Re: [Tutor] Command line scripts

2011-01-13 Thread David Hutto
As you can tell, I was excited, and impressed by my own work, and
therefore thought you should follow my wise and almighty work.
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Re: [Tutor] Command line scripts

2011-01-13 Thread David Hutto
On Thu, Jan 13, 2011 at 8:41 AM, David Hutto wrote:
 As you can tell, I was excited, and impressed by my own work, and
 therefore thought you should follow my wise and almighty work.

On the flip side, it's like being an electrician, and seeing the
lights come on when you hook the box up.
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Re: [Tutor] Command line scripts

2011-01-12 Thread David Hutto
On Sun, Jan 9, 2011 at 9:03 AM, ALAN GAULD wrote:

 The following line is what I mean by calling a  command line from within the
 using subprocess.

 self.espeak =  subprocess.Popen(['espeak', word],stdout  =

 OK, Now I understand.
 You want to call an external application from within your code
 via subprocess. And you want to know if that will work ok in a
 wxPython application?

  In other words,  is a command line app different from
  bindings in a compiled  app?

 When you call an app using subprocess it spawns an entirely
 separate process in the OS. There is no linkage to your process
 apart from the redirection of stdin/stdout/stderr back to your
 app instead of to a console.

  So-called exe generators simply bundle the interpreter  witrh
  the code and auto run it.

 So it's basically just installing  a sandbox version of python?

 Sort of, its a minimalist version of python with only the modules
 needed to run the app. And you can't run the interpreter on its
 own you can only run the packaged app.

 Which ultimately is, if I have a standalone  application, that doesn't
 come from a command line terminal launching(which I  haven't gotten to
 yet), is using the command line calls going through  subprocess going
 to be called without the terminal, or will it open a  terminal
 automatically to make those calls?

 The app (eSpeak in your example) will see your app as its console.
 That is, it will send all output to your app and read all input from your

I was thinking that since the app is called from the command line with
python(which is no different, than using any other command line
script-just like espeak 'word' - python, it would be go
back to the shell window it was spawned/called from through python and
utilize the command line there. Similar to how when I run the app, my
data can be through the app text/label fields, or, through the
terminal window itself.

 (so you need to make sure it gets any input it is expecting!)
 The other thing to watch in a wxPython (or any other GUI framework)
 is that if the app runs for a long time your app may freeze from
 the user's perspective, so you may want to run it in the background
 or as a separate thread in your app.

 Or will all of my python  apps need to have a command line terminal
 open to launch them.

 No, your app takes over the job of the terminal. When you launch
 a program from the terninal the terminal app(for it is just an app like
 any other) is doing the same as you, it is spawning a subprocess
 that sends its output back to the teminal for it to display.

 In fact you might find it a useful exercise to build a very basic terminal
 app in wxPython first. Read commands from a command input field
 and display the output in a text widget... Execute the commands
 via subprocess. Its a good way to get used to using subprocess
 and experimenting with its various options. If you are very keen
 you can start adding command history and search etc to it too...

I'll eventually get to the above(I have a lot of projects, some will
involve command line/subprocess:), but thanks for the explanation. I'm
guessing that something like cxfreezeI haven't looked it over
thoroughly) might be what I was looking for. Although in the end, it's
just for other to see your work, because most of my own apps are for
me personally, which might be a good thing.
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Re: [Tutor] Command line scripts

2011-01-12 Thread David Abbott
On Wed, Jan 12, 2011 at 9:29 PM, David Hutto wrote:
 On Sun, Jan 9, 2011 at 9:03 AM, ALAN GAULD wrote:

 The following line is what I mean by calling a  command line from within the
 using subprocess.

 self.espeak =  subprocess.Popen(['espeak', word],stdout  =

I came up with this as an example, I am still learning also :)


# wx python + espeak

from subprocess import call
import sys
import wx

class ESpeak(wx.Dialog):
def __init__(self, parent, id, title):
wx.Dialog.__init__(self, parent, id, title, size=(360, 370))

panel = wx.Panel(self, -1)
vbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
hbox1 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)

st1 = wx.StaticText(panel, -1, 'Enter Saying: ')

self.tc1 = wx.TextCtrl(panel, -1, size=(180, -1))

button_send = wx.Button(panel, 1, 'Say')

hbox1.Add(st1, 0, wx.LEFT, 10)
hbox1.Add(self.tc1, 0, wx.LEFT, 10)

vbox.Add(hbox1, 0, wx.TOP, 50)
vbox.Add(button_send, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER | wx.TOP | wx.TOP |
wx.BOTTOM, 100)

self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnSpeak, id=1)


def OnSpeak(self, event):
say = self.tc1.GetValue()
if say != :
espeak = /usr/bin/espeak
call([espeak, say])
dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, 'What did you say?', 'Error',
wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR)

app = wx.App()
ESpeak(None, -1, 'wxESpeak')

