Re: [Tutor] Of integers, relations and trees

2006-12-09 Thread Andrei
Tor Hildrum wrote:
 I have this problem which I thought would be trivial, but I can't
 seem to figure out a decent way to do it.
 Say I have the following file:
 In lack of a better explanation, here is how it works:
 A level in the tree follows the following:
 x * 10^level
 x * 10^1 belongs to level 1 in the three
 x * 10^2 belongs to level 2 in the three.

Here's a different way to look at it: the level in the tree is 
determined by the length of the string representation of the node. 2 
long - level 1. 3 long - level 2. etc.

 I decided to make this pretty straightforward so I wrote a Node class
 and a Tree class.

Are you sure you need a Tree class? The Node class itself may have all 
the facilities needed to manage an entire tree. The tree is then 
represented by a 'root' node. You'd then have:

- root
   - 10
 - 103
 - 105
   - 12

 A Node has a key which is an integer, as well as some additional
 information that isn't relevant to the structure. It also has a link
 to it's sibling, which is the next node on the same level. And a link
 to it's first child.

A different way to implement this is for each node to have a (sorted) 
list of children and potentially a link to its parent. The story then 
looks like this:

- root with the following children
   - 10 (with parent = root) with the following children:
 - 100
 - 108
   - 12 (with parent = root)

You then do not insert siblings, you add children (not tested, but the 
intention is what counts):

class Node(object):
 def __init__(self, name):
 self.Name = name
 self.Parent = None
 self.Children = []
 def addChild(self, newname):
 Tries to add the node as a newNode. Returns True
 if successful, False otherwise.
 # check if the node is a (sub)child
 if newname[:len(self.Name)]  self.Name:
 return False
 # check if it is a direct descendant
 if len(newname) == len(self.Name) + 1:
 newnode = Node(newname)
 newnode.Parent = self
 return True
 else: # not a direct descendant - add to one of the children
 for child in self.Children:
 if child.addChild(newname):
 return True
 # if we arrive here, it means that there's a missing level in 
the hierarchy - add it
 return self.addChild(newname)
 def show(self, indentation=0):
 print ' ' * indentation, '-', self.Name
 for child in self.Children: + 2)
 def __cmp__(self, othernode):
 Get sort() to work properly.
 return cmp(self.Name, othernode.Name)
 def hasChildren(self):
 return len(self.Children)  0
 def hasSiblings(self):
 return (self.Parent  None) and (len(self.Parent.Children)  1)

root = Node('')

This implementation will not handle the dot-style leaves properly, 
you'll need some extra logic for that. It will however 'fill in the 
blanks', so you can add node '678' without adding nodes '6' and '67' 
first and auto-sort the nodes.

 How do I know if I have a sibling or a child?
 Simple, I just check the length:
  if( len(str(node1[key])) == len(str(node2[key])) ):
  If the length, amount of integers, is the same, they are siblings.

With the alternative representation presented, it's more comfortable:
- has child: len(self.Children)  0
- has sibling: (self.Parent  None) and (len(self.Parent.Children)  1)

 How do I determine that 2080 is not a child of 10. Or how do i determine
 that 536798 is not a child of 536780? And how do I determine that it is a 

See my code: just manipulate them as strings and it's suddenly very 
easy. Same length and the first (length - 1) characters are the same - 
siblings. Different length: take the shortest node name; if the other 
node name starts with that string, it's a child, otherwise they're 

 I can't seem to rack my brains around a solution for this. Maybe it's
 my tree-structure that is making this more complex than it should be?

Hierarchies are easier if you look at them as families: it's easier to 
ask a parent how many children it has, than it is to ask one of the 
siblings if there is any sibling younger than it, then ask that younger 
sibling if it has any younger siblings, etc.



Tutor maillist  -

[Tutor] Of integers, relations and trees

2006-12-08 Thread Tor Hildrum
I have this problem which I thought would be trivial, but I can't
seem to figure out a decent way to do it.

Say I have the following file:

These numbers represents a tree-like structure.

In lack of a better explanation, here is how it works:
A level in the tree follows the following:
x * 10^level

x * 10^1 belongs to level 1 in the three
x * 10^2 belongs to level 2 in the three.

So, the top-nodes in the three are 10, 12, 20 and 30.
The childs of 10 is 100, 101, 103 and 108.
The child of 108 is 1080.
The child of 1080 is 1080.10 and 1080.11 and these are the leaves.

I decided to make this pretty straightforward so I wrote a Node class
and a Tree class.
A Node has a key which is an integer, as well as some additional
information that isn't relevant to the structure. It also has a link
to it's sibling, which is the next node on the same level. And a link
to it's first child.

So for 10, it looks like this.:
10 - 20  (siblings of 10)
 | (child)
100 - 101 - 103 - 108 (siblings of 100)

Inserting a sibling is done like this:
def addSibling(self, newNode):
tmp = self.node # current node
last = self.node # previous node

# find the node that is the direct sibling to the new node
while( tmp != None  tmp['key']  newNode['key']):
  last = tmp
  tmp = tmp['sibling']

# insert the new node after the node with a lower key
last['sibling'] = newNode

# If there is a node with a higher key, add it as a sibling to the new node
if( tmp != None ):
  newNode['sibling'] = tmp

This code does not handle a special case where the newNode has the
smallest key among the siblings and should be placed first and thus be
the direct child of the parent level. But, that doesn't really matter.

How do I know if I have a sibling or a child?
Simple, I just check the length:
if( len(str(node1[key])) == len(str(node2[key])) ):

If the length, amount of integers, is the same, they are siblings.

My problem is this:
Say I have created a new node with the key 2080.

I start of with my root node which has a key of 0. 2080 is not
a sibling of 0, so I call a recursive function named addChild().
addChild checks the child of 0, which is 10 and determines that
2080 is not a sibling of 10. But, it's not a child either.

Here comes my query:
How do I determine that 2080 is not a child of 10. Or how do i determine
that 536798 is not a child of 536780? And how do I determine that it is a child?

I'll try to explain again:
5.36798 * 10^5 is at level 5 in the tree.
It's direct children looks like this:
5.36798x * 10^6.
5.36797x * 10^6 is NOT a child, it is a child of 5.36797 * 10^5.
Does this make sense to anyone? :)

Also, consider the following:
5.36798xxx * 10^8

While this is not a direct child of 5.36798 * 10^5, it is a child of a
child and belongs in that subtree.

I can't seem to rack my brains around a solution for this. Maybe it's
my tree-structure that is making this more complex than it should be?
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