Re: [Twisted-Python] Twisted Plugins - Implementation Discussion

2011-04-07 Thread Glyph Lefkowitz

On Apr 6, 2011, at 8:35 PM, Stephen Thorne wrote:

 Part of the discussion was about how to rewrite this in such a way that
 no python code needs to be run in order to discover all the
 tapname+description combinations that are available to twistd, this is
 because of a perceived performance and sanity deficit in using 'twistd'.

My interest in this discussion is not so much in no python code should be 
executed but rather the current constraints of the system should be preserved 
(your whole package doesn't get imported) but you shouldn't have to write hacks 
like ServiceMaker 
 preserve them.  Or, for that matter, do inner imports, like this one from 
your example:

def makeService(self, options):
from examplepackage.examplemodule import make_service
return make_service(debug=options['debug'])

Someone unfamiliar with the Twisted plugin system would probably not realize 
that the positioning of that import is critically important.  It seems kind of 
random, and maybe sloppy, and a refactoring for stylistic fixes might move it 
to the top of the module.

Of course, such a refactoring would make 'twistd --help' on any system with 
your code installed start executing gobs and gobs of additional code.  Also, as 
a result of such a change, every 'twistd' server on such a system would have 
your entire examplepackage.examplemodule imported, silently of course, 
increasing their memory footprint and so on.

As I have mentioned in other parts of this mailing list thread, there's already 
some caching going on, but it's never used.  Observe:

glyph@... twisted/plugins$ python
Python 2.6.1 (...)
 from cPickle import load
 plugins = load(file('dropin.cache'))
[CachedPlugin 'TwistedNames'/'twisted.plugins.twisted_names' (provides 
'IPlugin, IServiceMaker')]
'\nUtility class to simplify the definition of L{IServiceMaker} plugins.\n  
[InterfaceClass twisted.plugin.IPlugin, InterfaceClass 
 import sys
 'twisted.plugins' in sys.modules

The problem with this is that once you've loaded the plugins, you can't see it 
any more:

 from twisted.plugin import getPlugins
 from twisted.application.service import IServiceMaker
 allPlugins = list(getPlugins(IServiceMaker))
 plugin = [p for p in allPlugins if p.tapname == 'dns'][0]
'A domain name server.'
'Twisted DNS Server'

Those are the 'name' and 'description' attributes from the IServiceMaker 
provider, already implicitly loaded by getPlugins.  You can't see the 
CachedPlugin any more.

So, here's an idea, very similar to the one on the ticket.  Keeping in mind the 
state described above, hopefully it will communicate my idea better.

Right now, IPlugin is purely a marker.  It provides no methods.  I propose a 
new subinterface (designed to eventually replace it), IPlugin2, with one 
method, 'metadata()', that returns a dictionary mapping strings to strings.  
This _could_ be any object, limited only by what we think is a good idea to 
allow serializing.  The second method would be 'willProvide(I)' which returns a 
boolean, whether the result of load() will provide the interface 'I'.

Then there's a helper which you inherit which looks like:

class Plugin2(object):
def metadata(self):
raise NotImplementedError(your metadata here)
def willProvide(self, I):
return I.providedBy(self)
def load(self):
return self

The one rule here is that 'metadata()' must always return the same value for a 
particular version of the code.  We will then serialize the metadata from 
calling metadata() into dropin.cache, and expose it to application code.

My idea for exposing it is that if you then do 'getPlugins(IPlugin2)', you will 
get back an iterable of IPlugin2 providers, but not necessarily instances of 
your classes: they could be cached plugins, with cached results for metadata() 
and willProvide() - the latter based on the list currently saved as the 
'provided' attribute.  So a loop like this to load a twistd plugin by name:

def twistdPluginByTapname(name):
for p2 in getPlugins(IPlugin2):
if p2.willProvide(IServiceMaker) and p2.metadata()['tapname'] == name:
return p2.load()

... would not actually load any plugins, but work entirely from the cached 
metadata.  Since you wouldn't be loading the plugin except to actually invoke 
its dynamic behavior, we would no longer need ServiceMaker, just an instance of 
the actual IServiceMaker plugin, with no local imports or anything.

This would at least partially address one of your complaints, Stephen, in that 
it would mean that a plugin could be defined with 2 lines: 

Re: [Twisted-Python] Twisted Plugins - Implementation Discussion

2011-04-07 Thread David
On 04/07/2011 02:08 PM, Tim Allen wrote:

 If you need a non-Turing-complete config language and rule out .ini and
 XML, I'm not sure what's left. JSON, perhaps.

