Re: [Tutor] python 2.7.1

2012-09-06 Thread Alan Gauld

On 20/08/12 05:47, john wrote:

print"hello world"#this is just something to say

 >>> /Users/jonathan/Documents/

You don;t run Python scripts from the python prompt. You only type 
Python co0mmands there. You could import your file which wiull run it 
but the effect is slightly different. Its better to run scripts from the 
OS prompt

$ python /Users/jonathan/Documents/

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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Re: [Tutor] python 2.7.1

2012-09-06 Thread Peter Otten
john wrote:

> print "hello world" #this is just something to say

>   File "", line 1
> /Users/jonathan/Documents/
> ^
> SyntaxError: invalid syntax
> what am i doing wrong?

The >>> prompt indicates that you have already started the interactive 
interpreter by typing

$ python

This is a great way to test Python statements interactively -- type and 
explore Python's response.

However, to run a script you have to provide the script name on the 

$ python /Users/jonathan/Documents/

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Re: [Tutor] python 2.7.1

2012-09-06 Thread Dave Angel
On 08/20/2012 12:47 AM, john wrote:
> print "hello world" #this is just something to say
>   File "", line 1
> /Users/jonathan/Documents/ 
> ^
> SyntaxError: invalid syntax
> what am i doing wrong?
it would help if you showed the actual content of   Looks to
me like the first line looks like:


Comment that out, and see what happens.



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[Tutor] python 2.7.1

2012-09-06 Thread john
print "hello world" #this is just something to say

>>> /Users/jonathan/Documents/ 
  File "", line 1
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

what am i doing wrong?

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Re: [Tutor] Python 2.7.1 interpreter

2010-12-30 Thread Frank Chang
   I wanted to thank Steven D'Aprano and Allan Gauld for solving my Python
2.7.1 interpreter question in Tutor Digest Vol. 82 Issue 121. Thank you for
yor help.
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Re: [Tutor] Python 2.7.1 interpreter question

2010-12-29 Thread Steven D'Aprano

Frank Chang wrote:

  When I use the Python 2.7.1 interpreter I get the following traceback

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 23, in 
list(automata.find_all_matches('nice', 1, m))
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'find_all_matches'

 Could anyone help me fix this error? I am new to python. Thank you.

This error tells you that the module "" does not have a 
global-level object called "find_all_matches".

If you look at the module, you will see it does not have a global-level 
object called "find_all_matches", exactly as Python tells you. To fix 
this, you need to either:

(1) Give the automata module a function "find_all_matches" that does 
what you expect it to do; or

(2) Change automata_test2 to create a DFA instance, then call the 
find_all_matches method in that instance. Something like:

instance = automata.DFA(start_state)
instance.find_all_matches("word", k, lookup_func)


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Re: [Tutor] Python 2.7.1 interpreter question

2010-12-29 Thread Alan Gauld

"Frank Chang"  wrote The pastebin url for is:";

   list(automata.find_all_matches('nice', 1, m))
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'find_all_matches'

find_all_matches() is a method of a class. Therefore you need to 
call it via an instance of that class. You need to instantiate the 
class using the module name but after that the object will be 

myObj = module.myclass()


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[Tutor] Python 2.7.1 interpreter question

2010-12-29 Thread Frank Chang
   I separated my test program into two python files. The first one is The pastebin url for is:";
  The second file is It imports The
pastebin url for is:";

  When I use the Python 2.7.1 interpreter I get the following traceback

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 23, in 
list(automata.find_all_matches('nice', 1, m))
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'find_all_matches'

 Could anyone help me fix this error? I am new to python. Thank you.
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Re: [Tutor] Python 2.7.1 interpreter passing function pointer as function argument and Shedskin 0.7

2010-12-29 Thread Steven D'Aprano

Alan Gauld wrote:

"Frank Chang"  wrote

I apologize for the cut and paste mangling. Is there a better method
than copy-pasting for including 20 or more lines of python source code in
the tutor posts? Thank you.

