Re: [Tutor] Help Noob Question

2014-03-28 Thread spir

On 03/28/2014 02:17 AM, Alan Gauld wrote:

On 27/03/14 21:01, Chris “Kwpolska” Warrick wrote:

On Mar 27, 2014 8:58 PM, Alan Gauld wrote:
  On 27/03/14 06:43, Leo Nardo wrote:
  Im on windows 8 and i need to open a file called that is on
  my desktop,
  Thats your first problem. Its usually a bad idea to store your python
code on the desktop, because the desktop is a pain to find from a
command line.

Painful? How painful can `cd Desktop` be? Certainly less than `D:`
followed by `cd PythonProjects`…

Because the desktop is hardly ever anywhere near where the cmd prompt lands you.

So cd desktop usually results in an error and typing the full path (even with
directory completion, Mark) is a royal pain because
you have to remember where it is. There is no ~ shortcut in Windows.
On my system that means typing something like:

C:\Documents and Settings\alang\Desktop

Can't you make a symlink pointing to Desktop? (in C:\ or anywhere else)

or some such nonsense, complete with spaces in the path that add
to the pain.

Now I probably could use something like cd %HOMEPATH% to get to what Windows
laughingly considers my 'home' directory and then find it
from there but even so its not always obvious depending on the
windows version and the install options used. And of course if
the file happens to be on the all users Desktop looking in my
local Desktop doesn't help.

I find it much easier to know where my Python code lives from wherever I happen
to find myself in the labrynthian file system that is Windows.

Well, all filesystems are labyrinthians, AFAIK (at least, for people like me who 
cannot learn by heart). I never know where things are are, in my box (Linux), 
apart from my own home.


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Re: [Tutor] Help Noob Question

2014-03-28 Thread Mark Lawrence

On 28/03/2014 01:17, Alan Gauld wrote:

On 27/03/14 21:01, Chris “Kwpolska” Warrick wrote:

On Mar 27, 2014 8:58 PM, Alan Gauld wrote:
  On 27/03/14 06:43, Leo Nardo wrote:
  Im on windows 8 and i need to open a file called that
is on
  my desktop,
  Thats your first problem. Its usually a bad idea to store your python
code on the desktop, because the desktop is a pain to find from a
command line.

Painful? How painful can `cd Desktop` be? Certainly less than `D:`
followed by `cd PythonProjects`…

Because the desktop is hardly ever anywhere near where the cmd prompt
lands you.

So cd desktop usually results in an error and typing the full path (even
with directory completion, Mark) is a royal pain because
you have to remember where it is. There is no ~ shortcut in Windows.

The point is you type it once and then rerun the command from the run 
prompt.  How can anything be easier?

On my system that means typing something like:

C:\Documents and Settings\alang\Desktop

or some such nonsense, complete with spaces in the path that add
to the pain.

Now I probably could use something like cd %HOMEPATH% to get to what
Windows laughingly considers my 'home' directory and then find it
from there but even so its not always obvious depending on the
windows version and the install options used. And of course if
the file happens to be on the all users Desktop looking in my
local Desktop doesn't help.

I find it much easier to know where my Python code lives from wherever I
happen to find myself in the labrynthian file system that is Windows.

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask 
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence

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Re: [Tutor] Help Noob Question

2014-03-28 Thread Alan Gauld

On 28/03/14 09:28, spir wrote:

On 03/28/2014 02:17 AM, Alan Gauld wrote:

you have to remember where it is. There is no ~ shortcut in Windows.
On my system that means typing something like:

C:\Documents and Settings\alang\Desktop

Can't you make a symlink pointing to Desktop? (in C:\ or anywhere else)

You could, and that would help a little. But the problem on Windows is 
that what appears on the Desktop *display* is an amalgam of (up to 3?) 
different folders in the file system. So just because you see an icon on 
the 'desktop' doesn't mean you actually know which folder it is in.

Secondly this correlation between desktop folder and desktop display 
means that's a bad place to store python files since every file you 
create will add to the clutter of icons on your display. In my python 
projects file I have over 100 small test files. That would be a

lot of icons messing up my screen.

So because of a combination of:
a) path complexity,
b) the disconnect between display and physical location and
c) the correlation between files and displayed icons
I recommend not using the desktop to store python files.

Of course everyone is free to ignore this recommendation,
it's just my experience/opinion. :-)

Well, all filesystems are labyrinthians

Yes but Windows is much more so because of the disconnect
between how it displays things in visual tools and how it
stores things on the disk (and the fact that it has multiple
disks often with partially duplicated file structures!)
Very few things wind up in one place only. For a user,
this is ameliorated by the use of Libraries to group
folders with similar content, but they only serve to
make life even harder for the programmer!

