Re: [Twisted-Python] Forking after starting AsyncioSelectorReactor: Supported?

2018-08-27 Thread Tim Allen
On Mon, Aug 27, 2018 at 09:12:57PM -0700, David Foster wrote:
> So my question is, does Twisted support being forked after starting a
> reactor or not?

I haven't used Twisted with the AsyncioSelectorReactor on macOS myself, but
the `asyncio` docs suggest[1] that the default macOS event loop uses the
`kqueue` system call. Searching for "macos fork kqueue" finds a report[2]
of the same behaviour in the C++ Boost asyncio library. Apple doesn't seem
to publish manpages publically anymore, but the `kqueue` system call was
borrowed from FreeBSD which does[3]:

# The kqueue() system call creates a new kernel event queue and returns a
# descriptor. The queue is not inherited by a child created with fork(2).

So, my guess is that `kqueue` just can't be used with `fork` in that way.
If you really need to set up a reactor and then fork, perhaps you
can configure `asyncio` to use the `selectors.SelectSelector` or
`selectors.PollSelector` event loops instead; they're less efficient,
but they should work after a fork.

This behaviour doesn't occur on Ubuntu because Linux provides the `epoll`
system call instead of `kqueue`, which behaves differently.


Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] Twisted 16.7.0rc1 Release Candidate Announcement

2016-12-29 Thread Tim Allen
On Thu, Dec 29, 2016 at 05:27:44AM -0800, Glyph Lefkowitz wrote:
> Increasingly, we are assuming a pip-like packaging toolchain for
> dealing with Twisted's dependencies, so getting familiar with this
> stuff - pip, requirements.txt, pinning, virtualenv - is worthwhile.
> (It'll make your life easier in more ways than one.)

I wasn't going to mention it (because we found a workaround), but since
the topic has come up...

My current employer has a fully pip-based packaging toolchain for all
our internal Python apps, where we build wheels for our apps and all
their dependencies, and then deploy them into a virtualenv in
production. For reproducability reasons, we have a PyPI mirror inside
the corporate firewall, and our wheel-building Docker image has
a `pip.conf` configured to point at it.

Twisted 16.6 broke this system when it added a package named
"incremental" to the `setup_requires` list in Because
`setup_requires` is a feature provided by setuptools, packages listed
there are installed by (the same machinery as) setuptools' `ez_install`
command, which does *not* respect `pip.conf`, and so it tried to
download the package from upstream PyPI and timed out banging its head
against the firewall.

As a workaround, we messed with our build-scripts to manually "pip
install" incremental before installing Twisted, or anything that depends
on it, so everything's fine again.

The Python Packaging Authority already has plans for replacing
`setup_requires` with something more Pip-friendly (see PEP 518), so over
time this won't be an issue. For the short term, though, I hope there
won't be too many more things added to `setup_requires` without


Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] Problem with installing twisted 13.0 with Python 2.7 on 64 bit Win 7

2013-06-18 Thread Tim Allen
On Tue, Jun 18, 2013 at 04:12:17PM +1000, Weikai (Victor) Xie wrote:
  import twisted
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in module
 AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'web'

I believe that's just how packages work in Python. On a Linux machine
I have handy:

 import twisted
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'web'
 import twisted.web
module 'twisted.web' from 

Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] question : How to listen to USB-HID

2013-05-17 Thread Tim Allen
On Fri, May 17, 2013 at 02:54:47PM +0700, wrote:
 But I plan to replace arduino with digispark ( )
 Problem is I just realize that this device will recognized as USB-HID

From this page: sounds like the device implements the USB serial protocol (because
it mentions 'KERNEL==ttyACM*' and 'tty' is what Linux calls a serial
port). However, this page:

says The Digispark does not have a hardware serial port nor a hardware
serial to USB converter. An example library (DigiUSB) is provided, as
well as some example code and a serial monitor like program, and the
wiki-page for the DigiUSB driver suggests you can use it to implement
any USB protocol you like, including USB Serial, USB-HID, USB Mass
Storage, etc.

There's no (easy) way to hook a Twisted program up to an arbitrary
USB-HID device; the best you could do would be to write a Twisted
program that communicates with stdin/stdout, then run that program in
a window and remember not to Alt-Tab to another program while your
Digistump is doing stuff.

It sounds like a better solution would be to make sure you use the
DigiUSB library to implement the standard USB Serial protocol and then
continue using your existing code.

Twisted-Python mailing list

[Twisted-Python] So... Python 3.4 is getting its own async I/O system

2013-03-18 Thread Tim Allen
In Guido's keynote at PyCon 2013, apparently he talked about adding an
async I/O module to Python 3.4. It looks like his slides can be viewed

...while this is the PEP he's talking about:

At first glance, the proposed reactor API looks very much like Twisted's
(or, to be fair, GTK's, or possibly any number of other async event loop
I'm less familiar with) but rather than Deferreds and callbacks, the API
will be based around Futures (similar, but not identical, to Python
3.2's concurrent.futures.Future class), and an inlineCallbacks-style
decorator for generators.