Long listings are usually better in pastebin - where the indentation is
clear and we get syntax colouring too. It all makes them more readable :-)

Even better is to spend the time to work out the smallest amount of code 
that exhibits the problem. The code you post must be runnable, it must 
actually demonstrate the problem -- it is surprising how many people 
post "broken" code that actually works, or worse, code that fails in 
some completely different way -- and lastly, and most importantly, it 
should be as small as possible.

Doing so shows respect to those you are asking to look at the code, AND 
maximizes the number of people willing to spend the time answering your 
question: instead of looking at 200 lines and seven functions, they only 
need to look at one function and sixteen lines of code. (Or whatever it 
takes to reproduce the problem.)

Even more important, while trying to reproduce the problem in the 
minimum code possible, you may very well solve the problem yourself. I 
can't tell you how many times I've gone to write up a request for help, 
but while refactoring my code I've discovered the mistake and didn't 
need to post my question.

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Re: [Tutor] Python 2.7.1 interpreter passing function pointer as function argument and Shedskin 0.7

2010-12-29 Thread Alan Gauld

"Frank Chang"  wrote

I apologize for the cut and paste mangling. Is there a better 
than copy-pasting for including 20 or more lines of python source 
code in

the tutor posts? Thank you.

Long listings are usually better in pastebin - where the indentation 
clear and we get syntax colouring too. It all makes them more readable 

Then just post the url to the pastebin on your mail.


Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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Re: [Tutor] Python 2.7.1 interpreter passing function pointer as function argument and Shedskin 0.7

2010-12-29 Thread Frank Chang
 I asked the Shedskin developers about this issue and they are currently
adding support for __call__ . They recommend renaming the  class Matcher
__call__ method ,for example as next, and then explicitly call it on line
148 as
 I followed their suggestion and the Shedskin 0.7 Python to C++ compiler
does not complain about the unbound identifier 'lookup_func' anymore.
 I apologize for the cut and paste mangling. Is there a better method
than copy-pasting for including 20 or more lines of python source code in
the tutor posts? Thank you.

   def find_all_matches(self, word, k, lookup_func):
   lev = self.levenshtein_automata(word, k).to_dfa()
   match = lev.next_valid_string('\0')
   while match:
  follow = lookup_func.test(match)  ### line 148 ###
   if not follow:
   if match == follow:
  yield match
   follow = follow + '\0'
   match = lev.next_valid_string(follow)

 class Matcher(object):
 def __init__(self, l):
self.l = l
self.probes = 0
 def test(self, w):
self.probes += 1
pos = bisect.bisect_left(self.l, w)
if pos < len(self.l):
return self.l[pos]
return None
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Re: [Tutor] Python 2.7.1 interpreter passing function pointer as function argument and Shedskin 0.7

2010-12-28 Thread Stefan Behnel

Frank Chang, 28.12.2010 22:35:

Good afternoon. I want to thank everyone who helped me fix the global
name 'levinshtein_automata' is not defined error.
When I run the Shedskin 0.7 Python to C+++ compiler on the
same python program, I receive the error message * Error * : unbound identifier 'lookup_func'.

ShedSkin is very restrictive compared to CPython. It requires static types 
for variables and it doesn't support all Python features.

Is there a reason you want to use ShedSkin for your program?


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Re: [Tutor] Python 2.7.1 interpreter passing function pointer as function argument and Shedskin 0.7

2010-12-28 Thread bob gailer

On 12/28/2010 4:35 PM, Frank Chang wrote:
   Good afternoon. I want to thank everyone who helped me fix the 
global name 'levinshtein_automata' is not defined error.
   When I run the Shedskin 0.7 Python to C+++ compiler on the 
same python program, I receive the error message * Error * : unbound identifier 'lookup_func'. lookup_func 
is a python function pointer passed as an argument to a python function.

