Re: [Tutor] Functional Programming in Python

2015-04-04 Thread WolfRage

So I was surprised I did not get more feedback on my abused coroutine, 
maybe that is good or bad, not sure.
Any ways I am on to trying to make that coroutine act more like the 
State Pattern from Gang of Four. And well reading this:
I am not sure how to do this:
class Heroine
  virtual void handleInput(Input input)
state_-handleInput(*this, input);

  virtual void update()

  // Other methods...
  HeroineState* state_;

(Pointing to the different classes. Since C++ has virtual methods but 
Python does not?) in Python? Do I just reference the new method? Because 
state_ will always be the correct object?

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Re: [Tutor] Functional Programming in Python

2015-04-04 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Thu, Apr 02, 2015 at 12:18:28PM -0400, WolfRage wrote:
 These are just some questions that I have regarding the topic of 
 Functional Programming. I am working towards a more functional approach 
 to programming but acknowledge that it is far from Functional, 
 especially since this is mostly impossible in Python.

You might like to read this:

I'm not sure whether I agree with the author, but it's worth reading.

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Re: [Tutor] Functional Programming in Python

2015-04-04 Thread Dave Angel

On 04/04/2015 09:53 PM, WolfRage wrote:


(Pointing to the different classes. Since C++ has virtual methods but
Python does not?)

I'd say that all methods in Python are virtual, except for those which 
are classmethod or staticmethod.

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Re: [Tutor] Functional Programming in Python

2015-04-04 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sat, Apr 04, 2015 at 09:53:28PM -0400, WolfRage wrote:
 So I was surprised I did not get more feedback on my abused coroutine, 
 maybe that is good or bad, not sure.

Perhaps people didn't understand it. Or see it :-)

 Any ways I am on to trying to make that coroutine act more like the 
 State Pattern from Gang of Four. And well reading this:

Now you're fighting the paradigm. Functional programming works best for 
code that avoids side-effects. But changes of state are naturally a 
side-effect! I was sitting, now I am walking. It's still me, but my 
state is different.

Now of course you can emulate state changes using purely functional 
code, but its harder and less efficient.

 I am not sure how to do this:
 class Heroine
   virtual void handleInput(Input input)
 state_-handleInput(*this, input);
   virtual void update()
   // Other methods...
   HeroineState* state_;
 (Pointing to the different classes. Since C++ has virtual methods but 
 Python does not?) in Python? Do I just reference the new method? Because 
 state_ will always be the correct object?

Hmmm, I'm not sure, but I think that we would say that *all* Python 
methods are virtual in C++ terms. They are all resolved at runtime.

There are a few ways we might do this in Python.

class Heroine:
def __init__(self):
self.state = standing  # Or use an Enum in Python 3.4

def jump(self):
if self.state == standing:
self.state = jumping
elif self.state == jumping:

# Dispatch table of keys to actions.
KEYMAP = {'b': jump,
  'd': duck,
  'f': run,

def handle_keypress(self, key):
method = self.KEYMAP.get(key, None)
if method:

We look up the key press, and get a reference to the method itself, not 
the name of the method. (Or None.) We then call that method by providing 
self as the first argument. Nice and easy. It's so easy that I'm not 
sure if it's even worth discussing alternatives.

Another alternative might be to use delegation, or object composition. 
Give the Heroine class all the methods which don't change. For the 
methods which do change, create a separate FooState class for each 

class JumpingState:
def jump(self):

def duck(self):

class RunningState: 

class Heroine:
def __init__(self):
self.state = StandingState()

# Dispatch table of keys to method names.
KEYMAP = {'b': 'jump',
  'd': 'duck',
  'f': 'run',

def handle_keypress(self, key):
name = self.KEYMAP.get(key, None)
if name:
newstate = getattr(self.state, name)()
if newstate:
self.state = newstate()

Methods of the state object can signal a change of state by returning 
the class representing the new state. Otherwise, they can return None to 
signal no change of state.

