Re: [Tutor] Python structure advice ?

2004-12-17 Thread Dave S
Kent Johnson wrote:
Dave S wrote:
Separate modules is good. Separate directories for anything
other than big programs (say 20 or more files?) is more hassle
than its worth. The files are better kept in a single directory
IMHO. The exception being modules designed for reuse...
It just makes life simpler!

Ive tried to be hyper organized and added my dirs in
This works OK but I sometimes have to search around a bit to find 
where the modules are.

Probarby part of the problem is I tend to write lots of small 
modules, debug them & then import them into one controlling script, 
It works OK but I start to drown in files, eg my live_datad contains ...   gg ftsed.e3p  valid_day.pyc
exact_sleep.pyc  garbage_collect.pyc  gg ftsed.e3s  html_strip.pyc

When I get more experienced I will try & write fewer, bigger modules :-)

It's just a guess from the filenames, but it looks like your 
live_datad package (directory) contains everything needed by 
Spot on
I would like to suggest a different organization.
I tend to organize packages around a single functional area, and by 
looking at the dependencies of the modules in the package on other 

For example, in my current project some of the packages are:
- common.util - this is a catchall for modules that are not specific 
to this application, and don't depend on any other packages
- common.db - low-level database access modules
- - application-specific database access - the data objects 
and data access objects that the application works with
- cb.import - modules that import legacy data into the application
- cb.writer - modules that generate files
- cb.gui - GUI components
- - application-level drivers and helpers

I have been getting in a muddle,, strips HTML, mines for 
data & when it finds specific patterns returns a dictionary containing them.

However I also use one of its functions in a utility 
reading in archived semi-processed HTML files.  This cross dependance 
has occured several times and is getting messy, yours is an interesting 
approach, Its started me thinking...

Anyway, the point is, if you organize your modules according to what 
they do, rather than by who uses them, you might make a structure that 
is less chaotic.

Tutor maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Tutor maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Tutor] Python structure advice ?

2004-12-17 Thread Dave S
Alan Gauld wrote:
1) batch oriented - each step of the process produces its own
output file or data structure and this gets picked up by the
next stage. Tis usually involved processing data in chunks
- writing the first dump after every 10th set of input say.

I see your point, like a static chain, one calling the next &


data, the problem being that the links of the chain will need to
remember their previous state when called again, so their output is


function of previous data + fresh data. I guess their state could be
written to a file, then re-read.

Yes. Just to expand: the typical processing involves three files:
1) the input which is the output of the preceding stage
2) the output which will form input to the next stage
3) the job log. This will contain references to any input data
items that failed to process - typically these will be manually
inspected, corrected and a new file created and submitted at the
end of the batch run.
BUT 3) will also contain the sequence number of the last file and/or
last data item processed so that when the next cycle runs it knows
where to start. It is this belt and braces approach to data
processing and error recovery that makes mainframes so reliable,
not just the hardware, but the whole culture there is geared to
handling failure and being able to *recover* not just report on it.
After all its the mainframes where the really mission critical
software of any large enterprise runs!
As an ex Unix head I learned an awful lot about reliable computing
from the 18 months I spent working on a mainframe project. These
guys mostly live in a highly specialised microcosm of their own
but they have learned a lot of powerful tricks over the last 40
years that the rest of us ignore at our peril. I strongly
recommend that anyone who gets the chance of *a short* contract
in mainframe land, with training, to grab the opportunity with
both hands!
< Steps off soapbox now :-) >
Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor


You get on that soapbox whenever you want :-) , its good to hear a range 
of views !

Tutor maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Tutor] Python structure advice ?

2004-12-17 Thread Alan Gauld
> >1) batch oriented - each step of the process produces its own
> >output file or data structure and this gets picked up by the
> >next stage. Tis usually involved processing data in chunks
> >- writing the first dump after every 10th set of input say.
> >
> I see your point, like a static chain, one calling the next &
> data, the problem being that the links of the chain will need to
> remember their previous state when called again, so their output is
> function of previous data + fresh data. I guess their state could be
> written to a file, then re-read.

Yes. Just to expand: the typical processing involves three files:
1) the input which is the output of the preceding stage
2) the output which will form input to the next stage
3) the job log. This will contain references to any input data
items that failed to process - typically these will be manually
inspected, corrected and a new file created and submitted at the
end of the batch run.