I'd like to help

Please post the entire traceback.

Fix the indentation. I have to make too many assumptions with the 
indentation messed up.

Let's refine our terminology. Python does not pass pointers, it passes 

m is not a function. It is a callable class instance.

  I have marked lines 148,161,172 and 174 in the python program shown below. The shedskin tutorial says  the latest 
version of the Shedskin 0.7 Python to C++ compiler does not support 
overloading __iter__ and __call__.  I was wondering if anyone could 
suggest a python workaround to this error message as I am new to 
python. Thank you.

 import bisect
import random
class NFA(object):
 EPSILON = object()
 ANY = object()
 def __init__(self, start_state):
 self.transitions = {}
  self.final_states = set()
  self._start_state = start_state
 def start_state(self):
return frozenset(self._expand(set([self._start_state])))
 def add_transition(self, src, input, dest):
self.transitions.setdefault(src, {}).setdefault(input, 

 def add_final_state(self, state):
 def is_final(self, states):
return self.final_states.intersection(states)
 def _expand(self, states):
frontier = set(states)
while frontier:
   state = frontier.pop()
   new_states = self.transitions.get(state, {}).get(NFA.EPSILON, 

return states
 def next_state(self, states, input):
dest_states = set()
for state in states:
  state_transitions = self.transitions.get(state, {})
  dest_states.update(state_transitions.get(input, []))
  dest_states.update(state_transitions.get(NFA.ANY, []))
return frozenset(self._expand(dest_states))
 def get_inputs(self, states):
inputs = set()
for state in states:
   inputs.update(self.transitions.get(state, {}).keys())
return inputs
 def to_dfa(self):
   dfa = DFA(self.start_state)
   frontier = [self.start_state]
   seen = set()
   while frontier:
  current = frontier.pop()
  inputs = self.get_inputs(current)
  for input in inputs:
if input == NFA.EPSILON: continue
   new_state = self.next_state(current, input)
   if new_state not in seen:
  if self.is_final(new_state):
   if input == NFA.ANY:
  dfa.set_default_transition(current, new_state)
  dfa.add_transition(current, input, new_state)
   return dfa

class DFA(object):
def __init__(self, start_state):
  self.start_state = start_state
  self.transitions = {}
  self.defaults = {}
  self.final_states = set()
def add_transition(self, src, input, dest):
  self.transitions.setdefault(src, {})[input] = dest
def set_default_transition(self, src, dest):
  self.defaults[src] = dest
def add_final_state(self, state):
def is_final(self, state):
  return state in self.final_states
def next_state(self, src, input):
  state_transitions = self.transitions.get(src, {})
  return state_transitions.get(input, self.defaults.get(src, None))
def next_valid_string(self, input):
   state = self.start_state
   stack = []
  # Evaluate the DFA as far as possible
   print state
   for i, x in enumerate(input):
  print "%s" % input
  print 'e'
  stack.append((input[:i], state, x))
  state = self.next_state(state, x)
  if not state: break
  stack.append((input[:i+1], state, None))

if self.is_final(state):
 # Input word is already valid
 return input
  # Perform a 'wall following' search for the 
lexicographically smallest

  # accepting state.
 while stack:
 path, state, x = stack.pop()
 x = self.find_next_edge(state, x)
 #print 'x'
if x:
  path += x
state = self.next_state(state, x)
  if self.is_final(state):
 print 'p'
 return path
 stack.append((path, state, None))
 print 'v'
 return None
def find_next_edge(self, s, x):
if x is None:
x = '\0'
x = chr(ord(x) + 1)
state_transitions = self.transitions.get(s, {})
 if x in state_transitions or s in self.defaults:
   return x

Re: [Tutor] Python 2.7.1 interpreter passing function pointer as function argument and Shedskin 0.7

2010-12-28 Thread Alan Gauld

"Frank Chang"  wrote

  When I run the Shedskin 0.7 Python to C+++ compiler on the
same python program, I receive the error message * Error * : unbound identifier 'lookup_func'. lookup_func 
is a

python function pointer passed as an argument to a python function.
 I have marked lines 148,161,172 and 174 in the python program shown below. The shedskin tutorial says  the latest 
of the Shedskin 0.7 Python to C++ compiler does not support 

__iter__ and __call__.

These sound like issues with shedskin rather than Python, you
will probably get better support on their forum/newsggroup/list.