Having had experience with JSON for configuration: it is a terrible 
format for configuration, if only because it does not support comments.

The syntax is also a bit too strict: enough to be annoying in something 
you want to edit all the time and easily in my experience.



Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] Twisted Plugins - Implementation Discussion

2011-04-07 Thread Tim Allen
On Thu, Apr 07, 2011 at 03:24:57PM +0900, David wrote:
 On 04/07/2011 02:08 PM, Tim Allen wrote:
  If you need a non-Turing-complete config language and rule out .ini and
  XML, I'm not sure what's left. JSON, perhaps.
 Having had experience with JSON for configuration: it is a terrible 
 format for configuration, if only because it does not support comments.
 The syntax is also a bit too strict: enough to be annoying in something 
 you want to edit all the time and easily in my experience.

Well, that's pretty depressing. The only other candidate I can even
think of is YAML, and that's not in the standard library (as far as
I know).

Who'd have guessed it'd be so complicated to associate keys with values?

Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] Twisted Plugins - Implementation Discussion

2011-04-07 Thread David
On 04/07/2011 03:34 PM, Tim Allen wrote:

 Who'd have guessed it'd be so complicated to associate keys with values?

If that's the only thing you need, .ini would work fine. Another 
solution would be python files with only literals, parsed through the 
ast module for safety.



Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] Instrumenting Reactors

2011-04-07 Thread Michael Thompson
On 6 April 2011 10:55, Paul Thomas wrote:
 Should I just hack into the reactor somewhere? Or is there something sitting 
 in a library I haven't seen that will help with this?

You can time blocking calls by instrumenting
twisted.python.log.callWithContext and you could try writing the
timing info to something fast, like Redis.


Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] Asynchronous context in Twisted

2011-04-07 Thread Johan Rydberg
Something like this would be awesome to have in Twisted.

Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] Twisted Plugins - Implementation Discussion

2011-04-07 Thread Johan Rydberg
On 4/7/11 8:24 AM, David wrote:
 Having had experience with JSON for configuration: it is a terrible
 format for configuration, if only because it does not support comments.

 The syntax is also a bit too strict: enough to be annoying in something
 you want to edit all the time and easily in my experience.

I agree.  We use json as config-file format from time to time, but it 
always end up hurting

I therefor hacked up this little library:

Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] Twisted Plugins - Implementation Discussion

2011-04-07 Thread Jason Rennie
On Thu, Apr 7, 2011 at 2:34 AM, Tim Allen wrote:

 Well, that's pretty depressing. The only other candidate I can even
 think of is YAML, and that's not in the standard library (as far as
 I know).

There's Coil, but it's also not in the std lib AFAIK:


Jason Rennie
Research Scientist, ITA Software
Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] Twisted Plugins - Implementation Discussion

2011-04-07 Thread Stefano Debenedetti
On Apr 7, 2011, at 1:08 AM, Tim Allen wrote:
 If you need a non-Turing-complete config language and rule out .ini and
 XML, I'm not sure what's left. JSON, perhaps.

I bet a lot of people have a deja-vu feeling about a config file
syntax debate so I'll propose an alternative approach: RDF.

Perhaps most people in this community will not like it, yet some
might find it more fun that revamping their 2002 arguments about
merits and pitfalls of various syntaxes.

One of the reasons why I like RDF so much is that I can focus on
what I need to express and let people pick the serialization syntax
that better suits their mood, habits, tools and use-cases.

I know that the use-case that's being discussed is slightly
different (config files for the plugin system as opposed to config
files for a specific plugin) but as an example: my
twistd-plugin-driven webserver will gladly accept any of the
attached configuration files, they are equivalent and there are
commonly available tools to switch back and forth, including pure
python ones.

It could as well accept any other standard RDF serialization syntax,
for example there are several other XML formats, a line-based
grep-friendly syntax (NTriples) and a JSON format.

The code that parses this and turns it into running twisted Services
and web applications is about the same size of your average TAC
file. If anybody wants to see it please email me privately, I'm not
proud enough of other parts of my open source project containing it
to advertise it on this list.

