I'm using xmltramp to process some U.S. House of Rep. vote data. I can get it to print what I want but when I try to write it to a text file I had all sorts of problems. Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? I've done quite a bit of searching for the solution but as a novice to Python I'm at a loss.

Here's the script:
#votes data
#import xmltramp for reading XML files
import xmltramp
#load up the house page with the vote I want
d= xmltramp.load(' http://clerk.house.gov/evs/2006/roll002.xml' )
#loads up the vote data off the site
vd= d['vote-data']
#makes a happy nonhyphenated variable out of meta
md= d['vote-metadata']
#counts the number of votes per roll
votes= len(vd)
#Produces the name, party and outcome of every Arizona house member on this vote
for each in range(votes):
   st= str(vd[each].legislator('state'))
   vt= str(vd[each].vote)
   nm= (vd[each].legislator('unaccented-name'))
   pt= str(vd[each].legislator('party'))
   f= file('housevote.txt', 'w')
   if st == 'AZ':

Before trying to write it to a file, my loop looked like this:
for each in range(votes):
   st= str(vd[each].legislator('state'))
   if st == 'AZ':
        print vd[each].legislator('unaccented-name'), vd[each].legislator('party'), vd[each].vote

Any help would be most appreciated. Thanks.
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

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