You may also find other compilers deal with your particular needs
better - cython for example.

But finally, remember that Python is not C++. If you really
need C++ use C++. The compilers are clever and can save a lot of
effort, but Python is primarily an dynamic interpreted language and
a lot of its more advanced idioms do not translate easily to 

compiled code.


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[Tutor] Python 2.7.1 interpreter passing function pointer as function argument and Shedskin 0.7

2010-12-28 Thread Frank Chang
   Good afternoon. I want to thank everyone who helped me fix the global
name 'levinshtein_automata' is not defined error.
   When I run the Shedskin 0.7 Python to C+++ compiler on the
same python program, I receive the error message * Error * : unbound identifier 'lookup_func'. lookup_func is a
python function pointer passed as an argument to a python function.
  I have marked lines 148,161,172 and 174 in the python program shown below. The shedskin tutorial says  the latest version
of the Shedskin 0.7 Python to C++ compiler does not support overloading
__iter__ and __call__.  I was wondering if anyone could suggest a python
workaround to this error message as I am new to python. Thank you.

 import bisect
import random
class NFA(object):
 EPSILON = object()
 ANY = object()
 def __init__(self, start_state):
 self.transitions = {}
  self.final_states = set()
  self._start_state = start_state
 def start_state(self):
return frozenset(self._expand(set([self._start_state])))
 def add_transition(self, src, input, dest):
self.transitions.setdefault(src, {}).setdefault(input, set()).add(dest)

 def add_final_state(self, state):
 def is_final(self, states):
return self.final_states.intersection(states)
 def _expand(self, states):
frontier = set(states)
while frontier:
   state = frontier.pop()
   new_states = self.transitions.get(state, {}).get(NFA.EPSILON,
return states
 def next_state(self, states, input):
dest_states = set()
for state in states:
  state_transitions = self.transitions.get(state, {})
  dest_states.update(state_transitions.get(input, []))
  dest_states.update(state_transitions.get(NFA.ANY, []))
return frozenset(self._expand(dest_states))
 def get_inputs(self, states):
inputs = set()
for state in states:
   inputs.update(self.transitions.get(state, {}).keys())
return inputs
 def to_dfa(self):
   dfa = DFA(self.start_state)
   frontier = [self.start_state]
   seen = set()
   while frontier:
  current = frontier.pop()
  inputs = self.get_inputs(current)
  for input in inputs:
if input == NFA.EPSILON: continue
   new_state = self.next_state(current, input)
   if new_state not in seen:
  if self.is_final(new_state):
   if input == NFA.ANY:
  dfa.set_default_transition(current, new_state)
  dfa.add_transition(current, input, new_state)
   return dfa

class DFA(object):
def __init__(self, start_state):
self.start_state = start_state
self.transitions = {}
self.defaults = {}
self.final_states = set()
def add_transition(self, src, input, dest):
self.transitions.setdefault(src, {})[input] = dest
def set_default_transition(self, src, dest):
self.defaults[src] = dest
def add_final_state(self, state):
def is_final(self, state):
return state in self.final_states
def next_state(self, src, input):
state_transitions = self.transitions.get(src, {})
return state_transitions.get(input, self.defaults.get(src, None))
def next_valid_string(self, input):
   state = self.start_state
   stack = []
  # Evaluate the DFA as far as possible
   print state
   for i, x in enumerate(input):
  print "%s" % input
  print 'e'
  stack.append((input[:i], state, x))
  state = self.next_state(state, x)
  if not state: break
  stack.append((input[:i+1], state, None))

