Re: [Tutor] Multi-Dimensional Dictionary that contains a 12 element list.

2005-12-31 Thread Python
On Sat, 2005-12-31 at 09:33 -0500, Kent Johnson wrote:
> Could be
>self.results[key] = [0*24]

Excellent points and advice, just noting a typo.

Lloyd Kvam
Venix Corp

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Multi-Dimensional Dictionary that contains a 12 element list.

2005-12-31 Thread Kent Johnson
Paul Kraus wrote:
> So now for all my reports all I have to write are little 5 or 6 line scripts 
> that take a text file split the fields and format them before basing them off 
> into my custom object. Very slick and this is my first python project. Its 
> cluttered and messy but for about 1 hours worth of work on a brand new 
> language I am impressed with the usability of this language.

I'm impressed with how fast you have learned it!
> Current Script - Critique away! :)

A number of comments below...

> =-=-=-=-=--=-=
> #!/usr/bin/python
> import string
> import re
> class Tbred_24Months:
> def __init__(self,currentyear,currentmonth): ### Takes Ending Year and 
> Ending Month Inits List
> guide = []
> self.results = {}
> = {}
> self.end_month = currentmonth
> self.end_year  = currentyear
You never use these two attributes ^^

> self.start_month = currentmonth
> self.start_year = currentyear

start_month and start_year can be local variables, you don't use them 
outside this method.

> for count in range(24):
> guide.append((self.start_month,self.start_year))
> self.start_month -= 1
> if self.start_month < 1:
> self.start_month = 12
> self.start_year -= 1
> guide.reverse()
> count = 0
> for key in guide:
> count += 1

You can unpack key in the for statement, giving names to the elements:
   for start_month, start_year in guide:[start_year, start_month] = count

You can generate count automatically with enumerate():
   for count, (start_month, start_year) in enumerate(guide):[start_year, start_month] = count

If you built guide with tuples in the order you actually use them (why 
not?) you could build as easily as = dict( (key, count) for count, key in enumerate(guide) )

For that matter, why not just build instead of guide, in the 
first loop?
 for index in range(23, -1, -1):[start_month,start_year] = index
 start_month -= 1
 if start_month < 1:
 start_month = 12
 start_year -= 1

I found the use of both guide and confusing but it seems you 
don't really need guide at all.

> self.sortedkeys =
> self.sortedkeys.sort()
You don't use sortedkeys

> def insert(self,key,year,month,number):
> if,month)):
> if self.results.has_key(key):
> seq =[(year,month)]
> self.results[key][seq] += number
> else:
> self.results[key] = []
> for x in range(24):self.results[key].append(0)

Could be
   self.results[key] = [0*24]

Is there a bug here? You don't add in number when the key is not there.

I like to use dict.setdefault() in cases like this:
 seq =[(year,month)]
 self.results.setdefault(key, [0*24])[seq] += number

though if performance is a critical issue your way might be better - it 
doesn't have to build the default list every time. (Don't try to build 
the default list just once, you will end up with every entry aliased to 
the same list!) (I hesitate to include this note at all - you will only 
notice a difference in performance if you are doing this operation many 
many times!)
> def splitfields(record):
> fields = []
> datestring=''
> ### Regular Expr.
> re_negnum = re.compile('(\d?)\.(\d+)(-)')
> re_date   = re.compile('(\d\d)/(\d\d)/(\d\d)')
> for element in record.split('|'):
> element=element.strip() # remove leading/trailing whitespace
> ### Move Neg Sign from right to left of number
> negnum_match = element )
> if negnum_match: 
> if = "%s%d.%02d" 
> %(,int(,int(
> else:element = "%s0.%02d" 
> %(,int(

This is a lot of work just to move a - sign. How about
   if element.endswith('-'):
 element = '-' + element[:-1]

> ### Format Date
> date_match =
> if date_match:
> (month,day,year) = 
> (,,
> ### Convert 2 year date to 4 year
> if int(year) > 80:year = "19%02d" %int(year)
> else:year = "20%02d" %int(year)
> element = (year,month,day)

You go to a lot of trouble to turn your year into a string, then you 
convert it back to an int later. Why not just keep it as an int?

Do you know that Python data structures (lists, dicts, tuples) are 
heterogeneous? You can have a list that 

Re: [Tutor] Multi-Dimensional Dictionary that contains a 12 element list.