[Even worse is the iPad with its insistance on storing
files with the app that last worked on them. A moving
target indeed, even assuming you can find the files in
the first place. Stupid decision.]

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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Re: [Tutor] Help Noob Question

2014-03-28 Thread Chris “Kwpolska” Warrick
On Fri, Mar 28, 2014 at 2:17 AM, Alan Gauld wrote:
 On 27/03/14 21:01, Chris “Kwpolska” Warrick wrote:
 Painful? How painful can `cd Desktop` be? Certainly less than `D:`
 followed by `cd PythonProjects`…

 Because the desktop is hardly ever anywhere near where the cmd prompt lands

I just tested on my Windows 7 box.  It got me to C:\Users\Kwpolska.
`cd Desktop` is enough.
I also tested on a third-party’s XP box.  C:\Documents and
Settings\[username].  `cd Desktop`, too (though it’s

Does not look far from the desktop, does it?

Well, the only places where this might not work are Administrator
prompts in Vista-and-newer (which there is NO REAL REASON to use for
Python) — or possibly some ultra-crazy corporate environments (but you
should not be learning Python there — and if you are working there,
you know how to work with the command line/Windows/source control
already).  Or, of course, systems where you changed something and it
is not your profile directory — but it’s your doing.  So, it’s pretty
much the home directory everywhere you should be concerned with.

 you have to remember where it is. There is no ~ shortcut in Windows.
 On my system that means typing something like:

 C:\Documents and Settings\alang\Desktop

or just cd %USERPROFILE%.  Different drives would make you jump to
%HOMEDRIVE% and then to %HOMEPATH%.

 Can't you make a symlink pointing to Desktop? (in C:\ or anywhere else)

 You could, and that would help a little. But the problem on Windows is that
 what appears on the Desktop *display* is an amalgam of (up to 3?) different
 folders in the file system. So just because you see an icon on the 'desktop'
 doesn't mean you actually know which folder it is in.

But, for user-created files, it always goes to %USERPROFILE%/Desktop.

 Secondly this correlation between desktop folder and desktop display means
 that's a bad place to store python files since every file you create will
 add to the clutter of icons on your display. In my python projects file I
 have over 100 small test files. That would be a
 lot of icons messing up my screen.

Create a folder on the desktop, or even in the home directory.  A much
nicer place than the drive root — and a much modern way to store it
(drive root sounds DOS-y)

Chris “Kwpolska” Warrick
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Re: [Tutor] Help Noob Question

2014-03-28 Thread Walter Prins
Hi Leo,

On 27 March 2014 08:43, Leo Nardo wrote:
 Im on windows 8 and i need to open a file called that is on my
 desktop, in both the interpreter and notepad++, so that i can work on it. I
 already have it open in notepad, but for the life of me cannot figure out
 how to open it in the interpreter. Invalid syntax is the error message when
 i type in python into the interpreter! maybe a dumb
 question but i would appreciate the help for sure. thanks :)

I know a lot's been said already, but nothwithstanding, here's my
answer to your question(s):

You need to type


into a Windows command prompt, not directly into a running Python interpreter.

For that command to work as shown, at least 2 things need to be true:
1) The Python interpreter (python.exe) must be on the system PATH (so
the operating system will be able to locate it)
2) The file must be in the Current Directory (folder) of
the Windows command prompt. This is the path location displayed in the
prompt to the left of the cursor.

A simple way to open a command prompt with the current directory set
to a known location, is to open a Windows file explorer window, then
browse to the folder you'd like a command prompt in, then overtype the
address in the explorer window with cmd and press Enter.  This
little feature makes it trivial to open command prompts in any chosen
folder as needed. (Note: This feature is only available in Windows 7
and higher.)

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Re: [Tutor] Help Noob Question

2014-03-28 Thread David Rock
* Chris “Kwpolska” Warrick [2014-03-28 16:27]:
 Create a folder on the desktop, or even in the home directory.  A much
 nicer place than the drive root — and a much modern way to store it
 (drive root sounds DOS-y)

I'll have to disagree with this statement. Dropping all your files in
you Desktop directory puts all the files ON the Desktop, which quickly
becomes a mess.  Regardless of whether it's a new directory at the base,
or a new directory under your User directory, you should at least have a
dedicated directory to put the files.  I'm not discussing the merits of
one place over the other, just that simple organization is a good thing.

Put it wherever you want, but at least keep it organized.  Dropping
everything in Desktop is not organized.

