Re: [Tutor] Difference between filter and map

2007-01-24 Thread Kent Johnson
vanam wrote:
 Yes i did a mistake in expressing my problem below are the instances of 
 the script and its corresponding output,for each instance its giving 
 contrasting result i want explanation for that

This has pretty much been explained already. Do you have some question 
with the explanation?

 [1]:def squ(n):
return n*n
  filter(squ,range(3))output is not seen on the interpreter
  map(squ,range(3))-output  not seen on the interpreter
 print filter(squ,range(3))-output is [1,2]
 print map(squ,range(3))--output is [0,1,4]
 [2]:def squ(n):
   y = n*n
   print y
   filter(squ,range(3))--Below is the output

Note that in a script, the results of function calls are not printed 
unless you explicitly ask for it with a print statement. So the output 
here is from the print y in squ(), it is not the result of filter().

   map(squ,range(3))--Below is the output

Again, this is just the output from print y

   print filter(squ,range(3))---Below is the output

This is the result from filter():
   print map(squ,range(3))--Below is the output

This is the result from map():
 I want to know why in each case its giving different results and diff 
 between filter and map

Please reread the previous replies, all of this is explained.


Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Difference between filter and map

2007-01-24 Thread Alan Gauld

vanam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote

 Yes i did a mistake in expressing my problem below are the instances 
 of the
 script and its corresponding output,for each instance its giving 
 result i want explanation for that
 [1]:def squ(n):
   return n*n

 filter(squ,range(3))output is not seen on the interpreter
 map(squ,range(3))-output  not seen on the interpreter

I don;t know why you aren't seeing the output, I would expect
more or less the same output as the next two lines.
What tool are you using? Is it IDLE or something else?

 print filter(squ,range(3))-output is [1,2]
 print map(squ,range(3))--output is [0,1,4]

The first one returns the actual items from the list where
squ(item) evaluates to Ture,  ie non zero. The first item (0)
squared is zero so it is not included - it is filtered out, leaving
1 and 2 as the only output.

The second one returns the result of passing each item
through squ()each item. So you get 0,1,4 which are the
squares of 0,1,2

 [2]:def squ(n):
  y = n*n
  print y

This function prrints the values then returns None (Python's
default return value) which is equivalent to False in a boolean

  filter(squ,range(3))--Below is the output

filter applies squ to each item. squ prints the square.
filter then returns an empty list since squ always returns
None, which is false, so all items are filtered out.
Why it is not printed by the interpreter I don't know.

  map(squ,range(3))--Below is the output

As above but this time map returns a list of 3 Nones.
Why it is not printed I don't know.

  print filter(squ,range(3))---Below is the output
  print map(squ,range(3))--Below is the output

Exactly as above except the output from the functions is
actually being printed.

 I want to know why in each case its giving different results and 
 between filter and map

Hopefully my explanation has made that clear.
Why the versions without print do not display the result of the
functions is a mystery.


Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site 

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Re: [Tutor] Difference between filter and map

2007-01-23 Thread Kent Johnson
vanam wrote:
 i want to know the difference between filter(function,sequence) and 
 map(function,sequence).I tried for a simple script with an function 
 which finds the square of the number,after including separately filter 
 and map in the script i am getting the same results for instance
 def squ(x):
  return x*x

Are you sure about that? I get

In [1]: def sq(x): return x*x

In [2]: filter(sq, range(3))
Out[2]: [1, 2]

In [3]: map(sq, range(3))
Out[3]: [0, 1, 4]

map(fn, lst) returns a new list with fn applied to each element of lst. 
In terms of list comprehensions, it is [ fn(x) for x in lst ].

filter(fn, lst) returns a new list containing all elements of the 
original list for which fn(x) is true. As a list comprehension, it is
[ x for x in lst if fn(x) ]


Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Difference between filter and map

2007-01-23 Thread vanam

ya i am sure about that i am using python editor which has python
intrepreter attached to it i got the same output for both filter and map
def squ(n):
  y = n*n
 print y
filter(y,range(3))-0  1 4
map(y,range(3))-0 1 4

On 1/23/07, Kent Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

vanam wrote:
 i want to know the difference between filter(function,sequence) and
 map(function,sequence).I tried for a simple script with an function
 which finds the square of the number,after including separately filter
 and map in the script i am getting the same results for instance
 def squ(x):
  return x*x

Are you sure about that? I get

In [1]: def sq(x): return x*x

In [2]: filter(sq, range(3))
Out[2]: [1, 2]

In [3]: map(sq, range(3))
Out[3]: [0, 1, 4]

map(fn, lst) returns a new list with fn applied to each element of lst.
In terms of list comprehensions, it is [ fn(x) for x in lst ].

filter(fn, lst) returns a new list containing all elements of the
original list for which fn(x) is true. As a list comprehension, it is
[ x for x in lst if fn(x) ]



Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Difference between filter and map

2007-01-23 Thread Danny Yoo

On Tue, 23 Jan 2007, vanam wrote:

 i want to know the difference between filter(function,sequence) and

Hi Vanam,

They may both take functions as input, but the intention of the functions 
is different.  In the case of filter(), the input function is used to cull 
the good elements of the sequence out.

 def starts_with_ab(word):
... return word[:2] == 'ab'
 filter(starts_with_ab, [abracadabra, open sesame, abraham lincoln]
... )
['abracadabra', 'abraham lincoln']

 i am getting the same results for instance
 def squ(x):
return x*x

This doesn't look right.  Please copy and paste exactly what you typed, 
and exactly what the program outputted.  You need to do this carefully or 
we can't reproduce what you see.

In fact, concretely, when you reply to Kent, you show a different 
definition of squ():

def squ(n):
y = n*n
print y

Be more careful next time.

