Re: [Tutor] dictionary dispatch for object instance attributes question

2005-02-20 Thread Liam Clarke
Ah, see, I should convince my bosses that I need a Python interpreter.
Of course, then they'd ask what Python was, and why I was thinking
about it at work

Duh, I was just reading the docs, and I kept thinking that an
attribute was just a class variable.

Thanks, Kent, now I have all sorts of interesting experiments to undertake...

On Sun, 20 Feb 2005 07:26:54 -0500, Kent Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Liam Clarke wrote:
  just an expansion on Brian's query, is there a variant of getattr for
  instance methods?
  i.e. class DBRequest:
  def __init__(self, fields, action):
  def get(self, fields):
  print fields
  Instead of self.get in _init__, the value of action to call a
  function? Or, is it going to have to be dictionary dispatch?
 I don't understand your example, but instance methods are attributes too, so 
 getattr() works with
 them as well as simple values.
 An instance method is an attribute of the class whose value is a function. 
 When you access the
 attribute on an instance you get something called a 'bound method' which 
 holds a reference to the
 actual function and a reference to the instance (to pass to the function as 
 the 'self' parameter).
 You can call a bound method just like any other function. So:
class foo:
   ...   def __init__(self):
   ... = 3
   ...   def baz(self):
   ... print
 getattr() of a simple attribute:
getattr(f, 'bar')
 getattr() of an instance method returns a 'bound method':
getattr(f, 'baz')
 bound method foo.baz of instance at 0x008D5FD0
 Calling the bound method (note the added ()) is the same as calling the 
 instance method directly:
getattr(f, 'baz')()
 Of course you can do the same thing with dot notation for attributes:
 bound method foo.baz of instance at 0x008D5FD0
 Tutor maillist  -

'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.
Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] dictionary dispatch for object instance attributes question

2005-02-16 Thread Kent Johnson
Brian van den Broek wrote:
My Node class defines a _parse method which separates out the node 
header, and sends those lines to a _parse_metadata method. This is where 
the elif chain occurs -- each line of the metadata starts with a tag 
like dt= and I need to recognize each tag and set the appropriate Node 
object attribute, such as .document_type. (I do not want to rely on the 
unhelpful names for the tags in the file format, preferring more 
self-documenting attribute names.)

I've come up with *a* way to use a dictionary dispatch, but I'll wager a 
great deal it isn't the *best* way.

Here is a minimal illustration of what I have come up with:
class A:
def __init__(self):
self.something = None
self.something_else = None
self.still_another_thing = None

def update(self, data):

for key in metadata_dict:
if data.startswith(key):
exec('''self.%s = %s''' %(metadata_dict[key],
# triple quotes as there may be quotes in metadata
# values
metadata_dict = {'something_tag=': 'something',
 '2nd_tag=': 'something_else',
 'last=': 'still_another_thing'}
a = A()
print a.still_another_thing
a.update('last=the metadata value for the last= metadata tag')
print a.still_another_thing
the metadata value for the last= metadata tag
So, it works. Yay :-)
But, should I be doing it another way?
Another way to do this is to use dispatch methods. If you have extra processing to do for each tag, 
this might be a good way to go.

I'm going to assume that your data lines have the form 'tag=data'. Then your Node class might have 
methods that look like this:

class Node:
  def parse_metadata(self, line):
tag, data = line.split('=', 1)
  handler = getattr(self, 'handle_' + tag)
except AttributeError:
  print 'Unexpected tag:', tag, data
  def handle_something_tag(self, data):
self.something = int(data) # for example
  def handle_last(self, data):
  self.another_thing.append(data) # attribute is a list
except AttributeError:
  self.another_thing = [data]
and so on. This organization avoids any if / else chain and puts all the processing for each tag in 
a single place.

BTW the try / except / else idiom is used here to avoid catching unexpected 
exceptions. The naive
way to write it would be
  handler = getattr(self, 'handle_' + tag)
except AttributeError:
  print 'Unexpected tag:', tag, data
The problem with this is that if handler() raise AttributeError you will get an unhelpful error 
message and no stack trace. Putting the call to handler() in an else clause puts it out of the scope 
of the try / except but it will still be executed only if the getattr succeeds.