I know Deferreds are awesome, and I don't know much about Futures (and
I know Twisted core developers have given negative reviews of
other Deferred/Promise/Future implementations in, say, JavaScript
libraries before), and inlineCallbacks seems to have a negative
reputation among experienced Twisted users. Is there anybody on this
list who knows more about this new PEP (maybe somebody who's at PyCon
and saw the talk in person) who can give us an informed comparison with
the current state of Twisted?

Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] Effects of backlog parameter on listenTCP

2012-07-18 Thread Tim Allen
On Wed, Jul 18, 2012 at 04:43:01PM -0700, Tobias Oberstein wrote:
 Could someone shortly elaborate on the semantics / effect of the parameter 
 backlog with listenTCP?

It exactly corresponds to the backlog parameter of the BSD socket API
function listen(int sockfd, int backlog). On my Debian Testing
machine, the listen(2) manpage says:

The backlog argument defines the maximum length to which the queue
of pending connections for sockfd may grow. If a connection request
arrives when the queue is full, the client may receive an error with
an indication of ECONNREFUSED or, if the underlying protocol
supports retransmission, the request may be ignored so that a later
reattempt at connection succeeds.

..and later:

The behavior of the backlog argument on TCP sockets changed with
Linux 2.2. Now it specifies the queue length for completely
established sockets waiting to be accepted, instead of the number of
incomplete connection requests.  The maximum length of the queue for
incomplete sockets can be set using
/proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_max_syn_backlog.  When syncookies are enabled
there is no logical maximum length and this setting is ignored. See
tcp(7) for more information.

If the backlog argument is greater than the value in
/proc/sys/net/core/somaxconn, then it is silently truncated to that
value; the default value in this file is 128. In kernels before
2.4.25, this limit was a hard coded value, SOMAXCONN, with the value

Obviously the Twisted documentation can't go into all this detail
because Twisted runs on more operating systems than just Linux. Every OS
that supports the BSD socket API should have documentation explaining
the precise definition and meaning of the backlog parameter on that
platform. For example, here's the MSDN docs for the listen() function in

Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] questions about twisted usage

2012-03-22 Thread Tim Allen
On Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 12:20:37PM +0200, Uri Okrent wrote:
 1. Is deferToThread running the function in a real python thread?
 Should this be used (rather than a standard deferred) for any function
 that might block?

Yes, deferToThread() runs things in a real Python thread. If you have
code that runs very quickly, or is written in Twisted's asynchronous
style (with Deferreds), you should be fine; if you have something that
takes a while to run you should use deferToThread().

 2. I understand that deferreds run later.  However, once a deferred
 (or a deferToThread) is picked up and run, does it run from start to
 finish?  Can it be interrupted in the middle of the function?  How
 about its callback/errback?  Can another deferred jump in for
 processing in between a deferred and it's callback/errback, or in the
 middle of processing another deferred?

A Deferred can wait on the result of other Deferreds; while one Deferred
is waiting (say, waiting for a timer to go off, or waiting for network
activity), others may be running. Each individual callback/errback
function is run in its entirety, though.

 3. Are there any guarantees regarding the order of execution of
 deferreds? (I.e., are deferreds processed in the order in which they
 are created?)

Maybe, but whenever a Deferred waits on the result of another Deferred,
you're at the mercy of whatever they're waiting for.

For example, say you use Twisted to retrieve the contents of two


The request for; will be launched first, but if
that server takes longer to respond, process_data() might receive the
response from server B first.

 4. Related to #2, and #3, does it make sense to use twisted when
 requests that are serviced may depend on one another.  For example, a
 client makes a request 'add-A' which is deferred (so that the server
 can keep processing requests), and immediately afterwards makes a
 request 'modify-A' (which is also run as a deferred).  Can I count on
 add-A being done so that modify-A doesn't attempt to work on something
 which hasn't been created yet?

In general, no. For example, if you get a request from the network that
causes you to send insert into table to the database, and meanwhile
get another request from the network that causes you to send update
table to the database, you have no way of knowing whether one will
complete before the other. Twisted's asynchronous database wrapper uses
a connection pool, so the two requests might be sent down separate
connections in parallel, so the database could actively prevent the
update from seeing the results of the insert.

If you're getting stateful requests without any kind of stateful
framing (say, 'begin transaction'/'commit transaction' messages, or some
kind of session ID, or something like that), you have a problem Twisted
cannot help with.

If you *do* have some kind of session, you can set up your server so
that you have a DeferredSemaphore per session, which will ensure that
the next Deferred until you've finished with the previous one. For

ds = DeferredSemaphore()

def got_message(msg):
newDefer = ds.acquire()
newDefer.addCallback(lambda _: processMsg(msg))
newDefer.addBoth(lambda _: ds.release())

 5. Related to all of the above.  What If I want to modify a database
 inside a deferred?  Is that incorrect usage?  Specifically, if all my
 requests run as deferred, and they all start a transaction and the
 beginning, and commit the transaction at the end, will I run into
 problems due to context switching in the middle of deferreds? (such as
 one request committing for both requests, starting two transactions in
 a row, committing twice in a row, and so on.)

