Re: [Tutor] _ vs. _name vs. __name vs. name_ vs. __name__ usages

2015-07-28 Thread Alan Gauld

On 25/07/15 22:08, boB Stepp wrote:

4) name_ is used when one is forced to use one of Python's reserved
words as a name.

Various others have commented on the use cases for this. I'd just add 
that my solution to using a name that's already used by the language (or 
even already used by my project) is to attach an article prefix  such as 

Thus instead of using 'type_' I'd use 'my_type' or 'the_type'.

I also do this a lot in parameter lists of functions/methods so:

def someMethod(self, aWidget, aDimension):

which avoids the common confusion where the parameters are the
same as the names of variables in the calling scope and it
can get confusing as to whether references inside the method
are to parameters or global names.

In particular in class definitions I often use theXXX for a
class attribute name, myXXX for an instance attribute name,
and aXXX for the parameter of a method.

This is not nearly so important in Python because you have to
use to get the attribute (and use for
class attributes) but in other OOP languages where self
is not required I find it helps a lot.

I work quite hard to avoid names with dangling underscores because:
1) They look like an error - somebody forgot to type half the name!
2) Depending on font its hard to differentiate single and
   double underscores.
3) They make reading the code aloud (eg over the phone during
a late night call-out!) much more difficult.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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Re: [Tutor] _ vs. _name vs. __name vs. name_ vs. __name__ usages

2015-07-27 Thread Cameron Simpson

On 25Jul2015 16:08, boB Stepp wrote:

After having a long discussion with my wife on her user requirements,
I am convinced that an OO approach is required.  Which is just as well
as that has been one of my next areas of learning to do.  I am
currently reading Python 3 Object Oriented Programming by Dusty
Phillips, which so far seems to be a reasonably good text.  This has
led me to the subject line topics.

From my understandings to date:

Broadly everything you have said is correct.

1) A single underscore is used conventionally for a throw-away
variable, such as a loop index for which the index value is not
actually used in a subsequent calculation.

Yes, but there are some problems. Some don't like it, and it can conflict with 
other uses. I use it very rarely, almost only ever in very simple list 
comprehensions, such as this real example:

 self.hashlist = [None for _ in range(maxchunks)]

which primes a list of None values.

Using it in a wider context like a loop has the same issues as any other 
trite variable name: that you will reuse it later and forget that it is 
either already in play (eg nested loops) or already initialised (eg code later 
break because of some presumption it is not set up).

It is almost always better, if only for readability, to pick a sensible name, 
like i, even if it is not used. A short name like i pretty much says this 
is used only here, because otherwise I would have used a longer name that has 
more context.

Of course, the flip side of that is that _ _is_ the name that says not used 
elsewhere, and thus if you use it in in an expression t should scream 
mistake at you. So this:

 [ (i,) for i in range(10) ]

to make a list of tuples (made up example) should not be used with _ instead, 
as i does get used.

So yes, correct, but many people use it very sparingly and some avoid it 

2) _name is used inside class methods to indicate that the
programmer's intention is that this name should only be accessed
internally by that particular class.  Other supposedly adult Python
programmers will attempt to respect this original intent if they use
my code.

Or by cooperating classes. But only _closely_ cooperating classes that have 
knowledge of your first class' internals, usually because they muck with them 
directly.  Basicly, a _name is held to be part of the private API, and subject 
to change.

So code which is prepared to be broken by changes might use it, such as if you 
have a pair of classes which both muck _directly_ with some shared data 

Note than in pure OO one class never mucks with another class' internals; they 
only ever communicate via methods.

3) __name invokes Python's name mangling mechanism.  The intent of
this usage is to not allow subclasses of the class containing __name
to access this name, and to add additional emphasis to future users of
my code that this name is meant to be strictly hands-off.

Yeah. I have pretty much ceased using this. It causes pain and doesn't fulling 
solve the problems.

The usual use case is subclassing:

 class Shape(object):

   def __init__(name): = name
 self.__count = 0

   def inc(self):
 self.__count += 1

 class Cube(Shape):

   def __init__(name):
 self.__count = 6

   def add_face(self):
 self.__count += 1

Internally there two classes work on __Shape_count and __Cube_count, and 
thus avoid stepping on each others' toes, because although each wants a counter 
with a nice simple name, they mean very different things with it. So you Cube 
class has two separate counters.

But the names are arguably uglier and harder to type.

Also, consider this:

 from my_geometry_module import Shape as UrShape

 class Shape(UrShape):

   def __init__(self, name):
 self.__count = 5

   def bfmi(self):
 self.__count -= 1

 class Pyramid(Shape):

Here, your local Shape class will _also_ use __Shape_count, and _will_ have 
trouble. So this system is not totally robust. While the example above is 
contrived, a deeper nesting of classes might easily have the same issue because 
the final class may not be aware that a class of the same name is already in 
use higher up the chain.

