Re: [Tutor] Shortening the code of a finsihed program.

2011-11-25 Thread Alan Gauld

On 26/11/11 00:07, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

Its usually better to paste long programs into a pastebin web site and
give us a link.

I'd just like to say that some of us disagree with this advice. Some
people (e.g. me) often read their where getting access to a browser is
less convenient.

Its true there are downsides to every option.

Even a 200 line program isn't that big, it's only about 6K.

That adds up if you are reading on a  3G smartphone with a 100M data 
limit or paying by the byte. And attachments don't help there.

Plus many email gateways block all attachments as a security measure.

is so large that syntax highlighting becomes particularly useful, then
chances are it's too long and people won't read it regardless.

I find syntax highlighting useful even in very short snippets of code, 
but I agree it's better to just keep the code sample short and post it 

And I do take the point that pastebins are short lived and so unless the 
replies incorporate the defective code snippets its lost to the archive.

Nonetheless I personally prefer a pastebin posting to a long mail 
listing with no highlighting and often defective indenting. as I say 
there is no perfect solution to long posts other than to shorten them

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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Re: [Tutor] Shortening the code of a finsihed program.

2011-11-25 Thread Steven D'Aprano

Hello Mic,

Mic wrote:

Its usually better to paste long programs into a pastebin web site and
give us a link.
This saves cluttering up people mail with long messages, and also the
pastebin rendering will usually be easier to read with syntax coloring 

Please keep a attribution line when quoting people directly. Even 
something simple like "Fred wrote" will do.

Alright. Sorry if I should know this, but what is a pastebin web site 
and how do

I paste my program into a pastebin web site?

Here's one:

But as I've just written in another post, please don't use it :)

While its perfectly legal Python to create a class inside a method its
very unusual in practice and very restricting in the use of the class.
Its nearly always better to declare all your classes at the top level of
the program.

Why is it restricting?

Because generally speaking, if you define a class inside a function (or 
method), you can't use it *except* inside that function or method.

class K:
def method(self, x):
class Q:

instance = Q()

This doesn't work because Q is not visible from the outside of K.method. 
Sometimes this is what you want; generally it is not.

I don't know much about tkinter, so I will avoid commenting about your code.

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Re: [Tutor] Shortening the code of a finsihed program.

2011-11-25 Thread Steven D'Aprano

Alan Gauld wrote:

On 24/11/11 16:20, Mic wrote:

and then try to put these parts togheter into a large program, I decided
to post my entire program.

Its usually better to paste long programs into a pastebin web site and 
give us a link.
This saves cluttering up people mail with long messages, and also the 
pastebin rendering will usually be easier to read with syntax coloring etc.

I'd just like to say that some of us disagree with this advice. Some 
people (e.g. me) often read their where getting access to a browser is 
less convenient. More importantly, many pastebin sites are short-term 
only, after some weeks the bin disappears and the code is lost, which 
destroys the archival value of the post.

If your code snippet is short, say, less than two dozen lines, there's 
no need to using a pastebin, just include it in your post in-line. More 
than that, you should attach it to the post as an attachment, as a .txt 
or .py file. Under no circumstances use your mail client's "rich text", 
colours or multiple fonts.

Even a 200 line program isn't that big, it's only about 6K. If your code 
is so large that syntax highlighting becomes particularly useful, then 
chances are it's too long and people won't read it regardless. We're 
volunteers doing free support, but there are limits to how much code 
we're going to wade through if it doesn't interest us personally.

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Re: [Tutor] Shortening the code of a finsihed program.

2011-11-25 Thread Alan Gauld

On 25/11/11 21:14, Mic wrote:

Alright. Sorry if I should know this, but what is a pastebin web site
and how do I paste my program into a pastebin web site?

A web site that you can paste stuff and then provide a link(url) that 
others can use to view it.

You can usually specify the code style and it will apply syntax coloring 
for you.

Try a google search for free pastebin...

As an example I've pasted your code from this message at:

Take a look and you will see what I mean.

While its perfectly legal Python to create a class inside a method its
very unusual in practice and very restricting in the use of the class.

Why is it restricting?

Because the class is only available inside the function. You cannot 
create objects of that class anywhere outside the class.