Other than mentioning that RDF also comes with a standard query and
update language and protocol (SPARQL), I won't enumerate other
advantages here so let's see what some of drawbacks (and their
counter-arguments) are:

1) it's not widely known yet (but so was XML in 2000 and JSON in
2002 and INI in 2011)

2) it would require to add a dependency for an RDF parser (people
often argued the same way about XML, remember when libxml2 became a
Gnome dependency? RDF is now becoming a requirement of Gnome and KDE...)

3) it's not python (yet the several python object-RDF-mapper
libraries available seem to me much easier to use and way more
simple than SQLAlchemy so I already switched from pickle to RDF
whenever I want to serialize some object graph, BTW it's also safer
and hand-editable)

Sorry if I went too off-topic, ciao

@prefix : .

[ a :Server;

:binder [   :port 80;
:ip ];

:binder [   :port 443;
:pem server.pem ];

:app[   :description Some app;
:resource someapp.SomeApp;
:path /someapp;
:users authdomains/someapp ];
:app[   :description My tiny little app...

...with verbose multi-line description text!
:resource myapp.MyRootApp;
:path /;
:users authdomains/myapp ];


[ a :Server;

:binder [   :port 2020;
:ip ];

:app[   :resource anotherapp.AnotherApp;
:path /;

?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
descriptionSome app/description
descriptionMy tiny little app...

...with verbose multi-line description text!
port rdf:datatype=;80/port
port rdf:datatype=;443/port
port rdf:datatype=;2020/port
Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] Twisted Plugins - Implementation Discussion

2011-04-07 Thread Andrew Bennetts
Itamar Turner-Trauring wrote:
 So, the design has to *not* rely on caching working.

FWIW: this is an achievable goal.  I have 32 different bzr plugins
currently installed, and here's the difference they make:

   $ time bzr --no-plugins rocks
   It sure does!
   real 0m0.075s
   $ time bzr rocks
   It sure does!
   real 0m0.119s

So that's about 1.5ms per plugin, on average.  With a hot disk cache, at

For comparison, 'twistd --version' takes 116ms, with a dropin.cache and
(I think, although how can I tell?) no plugins installed.

In part, we achieve this via the bzrlib.lazy_import hack, which plugins
can and often do use, and by encouraging plugin authors to put as little
code into their files as possible.  A typical plugin's
__init__ might do just:

# This is example_plugin/
# The actual command implementation is in
# example_plugin/
from bzrlib import commands
commands.plugin_cmds.register_lazy('cmd_class_name', [],

Glyph's expressed scepticism that plugin authors and maintainers will
know to keep their files cheap to import.  Bazaar's
experience is different.  Partly that's probably because the Bazaar
community has paid a fair bit of attention to start up time and I
suppose Twisted doesn't have that.  But I think also it's partly because
we've provided tools to help people diagnose what/who to blame for bzr
being slow to start, like 'bzr --profile-imports', and even the crude
'time bzr rocks'.


Twisted-Python mailing list

[Twisted-Python] WaitForMultipleObjects socket limitation

2011-04-07 Thread anatoly techtonik

I've made a proof of concept for asynchronous console input on Windows
[1] and now I am trying to understand the limits of
WaitForMultipleObjects API I've used.

Documentation on win32eventreactor mentions limit for 64 objects:
However, it is completely opaque what these objects are? For console
handles and process handles it is quite obvious, but not for sockets.

Is 64 the limit for total amount sockets opened on different ports?
Is 64 the limit for connections made to a socket on specified port?

anatoly t.

Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] Twisted Plugins - Implementation Discussion

2011-04-07 Thread Glyph Lefkowitz

On Apr 7, 2011, at 8:14 AM, Itamar Turner-Trauring wrote:

 On Thu, 2011-04-07 at 02:08 -0400, Glyph Lefkowitz wrote:
 My idea for exposing it is that if you then do 'getPlugins(IPlugin2)',
 you will get back an iterable of IPlugin2 providers, but not
 necessarily instances of your classes: they could be cached plugins,
 with cached results for metadata() and willProvide() - the latter
 based on the list currently saved as the 'provided' attribute.  So a
 loop like this to load a twistd plugin by name:
def twistdPluginByTapname(name):
for p2 in getPlugins(IPlugin2):
if p2.willProvide(IServiceMaker) and
p2.metadata()['tapname'] == name:
return p2.load()
 ... would not actually load any plugins, but work entirely from the
 cached metadata.
 That's where the whole idea falls down for me. Evidence suggests (and
 you note this earlier) that caching doesn't work anywhere in the real
 world. My current Ubuntu install complains about a read-only cache every
 time I run lore (and I'm pretty sure there's nothing added to my
 PYTHONPATH other than installed system packages). Any design which
 assumes caching works appears to be useless in the real world.
 So, the design has to *not* rely on caching working.