David Rock
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Re: [Tutor] Help Noob Question

2014-03-28 Thread Alan Gauld

On 28/03/14 15:27, Chris “Kwpolska” Warrick wrote:

On Fri, Mar 28, 2014 at 2:17 AM, Alan Gauld wrote:

Because the desktop is hardly ever anywhere near where the cmd prompt lands

I just tested on my Windows 7 box.  It got me to C:\Users\Kwpolska.
`cd Desktop` is enough.
I also tested on a third-party’s XP box.  C:\Documents and
Settings\[username].  `cd Desktop`, too (though it’s

Does not look far from the desktop, does it?

True when you first open the DOS box, but not after you've been using it 
for a while. I usually find I've moved around several folders and even 
several disks.

Python) — or possibly some ultra-crazy corporate environments (but you
should not be learning Python there — and if you are working there,
you know how to work with the command line/Windows/source control

Both are true for me, and a large part of why I wouldn't put stuff on 
the desktop. For example my desktop was made up of my personal desktop, 
the PC all-user desktop and the corporate shared desktop (only when 
connected to the corporate network). Knowing which files/icons

belonged to which location was a nightmare.

or just cd %USERPROFILE%.  Different drives would make you jump to
%HOMEDRIVE% and then to %HOMEPATH%.

Which is true for files I create but not for other users of the PC or 
for shared desktops. And its still a lot to type compared to Unix (~) or 
using a drive root.

Can't you make a symlink pointing to Desktop? (in C:\ or anywhere else)

You could, and that would help a little. But the problem on Windows is that
what appears on the Desktop *display* is an amalgam of (up to 3?) different
folders in the file system. So just because you see an icon on the 'desktop'
doesn't mean you actually know which folder it is in.

But, for user-created files, it always goes to %USERPROFILE%/Desktop.

But which user? It may not be me that created the file.
And I may have deliberately copied/saved it to one of
the shared desktops a long time ago and forgotten.

Create a folder on the desktop, or even in the home directory.

I agree a folder is more sensible and avoids the icon overkill but
the OP specifically had his *file* on the desktop.

nicer place than the drive root — and a much modern way to store it
(drive root sounds DOS-y)

I accept that but its still the shortest absolute path to type
on Windows! And if you are a programmer typing is what you wind
up doing a lot of!

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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Re: [Tutor] Help Noob Question

2014-03-27 Thread David Palao
What do you mean by open it in the interpreter?
Do you want to open it and read from it its content? or do you want to
execute its python code within the interpreter?

2014-03-27 7:43 GMT+01:00 Leo Nardo
 Im on windows 8 and i need to open a file called that is on my
 desktop, in both the interpreter and notepad++, so that i can work on it. I
 already have it open in notepad, but for the life of me cannot figure out
 how to open it in the interpreter. Invalid syntax is the error message when
 i type in python into the interpreter! maybe a dumb
 question but i would appreciate the help for sure. thanks :)

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Re: [Tutor] Help Noob Question

2014-03-27 Thread Mark Lawrence

On 27/03/2014 08:55, David Palao wrote:

What do you mean by open it in the interpreter?
Do you want to open it and read from it its content? or do you want to
execute its python code within the interpreter?

2014-03-27 7:43 GMT+01:00 Leo Nardo

Im on windows 8 and i need to open a file called that is on my
desktop, in both the interpreter and notepad++, so that i can work on it. I
already have it open in notepad, but for the life of me cannot figure out
how to open it in the interpreter. Invalid syntax is the error message when
i type in python into the interpreter! maybe a dumb
question but i would appreciate the help for sure. thanks :)

Please don't top post on this list.

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask 
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence

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Re: [Tutor] Help Noob Question

2014-03-27 Thread Ben Finney
Leo Nardo writes:

 Im on windows 8 and i need to open a file called that is on
 my desktop, in both the interpreter and notepad++, so that i can work
 on it.

It's not clear what you want. What does it mean to you for a Python
program to be “open in the interpreter”?

You have opened the file in a text editor, which is fine; the editor
presents the file contents for you to edit and save.

There isn't really an equivalent with the Python interactive
interpreter. It takes its input from you typing at the console.

Do you mean “import the module”? That executes the module and makes it
available in a distinct namespace. But it doesn't seem to be quite what
you're asking.

Do you mean “run the module as a program”? That is done
*non*-interactively, so you don't do it at the interactive Python
interpreter. Instead, you do it by issuing a command at your operating
system's command prompt.

 I already have it open in notepad, but for the life of me cannot
 figure out how to open it in the interpreter.

Welcome to the forum :-) Hopefully you can make clearer what it is you
want to do.

