Re: [Tutor] decision loops

2015-02-01 Thread Alan Gauld

On 01/02/15 01:54, Daniel M wrote:

I can’t figure out how to make the script switch between the two. What I
would like it to do is let the user go back to the “What do you wish to
convert?” part when a character is entered instead of a number for
“temperature?”. I tried using

That's quite a complex task you've set yourself. You need to 
differentiate numbers and characters even though you read

them all as characters from the users. It might be simpler
just to keep the numeric and character processing separate
for now. And maybe for good.

Also your subject says 'decision loops'
Those are two completely separate things.

decisions are made using if/elif/else constructs
loops are repetitions involving 'for' or 'while'
constructs (and a few more advamced ones later)

You probably need both to solve your problem but do not confuse
or merge the two ideas in your mind. At this stage we appear to only be 
dealing with decisions. The loops can wait till later.

elif m == *char*
 print (*"What do you wish to convert to?"*)
 temp = raw_input(*">> "*)

The asterisks don't make sense, I'm guessing your mail program put them 
in because you made it bold or some-such? Please always use plain text 
when sending code.

However, we can't really make much sense of it even without asterisks 
because we have no context. We don't know what 'm' is, where it comes 
from etc.
Also m == char only makes sense if you have defined a variable called 
char somewhere, again we can't see it. Or are you simply trying to 
explain that you want to test m to see if it is a character?

Its not clear. Don't make us guess.

but it seems useless regardless of where I put it. It gives me the error “
return eval(raw_input(prompt))

And that line doesn't seem to appear in your code anywhere?
And its only a bit of an error message, please always send us
the whole error because its full of useful information.

   File "", line 1, in 

NameError: name 't' is not defined” when I enter a character.

This suggests that you passed a 't' to eval. The 't' must have come from 
the raw_input() but again you didn't tell us that we have

to guess. I assume you get a slightly differnt error if you enter,
say, a 'v' or a 'w'?

missing something very obvious but I can’t seem to figure it out.

Probably but you aren't giving us enough specific detail to be
able to help you reliably.

def *ftoc*(x): #Fahrenheit to Celsius
 x == float
 y = x-32.0
 z = y * 5.0
 return z //9.0

x = float doesn't do anything useful here. It assigns a
new name (x) to the float type convertion function.
I'm guessing(again) that what you really meant was

x = float(x)

to force x to be a floating point number?

Also // produces integer division. I'm pretty sure
you want regular float division z/9.0

def *ctof*(x):  #Celsius to Fahrenheit
 x == float
 y = x * 9.0
 z = y // 5.0
 return z + 32.0

Pretty much the same comments as above

print (*"What do you wish to convert to?"*)
temp = raw_input(*">> "*)

while  temp == *"c"* or temp == *"f"* and not temp == *"q"*:
 if temp == *"c"*:
 m = float(input(*"temperature?"*))
 print ftoc(m)
 print *"Celcius"*
 elif temp == *"f"*:
 m = float(input(*"temperature?"*))
 print ctof(m)
 print (*"Farenheit"*)
 elif temp == *"q"*:

OK, Now we see where 'm' fits in, although your char test above is missing.

Also we see you using input() instead of raw_input()
That's nearly always a mistake. Its better to use raw_input() and then 
explicitly convert to the type you want(which you do here anyway)

So use:

  m = float(raw_input("temperature?"))

Finally you probably want the unit selection inside the while loop
so try something like this skeleton code:

while  True:
 temp = raw_input("What do you wish to convert to?")
 if temp == 'q': break
 if temp == "c":
  m = float(raw_input("temperature?"))
  print ftoc(m)
  print "Celcius"
 elif temp == "f":
  m = float(raw_input("temperature?"))
  print ctof(m)
  print ("Farenheit")

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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Re: [Tutor] decision loops

2015-02-01 Thread Steven D'Aprano
Hello Daniel, and welcome! 

On Sat, Jan 31, 2015 at 08:54:48PM -0500, Daniel M wrote:

> Hello. I'm a complete beginner and I’m trying to write a very basic script
> to convert temperatures, just for some practice. I have that part down, but
> I can’t figure out how to make the script switch between the two. What I
> would like it to do is let the user go back to the “What do you wish to
> convert?” part when a character is entered instead of a number for
> “temperature?”. I tried using
> elif m == *char*
> print (*"What do you wish to convert to?"*)
> temp = raw_input(*">> "*)

Why are there asterisks around parts of your code? That's a syntax 
error in Python. I'm guessing that you didn't type them yourself, and 
that your email program is doing it. You should set your email 
program to only send plain text, not "Rich Text" or formatted text or 
HTML or whatever silly thing it is trying to do.

> but it seems useless regardless of where I put it. It gives me the error “
> return eval(raw_input(prompt))

In the code you show below, there is no mention of eval. So that is your 
first mistake: whether you intended to or not (I'm pretty sure it wasn't 
deliberate!) you are telling us falsehoods. The code you say you are 
running is not the code you are actually running. How can we tell what 
you are doing wrong when we cannot see what you are doing?

Mistake number two is using eval. As a beginner, there are three rules 
you should remember about eval:

(1) If you think you might need to use eval, you don't.
(2) If you are positive that you really do need to use eval, 
you probably don't.
(3) For experts only -- if you are sure that you need to use 
eval, you might.

The problems with eval are:

- its slow
- its tricky to use right except for the simplest cases
- it can be dangerous and introduce serious security holes 
  in your code if you aren't careful

>   File "", line 1, in 
> NameError: name 't' is not defined” when I enter a character.

Mistake number three: I'm guessing that you didn't enter any old 
character. I'm guessing you entered 't' rather than 's' or '3' or '.' or 
some other character. Your mistake is to make us guess: when asking for 
help, you should tell us what you did specifically, not vaguely.

In this case, I think I can reproduce your problem:

py> eval(raw_input("Enter a character: "))
Enter a character: t
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in 
  File "", line 1, in 
NameError: name 't' is not defined

I don't get that error from any random character, only from t. If I type 
a different character, I get a different error. Why? Because of eval. 
You're telling Python to evaluate what you typed as if it were code: 

py> eval(raw_input("Enter a character: "))
Enter a character: len([1, 2, 3]) + 1000

You don't need eval here. It does nothing useful. What you want is 
simply raw_input(prompt).

Hope that helps.

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