On Mon, Nov 19, 2018, at 3:06 PM, Jeff Grimmett wrote:
> Glyph,
> Belated (I was in the thick of a few unrelated crises) thanks - it
> helps to understand a little bit of the background on the way it
> works.  I have made adjustments and everything works the way I was
> hoping for now.> 
> I wish I understood it a little better, if for no other reason than to
> contribute some documentation tweaks.  Just how would that work,
> anyway? The contribution model for Twisted is a little opaque from
> where I am sitting. I'd love to help in areas where I am actually
> capable of doing :)> 
> Regards,
> Jeff 

Hi Jeff,

The Twisted development process is documented here on the wiki[1]. It
boils down to:
1. Create a ticket[2] (on Trac)
2. Create a pull request (on GitHub)
3. Wait for a review (and address any feedback the reviewer gives)

There is more on the wiki. The same process applies to code and
Documentation changes are really helpful, especially because it is
difficult for the experienced to see the rough edges that catch new
users. Your confusion is a bug, and particularly with respect to the
Resource model, a not uncommon one. Let's fix it!


  2. https://twistedmatrix.com/trac/newticket
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