick the winning numbers for me and 
I'm now $6 poorer! g

Next on the to do list is add an option for a power ball, I actually did 
this tonight but I had 'if' statements all over the place. Which made the 
code unreadable so I'm going to work on a different way of doing it.

I hope posting my efforts in here is ok. I learnt a lot after posting the 
first version of it but if I'm doing the wrong thing please tell me and I'll 

import random

# create or replace lotto.txt in my home directory
file('/home/mutt/lotto.txt','w').write('Here are your numbers:\n\n')

# user input for number of games to generate
how_many_games = int(raw_input('How many games you would like generated? '))

# user input for number of balls (to allow different lotto games)
number_of_balls = int(raw_input('\nHow many balls are in the lotto you wish 
to play? '))

# user input for how many numbers per game (to allow systems entries)
how_many_numbers = int(raw_input('\nHow many numbers you would like per 
game? '))

print '\n\nHere are your numbers : \n'

# loop for the number of games selected by user
for game in range(1, how_many_games + 1):

# generate 6 random numbers between 1 and 45 inclusive
lotto_numbers = random.sample(xrange(1,number_of_balls + 1), 

# Right justified in 3 character width then a tab (\t) then a blank line 
print '%3s\t%s\n' % (game, lotto_numbers)

# append the numbers to lotto.txt
file('/home/mutt/lotto.txt','a').write('Game: ')

print '\nHope you win!'
file('/home/mutt/lotto.txt','a').write('\n\nHope you win!')


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Re: [Tutor] First Try 1.1

2006-02-21 Thread Alan Gauld
 I understand that the else is not neccessary for the program to work but 
 should I include it to show the end of the loop? I guess it's not 
 important in a program like this that has only 1 loop but maybe it makes 
 reading more complcated programs easier or is the indentation sufficient?

The indentation is fine, thats what its there for! :-)

 # create or replace lotto.txt in my home directory
 file('/home/mutt/lotto.txt','w').write('Here are your numbers:\n\n')

opening and closing(implicitly) the file each time is both slow and
expensive on computer resources. Just store the open file in a
variable like this:

output = file('/home/mutt/lotto.txt','w')
output.write('a first string\n')
output.write('a second string\n')
output.write('a final string\n')

Note that you need to explicitly add the newline (\n) at the end
of each string. And explicitly closing the file is considered good

lotto_numbers = random.sample(xrange(1,46), 6)

You don't really need xrange, a simple range will suffice,
but it does no harm.

# append the numbers to lotto.txt
file('/home/mutt/lotto.txt','a').write('Game: ')

And you can use string forematting to create the string before writing:

info = Game: %3d\t%3d\n % (game, lotto_numbers)


Alan G
Author of the learn to program web tutor

Tutor maillist  -

[Tutor] First Try 1.1

2006-02-20 Thread John Connors


Thanks for the input on my lotto number selector program, very much 
appreciated and I learnt a lot. I've (hopefully) cleaned it up a little, and 
expanded it to write the numbers to a text file. I'm sure there must be a 
better way of doing it then the way I have.

I understand that the else is not neccessary for the program to work but 
should I include it to show the end of the loop? I guess it's not important 
in a program like this that has only 1 loop but maybe it makes reading more 
complcated programs easier or is the indentation sufficient?

import random

# create or replace lotto.txt in my home directory
file('/home/mutt/lotto.txt','w').write('Here are your numbers:\n\n')

# user input for number of games to choose
how_many_games = int(raw_input('Enter how many games you would like 
generated : '))

print '\n\nHere are your numbers : \n'

# loop for the number of games selected by user
for game in range(1, how_many_games + 1):

   # generate 6 random numbers between 1 and 45 inclusive
   lotto_numbers = random.sample(xrange(1,46), 6)

   # Right justified in 3 character width then a tab (\t) then a blank line 

   print '%3s\t%s\n' % (game, lotto_numbers)

   # append the numbers to lotto.txt
   file('/home/mutt/lotto.txt','a').write('Game: ')

print '\nHope you win!'
file('/home/mutt/lotto.txt','a').write('\n\nHope you win!')


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[Tutor] First Try

2006-02-19 Thread John Connors
G'day :)

I started getting sick of reading tutorials so for a bit of a break I set 
myself the task of writing a program to pick lotto numbers, 6 numbers 
between 1 and 44 (inclusive). I had done this many years before in basic and 
I thought back then it would be a simple task but I struck a problem of the 
random number generator repeating numbers occasionally so I had to check 
each number against the other and generate another random number if there 
were duplicates.

