Re: [Tutor] list comprehension efficiency

2012-02-18 Thread Steven D'Aprano

Bill Allen wrote:

Generally speaking, are list comprehensions more efficient that the
equivalent for loop with interior conditionals for a given task?  Do they
compile down to the same Python byte code?

It depends, and no.

For-loops are more general, so there are loops that can't be written as list 
comprehensions. Consequently, so is the byte code generated. Python makes no 
attempt to analyse a for-loop and decide that it could be written as a list 
comp. Nor do list comps generate the exact same code as a for-loop: they 
can't, because the semantics are slightly different.

(Specifically, a list comp is an atomic operation: either the whole thing 
succeeds, or the resultant list does not persist. That same does not apply to 

You can inspect the byte code produced by using the dis module.

But, for the subset of possible for-loops which can be re-written as list 
comps, yes, list comps often are more efficient, as building the list can be 
performed at full C speed instead of at relatively slower Python speed. But 
don't over-estimate how big a difference that makes in practice. For trivial 
loops, it makes a big difference:

py> with Timer():
... _ = [None for i in range(1)]
time taken: 0.004692 seconds
py> with Timer():
... _ = []
... for i in range(1):
... _.append(None)
time taken: 0.020877 seconds

but for loops that do actual, significant work, the difference becomes 
correspondingly less important:

py> def func(x):
... y = 2*i**3 - 15*i*i + 17*i + 3
... z = x**0.5/(2*y**2 - 1)
... return (3*z)/(1+z)**1.25
py> with Timer():
... _ = [func(i) for i in range(1)]
time taken: 0.210438 seconds
py> with Timer():
... _ = []
... for i in range(1):
... _.append(func(i))
time taken: 0.250344 seconds

If you're interested in using my Timer() code, you can find it here:

Beware though, that you can't exit out of a list comp early. So if you have 
code like this:

collection = []
for x in sorted(sequence):
if x > 10:
collection.append(x + 5)

versus this:

collection = [x+5 for x in sorted(sequence) if x <= 10]

Consider what happens if sequence = range(100). The for-loop does eleven 
iterations, the list-comp does a million. Guess which will be faster? :)

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Re: [Tutor] list comprehension efficiency

2012-02-18 Thread Mark Lawrence

On 19/02/2012 01:31, Bill Allen wrote:

Generally speaking, are list comprehensions more efficient that the
equivalent for loop with interior conditionals for a given task?  Do they
compile down to the same Python byte code?

Bill Allen

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Use the timeit module to answer Q1 and the dis module to answer Q2.


Mark Lawrence.

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[Tutor] list comprehension efficiency

2012-02-18 Thread Bill Allen
Generally speaking, are list comprehensions more efficient that the
equivalent for loop with interior conditionals for a given task?  Do they
compile down to the same Python byte code?

Bill Allen
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Re: [Tutor] list comprehension, efficiency?

2010-10-03 Thread bob gailer

 On 10/2/2010 8:02 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

On Sun, 3 Oct 2010 01:17:39 am bob gailer wrote:

I ran dis on a for loop and the equivalent comprehension.

I was surprised to see almost identical code.

I had assumed (and now wish for) that a comprehension would be a
primitive written in C and thus much faster!

How could it be? A list comp is syntactic sugar. It needs to perform the
same steps as a for-loop, and call an arbitrary Python expression. It's
not like map() that takes a function object. Unless you had a separate
primitive for every imaginable Python expression -- which is
impossible -- list comps need to generate relatively similar code to
for-loops because they do relatively similar things.

Thank you. I needed that!

Besides, in recent versions of Python the speed of for-loops is quite
good. The bottleneck is rarely the loop itself, but the work you do in
the loop or the size of the loop.

Bob Gailer
Chapel Hill NC

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Re: [Tutor] list comprehension, efficiency?

2010-10-02 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sun, 3 Oct 2010 01:17:39 am bob gailer wrote:

> I ran dis on a for loop and the equivalent comprehension.
> I was surprised to see almost identical code.
> I had assumed (and now wish for) that a comprehension would be a
> primitive written in C and thus much faster!

How could it be? A list comp is syntactic sugar. It needs to perform the 
same steps as a for-loop, and call an arbitrary Python expression. It's 
not like map() that takes a function object. Unless you had a separate 
primitive for every imaginable Python expression -- which is 
impossible -- list comps need to generate relatively similar code to 
for-loops because they do relatively similar things.

Besides, in recent versions of Python the speed of for-loops is quite 
good. The bottleneck is rarely the loop itself, but the work you do in 
the loop or the size of the loop.