As somebody else mentioned, what you want is twisted.enterprise.adbapi.
It maintains a connection pool, and every database call you make
(usually via the .runQuery() or .runOperation() methods) will be run in
a separate connection, so .commit() or .rollback() will be run on the
correct connection, and you won't have problems with cross-talk between
concurrent requests.


Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] questions about twisted usage

2012-03-22 Thread Tim Allen
On Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 02:34:41PM +0200, Uri Okrent wrote:
 Maybe I should clarify my question:
 thing = 0
 def a():
 thing += 1
 thing += 1
 thing += 1
 thing += 1
 thing += 1
 def b():
 thing = 0
 def show_thing():
 print thing
 given the two deferreds 'a' and 'b', with 'a' being called first, it
 is possible for twisted to jump to 'b' in the middle of 'a' correct?


The situation above doesn't actually work because a and b don't return
Deferreds, but during the execution of a, it's the only thing running
(unless you have other threads running... but since Twisted is largely
a way of avoiding thread-programming, that's not often the case).

In the real world, things aren't so simple, because nobody writes
Deferreds for code that can just execute in a straight line. People use
Deferreds when they want to wait for some external event before going
further, and you generally don't have control over the order those
events occur in.

For example, here we have a function that does some work, then does
a deferred operation, then does some more work in the callback:

thing = 0

def a():
global thing

# Do some work.
thing += 1

# Cause some_db to do some work on another machine, or in
# another thread, or something.
d = some_db.do_work(a)

def add_more(res):
global thing

thing += 1
thing += 1
thing += 1

return res

# When some_db is done, call this callback.

# Do more work.
thing += 1

return d

def b():
d = some_db.do_work(b)

def clear_thing(res):
global thing
thing = 0
return res

return d

The pattern of events would go like this:

- Initially, thing is 0.
- Somebody calls a(), which increments thing twice (under the comment
  do some work and do more work, and launches a database call.
- thing is now 2.
- Somebody calls b(), which launches a different database call.
- Sometime later, the database gets back to us with an answer, and
  either a or b's callback will be fired first.
- If a's callback is fired before b's callback, thing will be
  incremented three more times then (some time later) set to 0.
- IF b's callback is fired before a's callback, thing will be set to 0,
  then (some time later) incremented 3 more times, resulting in 3.

So the only possible results are 0 and 3, because the 'synchronisation
points' are at the edges of callbacks. There's no way to get a result of
1 or 2, because a callback can't be interrupted while it's running
(again, unless threads are involved).


Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] Conch text attribute flattening quirks

2012-02-22 Thread Tim Allen
On Wed, Feb 22, 2012 at 01:47:46PM +0200, Jonathan Jacobs wrote:
  from twisted.conch.insults.helper import CharacterAttribute
  from twisted.conch.insults.text import flatten, attributes as A
  flatten(A.normal['hello', A.bold[' world '], 'quux'], 
 'hello\x1b[1m world quux'
 My expectations are that only  world  will be marked up with bold
 attributes, since it is the only piece of content in the bold
 attribute, while hello and quux both appear in normal text, i.e.
 without any additional markup. Looking at the output you can see that
 hello appears as normal text and then  world quux appears in bold.

Since it's in twisted.conch, I'm guessing that this character-attribute
stuff is designed to model the VT100 character attribute system, rather
than some generic tree-of-strings-and-attributes. For example, somebody
used to the way HTML works might want to nest bold and italics like

ihello bworld/b quux/i

However, to achieve the same result on a traditional terminal (and using
the tput(1) command to produce the formatting codes), you'd have to do
something like this:

tput sitm   # enable italics
echo -n hello 
tput bold   # enable bold
echo -n world
tput sgr0   # disable all special attributes
tput sitm   # enable italics again
echo  quux

...that is, there's no code for 'end bold' or 'end italics' (or blink, dim,
underline, invisible, any kind of colouring, etc.) just an 'end all
special attributes' code. Therefore it's reasonable for conch's helper
library to not handle nested formatting, since no terminal program will
produce such a thing, because it's impossible to represent in the
VT100/VT200 formatting language.

I guess an argument could be made that the helper function should track
which attributes are enabled at any particular point in the string, and
calculate the correct sequence of disable-everything/re-enable-the-
remaining-attributes codes, but evidently nobody's needed such a thing

Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] Question : Combining wokel XMPP and twisted.internet.serial

2011-12-22 Thread Tim Allen
On Fri, Dec 23, 2011 at 11:09:32AM +0700, bino oetomo wrote:
 the print self.writethis do as told
 but the self.serial.write(self.writethis) line raise an exceptions
File ./mytac01.tac, line 44, in onMessage
 /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/twisted/internet/, line 
 191, in write
  self._tempDataLen += len(data)
  exceptions.TypeError: object of type 'Element' has no len()

It looks like self.writethis is an Element, not a string. Python's
print statement will automatically call str() on things before it prints
them, but Twisted's .write() methods do not. You'll have to change your
code to something like this:



Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] Log output formatting (was Re: logging question)

2011-11-30 Thread Tim Allen
On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 01:04:27PM -, wrote:
 On 04:07 am, wrote:
 If the standard Twisted logging functions automatically constructed
 LogMessage instances from dict instances, it should be easy enough for
 future ILogObserver implementations to do the right thing (by just
 calling str(msg)). Of course, they could also do more sophisticated
 things like pulling particular keys out of the message to set
 observer-specific message properties (like syslog channel and severity,
 Oooo there could be a function that takes a dict intended to 
 represent a text message and returns that message as a string.