2005-12-30 Thread Bill Burns

Paul Kraus wrote:
> Now I have to find a way to take the output at the end and pipe it
> out to an external Perl program that creates an excel spreadsheet (
> no real clean easy way to do this in python but hey each tool has its
> usefullness). I wish I could hide this in the object though so that I
> could call a "dump" method that would then create the spreadsheet. I
> will have to play with this later.


Hi Paul,

For the Excel portion of things, you may want to take a look at

I had never tried it (until I read your post), so I though I'd give it a
try. There are others on the list who have used it (John Fouhy & Bob
Gailer, I believe, maybe others??).

It seems very good a writing Excel files. It does not require COM or
anything such as that, but you will need Python 2.4. It is supposed to
run on both Windows and *nix (I've only tested it on Windows).

I've no idea what your output data looks like, but here's a small
example which uses the fields (from your previous code) and writes
them to an Excel file.

from pyExcelerator.Workbook import *

wb = Workbook()
ws0 = wb.add_sheet('Vendor_Sales')

fields = \

row = 0
col = -1
for field in fields:
 col += 1
 ws0.write(row, col, field)'Vendor_Sales.xls')

It's a small download (approx. 260 KB) and easy to install
(python install).

It seems a little 'light' in the documentation area, but there are
various examples in the zip file.



Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Multi-Dimensional Dictionary that contains a 12 element list.

2005-12-30 Thread Paul Kraus
> That is the approach Paul took originally (see the other fork of this
> thread). He is accumulating a sparse 3d matrix where the keys are year,
> field6 and month. (He hasn't said what field6 represents.) The problem
> is that he wants to print out counts corresponding to all the existing
> year and field6 values and every possible month value. To do this I
> think a two-level data structure is appropriate, such as the dict[
> (year, field6) ][month] approach you outlined.

Field6 is just an arbitrary field that represents some generic key. So for 
clarity lets say in this instance it represents a customer code.

so dict(2005,12130)[0..11]
would hold sales by month for customer number 12130 in 2005.

This problem has evolved since it started and I have created a class that lets 
me build rolling 24 month data structures.I need to create a bunch of reports 
that will be run monthly that will show a rolling 24 month total for 
different things. Sales by customer, sales by vendor, purchases by vendor.

So by making a class that on construction takes the current year and month it 
will build the structure I need. I then have a method that lets me fill the 
monthly buckets. All i do is pass it the arbitrary key (customercode) year, 
month, and amount and it will increment that bucket.

So now for all my reports all I have to write are little 5 or 6 line scripts 
that take a text file split the fields and format them before basing them off 
into my custom object. Very slick and this is my first python project. Its 
cluttered and messy but for about 1 hours worth of work on a brand new 
language I am impressed with the usability of this language.

Now I have to find a way to take the output at the end and pipe it out to an 
external Perl program that creates an excel spreadsheet ( no real clean easy 
way to do this in python but hey each tool has its usefullness). I wish I 
could hide this in the object though so that I could call a "dump" method 
that would then create the spreadsheet. I will have to play with this later. 

Current Script - Critique away! :)
import string
import re

class Tbred_24Months:
def __init__(self,currentyear,currentmonth): ### Takes Ending Year and 
Ending Month Inits List
guide = []
self.results = {} = {}
self.end_month = currentmonth
self.end_year  = currentyear
self.start_month = currentmonth
self.start_year = currentyear
for count in range(24):
self.start_month -= 1
if self.start_month < 1:
self.start_month = 12
self.start_year -= 1
count = 0
for key in guide:[key[1],key[0]]=count
count += 1
self.sortedkeys =

def insert(self,key,year,month,number):
if self.results.has_key(key):
seq =[(year,month)]
self.results[key][seq] += number
self.results[key] = []
for x in range(24):self.results[key].append(0)

def splitfields(record):
fields = []
### Regular Expr.
re_negnum = re.compile('(\d?)\.(\d+)(-)')
re_date   = re.compile('(\d\d)/(\d\d)/(\d\d)')
for element in record.split('|'):
element=element.strip() # remove leading/trailing whitespace
### Move Neg Sign from right to left of number
negnum_match = element )
if negnum_match: 
if = "%s%d.%02d" 
else:element = "%s0.%02d" 
### Format Date
date_match =
if date_match:
(month,day,year) = 
### Convert 2 year date to 4 year
if int(year) > 80:year = "19%02d" %int(year)
else:year = "20%02d" %int(year)
element = (year,month,day)
if element == '.000': element = 0.00
fields.append( element )
return fields