 \“Intellectual property is to the 21st century what the slave |
  `\  trade was to the 16th.” —David Mertz |
_o__)  |
Ben Finney

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Re: [Tutor] Help Noob Question

2014-03-27 Thread Dave Angel
 Leo Nardo Wrote in message

 Im on windows 8 and i need to open a file called that is on my 
desktop, in both the interpreter and notepad++, so that i can work on it. I 
already have it open in notepad, but for the life of me cannot figure out how 
to open it in the interpreter. Invalid syntax is the error message when i type 
in python into the interpreter! maybe a dumb question but i 
would appreciate the help for sure. thanks :)
(Please post in text mode, not html. Sometimes html is a pain on a
 text mailing list like this one. )

I'm assuming you're asking how to *run* your script.
 First you need a shell prompt.  For
Windows,  that's cmd.exe, which you usually get by opening a DOS box.

Then at the cmd prompt, you type

That will start the interpreter,  import the script,  run the
 script,  and exit the interpreter. 


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Re: [Tutor] Help Noob Question

2014-03-27 Thread Alan Gauld

On 27/03/14 06:43, Leo Nardo wrote:

Im on windows 8 and i need to open a file called that is on
my desktop,

Thats your first problem. Its usually a bad idea to store your python 
code on the desktop, because the desktop is a pain to find from a 
command line.

Instead create a folder at the top level of a disk - if you have
a D drive then D:\PythonProjects or some such name.

Move your file into that folder

Then you can start a CMD shell window by hitting Windows-R
and typing cmd into the dialog that opens.
That should open a CMD shell(aka DOS box) with a prompt like:


or similar

At that prompt type

python D:\PythonProjects\

And your file should run, display any output (or errors)
and stop.

error message when i type in python into the

You never type 'python' into the Python interpreter.
You run python propgrams by typing 'python' into your 
Operating system shell(CMD.exe on windows)

You can also run them by double clicking the file in Windows
explorer but that often results in a DOS box opening, the code
running and the DOS box closing again too fast for you to see
anything. So opening the DOS box in advance as described
above is usually better.

Get used to using the OS command line, programmers tend
to use it a lot. (In fact you might want to create a
shortcut on your desktop/start screen to open it...)  :-)

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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Re: [Tutor] Help Noob Question

2014-03-27 Thread Chris “Kwpolska” Warrick
On Mar 27, 2014 8:58 PM, Alan Gauld wrote:

 On 27/03/14 06:43, Leo Nardo wrote:

 Im on windows 8 and i need to open a file called that is on
 my desktop,

 Thats your first problem. Its usually a bad idea to store your python
code on the desktop, because the desktop is a pain to find from a command

Painful? How painful can `cd Desktop` be? Certainly less than `D:` followed
by `cd PythonProjects`…

Chris “Kwpolska” Warrick
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Re: [Tutor] Help Noob Question

2014-03-27 Thread Mark Lawrence

On 27/03/2014 19:56, Alan Gauld wrote:

On 27/03/14 06:43, Leo Nardo wrote:

Im on windows 8 and i need to open a file called that is on
my desktop,

Thats your first problem. Its usually a bad idea to store your python
code on the desktop, because the desktop is a pain to find from a
command line.

I disagree with this.  From the run prompt I use cmd /F:ON /T:02 /K cd 

/F:ON   Enable file and directory name completion characters
/T:fg   Sets the foreground/background colors
/K  Carries out the command specified by string

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask 
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence

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Re: [Tutor] Help Noob Question

2014-03-27 Thread Alan Gauld

On 27/03/14 21:01, Chris “Kwpolska” Warrick wrote:

On Mar 27, 2014 8:58 PM, Alan Gauld wrote:
  On 27/03/14 06:43, Leo Nardo wrote:
  Im on windows 8 and i need to open a file called that is on
  my desktop,
  Thats your first problem. Its usually a bad idea to store your python
code on the desktop, because the desktop is a pain to find from a
command line.

Painful? How painful can `cd Desktop` be? Certainly less than `D:`
followed by `cd PythonProjects`…

Because the desktop is hardly ever anywhere near where the cmd prompt 
lands you.

So cd desktop usually results in an error and typing the full path (even 
with directory completion, Mark) is a royal pain because

you have to remember where it is. There is no ~ shortcut in Windows.
On my system that means typing something like:

C:\Documents and Settings\alang\Desktop

or some such nonsense, complete with spaces in the path that add
to the pain.

Now I probably could use something like cd %HOMEPATH% to get to what 
Windows laughingly considers my 'home' directory and then find it

from there but even so its not always obvious depending on the
windows version and the install options used. And of course if
the file happens to be on the all users Desktop looking in my
local Desktop doesn't help.

I find it much easier to know where my Python code lives from wherever I 
happen to find myself in the labrynthian file system that is Windows.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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