As mentioned, we already have one of those in the form of
textFromEventDict(). The trouble is that everybody who writes
a LogObserver needs to know that it exists, and remember to call it. If
it were the __str__() method of a LogMessage object, they'd have to go
out of their way to *not* do the right thing.

Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] Log output formatting (was Re: logging question)

2011-11-29 Thread Tim Allen
On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 10:44:21AM -0800, Don Dwiggins wrote:
 Looking at the source of, I'm at a bit of a loss to reconcile 
 these two forces.  Certainly, the two log observers implemented there 
 use textFromEventDict, but one could create a different observer that 
 does things entirely differently.
 The best idea I can come up with is, in the documentation for msg, refer 
 to the documentation for the chosen log observer; then, in each log 
 observer's documentation, describe how the formatting is done, either 
 explicitly, or by reference to textFromEventDict.  (And maybe in the 
 documentation for ILogObserver, recommend strongly that each 
 implementation be explicit about message formatting.)  There should 
 probably also be something in the logging howto.
 Any better suggestions?

While not every log observer needs to flatten a log event dict into
a string, that particular approach is probably common enough that it
deserves a simple solution. I think, in my ideal world, there would be
a LogMessage class that inherits from dict, with a __str__ method that
looks something like:

def __str__(self):
if msg in self:
return self[msg]
elif format in self:
return self[format] % self
else return dict.__str__(self)

If the standard Twisted logging functions automatically constructed
LogMessage instances from dict instances, it should be easy enough for
future ILogObserver implementations to do the right thing (by just
calling str(msg)). Of course, they could also do more sophisticated
things like pulling particular keys out of the message to set
observer-specific message properties (like syslog channel and severity,

The documentation for the standard Twisted logging functions could then
just point to the LogMessage documentation to describe what goes into
a log event and how it gets interpreted, with a footnote to the effect
that different log observers can handle the same message in different

Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] Twisted Project Jobs Volunteer

2011-11-16 Thread Tim Allen
On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 01:33:45PM -0500, Glyph wrote:
 Really the most important thing here though is just to get the
 automatic mirroring initially set up, not the never-ending
 ambassadorial work.  That way git users wouldn't _need_ elaborate
 instructions as to what to clone and how; if we just say get twisted
 from github and have that automatically updated it would be easier
 for everyone.

I've done some experimentation, and (as best I can tell) it's impossible
to use git-svn to create a sensible SVN → Git conversion of the Twisted
repository. This is because of the various, inconsistent branch-naming
schemes that have been used over Twisted's long history.

As best I can tell, git-svn can import branches that exist at some
specific depth in the tree... so if your branches look like this:

+- branches
+- add-a-feature-1234
+- fix-a-bug-2345
+- release-v1.0.x
+- release-v1.1.x can say git svn clone --branches='branches/*' and they'll be
imported as Git branches. Likewise, if you group your branches in some

+- branches
+- topic-branches
|   |
|   +- add-a-feature-1234
|   +- fix-a-bug-2345
+- release-branches
+- v1.0.x
+- v1.1.x

...then you can say git svn clone --branches='branches/*/*' and
they'll all be imported cleanly. Unfortunately, the Twisted repository's
branches directory contains subdirectories representing branches *and*
subdirectories representing groups of branches... and *those* contain
both branch directories and branch-group directories. Here are the
branch-group directories I've discovered so far:


When I import a range of revisions that happens to include a change to
a branch in branches/releases (I've been using the range 33049:33062
for testing), git-svn winds up importing the entire releases subtree
as a branch, which is... suboptimal. If I use the --ignore-paths
option to ignore everything under branches/releases, then it still
generates the branch and faithfully records all the commits affecting
it... but ignores all the files, so when you check out that branch it
deletes everything in your working directory.

What's really annoying about this is that git itself doesn't care about
branch naming, and it's perfectly happy to have add-a-feature-1234 and
releases/v1.0.x as branch names. It's just the git-svn tool not being
flexible enough. A quick Google doesn't reveal much in the way of other
people who have dealt with repository layouts like this, except for one
report which basically went use 'svnadmin dump' to export the
repository, use sed to rewrite all the paths, load the dump into a new
svn repository and import from there. That sounds like a lot of work to
me, and not the sort of thing that could be reliably repeated to keep
the two repositories in sync. Perhaps someone should file a bug with the
git-svn maintainer, if only they had a bug-tracker.

So, would a repository with a huge, bogus releases branch be
acceptable in an Official Mirror? It's not strictly needed for
developing patches, but it *will* create lots of puzzled frowns and
annoyance, perhaps from people who want a Git mirror to integrate with
their automatically download new releases code.