if self.is_final(state):
 # Input word is already valid
 return input
  # Perform a 'wall following' search for the lexicographically
  # accepting state.
 while stack:
 path, state, x = stack.pop()
 x = self.find_next_edge(state, x)
 #print 'x'
if x:
  path += x
state = self.next_state(state, x)
  if self.is_final(state):
 print 'p'
 return path
 stack.append((path, state, None))
 print 'v'
 return None
def find_next_edge(self, s, x):
if x is None:
x = '\0'
x = chr(ord(x) + 1)
state_transitions = self.transitions.get(s, {})
 if x in state_transitions or s in self.defaults:
   return x
labels = sorted(state_transitions.keys())
pos = bisect.bisect_left(labels, x)
if pos < len(labels):
   print 'n'
   return labels[pos]
return None
def levenshtein_automata(self, term, k):
 print 's'
 nfa = NFA((0, 0))
 for i, c in enumerate(term):
for e in range(k + 1):
 # Correct ch

Re: [Tutor] Python 2.7.1 interpreter complains about NameError: global name 'levenshtein_automata' is not defined

2010-12-27 Thread Alan Gauld

"Frank Chang"  wrote

 Good morning, I am using Python 2.7.1 on Windows XP Service Pack 3. 
is the program where the Python interpreter complains about 

global name 'levenshtein_automata' is not defined.

The others have answered the specific question, however I think you
have another problem lurking:

def find_all_matches(self, word, k, lookup_func):
   lev = levenshtein_automata(word, k).to_dfa()
   match = lev.next_valid_string('\0')
   while match:
   next = lookup_func(match)
   if not next:

Here you return a None value

   if match == next:
 yield match
 next1 = next1 + '\0'
  match = lev.next_valid_string(next1)

length = len(list(testdfa.find_all_matches('food', 1, m)))  
line 174

And here you try to convert the return value to a list.
But list(None) will fail with a TypeError.
You should probably returm an empty string or raise an exception
and catch it in your main block.


Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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Re: [Tutor] Python 2.7.1 interpreter complains about NameError: global name 'levenshtein_automata' is not defined

2010-12-27 Thread bob gailer

See my comment following line 145:

On 12/27/2010 8:25 PM, Frank Chang wrote:
  Good morning, I am using Python 2.7.1 on Windows XP Service Pack 3. 
Here is the program where the Python interpreter complains about 
NameError: global name 'levenshtein_automata' is not defined.

 The python 2,7.1 error message is:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 174, in 
length = len(list(testdfa.find_all_matches('food', 1, m)))
  File "", line 145, in find_all_matches
lev = levenshtein_automata(word, k).to_dfa()
NameError: global name 'levenshtein_automata' is not defined
Here is the program. I have marked lines 174, 145 and 125.
import bisect
import random
class NFA(object):
 EPSILON = object()
 ANY = object()
 def __init__(self, start_state):
 self.transitions = {}
  self.final_states = set()
  self._start_state = start_state
 def start_state(self):
return frozenset(self._expand(set([self._start_state])))
 def add_transition(self, src, input, dest):
self.transitions.setdefault(src, {}).setdefault(input, 

 def add_final_state(self, state):
 def is_final(self, states):
return self.final_states.intersection(states)
 def _expand(self, states):
frontier = set(states)
while frontier:
   state = frontier.pop()
   new_states = self.transitions.get(state, {}).get(NFA.EPSILON, 