4) name_ is used when one is forced to use one of Python's reserved
words as a name.

Yes, quite command. Also for predefined names as well as reserved names. My 
commonest use is the name type, which is no a reserved word (i.e. special in 
the language grammar, like if) but predefined as the what is the type of 
this object function. I've got a few objects floating around where a .type 
attribute is a natural name to indicate their flavour. That works just fine.  
But when I want to access the object, type is also a natural name for the 

 def check_type(self, type):
   return self.type == type

While that works, it means you have lost access to the predefined Python type() 

Re: [Tutor] _ vs. _name vs. __name vs. name_ vs. __name__ usages

2015-07-25 Thread Laura Creighton
In a message of Sat, 25 Jul 2015 16:08:03 -0500, boB Stepp writes:
After having a long discussion with my wife on her user requirements,
I am convinced that an OO approach is required.  Which is just as well
as that has been one of my next areas of learning to do.  I am
currently reading Python 3 Object Oriented Programming by Dusty
Phillips, which so far seems to be a reasonably good text.  This has
led me to the subject line topics.

From my understandings to date:

1) A single underscore is used conventionally for a throw-away
variable, such as a loop index for which the index value is not
actually used in a subsequent calculation.

Some people do this.  I find it irritatingly twee, and hard to read
as well.  I like 'junk' for such things.

2) _name is used inside class methods to indicate that the
programmer's intention is that this name should only be accessed
internally by that particular class.  Other supposedly adult Python
programmers will attempt to respect this original intent if they use
my code.

The world is packed very full of Python programmers who have never
heard of this rule, and thus this is sort of a 'pious hope' more
than anything else.  The world is also full of python modules that
have no single underscore variable names at all.

3) __name invokes Python's name mangling mechanism.  The intent of
this usage is to not allow subclasses of the class containing __name
to access this name, and to add additional emphasis to future users of
my code that this name is meant to be strictly hands-off.

worry about this when you want to share your code with the world
and don't want new users to be able to rely on things to always be
the way you have it right now.

i.e. adding double underscores is often the last thing you do
before release.

4) name_ is used when one is forced to use one of Python's reserved
words as a name.

You are never forced to.  Sometimes you might want to.  Sometimes
name_ is a good choice in this case.  But in my life 'stop
wanting this, you arrogant wretch' has mostly been the correct
thing. :)  (At least I think never.  Maybe I am being an arrogrant
wretch here, too.)

5) __name__ is meant to be used only by the creators of Python for
their special built-in methods, such as __init__, __new__, etc.

Are my understandings above correct or flawed?

Pretty much dead on.

For (3), it seems to me that one would normally be able to use the
simpler _name construction from (2).  What would be a best-practice
example of when name mangling *should* be used?

If you do not mangle the names, you are making a promise, sometimes
a half-hearted promise, that through the life of the code
other people can come by and use these methods, with exactly
this signature, and it will just work.  This is called 'being
Part of the public API'.  If you publish such things and then,
next release, remove those methods or change the number or
order of the arguments  their code will break.

If its just you and your tapeworm, you don't care and you make and
remove methods and signatures all the time.  If people do not like it,
tough, and so it goes.  It's what they get for running your experimental

If you publish your code as a module on PyPI people will find ways to
use the public API, so if you want to reserve the right to delete
this method later, or change it's signature then by all means mangle
the thing.

In the Python world people are generally less worried about what
will happen if some wretch gets a hold of a method that I didn't
really want as part of the public API than what will happen
if they badly need to get a hold of a method and I didn't make
it possible.  This makes for a lot of the single underscore
variables.  'I don't want to make it impossible for you to
access things this way, but I wish you wouldn't' more or less.

Likewise, it seems that normally (4) should never be needed, though I
have a feeling that I have seen something in tkinter recently that
suggests some exceptions, but I cannot (yet) bring it to mind.

Not sure what you are thinking about.

And for (5), surely I should never violate this one?  It seems that in
some future edition of Python they might add any particular __name__
that I might try to use presently in their future version of Python
(however miniscule that possibility might actually be).

Right.  Don't go there.



MY .02 euros.

Others will have other ideas.

but that is the way I see it.


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Re: [Tutor] _ vs. _name vs. __name vs. name_ vs. __name__ usages

2015-07-25 Thread Mark Lawrence

On 25/07/2015 22:08, boB Stepp wrote:

After having a long discussion with my wife on her user requirements,
I am convinced that an OO approach is required.  Which is just as well
as that has been one of my next areas of learning to do.  I am
currently reading Python 3 Object Oriented Programming by Dusty
Phillips, which so far seems to be a reasonably good text.  This has
led me to the subject line topics.

 From my understandings to date:

1) A single underscore is used conventionally for a throw-away
variable, such as a loop index for which the index value is not
actually used in a subsequent calculation.