Here's an idea: let's make caching actually work :).  Prior experience 
indicates that with some small amount of dedication, it's possible to make a 
module in Twisted not be broken all the time.

As you observed that I already mentioned earlier in the thread, caching never 
works because post-installation hooks are such a pain, and you have to have 
special permissions to access the cache file.  So, separately from this, we 
could attempt a secondary cache read/write to a location much more likely to be 
writable by the user (something like 
~/.local/var/cache/usr_lib_python2.6_site-packages.dropin.cache) read if the 
first one is out of date and written if writing the first one fails.

Also: we already rely on this behavior, so things are just as broken now for 
you.  For example, you'll end up loading the code for all twistd plugins and 
trial reporters when what you want are lore plugins.  This could also be fixed 

(To fix your particular installation right now, 'sudo twistd --help' or 'sudo 
lore' once.)

And, finally, as a separate consideration, we could make cached metadata mean 
explicitly specified metadata instead.  The important thing that I'm talking 
about doing first is making the system work exactly the same way that it does 
now, with one additional feature in the API which would allow us to make use of 
metadata that lives outside the Python code, using the existing mechanism for 
storing metadata that is currently not used.  For a first cut, we wouldn't even 
remove the ServiceMaker hack, just add the new feature to it so that we could 
do slightly less importing at startup.

Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] Twisted Plugins - Implementation Discussion

2011-04-07 Thread Glyph Lefkowitz

On Apr 7, 2011, at 9:19 AM, Andrew Bennetts wrote:

 Itamar Turner-Trauring wrote:
 So, the design has to *not* rely on caching working.
 FWIW: this is an achievable goal.  I have 32 different bzr plugins
 currently installed, and here's the difference they make:
   $ time bzr --no-plugins rocks
   It sure does!
   $ time bzr rocks
   It sure does!
 So that's about 1.5ms per plugin, on average.  With a hot disk cache, at

Is your cache as hot for Twisted as for bzr?  Have you replicated these results 
in a randomized, double-blind clinical trial? ;-)

I'm not surprised that bzr has faster startup though; twistd has not been (and 
doubtful will ever be) nearly so ruthlessly optimized.  Maybe it's time to put 
a startup benchmark on, at least that way we 
could keep track.

 For comparison, 'twistd --version' takes 116ms, with a dropin.cache and
 (I think, although how can I tell?) no plugins installed.

Twisted itself installs 22 dropins (python files which each define at least one 
plugin), which comprise 48 plugins of various types, so there are always some.  
You should be able to tell, though.  It's pathetic that we don't have a 
command-line tool to inspect the available plugins and what they're doing.  
Independent of the other issues under discussion here:

But this is all moot.  'twistd --version' doesn't scan for plugins, so that's 
all just the normal startup time; apparently we import too much in the first 
place.  The thing to compare with is 'twistd --help' or even just 'twistd 
[some-plugin]' (since invoking one plugin actually loads all of them).  Plus - 
this is really the genesis for this thread - the dropin.cache isn't really 
saving us much work at all right now, because all the plugins get loaded anyway 
for all practical uses of plugin scanning.

 In part, we achieve this via the bzrlib.lazy_import hack, which plugins
 can and often do use, and by encouraging plugin authors to put as little
 code into their files as possible.  A typical plugin's
 __init__ might do just:
# This is example_plugin/
# The actual command implementation is in
# example_plugin/
from bzrlib import commands
commands.plugin_cmds.register_lazy('cmd_class_name', [],

This looks very similar to ServiceMaker.

 Glyph's expressed scepticism that plugin authors and maintainers will
 know to keep their files cheap to import.  Bazaar's
 experience is different.  Partly that's probably because the Bazaar
 community has paid a fair bit of attention to start up time and I
 suppose Twisted doesn't have that.

Yeah, bzr's audience makes this easier.  For one thing, the audience is much 
bigger :), but more importantly, bzr is a user-facing tool which users are 
running _constantly_ at the command line.  The only visible consequence of a 
rogue twistd plugin is that your server which runs for days at a time takes 
0.2s longer to start; the real problem sets in later, where your 25 
subprocesses are suddenly consuming an additional 50meg each because of the 
extra plugin they loaded.  You do find this eventually, it's just rare to find 
it while you're writing the plugin.