Here is how we might do this using inheritence instead of composition. 
Start with a base class and a bunch of default methods which 
conditionally raise:

class BaseHeroine:

def jump(self):
if self.__class__ is BaseHeroine:
raise RuntimeError

def run(self):
if self.__class__ is BaseHeroine:
raise RuntimeError

def duck(self):
if self.__class__ is BaseHeroine:
raise RuntimeError

# Dispatch table of keys to method names.
KEYMAP = {'b': 'jump',
  'd': 'duck',
  'f': 'run',

def handle_keypress(self, key):
name = self.KEYMAP.get(key, None)
if name:
getattr(self.state, name)()

Now have a bunch of subclasses, one for each state. Override only the 
methods you need. (Remember, the default behaviour for each method is to 
do nothing, if called from a subclass. They only raise if called from 
the base class.)

class JumpHeroine(BaseHeroine):  ...

class StandHeroine(BaseHeroine):  ...

class RunHeroine(BaseHeroine): ...

Now create an instance, and set its state:

heroine = BaseHeroine()
heroine.__class__ = StandHeroine

State transitions are managed by *changing the instance's class*. 
Methods can do that themselves:

def spam(self):
self.__class__ = RunHeroine  # Don't instantiate the class.
print(Spam spam spam lovery spam)

Now, I haven't tested any of the above code, but here is a short and 
simple demonstration showing that it does work:

py class X:
... def display(self):
... print(in X)
... def method(self):
... self.display()
... print(self, type(self), self.__class__)
py class Y(X):
... def display(self):
... print(in Y)

Re: [Tutor] Functional Programming in Python

2015-04-02 Thread WolfRage

On 04/02/2015 03:08 PM, Tim Johnson wrote:

   You have already received valuable replies from two advanced
   python experts.
   If you are looking for a book (available digitally for kindle)
   I would recommend
   Guide To: Functional Python  Comprehension Constructs
 by Matt Harrison
Thanks I will look into this book. I have been reading a lot of articles 
on the topic lately.

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Re: [Tutor] Functional Programming in Python

2015-04-02 Thread WolfRage

On 04/02/2015 02:52 PM, Danny Yoo wrote:

This is not to say that closures are bad.  It's just to point out that
just because functional programs use closures quite a lot, doesn't
automatically mean closures are the most appropriate tool for
everything.  If there are parts of the language that already do the
sort of thing you're trying to accomplish, it might be good to reuse
those parts, rather than reinvent the universe.
I agree that closures are not the best tool for every job. And in the 
case of a callback based GUI they simply do not work, since execution 
needs to leave a function in order to run the GUI's main loop. Thus I 
abused a coroutine.

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Re: [Tutor] Functional Programming in Python

2015-04-02 Thread WolfRage

On 04/02/2015 02:07 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

What are the best practices to create more Functional Python?

Best practices:

* Don't force your code to use one style exclusively. Use the most
   natural style for the task. Python makes it easy to mix functional,
   procedural, imperative and object oriented code in the one
   application. Use whatever is most natural for your task.
Good point, but still trying to understand how this is best determined 
beyond trial and error, and to make sure that my assumptions are correct 
about this decision.

* Where possible, write your functions and methods in a functional
   style. That means:

- Avoid global variables.

I have got this down.

- Avoid side-effects where possible.

Now getting better at this.

- Separate the logic of your algorithm from the display of results (e.g.
   don't have a method that calculates a result AND prints it; have the
   method calculate the result, and then have the caller print it).

Need to always do this and do it first rather than during re-factoring.


- Many uses of map() and filter() are better written as generator
   expressions; e.g. instead of:
I now understand generators and I am now using them whenever I see the 

  filter(lambda s: s.lower().startswith(a), map(str, mylist))

   you can use:

  (str(x) for x in mylist if s.lower().startswith(a))

- Where useful, write your code to take advantage of pipelining
   style, e.g. using lazy iterators rather than lists. You can then chain
   iterators together to get the desired result.

Yes I have started to do this since seeing the power of pipe-lining.

What do you mean? Can you show an example?

I added an example in the reply to Alan.
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Re: [Tutor] Functional Programming in Python

2015-04-02 Thread WolfRage

On 04/02/2015 01:07 PM, Alan Gauld wrote:

I'm not sure what you mean is impossible? The specific issues
you are having or the general FP paradigm?
I mean achieving truely functional code, atleast to the extent of some 
of the things that I have read. But in general I do not need nor want 
any of those special features. I.E. single assignment, optimized tail 
call, etc.