Also, I know the general security concerns about things like exec. They 
make me nervous in using it, even though I am (as yet) the sole user. Am 
I right in thinking that the constrained way I am using it here protects 
me? My code uses most of the attributes as a simple storage container 
for later rewriting of the file, but in a few cases they enter into 
(safe seeming) conditionals like:

if 'text' == self.document_type:
if 'RTF' == self.document_type:
Conditionals on a 'type' flag are a code smell that suggests using subclasses. Maybe you should have 
a TextNode class and an RtfNode class. Then the above becomes just

and TextNode and RtfNode each have the appropriate implementations of 
I'm not saying this is the right choice for you, just something you might 
Thanks and best to all,
Brian vdB
Tutor maillist  -
Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] dictionary dispatch for object instance attributes question

2005-02-16 Thread Kent Johnson
Kent Johnson wrote:
Another way to do this is to use dispatch methods. If you have extra 
processing to do for each tag, this might be a good way to go.

I'm going to assume that your data lines have the form 'tag=data'. Then 
your Node class might have methods that look like this:

class Node:
  def parse_metadata(self, line):
tag, data = line.split('=', 1)
  handler = getattr(self, 'handle_' + tag)
except AttributeError:
  print 'Unexpected tag:', tag, data
  def handle_something_tag(self, data):
self.something = int(data) # for example
  def handle_last(self, data):
  self.another_thing.append(data) # attribute is a list
except AttributeError:
  self.another_thing = [data]
and so on. This organization avoids any if / else chain and puts all the 
processing for each tag in a single place.
One more idea. If you have 20 different tags but only four different ways of processing them, maybe 
you want to use a dict that maps from the tag name to a tuple of (attribute name, processing 
method). With this approach you need only four handler methods instead of 20. It would look like this:

metadata_dict = {
  'something_tag' : ( 'something', self.handle_int ),
  'last' : ( 'another_thing', self.handle_list ),
def parse_metadata(self, line):
  tag, data = line.split('=', 1)
attr_name, handler = metadata_dict[tag]
  except AttributeError:
print 'Unexpected tag:', tag, data
handler(attr_name, data)
def handle_int(self, attr_name, data):
  setattr(self, attr_name, int(data))
def handle_list(self, attr_name, data):
  l = getattr(self, attr_name, [])
  setattr(self, attr_name, l)
I-have-to-stop-replying-to-my-own-posts-ly yours,
Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] dictionary dispatch for object instance attributes question

2005-02-16 Thread Brian van den Broek
Kent Johnson said unto the world upon 2005-02-16 05:58:
Brian van den Broek wrote:
SNIP Kent's useful explanation of how to use handlers
Also, I know the general security concerns about things like exec. 
They make me nervous in using it, even though I am (as yet) the sole 
user. Am I right in thinking that the constrained way I am using it 
here protects me? My code uses most of the attributes as a simple 
storage container for later rewriting of the file, but in a few cases 
they enter into (safe seeming) conditionals like:

if 'text' == self.document_type:
if 'RTF' == self.document_type:

Conditionals on a 'type' flag are a code smell that suggests using 
subclasses. Maybe you should have a TextNode class and an RtfNode class. 
Then the above becomes just

and TextNode and RtfNode each have the appropriate implementations of 

I'm not saying this is the right choice for you, just something you 
might consider.

Hi Kent,
thanks for the snipped discussion on handlers -- very useful.
As for the code smell thing, I have a follow-up question. I now get 
the point of the type-based conditional being a smell for classes. (I 
get it due to a previous thread that an over-enthusiastic inbox purge 
prevents me from citing with certainty, but I think it was Bill and 
Alan who clarified it for me.)

My problem is that I've got a lot of code which was written before I 
got that point and my code doesn't yet actually do much. (I do have 
working code for parsing my original source files and storing all of 
their metadata, etc., but I haven't yet got working code for doing the 
manipulating the data in the ways I want.)