### Build Vendor Sales 
sales = Tbred_24Months(2005,11)
vendorsales = open('vendorsales.txt','r')
for line in vendorsales:
fields = splitfields( line )
if len(fields) == 7:
(vendor,otype,oreturn,discountable,discperc,amount,date) = fields
amount = float(amount);discperc = float(discperc)
#if discperc and discountable == 'Y': amount = amount - ( amount * 
(discperc/100) )
if otype == 'C' or oreturn == 'Y':amount = amount * -1
result = ''

for key in sales.results:
sum =

Re: [Tutor] Multi-Dimensional Dictionary that contains a 12 element list.

2005-12-30 Thread Kent Johnson
Danny Yoo wrote:
> This being said, what data are you modeling?  It almost sounds like you're
> implementing some kind of 3d matrix, even a sparse one.  More information
> about the data you're modelling might lead to a different representation
> For example, would using a dictionary whose keys are three-tuples be
> approrpriate?

That is the approach Paul took originally (see the other fork of this 
thread). He is accumulating a sparse 3d matrix where the keys are year, 
field6 and month. (He hasn't said what field6 represents.) The problem 
is that he wants to print out counts corresponding to all the existing 
year and field6 values and every possible month value. To do this I 
think a two-level data structure is appropriate, such as the dict[ 
(year, field6) ][month] approach you outlined.


Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Multi-Dimensional Dictionary that contains a 12 element list.

2005-12-29 Thread Danny Yoo
> ok so assuming I had a dictionary with 1key that contained a list like
> so... dictionary[key1][0]
> How would I increment it or assign it if it didn't exist. I assumed like
> this. dict[key1][0] = dictionary.get(key1[0],0) + X

Hi Paul,

Given a dictionary d and some arbitrary key k, let's assume two

   1.  k is a key in d.  If so, no problem, and we'll assume that d[k] is
   associated to some twelve-element list.

   2.  k isn't yet a key in d.  This is the situation we want to work on.

We can go the uncomplicated route and just say something like this:

if k not in d:
d[k] = [0] * 12

in which case we change Possibility 2 to Possibility 1: the end result is
that we make sure that d[k] points to a twelve-element list of zeros.
Once we guarantee this, we can go on our merry way.

For example:

if k not in d:
d[k] = [0] * 12
d[k][0] += 1

There is a one-liner way of doing this: we can use the setdefault() method
of dictionaries.

d.setdefault(k, [0] * 12)[0] += 1

This is a bit dense.  There's no shame in not using setdefault() if you
don't want to.  *grin*  I actually prefer the longer approach unless I'm
really in a hurry.

This being said, what data are you modeling?  It almost sounds like you're
implementing some kind of 3d matrix, even a sparse one.  More information
about the data you're modelling might lead to a different representation

For example, would using a dictionary whose keys are three-tuples be

def increment(d, x, y, z):
"""Given a dictionary whose keys are 3-tuples, increments at the
position (x, y, z)."""
d[(x, y, z)] = d.get((x, y, z), 0) + 1

Here's this code in action:

>>> map = {}
>>> increment(map, 3, 1, 4)
>>> map
{(3, 1, 4): 1}
>>> increment(map, 2, 7, 1)
>>> map
{(2, 7, 1): 1, (3, 1, 4): 1}
>>> increment(map, 2, 7, 1)
>>> map
{(2, 7, 1): 2, (3, 1, 4): 1}

Best of wishes to you!

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Multi-Dimensional Dictionary that contains a 12 element list.

2005-12-29 Thread Paul Kraus
On Wednesday 28 December 2005 11:30 am, Kent Johnson wrote:
> Python lists don't create new elements on assignment (I think Perl lists
> do this?) so for example
> dictionary[(key1, key2)][10] = X
ok so assuming I had a dictionary with 1key that contained a list like so...

How would I increment it or assign it if it didn't exist. I assumed like this.
dict[key1][0] = dictionary.get(key1[0],0) + X

Paul Kraus
PEL Supply Company
Network Administrator
216.267.5775 Voice
216.267.6176 Fax
Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Multi-Dimensional Dictionary that contains a 12 element list.