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Re: [Tutor] Command line scripts

2011-01-12 Thread David Hutto
I think it works great as an easy integration for the blind(although
I'm sure there is already a python module for that somewhere), as long
as they have espeak(or it can be easily adapted), but also if you just
like the ai feel of a voice in your apps.
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Re: [Tutor] Command line scripts

2011-01-12 Thread David Hutto
Although, I'd just go with a function that gets passed the text, that
way it was reusable, like the one I gave.
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Re: [Tutor] Command line scripts

2011-01-12 Thread David Hutto
Although, you did just that, didn't pay attention to the whole thing.
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Re: [Tutor] Command line scripts

2011-01-09 Thread ALAN GAULD

 The following line is what I mean by calling a  command line from within the 
 using subprocess.
 self.espeak =  subprocess.Popen(['espeak', word],stdout  =

OK, Now I understand. 
You want to call an external application from within your code 
via subprocess. And you want to know if that will work ok in a 
wxPython application?

  In other words,  is a command line app different from
  bindings in a compiled  app?

When you call an app using subprocess it spawns an entirely 
separate process in the OS. There is no linkage to your process 
apart from the redirection of stdin/stdout/stderr back to your 
app instead of to a console.

  So-called exe generators simply bundle the interpreter  witrh
  the code and auto run it.
 So it's basically just installing  a sandbox version of python?

Sort of, its a minimalist version of python with only the modules 
needed to run the app. And you can't run the interpreter on its 
own you can only run the packaged app.

 Which ultimately is, if I have a standalone  application, that doesn't
 come from a command line terminal launching(which I  haven't gotten to
 yet), is using the command line calls going through  subprocess going
 to be called without the terminal, or will it open a  terminal
 automatically to make those calls?

The app (eSpeak in your example) will see your app as its console. 
That is, it will send all output to your app and read all input from your 
app (so you need to make sure it gets any input it is expecting!)
The other thing to watch in a wxPython (or any other GUI framework) 
is that if the app runs for a long time your app may freeze from 
the user's perspective, so you may want to run it in the background 
or as a separate thread in your app.

 Or will all of my python  apps need to have a command line terminal
 open to launch them. 

No, your app takes over the job of the terminal. When you launch 
a program from the terninal the terminal app(for it is just an app like 
any other) is doing the same as you, it is spawning a subprocess 
that sends its output back to the teminal for it to display.

In fact you might find it a useful exercise to build a very basic terminal 
app in wxPython first. Read commands from a command input field 
and display the output in a text widget... Execute the commands 
via subprocess. Its a good way to get used to using subprocess 
and experimenting with its various options. If you are very keen 
you can start adding command history and search etc to it too...


Alan G.
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Re: [Tutor] Command line scripts

2011-01-08 Thread Alan Gauld

David Hutto wrote

If I use as command line script, is there any disruption in the
execution of the code using wxpython.

I don't understand the question.
wxPython is a GUI toolkit so how would you have a command
line script using wxPython? Or do you mean running a wxPython
GUI program from the command line? - that should work just fine.

In other words, is a command line app different from
bindings in a compiled app?

What kind of bindings?
And what do you mean by a compiled app?
Python is interpreted (or actually compiled to byte code
and the byte code is interpreted - but its the same principle).
So-called exe generators simply bundle the interpreter witrh
the code and auto run it.

And wxPython is irrelevant to that debate since it is just
a set of modules regardless of how you run it.

  @ trace
  def play(self, event = None, text = None):
  if event == None:
  self.textlist = []
  for item in text.split(' '):
  print self.textlist
  for word in self.textlist:
  self.espeak =
word], stdout =

  if event != None:
  self.textlist = []
  for item in 
self.text2speech.GetValue().split(' '):

  print self.textlist
  for word in self.textlist:
  self.espeak =
word], stdout =


Sorry, I'm missing the significance of this function?


Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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