It is not a convention, it is inbuilt.  It is very useful as linter type 
tools don't complain about you defining something but not using it.

2) _name is used inside class methods to indicate that the
programmer's intention is that this name should only be accessed
internally by that particular class.  Other supposedly adult Python
programmers will attempt to respect this original intent if they use
my code.


3) __name invokes Python's name mangling mechanism.  The intent of
this usage is to not allow subclasses of the class containing __name
to access this name, and to add additional emphasis to future users of
my code that this name is meant to be strictly hands-off.

4) name_ is used when one is forced to use one of Python's reserved
words as a name.

I don't know about reserved words but it is certainly used rather than 
override a built-in name.

5) __name__ is meant to be used only by the creators of Python for
their special built-in methods, such as __init__, __new__, etc.


Are my understandings above correct or flawed?

For (3), it seems to me that one would normally be able to use the
simpler _name construction from (2).  What would be a best-practice
example of when name mangling *should* be used?

I'd be inclined not to bother yourself with this.  I've never used it in 
the centuries that I've been writing Python, and somebody who is 
determined enough can work around it anyway owing to Python's dynamic 

Likewise, it seems that normally (4) should never be needed, though I
have a feeling that I have seen something in tkinter recently that
suggests some exceptions, but I cannot (yet) bring it to mind.

If you like a name enough and cannot think of a better alternative why not?

And for (5), surely I should never violate this one?  It seems that in
some future edition of Python they might add any particular __name__
that I might try to use presently in their future version of Python
(however miniscule that possibility might actually be).



No problem.  Once again my invoice is in the post, your cheque by return 
please :)

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence

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Re: [Tutor] _ vs. _name vs. __name vs. name_ vs. __name__ usages

2015-07-25 Thread Ben Finney
boB Stepp writes:

 From my understandings to date:

 1) A single underscore is used conventionally for a throw-away
 variable, such as a loop index for which the index value is not
 actually used in a subsequent calculation.

That accurately describes common usage. But it's important to also know
that ‘_’ has numerous conflicting common usages (including a widely-used
text translation function).

Less common, but IMO much more preferable for “don't actually want this
value but need to bind something to it”, is the convention ‘__’ as a

for (__, important_value) in sequence_of_tuples:

The name ‘__’ doesn't AFAIK have conflicting usages (therefore more
strongly connoting this meaning), is pretty easy to type and much easier
to spot than a single underscore.

 2) _name is used inside class methods to indicate that the
 programmer's intention is that this name should only be accessed
 internally by that particular class.

Not so much “inside class methods”; rather, the names are on attributes
of a class (or module or, sometimes, function).

This is the convention for “even if you can see this attribute, it is an
implementation detail, not part of the public API for this class,
anything might change about this in future revisions”.

With no leading underscore, the implicit promise is that the name is a
published API for the code, and can be relied on to keep the same name
and behaviour in future revisions of the code.

 3) __name invokes Python's name mangling mechanism. The intent of this
 usage is to not allow subclasses of the class containing __name to
 access this name, and to add additional emphasis to future users of my
 code that this name is meant to be strictly hands-off.

 […] it seems to me that one would normally be able to use the
 simpler _name construction

Right. I've felt any need to use this in my Python programming career;
the distinction between “public API” (‘foo’) versus “implementation
detail” (‘_foo’) is plenty.

 4) name_ is used when one is forced to use one of Python's reserved
 words as a name.

Yes. It's a last resort, IMO, but a valuable one; and the only damage is
to readability (difficult to distinguish when reading quickly).

 it seems that normally (4) should never be needed, though I have a
 feeling that I have seen something in tkinter recently that suggests
 some exceptions, but I cannot (yet) bring it to mind.

The Python keywords and built-in object names include some obvious,
common words. This is a clear benefit, but it can also cause a clash
when choosing your own names: some of the best ones are already taken.

I've seen this used to name ‘assert_’, ‘file_’, and the like.

 5) __name__ is meant to be used only by the creators of Python for
 their special built-in methods, such as __init__, __new__, etc.

 […] surely I should never violate this one?  It seems that in
 some future edition of Python they might add any particular __name__
 that I might try to use presently in their future version of Python
 (however miniscule that possibility might actually be).

Yes. Never name anything with this ‘__foo__’ style unless Python already
will treat it specially, and your intention is to invoke that special
treatment by Python.

This convention is violated too often in third-party code for names that
don't have any special significance to Python, leading to needless
confusion about how special a newly-encoutered name really is. All the
ones I've seen in third-party code would always be improved for clarity
by choosing a normal ‘foo’ or ‘_foo’ name.

 Are my understandings above correct or flawed?

I hope that helps.

 \  “It's dangerous to be right when the government is wrong.” |
  `\   —Francois Marie Arouet Voltaire |
_o__)  |
Ben Finney

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