I had been thinking better to get everything working and then 
refactor. Is that an unsound approach? My worry about refactoring now 
is that I feel like I am rearranging deck-chairs when I should be 
worried about getting the ship to float :-)

Thanks and best to all,
Brian vdB
Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] dictionary dispatch for object instance attributes question

2005-02-16 Thread Kent Johnson
Brian van den Broek wrote:
As for the code smell thing, I have a follow-up question. I now get the 
point of the type-based conditional being a smell for classes. (I get it 
due to a previous thread that an over-enthusiastic inbox purge prevents 
me from citing with certainty, but I think it was Bill and Alan who 
clarified it for me.)

My problem is that I've got a lot of code which was written before I got 
that point and my code doesn't yet actually do much. (I do have working 
code for parsing my original source files and storing all of their 
metadata, etc., but I haven't yet got working code for doing the 
manipulating the data in the ways I want.)

I had been thinking better to get everything working and then refactor. 
Is that an unsound approach? My worry about refactoring now is that I 
feel like I am rearranging deck-chairs when I should be worried about 
getting the ship to float :-)
It's a hard question because it really comes down to programming style and 
I like to work in a very incremental style - design a little, code a little, test a little, repeat 
as needed. I believe in 'Refactor Mercilessly' - another XP slogan. I have many years experience and 
a well-developed opinion of what is good design and bad design.

One consequence of this style is, I usually have working code and tests to go with it. It may not do 
very much, but it works.

So for me, if I smell something, and think that refactoring into subclasses - or some other change - 
is the best design for the problem as I understand it, I will probably do the refactoring. It's not 
going to be easier tomorrow :-) If it just smells a little, or the refactoring is major, I might 
think about how to get rid of the smell but put it off until I'm pretty sure it is a good idea.

I don't think of this as rearranging the deck chairs - it's more like building the right foundation. 
Clean, expressive, well-designed code is a pleasure to work with.

For you, it's probably not so cut-and-dried. If you don't have the experience to judge how bad a 
smell is, or to think through the possibilities so clearly, it's harder to know how to proceed. If 
you are in part dabbling with OOP design to learn about it, maybe you want to put off some changes 
until the code is working; then you could make the change and do a comparison and see which one 
feels cleaner to you.

I hope this helps at least a little :-)
Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] dictionary dispatch for object instance attributes question

2005-02-16 Thread Jeff Shannon
On Tue, 15 Feb 2005 23:48:31 -0500, Brian van den Broek
 Jeff Shannon said unto the world upon 2005-02-15 21:20:
  On Tue, 15 Feb 2005 17:19:37 -0500, Brian van den Broek
  For starters, I've made metadata a class attribute rather than an
  unconnected dictionary.  This seems conceptually nicer to me.
 The problem is that my Node instance live in a TP_file class instance,
 and the way my code is now, the TP_file instance also needs to see the
 metadata dict. There are a few tags, which if present in any Node of
 the file make me want to treat the entire file a bit differently. (Of
 course, here is the place where my novice-designer status is most
 likely to be bitting me.) So, that's why I have it as a module level
 object, rather than within a class. (I do, however, see your point
 about it being neater.)

Okay, that makes sense.  You have two different classes (the TP_file
class and the Node class) that need access to the same information, so
yes, having it at the module level lets them share it more
effectively.  (Alternately, since it sounds like the TP_file class is
where all of the Node instances are created, you *could* decide that
the metadata belongs as part of the TP_file, which would then actively
share it with Node... but what you've got sounds like a very
reasonable plan, so at this point I wouldn't worry about it.)

  In addition, update() can now modify several attributes at once, at
  the cost of a bit of extra parsing up front.
 The metadata all occurs one element to a line in my original file.
 [...] Maybe I'm still missing a better way, but as I am processing
 line by line, each line with one element, I don't see how to use this
 cool looking multiple elements at once approach. 

Yes, if you know that you will only have one header per line, then
it's reasonable to process them one line at a time.  You could
alternatively have the TP_file gather all the header lines for a given
node into a list, and then process that list to create the Node
instance, but given the specifics of your case you probably wouldn't
gain anything over your current approach by doing so.

This is what makes programming so interesting -- there's so many
different choices possible, and which one is best depends on a large
number of factors.  When writing a program for some task, the best
design for a particular set of circumstances may be completely
different than the best design for a somewhat different particular set
of circumstances -- and the best design for general usage is probably
an altogether different thing still.

Good luck!