Also in the spirit of writing things down so future contributors can
figure things out, I note the Git FAQ on the Git Wiki has a How do
I mirror a SVN repository to git? question:

Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] Twisted Project Jobs Volunteer

2011-11-16 Thread Tim Allen
On Wed, Nov 16, 2011 at 08:17:51AM -0600, Jeffrey Ollie wrote:
 The solution that I've come up with is to use git-svn to create a
 separate Git repository for each branch, and then git-push that branch
 into a central Git repository.  This does burn *a lot* of disk space,
 but only one person needs to do it - everyone else can clone the
 central repository.  The initial setup takes a while, but subsequent
 runs should be relatively fast.
 You can see the converted repository I'm building at:
 It's still in the process of building up so not all the branches are
 there yet.

Oooh. That's looking pretty good. As you say, not all the branches are
there, and none of the tags, but I can see you've already successfully imported 
of the tricky release branches.

 I've put the script that I'm using here:
 One feature that I'd like to add before calling this final is
 converting SVN usernames to proper names/email addresses like Git
 prefers to use.

I see your script repository already has the beginnings of such
a mapping file; unfortunately you've already filled in most of the names
I recognise, and I don't know if there's any other authoritative list of
such information (and of course, it would need to be updated as Twisted
adds new committers).

The how to mirror Git to SVN section of the Git FAQ includes
information on how to take a cloned git repository and add git-svn magic
so you can commit to the original upstream repository; I guess that
wouldn't really work with your custom import script.

I think this would be a much better base for an Official Twisted Git
Mirror than anything I've come up with so far. How difficult would it be
for somebody unfamiliar with Git (such as, say, the Twisted core devs)
to keep running?

Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] Twisted Project Jobs Volunteer

2011-11-14 Thread Tim Allen
On Sun, Nov 13, 2011 at 09:20:46PM -0500, Glyph Lefkowitz wrote:
 On Nov 13, 2011, at 1:13 AM, Tim Allen wrote:
  Should I update the GitMirror page to suggest people run git svn
  clone -rHEAD instead of using the no-longer-updated official mirror?
  Perhaps the page should also be renamed?
 Sounds like this is a better idea than what we're advising people to
 do now,

GitMirror page updated.

I discovered a wrinkle, though: it turns out that git svn clone -rHEAD
only works if the HEAD of the SVN repo happens to be a commit to trunk.
If the HEAD happens to be a commit on a branch, tag, or anything else,
it only downloads the contents of the branch, tries to set up the trunk
and can't find it, then collapses in a heap.

I've added a step that uses svn info to find the last trunk commit, so
the user can substitute that revision number into the git svn clone

I'd appreciate it if anyone with a vague familiarity with Git could read
over the page and tell me if there's anything I can improve.

Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] Twisted Project Jobs Volunteer

2011-11-14 Thread Tim Allen
On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 12:22:59AM -0500, Glyph wrote:
 Tim: you're right that there isn't much interest among the current
 Twisted core development team.  But the whole point of having a Git
 mirror (and a presence on Github, which I think is the next step) is
 to attract new developers to this community.
 That's why the topic of this thread is Twisted Project Jobs
 Volunteer.  We're asking for someone with expertise in this area to
 step up, volunteer to help maintain this mirror, which should help us
 attract more people who are interested in the same going forward.

There is a thing here that worries me, although I'm not sure I can
express it clearly without sounding crazy.

Back in the days when CVS and SVN were king, the only way you could
interact with a project was by submitting patches, and since only
commiters interacted directly with the master repository, it didn't
really matter much how branches and merges were handled. As long as you
kept things in a way that made sense to you, that was OK - nobody else
would see it.

Since Git is a distributed VCS, suddenly everybody has access to
everybody else's repositories, up close and personal, and suddenly (like
when any subjective matter is discussed by a large group of people),
people have *opinions* about other people's repositories, and there are
*fashions* and *best practices* and all that stuff. 

I'm not a Github user myself, so I don't know this first hand, but I as
I understand it the Github community is has even more social
expectations, like pull requests and the Github issue tracker.

It's very well to say make git mirror, push to Github, get new
contributors, but I think there's a social impedance mismatch here
that's going to cause problems, or at least make people wary because
Twisted's Github project behaves weirdly and differently from other
Github projects they're used to.

Some examples that I can think of:
- The most obvious example: in Git, when you merge a branch to trunk,
  you get a merge commit; in SVN (at least the way Twisted uses it) you
  just get an ordinary commit that squashes together all the branch
  commits. That's not a technical problem, but the difference between
  the Twisted commit graph and an ordinary commit graph is
  a something's not right warning.
- In Git, the cultural expectation is submit a sequence of patches;
  Twisted generally wants all your changes in a single patch, since the
  divisions will be lost on merge anyway.
- In Git, if I develop on a branch, then submit that branch as a patch
  sequence that gets applied by the repository owner, there's a good
  chance that when I 'git pull', git will recognise those patches as
  'my' patches and can rebase my branch intelligently. When those
  patches have gone via git svn, they seem to have changed enough that
  rebasing my branch causes horrible merge conflicts.
- In Git, you'd generally only create one branch for a patch series, and
  occasionally rebase it to keep up with trunk changes. The Twisted
  process seems to favour creating completely new branches (foo-1234,
  foo-1234-2, foo-1234-3, etc.) to handle trunk changes.
- As mentioned, Github merge requests and the Github issue tracker.