Python has fairly good support for FP, much better than
most non-FP-specific languages.

I agree.

Everything goes in functions which do not change their inputs and return

I am getting better at this.

Use tools like itertools and functools to avoid explicit loops.

I am beginning to use them more.

What are your thoughts on Functional in Python?

It's good enough to use where the problem suits FP. It's no
more a pure FP language than it is a pure OOP language.
But in both cases you can get close enough for practical
purposes. What is your problem scenario that makes FP seem
like the best idiom?

Since I am making a game, three things got out of control.
1. Managing transitions and instances of objects between transitions. 
Like loading the Main Menu then starting a Game, then returning to the 
Menu and Starting a New Game, the old game was still hanging around in 
memory which becomes a problem on Phones.
2. Side effects have gotten out of hand, and so adding a feature often 
meant adding bugs.
3. Duplication of code got out of hand. Several functions doing similar 
things but slightly different. I turned this into pipe-lining to reduce 
out the different cases and eliminate the duplication.

But since it is a game the amount of state does make FP seem very 
difficult and thus the game is a mixture of OOP and FP, which I am glad 
to see people saying mix as needed.

Currently I am re-writing functions to reduce their side effects.

Good, nearly always the best way.

I am also removing the state from objects and putting it into a closure
type function.

That may or may not be a good idea. FP object handling can
get awfully messy and awfully inefficient.

However with callback based systems (GUI) this seemed impossible, so
instead I am abusing a coroutine to maintain the state of the

Trying to force a non-FP framework(eg a GUI)_ to work in an FP
way is usually an exercise in frustration.
Yeah, it took me awhile to think about what to do in this case. Thus I 
decided it was best to accept that the interface between the GUI and my 
code had to be more OOP.

But is it abuse or does it seem like a good way to handle the callback
system? The benefit to me at this time is limited, but any errors in
state are confined to a single location, which is nice.

That should be true in an OOP based system too. The whole point
of OOP is to contain and hide state (as opposed to eliminating it)
I think since I am mostly self taught I perhaps failed to learn this 
containment of state until recently. So before now it was fairly common 
for my state to be spread out amongst several objects. It seems hard for 
me to contain state in a OOP manor, just because it is so easy to use self.

What do you think about using a coroutine to handle state, how would you
do it better in a callback based system.

Without seeing how you are doing it we can't comment on *better*.
We need a baseline. Your approach may be brilliant, or it may
be awful, we can't tell.

Yeah probably not brilliant. More like hopefully not completely stupid.

But remember that there is no such thing as the perfect paradigm.
FP has many strengths but it has many weaknesses too. As does OOP.
Even procedural programming has advantages over OOP and FP in
some circumstances. By all means learn the paradigms, but don't get hung
up on any one. They all play a part.

Agreed. I am still trying to learn the right mixture.

The GUI is Kivy, but I could probably apply the same concept to QT.
Example of my Abused coroutine:

def coroutine(func):
# A decorator function that takes care of starting a coroutine
# automatically on call.
def start(*args, **kwargs):
cr = func(*args, **kwargs)
return cr
return start

def app_state(APP):
# APP =  # So you know what APP is.
while True:
signal = yield
# Pass if signal is None or less than 1.
if signal = 0 and signal  1:
pass  # Ignore this range
elif signal = 1 and signal  2:
if signal == 1.01:  # Load Main Menu
print('Load File for Displaying Main Menu')
# This acts as a callback with the benefit of yielding
# to Kivy's main loop.
kivy.clock.Clock.schedule_once(APP.signal, 0)
yield 1.02
print('Add Main Menu to ScreenManager.')
kivy.clock.Clock.schedule_once(APP.signal, 0)
yield 1.03
print('Start Music for Main Menu')