So I was prepared for the same problem with python but I found that python 
takes care of that for me so the program would only have to be one line. I 
decided to make it a little more user friendly and allow the user to pick 
home many games they want generated. Then I made the output a little easier 
to read with a few blank lines. Here is what I came up with:

import random

numberof = int(raw_input('Enter how many games you would like generated :')) 
#user input for number of games to choose

print Here are your numbers :

for games in range(1, numberof + 1): #loop for the number of games selected 
by user
lotto = random.sample(xrange(1,45), 6) #generate 6 random numbers 
between 1 and 44 inclusive
print games, lotto

print Hope you win!

I know this is a very simple program but... could I have done this a better 


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Re: [Tutor] First Try

2006-02-19 Thread Todd Maynard
Nice Job John.  I made a few comments below on a few things I noticed.

On Sunday 19 February 2006 05:33, John Connors wrote:
 G'day :)

 I started getting sick of reading tutorials so for a bit of a break I set
 myself the task of writing a program to pick lotto numbers, 6 numbers
 between 1 and 44 (inclusive). I had done this many years before in basic
 and I thought back then it would be a simple task but I struck a problem of
 the random number generator repeating numbers occasionally so I had to
 check each number against the other and generate another random number if
 there were duplicates.

 So I was prepared for the same problem with python but I found that python
 takes care of that for me so the program would only have to be one line. I
 decided to make it a little more user friendly and allow the user to pick
 home many games they want generated. Then I made the output a little easier
 to read with a few blank lines. Here is what I came up with:

 import random

 numberof = int(raw_input('Enter how many games you would like generated
 :')) #user input for number of games to choose

10,000 lines of code or 6months later (whichever comes first...) will you 
remember what numberof represents?   Number of times the cow jumped over the 
moon?  I try not to end a var with a prep (and will usually just omit it).  I 
would personally go for num_games_wanted or num_tickets.  (Actually to tell 
the truth I am a mixedCase kinda guy so would really go for numGamesWanted or 
numTickets, but that is not really PEP 8 [1] friendly so I am trying to break 
my ways.)

 print Here are your numbers :

If you desire you can use \n for return to reduce this all into one line:
   print \n\n\Here are your numbers :\n\n
No big deal.

 for games in range(1, numberof + 1): #loop for the number of games selected
 by user
 lotto = random.sample(xrange(1,45), 6) #generate 6 random numbers
 between 1 and 44 inclusive
 print games, lotto

 print Hope you win!
You don't need an else block (you will always enter it, ).

You can just do:

for games in range(1,numberof + 1):
lotto = random.sample(xrange(1,45),6)
print games, lotto
print \nHope you win!

 I know this is a very simple program but... could I have done this a better

Looks pretty good to me. If you want to expand this a little more you can 

1.)  Assign all the lottery tickets to a variable and then print out the 
lottery tickets after you have them all.  ( A list would be helpful here...)

2.)  Break your program into functions so that you can do something like:

(num_tickets_wanted, min_num, max_num) = get_user_input()
lotto_tickets=generate_tickets(num_tickets_wanted, min_num,max_num)

NOTE: It would be pure evil to drop that alll into one line.

I shouldn't have even mentioned that, but you get the idea.


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Have some fun with itat least until you win the lottery.

--Todd Maynard

Computers are unreliable, but humans are even more unreliable.
Any system which depends on human reliability is unreliable.
-- Gilb
Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] First Try

2006-02-19 Thread Todd Maynard
and for a belated footnote:

[1] =
Style Guide for python code.


On Sunday 19 February 2006 06:27, Todd Maynard wrote:
 Nice Job John.  I made a few comments below on a few things I noticed.

