Bob Gailer wrote:
Paul D. Kraus wrote:
Are their docs anywhere for pyexcelerator? the built in docs are a bit 

For instance I can't figure out how to set a column width.
I am just reading the examples and they kind of help but I don't 
follow this ...

ws.col(i).width = 0x0d00 + i

where i is an incrementing integer.
so to me it reads if i = 0.

set col 0's width to hexnumber plus 0

why the hex number? does it have to be written this way?
Nothing has to be written in hex. Judging from some of the modules the 
author used hex a lot.

I just looked at my copy of PyExcelerator. It seems to be in poor shape. 
I tried running some of the modules that have if __name__ == '__main__': 
(i.e. self-testing) and they failed with errors! And I find no visible 
documentation or working examples. Sigh.
I was looking in the wrong place. Now I see the examples folder. Double Sigh. I'll take a look at them.
The only thing I've used it for is parsing an existing Excel Workbook.


Bob Gailer
Tutor maillist  -

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