Re: [Tutor] Functional Programming in Python

2015-04-02 Thread Tim Johnson
* WolfRage [150402 11:45]:
 On 04/02/2015 03:08 PM, Tim Johnson wrote:
You have already received valuable replies from two advanced
python experts.
If you are looking for a book (available digitally for kindle)
I would recommend
Guide To: Functional Python  Comprehension Constructs
  by Matt Harrison
 Thanks I will look into this book. I have been reading a lot of articles 
 on the topic lately.
  Harrison really focuses on List Comprehension as the idiomatic
  pythonist approach. He's very clear and concise as this eternal
  noob can readily understand him. I hope you find it edifying.

tim at tee jay forty nine dot com or akwebsoft dot com,
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Re: [Tutor] Functional Programming in Python

2015-04-02 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Thu, Apr 02, 2015 at 03:36:17PM -0400, WolfRage wrote:
 On 04/02/2015 02:07 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 What are the best practices to create more Functional Python?
 Best practices:
 * Don't force your code to use one style exclusively. Use the most
natural style for the task. Python makes it easy to mix functional,
procedural, imperative and object oriented code in the one
application. Use whatever is most natural for your task.

 Good point, but still trying to understand how this is best determined 
 beyond trial and error, and to make sure that my assumptions are correct 
 about this decision.

Practice and experience!

 * Where possible, write your functions and methods in a functional
style. That means:
 - Avoid global variables.

 I have got this down.

Just for the record, not all use of globals is bad. In my previous 
reply to Danny, I gave an example of late binding for a default 
parameter. In general, global constants, or near constants (e.g. you 
write to the variable once when your application starts up, perhaps 
after reading the value from a config file) are acceptable.

 - Avoid side-effects where possible.

 Now getting better at this.

In object-oriented code, side-effects of course refers to side-effects 
outside of the object itself. An object is allowed to manipulate its own 

However, even in OO code, it is very useful to avoid side-effects. For 
example, the object might be immutable, so once it is initialised it 
cannot be changed. Even if your object is mutable, you should cleanly 
separate mutator methods which can modify the object from side-effect 
free methods which do not.

E.g. it is okay for list.sort() to mutate the list, but list.index() 
should not!

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Re: [Tutor] Functional Programming in Python

2015-04-02 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Thu, Apr 02, 2015 at 11:52:40AM -0700, Danny Yoo wrote:
  What are your thoughts on Functional in Python?
  Currently I am re-writing functions to reduce their side effects.
  I am also removing the state from objects and putting it into a closure
  type function.
  That doesn't remove state, it just moves it to a different place.
  However, encapsulating state inside a closure, or an object, it often
  the most effective and natural way to deal with a problem. Better than
  passing around long and confusing numbers of variables!
 Theoretically, I'd agree with this.  But engineering-wise, I'd
 recommend explicit structures or objects if possible when representing

Yes, I agree! Hence my comment about encapsulating state inside a 
closure *or an object* rather than keeping your application state in 
your head, passing around vast numbers of variables only because some 
other part of your application needs them...

 Let's make this concrete.  If we want to represent a coordinate, a
 pair of numbers, we could use raw closures for this...
 def pair(x, y):
 def dispatch(msg):
 if msg == 'x':
  return x
 if msg == 'y':
  return y
 return dispatch
 p = pair(3, 4)
 print p('x')
 print p('y')
 And this works!
 But there's already a feature in the language that does this kind of
 class pair(object):
 def __init__(self, x, y):
 self.x, self.y = x, y
 p = pair(3, 4)
 print p.x
 print p.y
 This is something that folks expect and is well supported and understood.

Precisely. I was thinking more along the idea of using closures, or 
functools.partial, for encapsulating state in this way. Suppose we start 
with two global variables:

def greet():
print %s, %s!  % (greeting, name)

greeting = Salutations
name = Danny


Yuck. The obvious fix is to turn the globals into parameters:

def greet(greeting, name):
print %s, %s!  % (greeting, name)

and pass in the greeting and name you need. And for many purposes that 
is exactly the solution you need.