BUT 3) will also contain the sequence number of the last file and/or
last data item processed so that when the next cycle runs it knows
where to start. It is this belt and braces approach to data
processing and error recovery that makes mainframes so reliable,
not just the hardware, but the whole culture there is geared to
handling failure and being able to *recover* not just report on it.
After all its the mainframes where the really mission critical
software of any large enterprise runs!

As an ex Unix head I learned an awful lot about reliable computing
from the 18 months I spent working on a mainframe project. These
guys mostly live in a highly specialised microcosm of their own
but they have learned a lot of powerful tricks over the last 40
years that the rest of us ignore at our peril. I strongly
recommend that anyone who gets the chance of *a short* contract
in mainframe land, with training, to grab the opportunity with
both hands!

< Steps off soapbox now :-) >

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

Tutor maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Tutor] Python structure advice ?

2004-12-17 Thread Alan Gauld
> For what it's worth, it seems to me to be perfectly normal to have
> classes that are only ever intended to have a single instance.  For
> example, you're never likely to need more than one HTML parser, and
> yet htmllib.HTMLParser is a class...

That's true but the argument for a class in that case is that we
can subclass it for more specialized purposes. If there is only
to be a single instance and it will not be specialized by sub
classing then a simple module will do the job just nicely.

> As Kent said, the main point of a class is that you have a
> of data and operations on that data bundled together.

Dunno if I'd agree that that was the *main point* of classes,
the main point I'd say was to act as a template for objects.
The fact that there might only be one instance is a side issue.

But creating classes that only have a single instance is certainly
OK, after all the original design patterns book by the GoF has a
singleton pattern to ensure that only one oinstance can be created!

> "I want lots of things like this", as it is a declaration of
> modularity -- "This stuff all belongs together as a unit".

So use a module... Python is blessed with both constructs and
we should use whichever is most appropriate. IMHO of course! :-)

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

Tutor maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Tutor] Python structure advice ?

2004-12-17 Thread Kent Johnson
Dave S wrote:
Separate modules is good. Separate directories for anything
other than big programs (say 20 or more files?) is more hassle
than its worth. The files are better kept in a single directory
IMHO. The exception being modules designed for reuse...
It just makes life simpler!

Ive tried to be hyper organized and added my dirs in
This works OK but I sometimes have to search around a bit to find where 
the modules are.

Probarby part of the problem is I tend to write lots of small modules, 
debug them & then import them into one controlling script, It works OK 
but I start to drown in files, eg my live_datad contains ...   gg ftsed.e3p  valid_day.pyc
exact_sleep.pyc  garbage_collect.pyc  gg ftsed.e3s  html_strip.pyc

When I get more experienced I will try & write fewer, bigger modules :-)
It's just a guess from the filenames, but it looks like your live_datad package (directory) contains 
everything needed by I would like to suggest a different organization.

I tend to organize packages around a single functional area, and by looking at the dependencies of 
the modules in the package on other packages.

For example, in my current project some of the packages are:
- common.util - this is a catchall for modules that are not specific to this application, and don't 
depend on any other packages
- common.db - low-level database access modules
- - application-specific database access - the data objects and data access objects that the 
application works with
- cb.import - modules that import legacy data into the application
- cb.writer - modules that generate files
- cb.gui - GUI components
- - application-level drivers and helpers

Anyway, the point is, if you organize your modules according to what they do, rather than by who 
uses them, you might make a structure that is less chaotic.

Tutor maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Tutor] Python structure advice ?

2004-12-17 Thread Dave S
Jeff Shannon wrote:
Dave S wrote:
Kent Johnson wrote:
Why do you say this is 'cheaty'? A class is basically a collection 
of data (state) and functions to operate on that state.

Sorry for the delay, real world work got in the way ...
Well I understand classes to be used when multiple instances are 
required, I will only need one instance and as such it seemed a bit 
of a cheat, The trouble is I now pretty well understand the tools, 
but don't know how you guys use them in the real world.