Steven D'Aprano
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Re: [Tutor] list comprehension, efficiency?

2010-10-02 Thread bob gailer


I ran dis on a for loop and the equivalent comprehension.

I was surprised to see almost identical code.

I had assumed (and now wish for) that a comprehension would be a 
primitive written in C and thus much faster!

Bob Gailer
Chapel Hill NC

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Re: [Tutor] list comprehension, efficiency?

2010-09-28 Thread Bill Campbell
On Tue, Sep 28, 2010, Lie Ryan wrote:
>On 09/28/10 13:57, Bill Allen wrote:
>> I can now see that quite a bit of the code I write dealing with lists
>> can be done with list
>> comprehensions.   My question is this, is the list comprehension styled
>> code generally
>> more efficient at runtime?  If so, why?
>Yes, because the looping in list comprehension is done in C instead of a
>python construct. However, they are the type of efficiency that you
>shouldn't bother yourself with unless you're microoptimizing.

True enough, but dealing with large lists can be expensive,
particularly when appending.  Before I discovered sets, I found
significant time savings by creating a dictionary, adding as
necessary, then use d.keys() to get the keys back.

This became a significant factor when I was selecting unique
lines from about 1.3 million samples.

INTERNET:  Bill Campbell; Celestial Software LLC
URL:  PO Box 820; 6641 E. Mercer Way
Voice:  (206) 236-1676  Mercer Island, WA 98040-0820
Fax:(206) 232-9186  Skype: jwccsllc (206) 855-5792

Independent self-reliant people would be a counterproductive anachronism
in the collective society of the future where people will be defined by
their associations.  1896 John Dewey, educational philosopher, proponent
of modern public schools.
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Re: [Tutor] list comprehension, efficiency?

2010-09-28 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Tue, 28 Sep 2010 01:57:23 pm Bill Allen wrote:

> I can now see that quite a bit of the code I write dealing with lists
> can be done with list
> comprehensions.   My question is this, is the list comprehension
> styled code generally
> more efficient at runtime?  If so, why?

List comprehensions *are* lists, or rather, they produce lists.

A list comprehension 

result = [expr for x in seq] 

is just syntactic sugar for a for-loop:

result = []
for x in seq:

except that in Python 3, the "x" variable is hidden. (In Python 2 it is 
not, but that was an accident.) The end result is exactly the same 
whether you use a list comp or a for-loop.

The advantage of for-loops is that you can do much more complex code. 
That complexity comes at a cost, and consequently for-loops tend to be 
a little bit slower than list comprehensions: some of the work can be 
done under the hood, faster than regular Python code. But for most 
cases, this difference is relatively small and won't make any real 
difference. What does it matter if your program runs in 24 milliseconds 
instead of 22 milliseconds? Or five hours and seventeen minutes instead 
of five hours and sixteen minutes? Who cares? Write the code that is 
most natural and easy to read and understand, and only worry about such 
tiny savings when you absolutely have to.

But there is one case where for-loops are potentially MUCH faster than 
list comps. List comps always run all the way to the end, but for-loops 
can break out early. If your problem lets you break out of the loop 
early, this is a good thing. So this for-loop:

for x in xrange(1000):
if x > 5: break

will beat the pants off this list comp:

[x+1 for x in xrange(1000) if x <= 5]

There's no way to break out of the list comp early -- it has to keep 
going past 5 all the way to the end.

Steven D'Aprano
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Re: [Tutor] list comprehension, efficiency?

2010-09-27 Thread Lie Ryan
On 09/28/10 13:57, Bill Allen wrote:
> I can now see that quite a bit of the code I write dealing with lists
> can be done with list
> comprehensions.   My question is this, is the list comprehension styled
> code generally
> more efficient at runtime?  If so, why?

Yes, because the looping in list comprehension is done in C instead of a
python construct. However, they are the type of efficiency that you
shouldn't bother yourself with unless you're microoptimizing.

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[Tutor] list comprehension, efficiency?

2010-09-27 Thread Bill Allen
I have seen list comprehensions used, but have not quite got the hang of it
So, I was writing a bit of code to do some work with file directories and
to give it a try as follows:

list_c = os.listdir("c:")

#first code written in the way I usually would.
dirs = []
for x in list_c:
if os.path.isdir(x):

#replaced the above code with the following list comprehension, it worked as
dirs = [x for x in list_c if os.path.isdir(x)]

I can now see that quite a bit of the code I write dealing with lists can be
done with list
comprehensions.   My question is this, is the list comprehension styled code
more efficient at runtime?  If so, why?

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