So I figured I could post it here (short code) and ask you a couple of
questions regarding the code:

import tkinter as tk
from functools import partial

def button_clicked(button):
   if button["bg"] == "green":
   button.configure(bg="red", text="01")
   button.configure(bg="green", text="01")

Note you are setting text to '01' in every case. Thats probably not what 
you want?

def create_widgets(self):
list_chair=[(0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 3), (0, 4), (1,0)]
for row, column in list_chair:
   button = tk.Button(self)
   command = partial(button_clicked, button)
   button["command"] = command
   button.grid(row=row, column=column)

As stated above this will result in every chair being green
and having the text '01' It would be better to put the initial colour 
and text in your data list and configure each button directly:

def create_widgets(self):
 list_chair=[(0, 0, '01'), (0, 1, '02'),
 (0, 3, '03'), (0, 4, '04'),
 (1, 0, '05')]
 for row, column, name in list_chair:
command = partial(button_clicked, button)
button = tk.Button(self, color='green',
   command=command, text=name)
button.grid(row=row, column=column)

Incidentally, This is what I mentioned early on in the
discussion about using a data table to create your widgets.

root = tk.Tk()
app = Window(root)

--When the first button is pressed I want a file to be created with the
name Germany_France_1.
The text in the file should be Germany_France_1.
If/When the button is pressed again it should delete the file.

Lets get the initial UI set up correctly first.
Once we have done that we can worry about adding the functionality.

This is one of the good habits in programming. Do it step by step. Get 
one thing working first before trying to add more features. Its a lot 
easier to debug code when you know what you changed to stop it working.

Do you have any idea on how I can accomplish this? I reached the
conclusion that it should be easy to do so since it was so easy

> to create so many buttons in so little amount of code.

Yes, but lets get the UI all done first, then we can add the button 

You should only ever have one Tk() object in a Tkinter program.

Why is that?

Because thats how Tkinter expects to work! It builds a tree of all the 
windows and widgets in your program. If you have two trees in the same 
program it can get very confused about which widget is doing what to 
which other widgets, especially if they wind up in different trees!.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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Re: [Tutor] Shortening the code of a finsihed program.

2011-11-25 Thread Mic

Its usually better to paste long programs into a pastebin web site and
give us a link.
This saves cluttering up people mail with long messages, and also the
pastebin rendering will usually be easier to read with syntax coloring etc.

Alright. Sorry if I should know this, but what is a pastebin web site and 
how do

I paste my program into a pastebin web site?

While its perfectly legal Python to create a class inside a method its
very unusual in practice and very restricting in the use of the class.
Its nearly always better to declare all your classes at the top level of
the program.

Why is it restricting?

Because you post lost all the formatting, I'm not sure where this code
is supposed to sit... This is again where a pastebin would help.

Oh, now I understand why I shouldn't post like this. My apologize, won't 
happen again.

And this is repeating all the bad habits from your original posts. If
you adopt the ChairButton class approach all of this becomes much
clearer and simpler.

I got a really good tip earlier on in the thread how I could make my program
dramatically shorter. I have tried to implement a couple of things I need
into that piece of code, but I cannot get it to work.

So I figured I could post it here (short code) and ask you a couple of 

regarding the code:

import tkinter as tk
from functools import partial

def button_clicked(button):
   if button["bg"] == "green":
   button.configure(bg="red", text="01")

   button.configure(bg="green", text="01")

class Window(tk.Frame):
   def __init__(self, master):
   super (Window, self).__init__(master)

   def create_widgets(self):
   list_chair=[(0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 3), (0, 4), (1,0)]
   for row, column in list_chair:
   button = tk.Button(self)
   command = partial(button_clicked, button)
   button["command"] = command
   button.grid(row=row, column=column)

root = tk.Tk()
app = Window(root)


--I want the first button to be created to have the text "1". The second 
should have the text "2".

 The third the text "3" and so on.

--When the first button is pressed I want a file to be created with the name 

  The text in the file should be Germany_France_1.
  If/When the button is pressed again it should delete the file.

 When the second button is pressed I want a file to be created with the 
name Germany_France_2.

  The text in the file should be Germany_France_2.
  If/When the button is pressed again it should delete the file.

 When the third button is pressed I want a file to be created with the name 

  The text in the file should be Germany_France_3.
  If/When the button is pressed again it should delete the file.