But... sometimes you don't want to have to manually keep track of this 
greeting variable just for the sake of passing it on to the greet() 
function. There are lots of solutions to that problem:

# Early binding default value.
def greet(name, greeting=Salutations):
print %s, %s!  % (greeting, name)

# Late binding default value.
GREETING = Salutations
def greet(name, greeting=None):
if greeting is None:
greeting = GREETING
print %s, %s!  % (greeting, name)

# An object is overkill, but let's do it anyway
class Greeter:
def __init__(self, greeting):
self.greeting = greeting
def greet(self, name):
print %s, %s!  % (self.greeting, name)

mygreeter = Greeter(Salutations)

Or we can use a closure:

def make_greeter(greeting):
def greet(name):
print %s, %s!  % (greeting, name)
return greet

greet = make_greeter(Salutations)

 This is not to say that closures are bad.  It's just to point out that
 just because functional programs use closures quite a lot, doesn't
 automatically mean closures are the most appropriate tool for
 everything.  If there are parts of the language that already do the
 sort of thing you're trying to accomplish, it might be good to reuse
 those parts, rather than reinvent the universe.


That's the beauty of Python: you can mix paradigms in the one piece of 
code. The downside of this is that it reduces the opportunities for many 
compile-time optimizations (e.g. the compiler cannot know for sure that 
any function is free of side-effects) but that's often an acceptable 
price to pay.

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Re: [Tutor] Functional Programming in Python

2015-04-02 Thread Tim Johnson
* WolfRage [150402 08:25]:
 These are just some questions that I have regarding the topic of 
 Functional Programming. I am working towards a more functional approach 
 to programming but acknowledge that it is far from Functional, 
 especially since this is mostly impossible in Python.
 What are the best practices to create more Functional Python?
 What are your thoughts on Functional in Python?
 Currently I am re-writing functions to reduce their side effects.
 I am also removing the state from objects and putting it into a closure 
 type function.
 However with callback based systems (GUI) this seemed impossible, so 
 instead I am abusing a coroutine to maintain the state of the application.
 But is it abuse or does it seem like a good way to handle the callback 
 system? The benefit to me at this time is limited, but any errors in 
 state are confined to a single location, which is nice.
 What do you think about using a coroutine to handle state, how would you 
 do it better in a callback based system.
 Thank you for your insights.
  You have already received valuable replies from two advanced
  python experts. 
  If you are looking for a book (available digitally for kindle)
  I would recommend 
  Guide To: Functional Python  Comprehension Constructs 
by Matt Harrison
tim at tee jay forty nine dot com or akwebsoft dot com,
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Re: [Tutor] Functional Programming in Python

2015-04-02 Thread Alan Gauld

On 02/04/15 17:18, WolfRage wrote:

to programming but acknowledge that it is far from Functional,
especially since this is mostly impossible in Python.

I'm not sure what you mean is impossible? The specific issues
you are having or the general FP paradigm?

Python has fairly good support for FP, much better than
most non-FP-specific languages.

What are the best practices to create more Functional Python?

Everything goes in functions which do not change their inputs and return 

Use tools like itertools and functools to avoid explicit loops.

What are your thoughts on Functional in Python?

It's good enough to use where the problem suits FP. It's no
more a pure FP language than it is a pure OOP language.
But in both cases you can get close enough for practical
purposes. What is your problem scenario that makes FP seem
like the best idiom?

Currently I am re-writing functions to reduce their side effects.

Good, nearly always the best way.

I am also removing the state from objects and putting it into a closure
type function.

That may or may not be a good idea. FP object handling can
get awfully messy and awfully inefficient.

However with callback based systems (GUI) this seemed impossible, so
instead I am abusing a coroutine to maintain the state of the application.

Trying to force a non-FP framework(eg a GUI)_ to work in an FP
way is usually an exercise in frustration.

But is it abuse or does it seem like a good way to handle the callback
system? The benefit to me at this time is limited, but any errors in
state are confined to a single location, which is nice.

That should be true in an OOP based system too. The whole point
of OOP is to contain and hide state (as opposed to eliminating it)

What do you think about using a coroutine to handle state, how would you
do it better in a callback based system.

Without seeing how you are doing it we can't comment on *better*.
We need a baseline. Your approach may be brilliant, or it may
be awful, we can't tell.

But remember that there is no such thing as the perfect paradigm.
FP has many strengths but it has many weaknesses too. As does OOP.
Even procedural programming has advantages over OOP and FP in
some circumstances. By all means learn the paradigms, but don't get hung 
up on any one. They all play a part.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

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