For what it's worth, it seems to me to be perfectly normal to have 
classes that are only ever intended to have a single instance.  For 
example, you're never likely to need more than one HTML parser, and 
yet htmllib.HTMLParser is a class...
Well if its good enough for a Python lib ...
As Kent said, the main point of a class is that you have a collection 
of data and operations on that data bundled together.  Whether you 
have one set of data to operate on, or many such sets, is mostly 
irrelevant (though classes are even more valuable when there *are* 
many sets of data).  Defining a class isn't so much a statement that 
"I want lots of things like this", as it is a declaration of 
modularity -- "This stuff all belongs together as a unit".

OK Im a reformed ('L' plate programmer) its going to be classes :-)
Jeff Shannon
Credit International
Tutor maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Tutor maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Tutor] Python structure advice ?

2004-12-17 Thread Dave S
Sorry for the delay, real world work took me away ...
everything was global, how you guys handle a modern structured

Don't worry this is one of the hardest bad habits to break.
You are not alone. The easiest way is to just pass the data
from function to function in the function parameters. Its not
at all unusual for functions to have lots of parameters, "global"
programmers tend to panic when they have more than a couple,

yep !
but its not at all bad to have 5 or 6 - more than that gets
unweildy I admit and is usually time to start thinking about
classes and objects.

I have ended up with my application in several separate directories.

Separate modules is good. Separate directories for anything
other than big programs (say 20 or more files?) is more hassle
than its worth. The files are better kept in a single directory
IMHO. The exception being modules designed for reuse...
It just makes life simpler!

Ive tried to be hyper organized and added my dirs in
This works OK but I sometimes have to search around a bit to find where 
the modules are.

Probarby part of the problem is I tend to write lots of small modules, 
debug them & then import them into one controlling script, It works OK 
but I start to drown in files, eg my live_datad contains ...   gg ftsed.e3p  valid_day.pyc
exact_sleep.pyc  garbage_collect.pyc  gg ftsed.e3s  html_strip.pyc

When I get more experienced I will try & write fewer, bigger modules :-)

My problem is that pretty much all the modules need to fix where


are when they exit and pick up from that point later on,

There are two "classic" approaches to this kind of problem:
1) batch oriented - each step of the process produces its own
output file or data structure and this gets picked up by the
next stage. Tis usually involved processing data in chunks
- writing the first dump after every 10th set of input say.
This is a very efficient way of processing large chuinks of
data and avoids any problems of synchronisation since the
output chunks form the self contained input to the next step.
And the input stage can run ahead of the processing or the
processing aghead of the input. This is classic mainframe
strategy, ideal for big volumes. BUT it introduces delays
in the end to end process time, its not instant.

I see your point, like a static chain, one calling the next & passing 
data, the problem being that the links of the chain will need to 
remember their previous state when called again, so their output is a 
function of previous data + fresh data. I guess their state could be 
written to a file, then re-read.

2) Real time serial processing, typically constructs a
processing chain in a single process. Has a separate thread
reading the input data 

Got that working live_datad ...
and kicks off a separate processing
thread (or process) for each bit of data received. Each
thread then processes the data to completion and writes
the output.
A third process or thread then assembles the
outputs into a single report.

Interesting ...
This produces results quickly but can overload the computer
if data starts to arrive so fast that the threads start to
back up on each other. Also error handling is harder since
with the batch job data errors can be fixed at the
intermediate files but with this an error anywhere means
that whole data processing chain will be broken with no way
to fix it other than resubmitting the initial data.

An interesting idea, I had not thought of this approach as an option 
even with its stated drawbacks. Its given me an idea for some scripting 
I have to do later on ...

With my code now running to a few hundred lines
(Don't laugh this is BIG for me :-D )

Its big for me in Python, I've only writtenone program with
more than a thousand lines of Python wheras I've written
many C/C++ programs in ecess of 10,000 lines 

Boy am I glad I chose to learn Python rather than C++, probarbly still 
be at 'hello world' ;-)

and worked
on several of more than a million lines. But few if any
Python programs get to those sizes.
Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor


Tutor maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Tutor] Python structure advice ?

2004-12-17 Thread Jeff Shannon
Dave S wrote:
Kent Johnson wrote:
Why do you say this is 'cheaty'? A class is basically a collection of 
data (state) and functions to operate on that state.