Do you have any idea on how I can accomplish this? I reached the conclusion 
that it should be
easy to do so since it was so easy to create so many buttons in so little 
amount of code.

However, to my dismay, I have tried this entire evening without success. It 
feels like I am so close
to shorten my program from 2k+ lines of code to maybe 250 at most, but still 
so far away.

You should only ever have one Tk() object in a Tkinter program.

Why is that?

And again you should only have one mainloop running, otherwise things
would get very confusing with events winding up in the wrong windows
event queue etc.

Alright, my teacher never mentioned that when he examined my program.
Thanks for your input! Your help is as always appreciated and my apologize
for making confusing posts!


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Re: [Tutor] Shortening the code of a finsihed program.

2011-11-24 Thread Alan Gauld

On 24/11/11 16:20, Mic wrote:

and then try to put these parts togheter into a large program, I decided
to post my entire program.

Its usually better to paste long programs into a pastebin web site and 
give us a link.
This saves cluttering up people mail with long messages, and also the 
pastebin rendering will usually be easier to read with syntax coloring etc.

achieve. I apologize if my English is flawed, but I hope it is

Your English is excellent and no barrier to understanding what you are 
trying to do.

#Importing necessary modules.
from tkinter import*
import os



You already got some help on how to avoid these global variables by 
creating a subclass of Button. These then become two attributes of the 
new ChairButton class

#Creates the Main Menu Window.
class Main_Menu_Window(Frame):
   def __init__(self,master):

   #Creates the widgets in the window.
   def create_mainmenu_widgets(self):

  self.instructions=Label(self, text="Welcome to our online booking system")

  self.to_booking_window=Button(self, text="Book/Unbook your ticket",

  self.exit_program=Button(self, text="Exit Program",

   #Creates a method that quits the program if the user presses the button
   "Exit Program"
   def exit_program(self):

   #Creates a new window where you book your tickets if you press the
   # button "Book/Unbook your ticket".
   def book_unbookmode(self):
   class BookOrUnbookTicketWindow(Frame):

While its perfectly legal Python to create a class inside a method its 
very unusual in practice and very restricting in the use of the class. 
Its nearly always better to declare all your classes at the top level of 
the program.

  def __init__(self,master):

 #Creates widgets to place in the BookOrUnBookTicketWindow.
 def create_book_unbookmode_widgets(self):
 self.instructions_bookticket=Label(self, text="""To book a chair, 
on a green chair. It then turns red, which means that you have booked
the chair.
if you wish to unbook your chair, press the red button once. It will
then turn green, which means that you have unbooked
your ticket, and the chair is now bookable again.""")

#Creates two chairs. It should be more, but this is just used as an
example. To get more chairs, this code in the section below
#this comment will need to be shortened somehow, otherwise the code
would be way too long.

Because you post lost all the formatting, I'm not sure where this code 
is supposed to sit... This is again where a pastebin would help.

self.chair1=Button(self, bg=chair1_color, text="01",

self.chair2=Button(self, bg=chair2_color, text="02",

def chair1_clicked(self):
""" This method runs if chair one is clicked"""

def change_chair1_value():
global chair1_value
chair1_value=not chair1_value

And this is repeating all the bad habits from your original posts. If 
you adopt the ChairButton class approach all of this becomes much 
clearer and simpler.


if chair1_value:

text_file.write( "New York-Canada\nSeat:1")#Notice that I want the Seat
number written into the
#textfile should be 1, if you press chair one,
#2 if you press chair 2, 3 if you press chair 3 and so on.
#However, the text should be "New York-Canada should
# be the same for all chairs.

def change_chair1_color_red():
global chair1_color

os.remove ("New_York_Canada_15_00_Chair1")
#The file is supposed to be removed because
#it means that you have unbooked your ticket.

def change_chair1_color_green():
global chair1_color

def chair2_clicked(self):
""" Ths method runs if chair two is clicked"""

def change_chair2_value():
global chair2_value
chair2_value=not chair2_value


if chair2_value:

text_file=open("New_York_Canada_15_00_Chair2","w")#The file name should
end with 1 if chair one is pressed.
#if chair2 is pressed, it should end with chair2. If chair three is
#pressed it should end with