Jeff Shannon
Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] dictionary dispatch for object instance attributes question

2005-02-16 Thread Brian van den Broek
Kent Johnson said unto the world upon 2005-02-16 15:02:
Brian van den Broek wrote:
I had been thinking better to get everything working and then 
refactor. Is that an unsound approach? My worry about refactoring now 
is that I feel like I am rearranging deck-chairs when I should be 
worried about getting the ship to float :-)
It's a hard question because it really comes down to programming style 
and judgement.

I like to work in a very incremental style - design a little, code a 
little, test a little, repeat as needed. I believe in 'Refactor 
Mercilessly' - another XP slogan. I have many years experience and a 
well-developed opinion of what is good design and bad design.

One consequence of this style is, I usually have working code and tests 
to go with it. It may not do very much, but it works.

So for me, if I smell something, and think that refactoring into 
subclasses - or some other change - is the best design for the problem 
as I understand it, I will probably do the refactoring. It's not going 
to be easier tomorrow :-) If it just smells a little, or the refactoring 
is major, I might think about how to get rid of the smell but put it off 
until I'm pretty sure it is a good idea.

I don't think of this as rearranging the deck chairs - it's more like 
building the right foundation. Clean, expressive, well-designed code is 
a pleasure to work with.

For you, it's probably not so cut-and-dried. If you don't have the 
experience to judge how bad a smell is, or to think through the 
possibilities so clearly, it's harder to know how to proceed. If you are 
in part dabbling with OOP design to learn about it, maybe you want to 
put off some changes until the code is working; then you could make the 
change and do a comparison and see which one feels cleaner to you.

I hope this helps at least a little :-)
Hi Kent,
I see my `strike that' msg. didn't get through in time, to save you 
from the reply. But, from the selfish perspective, I'm glad enough 
about that; the above does indeed help more than a little.

I get, in the abstract at least, how Test Driven Development would 
make these refactorings much easier to do with confidence. (Somewhere 
near half the point, isn't it?) The goal of my current project, beyond 
the given of having useful code, is to write a medium sized project in 
OOP. At the outset, I felt I had to choose between getting a handle on 
OOP or TDD. I felt I could only tackle one new paradigm at a time. I 
went with OOP as I didn't want to spend the effort of getting 
procedural code down using TDD and then have to redo it in OOP. But, 
not having test does make the refactoring more scary than I imagine it 
would be tests in hand.

And I would have had the need to redo it, I think. The file format I 
am working with is from an application I've been using as a 
PIM/Knowledge manager for several years. So, I've got tons of data and 
tons of plans. I'm not certain if the term is the right one, but I'm 
thinking of the code I am working on as a base toolset or `framework' 
for all the other things I want to do with the files of that format. 
Thus, subclassing and other OOP techniques are sure to be important 
for those plans.

But, I think you hit it right on the head -- my inexperience with OOP 
doesn't provide me with any metric for judgement about these things. 
Browsing through things like Fowler, Beck, Brant,  Opdyke's 
_Refactoring_, while fun, doesn't help much without my having 
struggled with my own OOP code first. Hey, yesterday I proved that 
having read about setattr numerous times is no guarantee I'll remember 
it the first time a use case comes up :-)

Thanks for the continued efforts to help me `get' it. Best to all,
Brian vdB
Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] dictionary dispatch for object instance attributes question

2005-02-16 Thread Brian van den Broek
Jeff Shannon said unto the world upon 2005-02-16 16:09:
On Tue, 15 Feb 2005 23:48:31 -0500, Brian van den Broek
SNIP some of Jeff's responses to my evaluation of his earlier 

Yes, if you know that you will only have one header per line, then
it's reasonable to process them one line at a time.  You could
alternatively have the TP_file gather all the header lines for a given
node into a list, and then process that list to create the Node
instance, but given the specifics of your case you probably wouldn't
gain anything over your current approach by doing so.
This is what makes programming so interesting -- there's so many
different choices possible, and which one is best depends on a large
number of factors.  When writing a program for some task, the best
design for a particular set of circumstances may be completely
different than the best design for a somewhat different particular set
of circumstances -- and the best design for general usage is probably
an altogether different thing still.
Good luck!
Jeff Shannon
Thanks Jeff,
the confirmation that my assessment made sense is very helpful. Due to 
the my lack of experience (as discussed in my response to Kent) I'm 
always uncomfortable rejecting a proposed solution -- is my assessment 
that the solution isn't the best a product of that inexperience, or am 
I on to something? So, thanks for taking the time to `bless' my 

Best to all,
Brian vdB
Tutor maillist  -

[Tutor] dictionary dispatch for object instance attributes question

2005-02-15 Thread Brian van den Broek
Hi all,
I'm still plugging away at my project of writing code to process 
treepad files. (This was the task which I posted about in the recent 
help with refactoring needed -- which approach is more	Pythonic? 