None of these are show stoppers, they're annoyances at worst, and could
be easily explained in documentation. But who will write that
documentation? Who will tirelessly explain the differences between the
Git world and the Twisted world on the mailing list and #twisted, poll
for merge requests and redirect them to Trac, forever?

TL;DR: Github users have expectations of how to interact with projects.
Twisted can make it easy for Github users to contribute by meeting those
expectations, switching from SVN to Git, and changing the UQDS to match.
Keeping things the way they are and adding a Git mirror is probably not
going to have the desired effect without a lot of effort on somebody's

 Is that person you?  You're already maintaining the wiki page - and
 your participation in this thread has probably taken more time than
 the setup would have, if you have the relevant knowledge :).  Is there
 something you're missing?  Some administrative credential, perhaps?
 Information about where the relevant code lives?  If you're up for
 continuing on this, I'm sure we can get you whatever you need :).

Updating a wiki-page is not terribly onerous because it's bounded: solve
a problem by reading some documentation, write some more documentation,
done. Being the liaison between Twisted core developers and every Git
user who might want to contribute is unbounded... or at least, very
large and always growing as the number of Twisted devs and Git users

I've not forgotten that I have/had Twisted commit access, and coming
back to help on a more regular basis is definitely on my list of things
to do, although it's pushed down a fair way at the moment.  However,
even volunteer for Twisted was right at the top of the list, I'd be
a mug to sign up for such an 

Re: [Twisted-Python] Twisted Project Jobs Volunteer

2011-11-09 Thread Tim Allen
On Wed, Nov 09, 2011 at 12:50:23AM -0800, Glyph Lefkowitz wrote:
 On Nov 8, 2011, at 7:39 PM, Tim Allen wrote:
  As far as I know (having written most of the documentation in the linked
  wiki page, and from a brief skim through the git-svn manpage) it's
  impossible to make a shallow clone with git-svn (something like an
  ordinary svn checkout, or git clone --depth N), so anyone who wants
  to contribute to Twisted via git needs to clone the repository from
  scratch (potentially overloading the SVN server, although nobody seemed
  to notice or complain when I was doing my git-svn clone), or just copy
  a tarball of somebody's comprehensive, elaborate, automatic mirroring
 This is the part I don't understand.  Why doesn't 'git clone' work
 right in the face of svn metadata?

Git has a .git directory in each repository, and expects certain files
to be present within it. If there's more stuff that it doesn't know
about, it just ignores it. git-svn keeps its metadata in other files
that git-clone doesn't know or care about, and hence they don't get

I guess there's an argument for not cloning them - just because person
X has particular access rights to an SVN server doesn't mean that person
Y should have them just because they cloned a repository from X.

 bzr-svn has some metadata it caches about the svn repository which
 doesn't stick around in the bzr repo or branch, but (from the
 performance of using it, at least) it doesn't need to stop the world
 and grab all of that data for most operations.

In a git-svn-cloned repository, ordinary git operations are as speedy as
you'd expect. git svn fetch is slow because (I think) it has to
separately request each changed file from each SVN revision, and I think
there's some other operations that are slow because they involve talking
to the SVN server (like 'tell me what SVN properties are attached to
this file').

 It would be better (for most users) to point to a canonical way to get
 access to a git-svn clone than to document how to make one, if making
 one takes 24 hours :).

Don't worry, it doesn't take 24 hours! It's *much* longer than that! ;)

(as the wiki page states, in early 2010 and from the other side of the
world it took about a week; I don't have a feel for how it changes over

  I'm not sure why that would be, except that possibly they found
  a tarball of somebody else's git-svn clone and forgot to update it, or
  they're confused about the best way to get cloned from some unofficial,
  no-longer updated mirror. Fixing this probably depends on having the
  canonical, correct, convenient instructions and advertising them widely.
 You edited GitMirror before, you can do it again :).

I'm editing it to include what we've discussed here, as well as a few
other things that I researched this afternoon and put into a reply that
my MUA ate before it was sent. 

I believe the next step should be that somebody with the required
permissions should connect to a machine on the same physical network as
the SVN server and run:

time git svn clone --stdlayout --prefix=svn/ \

...then check the load on the SVN server and see if it's going to be an
issue to let the clone complete. If the clone completes successfully,
then (a) we know about how long it takes, and (b) we have a seed
repository we can potentially put up for people to download. I'd be
happy to download it, check it, and write up some documentation about
how people should update it. If it doesn't complete successfully, we
should have some helpful error messages, adjust the clone command line
and try again.

Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] Twisted Project Jobs Volunteer

2011-11-09 Thread Tim Allen
On Wed, Nov 09, 2011 at 01:22:19PM -, wrote:
 Why do we need to do this again?  There's already,, and

The wiki mentions the first one a couple of times, although strictly
speaking you need to add /.git to the end to get a URL you can clone
from. Apart from being out-of-date, it seems to be missing a lot of
branches (there's only 56, and it stopped updating in 2011-03; my
personal git-svn hasn't been updated since 2010-09 and has 2062
branches), it hasn't correctly imported the branches under releases,
and the only tags are last_vfs_and_web2 and releases.