 On Sunday 19 February 2006 05:33, John Connors wrote:
  G'day :)
  I started getting sick of reading tutorials so for a bit of a break I set
  myself the task of writing a program to pick lotto numbers, 6 numbers
  between 1 and 44 (inclusive). I had done this many years before in basic
  and I thought back then it would be a simple task but I struck a problem
  of the random number generator repeating numbers occasionally so I had to
  check each number against the other and generate another random number if
  there were duplicates.
  So I was prepared for the same problem with python but I found that
  python takes care of that for me so the program would only have to be one
  line. I decided to make it a little more user friendly and allow the user
  to pick home many games they want generated. Then I made the output a
  little easier to read with a few blank lines. Here is what I came up
  import random
  numberof = int(raw_input('Enter how many games you would like generated
  :')) #user input for number of games to choose

 10,000 lines of code or 6months later (whichever comes first...) will you
 remember what numberof represents?   Number of times the cow jumped over
 the moon?  I try not to end a var with a prep (and will usually just omit
 it).  I would personally go for num_games_wanted or num_tickets.  (Actually
 to tell the truth I am a mixedCase kinda guy so would really go for
 numGamesWanted or numTickets, but that is not really PEP 8 [1] friendly so
 I am trying to break my ways.)

  print Here are your numbers :

 If you desire you can use \n for return to reduce this all into one line:
print \n\n\Here are your numbers :\n\n
 No big deal.

  for games in range(1, numberof + 1): #loop for the number of games
  selected by user
  lotto = random.sample(xrange(1,45), 6) #generate 6 random numbers
  between 1 and 44 inclusive
  print games, lotto
  print Hope you win!

 You don't need an else block (you will always enter it, ).

 You can just do:

 for games in range(1,numberof + 1):
   lotto = random.sample(xrange(1,45),6)
   print games, lotto
 print \nHope you win!

  I know this is a very simple program but... could I have done this a
  better way?

 Looks pretty good to me. If you want to expand this a little more you
 can try:

 1.)  Assign all the lottery tickets to a variable and then print out the
 lottery tickets after you have them all.  ( A list would be helpful

 2.)  Break your program into functions so that you can do something like:

 (num_tickets_wanted, min_num, max_num) = get_user_input()
 lotto_tickets=generate_tickets(num_tickets_wanted, min_num,max_num)

 NOTE: It would be pure evil to drop that alll into one line.

 I shouldn't have even mentioned that, but you get the idea.

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 e%3 Den%5FAU%26a%3D21550_t=21550_r=endtext_m=EXT
  Tutor maillist  -

 Have some fun with itat least until you win the lottery.

 --Todd Maynard

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] First Try

2006-02-19 Thread Alan Gauld
 I started getting sick of reading tutorials so for a bit of a break I set 
 myself the task of writing a program to pick lotto numbers,

Thats always a good idea! :-)
Sometimes you discover you don't know enough to finish it
but you can always go back, but in this case

 So I was prepared for the same problem with python but I found that python 
 takes care of that for me so the program would only have to be one line.

Yep, thats a common problem with Python, you start with what sounds
an interesting challenge only to discover that Python makes it trivially
easy! (Of course sometimes the trivially easy turns out to be astonishingly

Now for some very nit-picking style stuff...

 import random

 numberof = int(raw_input('Enter how many games you would like generated 
 :')) #user input for number of games to choose

Its traditional to put comments above the lines to which they refer.

 print Here are your numbers :

print '\n\nHere are your numbers : \n

\n is a newline.


print '''

Here are your numbers :


Triple quotes allow newlines wiothin them.

 for games in range(1, numberof + 1): #loop for the number of games 

games is plural so implies some kind of collection or sequence, the
singular form is more suitable here since its really a single game number
that it holds

lotto = random.sample(xrange(1,45), 6) #generate 6 random numbers 
 between 1 and 44 inclusive
print games, lotto

I'd probably use some string formatting here to ensure a neat layout:

print %3s\t%s % (game, lotto)

That will print a number right justified in 3 character width then a tab(\t)
followed by the list.

print Hope you win!

You don't need the else, you always want to print that at the end
of the loop so just have it as part of the text.

Its very rare to use the else part of a for loop. In fact I've never used
it for anything real so far as I can recall!

 I know this is a very simple program but... could I have done this a 
 better way?

The technique is fine, the points above are really about style and
therefore something of a matter of personal taste.

One other technique you could have used is list comprehension
(you probably haven't met those yet)  which could have produced all
of your output in one go then  you would only need to print it. But
the advantage in minimal.

One enhancement you might like to try is to ask for an optional
lucky number and only display sequences with the lucky number
in (Hint: there is a very easy way to do this and there is a much harder


Alan G
Author of the learn to program web tutor

Tutor maillist  -