My present problem is how best to reorganize a long (20 elements) elif 
chain. The file format I am dealing with organizes itself with a file 
header, and then a series of nodes. Each node has a header filled with 
up to 20 different metadata elements, followed by the node content 
proper. These metadata elements can be in arbitrary order, and need 
not all be present.

My Node class defines a _parse method which separates out the node 
header, and sends those lines to a _parse_metadata method. This is 
where the elif chain occurs -- each line of the metadata starts with a 
tag like dt= and I need to recognize each tag and set the 
appropriate Node object attribute, such as .document_type. (I do not 
want to rely on the unhelpful names for the tags in the file format, 
preferring more self-documenting attribute names.)

I've come up with *a* way to use a dictionary dispatch, but I'll wager 
a great deal it isn't the *best* way.

Here is a minimal illustration of what I have come up with:
class A:
def __init__(self):
self.something = None
self.something_else = None
self.still_another_thing = None

def update(self, data):
for key in metadata_dict:
if data.startswith(key):
exec('''self.%s = %s''' %(metadata_dict[key],
# triple quotes as there may be quotes in metadata
# values
metadata_dict = {'something_tag=': 'something',
 '2nd_tag=': 'something_else',
 'last=': 'still_another_thing'}
a = A()
print a.still_another_thing
a.update('last=the metadata value for the last= metadata tag')
print a.still_another_thing

the metadata value for the last= metadata tag
So, it works. Yay :-)
But, should I be doing it another way?
Also, I know the general security concerns about things like exec. 
They make me nervous in using it, even though I am (as yet) the sole 
user. Am I right in thinking that the constrained way I am using it 
here protects me? My code uses most of the attributes as a simple 
storage container for later rewriting of the file, but in a few cases 
they enter into (safe seeming) conditionals like:

if 'text' == self.document_type:
if 'RTF' == self.document_type:
Thanks and best to all,
Brian vdB
Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] dictionary dispatch for object instance attributes question

2005-02-15 Thread Brian van den Broek
Liam Clarke said unto the world upon 2005-02-15 18:08:
Hi Brian, why not take it the next step and 

   for key in metadata_dict:
   if data.startswith(key):
exec('''self.%s = %s''' %(metadata_dict[key],
   # triple quotes as there may be quotes in metadata
# values
   break = {}
for key in metadata_dict.keys():  #? I got confused, so I guessed.
   if data.startswith(key):[metadata_dict[key]]=data[len(key):]
And then instead of self.x (if metadata_dict[key] = x] You just call['x']
A bit more obfuscated, but it would seem to remove the exec, although
I'm not sure how else it impacts your class.
SNIP related Pythoncard example

So yeah, hope that helps a wee bit.

Liam Clarke
Rich Krauter said unto the world upon 2005-02-15 18:09:

 You could use setattr(self,metadata_dict[key],data[len(key):]).

Hi Liam, Rich, and all,
thanks for the replies. (And for heroically working through the long 
question -- if there is a tutee verbosity award, I think its mine ;-)

Rich: thanks. setattr, yeah, that's the ticket!
Liam: The reason I didn't want to take it this way is: Flat is better 
than nested :-)

The code I am working on is an improved (I hope ;-) ) and expanded 
class-based version of some more primitive code I had done purely 
procedurally. There, I had a dictionary approach for storing the 
metadata (akin to the dictionary you suggested above). One of 
the benefits of going OOP, in my opinion, is that instead of using 
dictionary access syntax, you can just say things like 
self.document_type. It might be little more than sugar[*], but I've a 
sweet tooth, and I'd want to avoid going back to the dictionary syntax 
if I could.