In this case, squ() isn't even returning back a value, so you can't expect 
good things to come out of filter() and map(): filter and map depend on 
the input function actually giving values back.

What you're seeing on screen is the side-effects of calling squ() on 
every element.
Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Difference between filter and map

2007-01-23 Thread Kent Johnson
vanam wrote:
 ya i am sure about that i am using python editor which has python 
 intrepreter attached to it i got the same output for both filter and map
 def squ(n):
y = n*n
   print y
 filter(y,range(3))-0  1 4
 map(y,range(3))-0 1 4

This is quite different that what you posted the first time. This 
function squ() *prints* n*n but *returns* None (since it has no explicit 
return statement). The previous squ() actually returned n*n. But the 
results are still different if you look carefully:

In [2]: def sq(n):
...: y=n*n
...: print y

In [3]: map(sq, range(3))
Out[3]: [None, None, None]

The function sq() is called for each element of range(3) and prints the 
square. This is why 0, 1, 4 are printed. But the value returned from 
map() is the list [None, None, None] which is the accumulated return 
values from calling sq().

In [4]: filter(sq, range(3))
Out[4]: []

Here, sq() is still called for each element of range(3). Since the 
printing is from sq(), 0, 1 and 4 are still printed. But the return 
value is an empty list [] because None is not true so sq(n) is not true 
for any elements of range(3).


Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Difference between filter and map

2007-01-23 Thread Chris Calloway
vanam wrote:
 i want to know the difference between filter(function,sequence) and 

 print filter.__doc__
filter(function or None, sequence) - list, tuple, or string

Return those items of sequence for which function(item) is true.  If
function is None, return the items that are true.  If sequence is a
tuple or string, return the same type, else return a list.
 print map.__doc__
map(function, sequence[, sequence, ...]) - list

Return a list of the results of applying the function to the items of
the argument sequence(s).  If more than one sequence is given, the
function is called with an argument list consisting of the corresponding
item of each sequence, substituting None for missing values when not all
sequences have the same length.  If the function is None, return a list
of the items of the sequence (or a list of tuples if more than one

filter returns a subsequence of a sequence based on passing each item in
the sequence to a function which returns a *boolean context*. If the
returns value's boolean context is true, the item is placed in the new
subsequence. map returns a sequence of the same length based on the
return value of passing each item in the sequence to a function.

One literally filters a sequence. The other literally maps a sequence.

filter can return a tuple, string, or list. map only returns a list.

I tried for a simple script with an function
 which finds the square of the number,after including separately filter 
 and map in the script i am getting the same results for instance
 def squ(x):
  return x*x

The boolean context of the return value of squ is true for all items of
the sequence which you passed it in filter. Also, the filter you showed
above does *not* return [1,4]. It returns [1,2], which is every item in
range(1,3), because every item in that list passes the filter function's
  boolean context (is x*x true?).


Chris Calloway
office: 332 Chapman Hall   phone: (919) 962-4323
mail: Campus Box #3300, UNC-CH, Chapel Hill, NC 27599

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Difference between filter and map

2007-01-23 Thread Chris Calloway
vanam wrote:
 ya i am sure about that i am using python editor which has python 
 intrepreter attached to it i got the same output for both filter and map
 def squ(n):
y = n*n
   print y
 filter(y,range(3))-0  1 4
 map(y,range(3))-0 1 4

You are not printing the result of either the filter or map function 
here. You have the print statement embedded in squ. In fact you wouldn't 
print anything but a NameError exception here because you haven't passed 
filter or map a function, just an identifier which isn't in their scope:

  def squ(n):
...y = n*n
...print y
  filter(y, range(3))
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in ?
NameError: name 'y' is not defined

Also not, the function squ as defined here always returns None, so it is 
useless as either a filtering or mapping function. Printing a value is 
not the same as returning a value.


Chris Calloway
office: 332 Chapman Hall   phone: (919) 962-4323
mail: Campus Box #3300, UNC-CH, Chapel Hill, NC 27599

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Difference between filter and map

2007-01-23 Thread vanam

Yes i did a mistake in expressing my problem below are the instances of the
script and its corresponding output,for each instance its giving contrasting
result i want explanation for that
[1]:def squ(n):
  return n*n
filter(squ,range(3))output is not seen on the interpreter
map(squ,range(3))-output  not seen on the interpreter
print filter(squ,range(3))-output is [1,2]
print map(squ,range(3))--output is [0,1,4]

[2]:def squ(n):
 y = n*n
 print y
 filter(squ,range(3))--Below is the output
 map(squ,range(3))--Below is the output
 print filter(squ,range(3))---Below is the output
 print map(squ,range(3))--Below is the output
I want to know why in each case its giving different results and diff
between filter and map
On 1/23/07, Kent Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

vanam wrote:
 ya i am sure about that i am using python editor which has python
 intrepreter attached to it i got the same output for both filter and map
 def squ(n):
y = n*n
   print y
 filter(y,range(3))-0  1 4
 map(y,range(3))-0 1 4

This is quite different that what you posted the first time. This
function squ() *prints* n*n but *returns* None (since it has no explicit
return statement). The previous squ() actually returned n*n. But the
results are still different if you look carefully:

In [2]: def sq(n):
...: y=n*n
...: print y

In [3]: map(sq, range(3))
Out[3]: [None, None, None]

The function sq() is called for each element of range(3) and prints the
square. This is why 0, 1, 4 are printed. But the value returned from
map() is the list [None, None, None] which is the accumulated return
values from calling sq().

In [4]: filter(sq, range(3))
Out[4]: []

Here, sq() is still called for each element of range(3). Since the
printing is from sq(), 0, 1 and 4 are still printed. But the return
value is an empty list [] because None is not true so sq(n) is not true
for any elements of range(3).



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