Re: [Tutor] how to fill zero value and join two column

2009-07-22 Thread Alan Gauld

I have two text file, having entries as
38 ALA H = 8.29 N = 120.62 CA = 54.33 HA = 4.04 C = 178.95
8 ALA H = 7.85  N = 123.95 CA = 54.67 HA =  C =
8 ALA  helix (helix_alpha, helix1)
21 ALA  helix (helix_alpha, helix2)
those atoms which doesnot have nay value in fileA. so the reult will be
something like:-

8 ALA H = 7.85  N = 123.95 CA = 54.67 HA =0.00  C =0.00|8 ALA  helix
(helix_alpha, helix1)

There is a similar problem discussed a few days ago on tis list, 
try looking over the archive for this week to get some ideas.

I tried to merge these two files using commands like:-

from collections import defaultdict

def merge(sources):

...   if __name__ == "__main__":

You should not use this inside a function, nor at the >>> prompt. 
This is used to determine wheher a file should be treated as a 
module or main program. As it stands the rest of your code will 
never be executed since the __name__ at the >>> prompt 
is never __main__

Looks like you need to go back to fundamentals for a spell.

...a = open("/home/amrita/alachems/chem100.txt")
...c = open("/home/amrita/secstr/secstr100.txt")
...def source(stream):
...return (line.strip() for line in stream)
...for m in merge([source(x) for x in [a,c]]):
...print "|".join(c.ljust(10) for c in m)

I haven't quite got my head around the logic here but it 
looks to me like an overly elaborate solution. You could 
simplify the last for loop to just do

for m in merge([source(a),source(c)])

But of course that is a recursive function call to merge() and I 
can't see any terminating condition so it should loop forever 
(or until it reaches the recursion limit)...


Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

Tutor maillist  -

[Tutor] how to fill zero value and join two column

2009-07-22 Thread amrita


I have two text file, having entries as
33 ALA H = 7.57 N = 121.52 CA = 55.58 HA = 3.89 C = 179.24
38 ALA H = 8.29 N = 120.62 CA = 54.33 HA = 4.04 C = 178.95
8 ALA H = 7.85  N = 123.95 CA = 54.67 HA =  C =
8 ALA  helix (helix_alpha, helix1)
21 ALA  helix (helix_alpha, helix2)
23 ALA  helix (helix_alpha, helix2)

now what i want that i will make another file in which the matching
entries from the two file get printed together along with zero values for 
those atoms which doesnot have nay value in fileA. so the reult will be
something like:-

8 ALA H = 7.85  N = 123.95 CA = 54.67 HA =0.00  C =0.00|8 ALA  helix
(helix_alpha, helix1)

I tried to merge these two files using commands like:-

from collections import defaultdict
>>> def merge(sources):
...   if __name__ == "__main__":
...a = open("/home/amrita/alachems/chem100.txt")
...c = open("/home/amrita/secstr/secstr100.txt")
...def source(stream):
...return (line.strip() for line in stream)
...for m in merge([source(x) for x in [a,c]]):
...print "|".join(c.ljust(10) for c in m)
but it is not giving any value.

Amrita Kumari
Research Fellow
IISER Mohali

Tutor maillist  -