return states
 def next_state(self, states, input):
dest_states = set()
for state in states:
  state_transitions = self.transitions.get(state, {})
  dest_states.update(state_transitions.get(input, []))
  dest_states.update(state_transitions.get(NFA.ANY, []))
return frozenset(self._expand(dest_states))
 def get_inputs(self, states):
inputs = set()
for state in states:
   inputs.update(self.transitions.get(state, {}).keys())
return inputs
 def to_dfa(self):
   dfa = DFA(self.start_state)
   frontier = [self.start_state]
   seen = set()
   while frontier:
  current = frontier.pop()
  inputs = self.get_inputs(current)
  for input in inputs:
if input == NFA.EPSILON: continue
   new_state = self.next_state(current, input)
   if new_state not in seen:
  if self.is_final(new_state):
   if input == NFA.ANY:
  dfa.set_default_transition(current, new_state)
  dfa.add_transition(current, input, new_state)
   return dfa

class DFA(object):
def __init__(self, start_state):
self.start_state = start_state
self.transitions = {}
self.defaults = {}
self.final_states = set()
def add_transition(self, src, input, dest):
self.transitions.setdefault(src, {})[input] = dest
def set_default_transition(self, src, dest):
self.defaults[src] = dest
def add_final_state(self, state):
def is_final(self, state):
return state in self.final_states
def next_state(self, src, input):
state_transitions = self.transitions.get(src, {})
return state_transitions.get(input, self.defaults.get(src, None))
def next_valid_string(self, input):
state = self.start_state
stack = []
  # Evaluate the DFA as far as possible
print state
for i, x in enumerate(input):
   print "%s" % input
   print 'e'
   stack.append((input[:i], state, x))
   state = self.next_state(state, x)
   if not state: break
   stack.append((input[:i+1], state, None))

if self.is_final(state):
 # Input word is already valid
   return input
  # Perform a 'wall following' search for the 
lexicographically smallest

  # accepting state.
while stack:
  path, state, x = stack.pop()
  x = self.find_next_edge(state, x)
  #print 'x'
  if x:
 path += x
 state = self.next_state(state, x)
  if self.is_final(state):
print 'p'
return path
  stack.append((path, state, None))
print 'v'
return None
def find_next_edge(self, s, x):
 if x is None:
   x = '\0' # u'\0'
   x = chr(ord(x) + 1)
 state_transitions = self.transitions.get(s, {})
 if x in state_transitions or s in self.defaults:
return x
 labels = sorted(state_transitions.keys())
 pos = bisect.bisect_left(labels, x)
 if pos < len(labels):
print 'n'
return labels[pos]
 return None
def levenshtein_automata(self, term, k):# line 125 '
 nfa = NFA((0, 0))
 for i, c in enumerate(term):
for e in range(k + 1):
 # Correct character
 nfa.add_transition((i, e), c, (i + 1, e))
 if e < k:
   # Deletion
   nfa.add_transition((i, e), NFA.ANY, (i, e + 1))
   # Insertion
   nfa.add_transition((i, e), NFA.EPSILON, (i + 1, e + 1))

Re: [Tutor] Python 2.7.1 interpreter complains about NameError: global name 'levenshtein_automata' is not defined

2010-12-27 Thread Serdar Tumgoren
It appears that you've defined "levenshtein_automata" as a method on your
DFA class, but you did not reference the class instance in your call by
prefixing "self". Instead, you're trying to call a globally defined function
named "levenshtein_automata" -- which because it is not defined, is throwing
a NameError.

Try changing line 145 to the below and see if that resolves the issue:

lev = self.levenshtein_automata(word, k).to_dfa()  # line 145
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[Tutor] Python 2.7.1 interpreter complains about NameError: global name 'levenshtein_automata' is not defined

2010-12-27 Thread Frank Chang
  Good morning, I am using Python 2.7.1 on Windows XP Service Pack 3. Here
is the program where the Python interpreter complains about NameError:
global name 'levenshtein_automata' is not defined.