Sorry for the delay, real world work got in the way ...
Well I understand classes to be used when multiple instances are 
required, I will only need one instance and as such it seemed a bit of a 
cheat, The trouble is I now pretty well understand the tools, but don't 
know how you guys use them in the real world.
For what it's worth, it seems to me to be perfectly normal to have 
classes that are only ever intended to have a single instance.  For 
example, you're never likely to need more than one HTML parser, and 
yet htmllib.HTMLParser is a class...

As Kent said, the main point of a class is that you have a collection 
of data and operations on that data bundled together.  Whether you 
have one set of data to operate on, or many such sets, is mostly 
irrelevant (though classes are even more valuable when there *are* 
many sets of data).  Defining a class isn't so much a statement that 
"I want lots of things like this", as it is a declaration of 
modularity -- "This stuff all belongs together as a unit".

Jeff Shannon
Credit International
Tutor maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Tutor] Python structure advice ?

2004-12-17 Thread Dave S
Kent Johnson wrote:
Dave S wrote:
Dave S wrote:
The 'remembering where is was' seems a continuous stumbling block 
for me. I have though of coding each module as a class but this 
seems like a cheat. I could declare copious globals, this seems 
messy, I could define each module as a thread & get them talking via 
queues, given this serious thought but heeded warning in previous 
posts. I have thought about returning an list of saved 'pointers' 
which would be re-submitted when the function is called. I don't 
know which way to turn.

Having written this email, it has put my thoughts in order, though it 
seems a bit cheaty, wouldn't defining all modules that have to 
remember their internal state as classes be the best bet ?


Why do you say this is 'cheaty'? A class is basically a collection of 
data (state) and functions to operate on that state.
Sorry for the delay, real world work got in the way ...
Well I understand classes to be used when multiple instances are 
required, I will only need one instance and as such it seemed a bit of a 
cheat, The trouble is I now pretty well understand the tools, but don't 
know how you guys use them in the real world.

You might be interested in this essay:

I found this particularly usefull,
It might well make sense to organize your program as a collection of 
cooperating classes, or maybe a collection of classes with a top-level 
function that stitches them all together.

Yes, this is the way I see things progressing, from 20,000ft this makes 
a lot of sense.

You might also want to learn about iterator classes and generator 
functions, they are a technique for returning a bit of data at a time 
while maintaining state. You might be able to structure your input 
stage as an iterator or generator.
I remeber iterators from 'learning python', I was concerned about 
several modules all 'having a iterator' to the next, debuging would be 
scary ! I think I will go the class route.

Tutor maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Tutor maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Tutor] Python structure advice ?

2004-12-16 Thread Alan Gauld
> Having written this email, it has put my thoughts in order, though
> seems a bit cheaty, wouldn't defining all modules that have to
> their internal state as classes be the best bet ?

Its one solution certainly, creeate objects and the objects carry
their state with them. But the problem can be tackled as per my
earlier post without delving into the world of objects.

Alan G.

Tutor maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Tutor] Python structure advice ?

2004-12-16 Thread Alan Gauld
> everything was global, how you guys handle a modern structured
> language

Don't worry this is one of the hardest bad habits to break.
You are not alone. The easiest way is to just pass the data
from function to function in the function parameters. Its not
at all unusual for functions to have lots of parameters, "global"
programmers tend to panic when they have more than a couple,
but its not at all bad to have 5 or 6 - more than that gets
unweildy I admit and is usually time to start thinking about
classes and objects.

> I have ended up with my application in several separate directories.

Separate modules is good. Separate directories for anything
other than big programs (say 20 or more files?) is more hassle
than its worth. The files are better kept in a single directory
IMHO. The exception being modules designed for reuse...
It just makes life simpler!

> My problem is that pretty much all the modules need to fix where
> are when they exit and pick up from that point later on,

There are two "classic" approaches to this kind of problem:

1) batch oriented - each step of the process produces its own
output file or data structure and this gets picked up by the
next stage. Tis usually involved processing data in chunks
- writing the first dump after every 10th set of input say.
This is a very efficient way of processing large chuinks of
data and avoids any problems of synchronisation since the
output chunks form the self contained input to the next step.
And the input stage can run ahead of the processing or the
processing aghead of the input. This is classic mainframe
strategy, ideal for big volumes. BUT it introduces delays
in the end to end process time, its not instant.