2005-12-28 Thread Kent Johnson
Paul Kraus wrote:
> Here is the code that I used. Its functional and it works but there has got 
> to 
> be some better ways to do a lot of this. Transversing the data structure 
> still seems like I have to be doing it the hard way.
> The input data file has fixed width fields that are delimited by pipe.
> So depending on the justification for each field it will either have leading 
> or ending whitespace.
> #
> import re 
> import string
> results = {}
> def format_date(datestring):
> (period,day,year) = map(int,datestring.split('/') )
> period += 2
> if period == 13: period = 1; year += 1
> if period == 14: period = 2; year += 1
   if period > 12: period -= 12; year += 1

> if year > 80:
> year = '19%02d' % year
> else:
> year = '20%02d' % year
> return (year,period)
> def format_qty(qty,credit,oreturn):
> qty = float(qty)
> if credit == 'C' or oreturn == 'Y':
> return qty * -1
> else:
> return qty
> textfile = open('orders.txt','r')
> for line in textfile:
> fields = map( string.strip, line.split( '|' ) )
> fields[4] = format_qty(fields[ 4 ],fields[ 1 ], fields[ 2 ] )
   qty = format_qty(fields[ 4 ],fields[ 1 ], fields[ 2 ] )
would be clearer in subsequent code.

> (year, period) = format_date( fields[7] )
> for count in range(12):
> if count == period:
> if results.get( ( year, fields[6], count), 0):
> results[ year,fields[6], count] += fields[4]
> else:
> results[ year,fields[6],count] = fields[4]

The loop on count is not doing anything, you can use period directly. 
And the test on results.get() is not needed, it is safe to always add:
   key = (year, fields[6], period)
   results[key] = results.get(key, 0) + qty
> sortedkeys = results.keys()
> sortedkeys.sort()
> for keys in sortedkeys:
> res_string = keys[0]+'|'+keys[1]
> for count in range(12):
> if results.get((keys[0],keys[1],count),0):
> res_string += '|'+str(results[keys[0],keys[1],count])
> else:
> res_string += '|0'
> print res_string

This will give you duplicate outputs if you ever have more than one 
period for a given year and field[6] (whatever that is...). OTOH if you 
just show the existing keys you will not have entries for the 0 keys. So 
maybe you should go back to your original idea of using a 12-element 
list for the counts.

Anyway in the above code the test on results.get() is not needed since 
you just use the default value in the else:
   res_string += str(results.get((keys[0],keys[1],count),0))

> ___
> Tutor maillist  -

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Multi-Dimensional Dictionary that contains a 12 element list.

2005-12-28 Thread Kent Johnson
Paul Kraus wrote:
> I am trying to build a data structure that would be a dictionary of a 
> dictionary of a list.
> In Perl I would build the structure like so $dictionary{key1}{key2}[0] = X
> I would iterate like so ...
> foreach my $key1 ( sort keys %dictionary ) {
>   foreach my $key2 ( sort keys %{$dictionary{$key1}} ) {
>   foreach my $element ( @{$dictionary{$key1}{$key2} } ) {
>   print "$key1 => $key2 => $element\n";
>   }
>   }
> }
> Sorry for the Perl reference but its the language I am coming from. I use 
> data 
> structures like this all the time. I don't always iterate them like this but 
> If i can learn to build these and move through them in python then a good 
> portion of the Perl apps I am using can be ported.
> Playing around I have come up with this but have no clue how to iterate over 
> it or if its the best way. It seems "clunky" but it is most likely my lack of 
> understanding.
> dictionary[(key1,key2)]=[ a,b,c,d,e,f,g ... ]
> This i think gives me a dictionary with two keys ( not sure how to doing 
> anything usefull with it though) and a list.

This gives you a dict whose keys are the tuple (key1, key2). Since 
tuples sort in lexicographical order you could print this out sorted by 
key1, then key2 with

for (key1, key2), value in sorted(dictionary.iteritems()):
   for element in value:
 print key1, '=>', key2, '=>', element

(Wow, Python code that is shorter than the equivalent Perl? There must 
be some mistake! ;)
> Now I am not sure how I can assign one element at a time to the list.

Assuming the list already has an element 0, use
dictionary[(key1, key2)][0] = X

Python lists don't create new elements on assignment (I think Perl lists 
do this?) so for example
dictionary[(key1, key2)][10] = X

will fail if the list doesn't already have 11 elements or more. You can 
use list.append() or pre-populate the list with default values depending 
on your application.


Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Multi-Dimensional Dictionary that contains a 12 element list.

2005-12-28 Thread Paul Kraus
On Wednesday 28 December 2005 10:18 am, Paul Kraus wrote:
> I am trying to build a data structure that would be a dictionary of a
> dictionary of a list.
> In Perl I would build the structure like so $dictionary{key1}{key2}[0] = X
> I would iterate like so ...
> foreach my $key1 ( sort keys %dictionary ) {
>   foreach my $key2 ( sort keys %{$dictionary{$key1}} ) {
>   foreach my $element ( @{$dictionary{$key1}{$key2} } ) {
>   print "$key1 => $key2 => $element\n";
>   }
>   }
> }
Here is the code that I used. Its functional and it works but there has got to 
be some better ways to do a lot of this. Transversing the data structure 
still seems like I have to be doing it the hard way.

The input data file has fixed width fields that are delimited by pipe.
So depending on the justification for each field it will either have leading 
or ending whitespace.


## Paul D. Kraus - 2005-12-27
## - Parse Text File
## Pipe deliminted '|'
## Fields: CustCode[0]
##   : OrdrType[1]
##   : OrdrReturn  [2]
##   : State   [3]
##   : QtyShipped  [4]
##   : VendCode[5]
##   : InvoiceDate [7] 
import re 
import string
results = {}
def format_date(datestring):
(period,day,year) = map(int,datestring.split('/') )
period += 2
if period == 13: period = 1; year += 1
if period == 14: period = 2; year += 1
if year > 80:
year = '19%02d' % year
year = '20%02d' % year
return (year,period)

def format_qty(qty,credit,oreturn):
qty = float(qty)
if credit == 'C' or oreturn == 'Y':
return qty * -1
return qty

textfile = open('orders.txt','r')
for line in textfile:
fields = map( string.strip, line.split( '|' ) )
fields[4] = format_qty(fields[ 4 ],fields[ 1 ], fields[ 2 ] )
(year, period) = format_date( fields[7] )
for count in range(12):
if count == period:
if results.get( ( year, fields[6], count), 0):
results[ year,fields[6], count] += fields[4]
results[ year,fields[6],count] = fields[4]

sortedkeys = results.keys()

for keys in sortedkeys:
res_string = keys[0]+'|'+keys[1]
for count in range(12):
if results.get((keys[0],keys[1],count),0):
res_string += '|'+str(results[keys[0],keys[1],count])
res_string += '|0'
print res_string

Tutor maillist  -

[Tutor] Multi-Dimensional Dictionary that contains a 12 element list.

2005-12-28 Thread Paul Kraus
I am trying to build a data structure that would be a dictionary of a 
dictionary of a list.

In Perl I would build the structure like so $dictionary{key1}{key2}[0] = X
I would iterate like so ...
foreach my $key1 ( sort keys %dictionary ) {
foreach my $key2 ( sort keys %{$dictionary{$key1}} ) {
foreach my $element ( @{$dictionary{$key1}{$key2} } ) {
print "$key1 => $key2 => $element\n";

Sorry for the Perl reference but its the language I am coming from. I use data 
structures like this all the time. I don't always iterate them like this but 
If i can learn to build these and move through them in python then a good 
portion of the Perl apps I am using can be ported.

Playing around I have come up with this but have no clue how to iterate over 
it or if its the best way. It seems "clunky" but it is most likely my lack of 

dictionary[(key1,key2)]=[ a,b,c,d,e,f,g ... ]

This i think gives me a dictionary with two keys ( not sure how to doing 
anything usefull with it though) and a list.

Now I am not sure how I can assign one element at a time to the list.

here is the pseudo code.
read text file.
split line from text file into list of fields.
One of the fields contains the date. Split the date into two fields Year and 
Month/Period. Build data structure that is a dictionary based on year, based 
on period, based on item code then store/increment the units sold based on 

dictionary[(year,period)] = [ jan, feb, mar, apr, may, jun, july, aug, sep, 
oct, nov ,dec]

I would prefer to have the months just be an array index 0 through 11 and when 
it reads the file it increments the number contained there.

Paul Kraus
PEL Supply Company
Network Administrator
216.267.5775 Voice
216.267.6176 Fax
Tutor maillist  -