Though, absent the setattr way that Rich pointed to, I must admit the 
exec in my originally posted version would have me dithering whether 
to opt for sugar or safety. Thankfully, it's all moot.

[*] In that, if I've understood correctly, class namespaces are just 
fancily packaged dictionaries.

Thanks to all,
Brian vdB
Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] dictionary dispatch for object instance attributes question

2005-02-15 Thread Brian van den Broek
Jeff Shannon said unto the world upon 2005-02-15 21:20:
On Tue, 15 Feb 2005 17:19:37 -0500, Brian van den Broek

My Node class defines a _parse method which separates out the node
header, and sends those lines to a _parse_metadata method. This is
where the elif chain occurs -- each line of the metadata starts with a
tag like dt= and I need to recognize each tag and set the
appropriate Node object attribute, such as .document_type. (I do not
want to rely on the unhelpful names for the tags in the file format,
preferring more self-documenting attribute names.)

In addition to using setattr(), I'd take a slightly different approach
to this.  (This may just be a matter of personal style, and is not as
clearly advantageous as using setattr() instead of exec, but...)
Hi Jeff and all,
I am *pretty* sure I followed what you meant, Jeff. Thank you for the 
suggestions! I don't think they will fit with my situation, but that I 
think so might say more about my present level of understanding of OOP 
and design issues than about either the suggestions or the situation. :-)

.class Node(object):
.metadata = {'dt': 'document_type', 'something': 'some_other_field', ...}
.def __init__(self):  # 
.def update(self, **kwargs):
.for key, value in kwargs.items():
.attr_name = self.metadata[key]
.except KeyError:
.raise ValueError(Invalid field type '%s' % key)
.setattr(self, attr_name, value)
For starters, I've made metadata a class attribute rather than an
unconnected dictionary.  This seems conceptually nicer to me.
The problem is that my Node instance live in a TP_file class instance, 
and the way my code is now, the TP_file instance also needs to see the 
metadata dict. There are a few tags, which if present in any Node of 
the file make me want to treat the entire file a bit differently. (Of 
course, here is the place where my novice-designer status is most 
likely to be bitting me.) So, that's why I have it as a module level 
object, rather than within a class. (I do, however, see your point 
about it being neater.)

In addition, update() can now modify several attributes at once, at
the cost of a bit of extra parsing up front.
Supposing that your node header looks like this:
.header = dt=text/plain;something=some_value;last=some_other_thing_here
Now, we can break that into fields, and then split the fields into a
name and a value --
.tags = {}
.for field in header.split(';'):
.name, value = field.split('=')
.tags[name] = value
.n = Node()
You can even simplify this a bit more, by rewriting the __init__():
.def __init__(self, **kwargs):
.if kwargs:
Now you can create and update in a single step:
.n = Node(**tags)
The metadata all occurs one element to a line in my original file. 
I've got the TP_file class breaking the nodes up and sending the 
contents to new Node instances (as Alan suggested in my previous 
thread). The Node instance has a parse method that reads the node 
contents line by line and sends the appropriate lines to the 
parse_metadata method. (All lines before a designated `header-ending' 
line.) Maybe I'm still missing a better way, but as I am processing 
line by line, each line with one element, I don't see how to use this 
cool looking multiple elements at once approach. (The other 
complication that I didn't mention is that the parse_metadata method 
has to do more than just store the metadata -- some elements must be 
converted to ints, others left as strings, and still others can have 
multiple instances in a single Node, so rather than be set they must 
be appended to an attribute list, etc. The setattr way has taken me 
from 20 elifs to just 4, though :-) )

At any rate, my whole code is (perhaps wrongly) organized around 
logical-line based processing.

You could also put all of the splitting into fields in a method, and
when __init__ gets a single string as its argument simply pass it to
that method and update with the results...
--Jeff Shannon
Anyway, such are the reasons I'm not sure the suggestions will work in 
my situation. I'm glad to have seen them, though, and am going to save 
them for the point where I actually have the whole program working and 
can think about large-scale refactoring. I may well then find that my 
current uncertainty is unwarranted. But I'd like to make the beast 
live before I make it thrive :-)

Thanks again, and best,
Brian vdB
Tutor maillist  -