 But I think also it's partly because
 we've provided tools to help people diagnose what/who to blame for bzr
 being slow to start, like 'bzr --profile-imports', and even the crude
 'time bzr rocks'.

Yes.  These are a great idea, and there's no excuse that Twisted's plugin 
system is so difficult to inspect and debug.  A couple of good tools would 
address a wide range of plugin issues, many of them much more interesting than 
performance, like the ever-popular why isn't my plugin getting loaded.  
Thanks for the impetus to file the ticket above.  (I kinda hope it's a dup, but 
I couldn't find one.)___
Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] Twisted Plugins - Implementation Discussion

2011-04-07 Thread Stephen Thorne
On 2011-04-07, Stefano Debenedetti wrote:
 On Apr 7, 2011, at 1:08 AM, Tim Allen wrote:
  If you need a non-Turing-complete config language and rule out .ini and
  XML, I'm not sure what's left. JSON, perhaps.
 I bet a lot of people have a deja-vu feeling about a config file
 syntax debate so I'll propose an alternative approach: RDF.

I am +1 on this idea. I like rdf. My question is now: is there an rdf
parser lib that is available on python2.4+ which can either be gently
embedded within twisted, or used as a dependency?

We don't really need SparQL or anything complicated, just the ability
to resolve some simple triples.

I do not like angle brackets, but I have always had a fond affection for

Stephen Thorne
Development Engineer
Netbox Blue

Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] Twisted Plugins - Implementation Discussion

2011-04-07 Thread Stephen Thorne
On 2011-04-07, Glyph Lefkowitz wrote:
  I am +1 on this idea. I like rdf. My question is now: is there an rdf
  parser lib that is available on python2.4+ which can either be gently
  embedded within twisted, or used as a dependency?
 You're welcome to try and do this; I'm not particularly interested in
 blocking it or holding it up, but I don't think that changing the
 input format actually solves any real problems.  I guess I will hold
 it up if you can't convince me that I'm wrong about that, and
 demonstrate an actual problem that it solves :-).  You still have to
 define all the same classes in order to get a plugin, unless we change
 some of that too - which has nothing to do with the metadata format at
 I think the way to avoid caching issues in general is to generate the
 packaging metadata from the source earlier in advance (i.e. at
 development time, and check it in with the source code, like you would
 do with a Cython-generated C file or something), not to just mess
 around with it in a text editor.
 I think that there is a benefit to sticking with a format that people
 very much dislike editing.  Having separately manually-edited metadata
 introduces an opportunity for the metadata to diverge from the reality
 of the code.  Making this easy to edit manually means making it more
 likely that people will think that they need to introduce some manual
 tweaks.  If it's a huge pain to actually generate the metadata without
 running a tool that inspects the code, it's less likely that someone
 will feel the need to get clever.

I was just thinking about this.

It would be very easy to write a single twisted/plugins/
file that scans for non-python metadata defined plugins and creates

That way twisted doesn't need to depend on an RDF lib, and this can
be a 'third party' outside-of-twisted package that if you want to use,
you just specify it as a dependancy along with the rest of the things
that your project depends on.

... I like this idea for a variety of reasons.

Stephen Thorne
Development Engineer
Netbox Blue

Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] WaitForMultipleObjects socket limitation

2011-04-07 Thread Kevin Horn
On Thu, Apr 7, 2011 at 1:23 PM, Glyph Lefkowitz gl...@twistedmatrix.comwrote:

 On Apr 7, 2011, at 12:16 PM, anatoly techtonik wrote:

  I've made a proof of concept for asynchronous console input on Windows
  [1] and now I am trying to understand the limits of
  WaitForMultipleObjects API I've used.
  Documentation on win32eventreactor mentions limit for 64 objects:
  However, it is completely opaque what these objects are? For console
  handles and process handles it is quite obvious, but not for sockets.
  Is 64 the limit for total amount sockets opened on different ports?
  Is 64 the limit for connections made to a socket on specified port?

 64 is the limit for the total number of objects (listening ports,
 connections to a port, client connections, your console, the waker, serial
 ports, whatever) that WFMO may wait upon at once.

 Put another way, MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS=64:

Note that you can wait on more than 64 objects at a time, just not using a
single WaitForMultipleObjects call.  The MSDN page Glyph pointed out has a
little more info.

Kevin Horn
Twisted-Python mailing list