2) Real time serial processing, typically constructs a
processing chain in a single process. Has a separate thread
reading the input data and kicks off a separate processing
thread (or process) for each bit of data received. Each
thread then processes the data to completion and writes
the output. A third process or thread then assembles the
outputs into a single report.

This produces results quickly but can overload the computer
if data starts to arrive so fast that the threads start to
back up on each other. Also error handling is harder since
with the batch job data errors can be fixed at the
intermediate files but with this an error anywhere means
that whole data processing chain will be broken with no way
to fix it other than resubmitting the initial data.

> With my code now running to a few hundred lines
> (Don't laugh this is BIG for me :-D )

Its big for me in Python, I've only writtenone program with
more than a thousand lines of Python wheras I've written
many C/C++ programs in ecess of 10,000 lines and worked
on several of more than a million lines. But few if any
Python programs get to those sizes.


Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

Tutor maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Tutor] Python structure advice ?

2004-12-16 Thread Kent Johnson
Dave S wrote:
Dave S wrote:
The 'remembering where is was' seems a continuous stumbling block for 
me. I have though of coding each module as a class but this seems like 
a cheat. I could declare copious globals, this seems messy, I could 
define each module as a thread & get them talking via queues, given 
this serious thought but heeded warning in previous posts. I have 
thought about returning an list of saved 'pointers' which would be 
re-submitted when the function is called. I don't know which way to turn.

Having written this email, it has put my thoughts in order, though it 
seems a bit cheaty, wouldn't defining all modules that have to remember 
their internal state as classes be the best bet ?

Why do you say this is 'cheaty'? A class is basically a collection of data (state) and functions to 
operate on that state.

You might be interested in this essay:
It might well make sense to organize your program as a collection of cooperating classes, or maybe a 
collection of classes with a top-level function that stitches them all together.

You might also want to learn about iterator classes and generator functions, they are a technique 
for returning a bit of data at a time while maintaining state. You might be able to structure your 
input stage as an iterator or generator.

Tutor maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Tutor] Python structure advice ?

2004-12-16 Thread Dave S
Dave S wrote:
Im sorry to bang on about Python structure, but I do struggle with it, 
having in the past got into very bad habits with loads of BASIC where 
everything was global, and Forth, and hand coded 8031, 8051, 6502  
I cant get my head round how you guys handle a modern structured 
language :-)
(PS before anyone flames me - I think Python is great and am 
determined to learn it ;-) )

I have ended up with my application in several separate directories.
I have 'live_datad' a demon that extracts web data, at preset times 
and archives it, this will be run as a thread, and possible using a 
queue ... (still digesting info from query about IPCing)

I have a 'data_core' which accepts data from either live_datad real 
time or the archive for testing, it builds up a large multi 
dimensional array with various pointers into the array.

I have a statistical module 'data_stats' which analises the array 
pulling various stats.

And finally I have an analytical module 'data_predict' which using the 
output from 'data_stats' & data directly from the 'data_core' outputs 
statistical predictions of future data.

I have written my 'live_datad', I have written my 'data_core' & have a 
fairly good idea how to write the rest.

My problem is that pretty much all the modules need to fix where they 
are when they exit and pick up from that point later on, ie more data 
comes from live_datad, it is passed to 'data_core' which updates the 
matrix, then 'data_stats' then 'data_predict'  all called form the 
main script.  This OK till the main script realizes that more data is 
avalible from 'live_datad', passes it to 'data_core' which must 
remember where it was and move on, and the same for the rest of the 
modules. To make the problem more acute the modules may not be called 
in exactly the same order depending on what I am trying to achieve.

The 'remembering where is was' seems a continuous stumbling block for 
me. I have though of coding each module as a class but this seems like 
a cheat. I could declare copious globals, this seems messy, I could 
define each module as a thread & get them talking via queues, given 
this serious thought but heeded warning in previous posts. I have 
thought about returning an list of saved 'pointers' which would be 
re-submitted when the function is called. I don't know which way to turn.

With my code now running to a few hundred lines (Don't laugh this is 
BIG for me :-D ) I am going to have to make a structure decision and 
any suggestions would be appreciated.

How would you approach it ?

Tutor maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Having written this email, it has put my thoughts in order, though it 
seems a bit cheaty, wouldn't defining all modules that have to remember 
their internal state as classes be the best bet ?

Tutor maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]