I guess it's not strictly necessary to have tags or releases imported if
the goal is to let people develop patches against trunk, but the fact
that branches are missing worries me - if a Twisted committer adds your
patch to a branch, you want to be confident that the new branch will
actually show up when you update your repository.

As for the other two, this is the first I've heard of them. Is there any
documentation about how they differ, are there records of how these
repositories were created and/or updated that I could add to the
GitMirror wiki-page?

Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] Twisted Project Jobs Volunteer

2011-11-09 Thread Tim Allen
On Wed, Nov 09, 2011 at 09:30:57AM -0500, Tom Davis wrote:
 It's worth noting that you aren't *required* to clone all eight trillion 
 Twisted revisions in order to get a working clone. Doing `git svn clone 
 -rN:HEAD url` where `N` is some revision number will only clone from 
 that revision.

Yet another useful thing I've missed in the git-svn manpage. Thanks!

In fact, it seems you can just specify -rHEAD and you'll get a repo
with only the latest trunk revision in it. If the resulting repository
can gracefully handle updates that add new branches, and new commits on
old branches that haven't been imported, this would probably be the best
approach for Git-using potential contributors.

Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] Twisted Project Jobs Volunteer

2011-11-09 Thread Tim Allen
On Wed, Nov 09, 2011 at 02:49:50PM -, wrote:
 On 02:18 pm, wrote:
 On Wed, Nov 09, 2011 at 01:22:19PM -, 
 Why do we need to do this again?  There's already,, and
 The wiki mentions the first one a couple of times, although strictly
 speaking you need to add /.git to the end to get a URL you can clone
 from. Apart from being out-of-date, it seems to be missing a lot of
 branches (there's only 56, and it stopped updating in 2011-03; my
 personal git-svn hasn't been updated since 2010-09 and has 2062
 branches), it hasn't correctly imported the branches under releases,
 and the only tags are last_vfs_and_web2 and releases.
 It's out of date because no one who knows how to keep it updated has 
 taken the necessary steps for that to happen.
 Are there other problems with it which can only be fixed by starting 

I suspect that the other problems I mentioned can only be fixed by
starting over, yes.

 The point I am trying to convey is that performing some one-off import 
 operation has been done before, repeatedly.  What's going to be 
 different this time that causes the clone to stay up to date?

I fully expect that whatever broke previous attempts will break this new
attempt too. The difference will be that since there's a record of how
the new repository was created, and assuming there'll be a record of
what happened when the new repository broke, this time we'll be able to
reproduce the problem and work out a solution.

 I guess it's not strictly necessary to have tags or releases imported
 if the goal is to let people develop patches against trunk, but the
 fact that branches are missing worries me - if a Twisted committer
 adds your patch to a branch, you want to be confident that the new
 branch will actually show up when you update your repository.
 Indeed.  Is this something that's addressed by the git command in your 
 earlier email?

The --stdlayout parameter causes git-svn to import branches in the
standard SVN branches directory, which is where Twisted seems to keep
its feature branches (the most important ones for people working on

With some effort it might be possible to import release branches in
branches/releases, but that's obviously a lesser priority.

 As for the other two, this is the first I've heard of them. Is there
 any documentation about how they differ, are there records of how
 these repositories were created and/or updated that I could add to
 the GitMirror wiki-page?
 I have no idea where they came from or how they differ.

It turns out Twisted2 is the newest (July 2011) and has about the right
number of branches. It also seems to have imported the various
ctrl+backslash-2371+2123 branches that I recall causing issues before.
On the other hand, it still imports branches/releases as a single
branch, and has no tags. Twisted3 might have been created for one of
those reasons... or possibly for some other reason that's not
immediately obvious.

Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] Global reactor unit tests in the Twisted test suite

2011-11-01 Thread Tim Allen
On Tue, Nov 01, 2011 at 02:48:02PM -0400, Glyph wrote:
 If you can think of a better solution that addresses all of these
 concerns simultaneously somehow, please share, I'd love to hear it

I'm not sure if it addresses all your concerns, but
twisted.python.context will let you set a particular value for things
you call and all their descendants (unless one of them sets a new value
in the context). I can imagine interleaving code that passes a reactor
parameter explicitly and code that grabs a reactor from the current
context without much hassle.


Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] Running the same trial test suite against a live server and a mock server

2011-09-26 Thread Tim Allen
On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 01:37:16PM +0200, Laurens Van Houtven wrote:
 The obvious solution is to have a makeClient function defined in module
 scope for the given test module. I could then have a bin/ that
 takes a username, password and cert, and monkeypatches that module. I'm
 assuming it can't be hard to tell trial to just take a test module and run
 Are there any better ways to pass test data to trial?

If you have a particular set of tests you want to run against a mock
server and a real server, I'd be highly tempted to use inheritance:

class ServerTestMixin:

def _get_server_details(self):
raise NotImplementedError

def test_foo(self):
server = self._get_server_details()

class MockServerTest(ServerTestMixin, unittest.TestCase):

def setUp(self):
# start mock server

def tearDown(self):
# shutdown mock server.

def _get_server_details(self):

class LiveServerTest(ServerTestMixin, unittest.TestCase):

def _get_server_details(self):

The other trick I've used in a similar situation is to define
ServerTestMixin and MockServerTest in a module matching test_*.py so
that Trial will find it by default, and define LiveServerTest in
a module like that won't be automatically run.