 The python 2,7.1 error message is:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 174, in 
length = len(list(testdfa.find_all_matches('food', 1, m)))
  File "", line 145, in find_all_matches
lev = levenshtein_automata(word, k).to_dfa()
NameError: global name 'levenshtein_automata' is not defined

Here is the program. I have marked lines 174, 145 and 125.

import bisect
import random
class NFA(object):
 EPSILON = object()
 ANY = object()
 def __init__(self, start_state):
 self.transitions = {}
  self.final_states = set()
  self._start_state = start_state
 def start_state(self):
return frozenset(self._expand(set([self._start_state])))
 def add_transition(self, src, input, dest):
self.transitions.setdefault(src, {}).setdefault(input, set()).add(dest)

 def add_final_state(self, state):
 def is_final(self, states):
return self.final_states.intersection(states)
 def _expand(self, states):
frontier = set(states)
while frontier:
   state = frontier.pop()
   new_states = self.transitions.get(state, {}).get(NFA.EPSILON,
return states
 def next_state(self, states, input):
dest_states = set()
for state in states:
  state_transitions = self.transitions.get(state, {})
  dest_states.update(state_transitions.get(input, []))
  dest_states.update(state_transitions.get(NFA.ANY, []))
return frozenset(self._expand(dest_states))
 def get_inputs(self, states):
inputs = set()
for state in states:
   inputs.update(self.transitions.get(state, {}).keys())
return inputs
 def to_dfa(self):
   dfa = DFA(self.start_state)
   frontier = [self.start_state]
   seen = set()
   while frontier:
  current = frontier.pop()
  inputs = self.get_inputs(current)
  for input in inputs:
if input == NFA.EPSILON: continue
   new_state = self.next_state(current, input)
   if new_state not in seen:
  if self.is_final(new_state):
   if input == NFA.ANY:
  dfa.set_default_transition(current, new_state)
  dfa.add_transition(current, input, new_state)
   return dfa

class DFA(object):
def __init__(self, start_state):
self.start_state = start_state
self.transitions = {}
self.defaults = {}
self.final_states = set()
def add_transition(self, src, input, dest):
self.transitions.setdefault(src, {})[input] = dest
def set_default_transition(self, src, dest):
self.defaults[src] = dest
def add_final_state(self, state):
def is_final(self, state):
return state in self.final_states
def next_state(self, src, input):
state_transitions = self.transitions.get(src, {})
return state_transitions.get(input, self.defaults.get(src, None))
def next_valid_string(self, input):
state = self.start_state
stack = []
  # Evaluate the DFA as far as possible
print state
for i, x in enumerate(input):
   print "%s" % input
   print 'e'
   stack.append((input[:i], state, x))
   state = self.next_state(state, x)
   if not state: break
   stack.append((input[:i+1], state, None))

if self.is_final(state):
 # Input word is already valid
   return input
  # Perform a 'wall following' search for the lexicographically
  # accepting state.
while stack:
  path, state, x = stack.pop()
  x = self.find_next_edge(state, x)
  #print 'x'
  if x:
 path += x
 state = self.next_state(state, x)
  if self.is_final(state):
print 'p'
return path
  stack.append((path, state, None))
print 'v'
return None
def find_next_edge(self, s, x):
 if x is None:
   x = '\0' # u'\0'
   x = chr(ord(x) + 1)
 state_transitions = self.transitions.get(s, {})
 if x in state_transitions or s in self.defaults:
return x
 labels = sorted(state_transitions.keys())
 pos = bisect.bisect_left(labels, x)
 if pos < len(labels):
print 'n'
return labels[pos]
 return None
def levenshtein_automata(self, term, k):# line 125 '
 nfa = NFA((0, 0))
 for i, c in enumerate(term):
for e in range(k + 1):
 # Correct character
 nfa.add_transition((i, e), c, (i + 1, e))
 if e < k:
   # Deletion
   nfa.add_transition((i, e), NFA.ANY, (i, e + 1))
   # Insertion
   nfa.add_transition((i, e), NFA.EPSILON, (i + 1, e + 1))
   # Substitution
   nfa.add_transition((i, e), NFA.ANY, (i + 1, e + 1))