Re: [Tutor] Trying to use MySQLdb.cursor

2005-03-25 Thread Kent Johnson
Vicki Stanfield wrote:
I finally gave up and used MySQLdb to connect to my database. It connects
okay, and returns data, but now I have a new question. I use the code
below to print the data returned from my query, but I would like to make
labels at the top of the columns. How do I do this dynamically? I would
like to get the fieldnames as defined by mysql and print them before
printing each column. Is there a way to do this?
Here is the relevant portion of the code:
def getdata():
 conn = MySQLdb.Connect(
 host='localhost', user='user',
 passwd='password', db='sample',compress=1,
 cursor = conn.cursor()
 cursor.execute(SELECT computers.comp_location FROM computers, mice
WHERE mice.mouse_type = USB
AND computers.comp_location like A%
AND mice.mouse_comp = computers.comp_id;)
In this case you know the name as it is in the query (comp_location). In general you can use 
cursor.description. From the DB-API docs (

This read-only attribute is a sequence of 7-item
sequences.  Each of these sequences contains information
describing one result column: (name, type_code,
display_size, internal_size, precision, scale,
null_ok). The first two items (name and type_code) are
mandatory, the other five are optional and must be set to
None if meaningfull values are not provided.
So to output a row with the column names something like this should work:
print tr
for col in cursor.description:
print 'td%s/td' % col[0]
print /tr
 rows = cursor.fetchall()
 print '''
 table border=1 cellpadding=5
 for row in rows:
  print tr
  for cell in row:
  print td %s /td % row[cell]
  print /tr
Thanks for helping me get going.
Tutor maillist  -
Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Trying to use MySQLdb.cursor

2005-03-25 Thread Alan Gauld
 below to print the data returned from my query, but I would like to
 labels at the top of the columns. How do I do this dynamically?

You shouldn't, it makes your code very vulnarable to changes in the
Its the same principle as using 'select * from...', a bad idea in
production code. And if you know which columns you are selecting you
by definition know what labels to use.

And another reason why its a bsad idea is that databvase columns often
have weird abbreviated names that you don't want to expose users to.

Alan G.

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Trying to use MySQLdb.cursor

2005-03-25 Thread Vicki Stanfield
 below to print the data returned from my query, but I would like to
 labels at the top of the columns. How do I do this dynamically?

 You shouldn't, it makes your code very vulnarable to changes in the
 Its the same principle as using 'select * from...', a bad idea in
 production code. And if you know which columns you are selecting you
 by definition know what labels to use.

 And another reason why its a bsad idea is that databvase columns often
 have weird abbreviated names that you don't want to expose users to.

 Alan G.

I am just trying to write code to demonstrate this capability in Python.
If I am actually in a position where I have access to the database schema,
I would not do so. I agree with your comments.


Tutor maillist  -

[Tutor] Trying to use MySQLdb.cursor

2005-03-24 Thread Vicki Stanfield
I finally gave up and used MySQLdb to connect to my database. It connects
okay, and returns data, but now I have a new question. I use the code
below to print the data returned from my query, but I would like to make
labels at the top of the columns. How do I do this dynamically? I would
like to get the fieldnames as defined by mysql and print them before
printing each column. Is there a way to do this?

Here is the relevant portion of the code:

def getdata():
 conn = MySQLdb.Connect(
 host='localhost', user='user',
 passwd='password', db='sample',compress=1,
 cursor = conn.cursor()
 cursor.execute(SELECT computers.comp_location FROM computers, mice
WHERE mice.mouse_type = USB
AND computers.comp_location like A%
AND mice.mouse_comp = computers.comp_id;)
 rows = cursor.fetchall()

 print '''
 table border=1 cellpadding=5

 for row in rows:
  print tr
  for cell in row:
  print td %s /td % row[cell]

  print /tr

Thanks for helping me get going.

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Trying to use MySQLdb.cursor

2005-03-24 Thread Danny Yoo

On Fri, 25 Mar 2005, Vicki Stanfield wrote:

 I finally gave up and used MySQLdb to connect to my database. It
 connects okay, and returns data, but now I have a new question. I use
 the code below to print the data returned from my query, but I would
 like to make labels at the top of the columns. How do I do this

Hi Vicki,

Yes, there's a special cursor type that, instead of returning rows of
tuples, returns rows of dictionaries.  Here's an example:

 import MySQLdb
 import MySQLdb.cursors
 conn = MySQLdb.connect(db='test_adb',

 cursor = conn.cursor()
 cursor.execute(select * from Locus limit 10)
{'orientation_is_5': 1, 'last_updated': DateTime object for '2005-03-24
13:48:06.00' at 402faad8, 'is_deleted': 0, 'name': 'At1g08520',
'representative_model': None, 'is_pseudogene': 0, 'last_updated_by': 1L,
'assigned_to': None, 'update_needed': None, 'gene_model_type': 0L, 'id':
1L, 'chromosome': 1L, 'locked_for_pasa': 0}

Hmmm.. that's a little messy.  Let me clean up the output of that a bit
with the pretty printing module 'pprint':

 import pprint
{'assigned_to': None,
 'chromosome': 1L,
 'gene_model_type': 0L,
 'id': 2L,
 'is_deleted': 0,
 'is_pseudogene': 0,
 'last_updated': DateTime object for '2005-03-24 13:48:02.00' at
 'last_updated_by': 1L,
 'locked_for_pasa': 0,
 'name': 'At1g08530',
 'orientation_is_5': 1,
 'representative_model': None,
 'update_needed': None}

The output's content itself is probably a bit bizarre to you (It's a gene
from the Arabidopsis plant database)  But I hope the code is clear.

If you have more questions, please feel free to ask!

Tutor maillist  -