That way, you can test your code with trial and random fluctuations in
the live server won't cause spurious test failures, but you can pretty
easily run your tests against the live server whenever you want. If
you're using continuous integration, you could have a script that fails
if the unit tests break, but just warns if the integration tests break,

Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] Async-pep (again)

2011-07-14 Thread Tim Allen
On Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 02:03:03PM +0200, Laurens Van Houtven wrote:
 So, some of you might remember my async-pep post a while ago. Some people
 correctly complained there was no code or text. There's some code and quite
 a bit of text now. In fact, it even has a PEP number (3153)! So I'm
 soliciting feedback again.

The idea of Protocols implementing Transports is vaguely gestured at as
a Useful Thing, but not much detail is given. I think it would be useful
for the final PEP to address that topic more rigorously - partially
because it's good to have a firm basis on which to model SOCKS and SSH
libraries, but mostly because figuring out how SSL should interact with
TCP is going to give people headaches. Twisted, so far as I can see,
just sort of punts and says Yeah, SSL is just another transport like
TCP, but then you have to make the SSL transport support all the same
options that the TCP transport supports (socket options? IPv6?), but
then what if you want to run SSL over a serial port or a SOCKS
connection... A!

In practice, it might be simpler because SSL means whatever subset of
TCP functionality we can coax OpenSSL into providing rather than
a fully stackable protocol-providing-a-transport.

The thing with Consumers and Producers seems... very abstract. If I'm
sitting down to retrieve email via POP3 (to pick a random protocol),
'transports' and 'protocols' are tools that nestle very comfortably in
my mental model of the task in front of me; consumers and producers
are not. Are they concepts that should be handled by transport
implementors? Protocol implementors? Protocol users? Should they be
mapped onto XON/XOFF or RTS/CTS by serial transports?

At least in Twisted, transports and protocols do not exist in a vacuum;
they have to be hooked up via the reactor. Will this PEP define
a (skeletal) API to be implemented by potential reactors, or is that
going to left entirely unspecified, like WSGI?

Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] Async-pep (again)

2011-07-14 Thread Tim Allen
On Thu, Jul 14, 2011 at 10:05:00AM +0200, Laurens Van Houtven wrote:
 On Thu, Jul 14, 2011 at 8:48 AM, Tim Allen wrote:
  The idea of Protocols implementing Transports is vaguely gestured at as
  a Useful Thing, but not much detail is given. I think it would be useful
  for the final PEP to address that topic more rigorously - partially
  because it's good to have a firm basis on which to model SOCKS and SSH
  libraries, but mostly because figuring out how SSL should interact with
  TCP is going to give people headaches. Twisted, so far as I can see,
  just sort of punts and says Yeah, SSL is just another transport like
  TCP, but then you have to make the SSL transport support all the same
  options that the TCP transport supports (socket options? IPv6?), but
  then what if you want to run SSL over a serial port or a SOCKS
  connection... A!
  In practice, it might be simpler because SSL means whatever subset of
  TCP functionality we can coax OpenSSL into providing rather than
  a fully stackable protocol-providing-a-transport.
 Cool. Can I shove those 2 paragraphs into a ticket or will the copyright
 monster haunt me?

Go right ahead! I guess most of these things should be tickets, but
I don't have a GitHub account and I'm not particularly looking to
register on more websites at the moment.

  The thing with Consumers and Producers seems... very abstract. If I'm
  sitting down to retrieve email via POP3 (to pick a random protocol),
  'transports' and 'protocols' are tools that nestle very comfortably in
  my mental model of the task in front of me; consumers and producers
  are not. Are they concepts that should be handled by transport
  implementors? Protocol implementors? Protocol users? Should they be
  mapped onto XON/XOFF or RTS/CTS by serial transports?
 Yes, Consumers and Producers are about flow control, and most Transports
 probably are producers.

Having looked at the issues list after sending that message, I see this
is basically issue 13, Why are producers/consumers important, how are
they different from protocols/transports?

If your PEP includes producers and consumers (and I note that the
current example code doesn't, it just has a FlowControl class), you'll
want to have an example Protocol that uses producers and consumers in
some useful, illustrative fashion.

  At least in Twisted, transports and protocols do not exist in a vacuum;
  they have to be hooked up via the reactor. Will this PEP define
  a (skeletal) API to be implemented by potential reactors, or is that
  going to left entirely unspecified, like WSGI?
 Entirely unspecified, because different implementations have to do pretty
 different things.

I guess the selection of available Transports is up to the hosting
event-loop, too - it might be worth noting that in the section on
Transports. Unless, of course, the Transport in question is
implemented by another Protocol, in which case I guess it's anybody's
guess how you might hook your Protocol up.

I almost think that, for pedagogy's sake, there should be an additional
Encapsulator or Framer abstract class, that inherits from Protocol, but
adds a .connectProtocol() method that takes another Protocol instance,
and hooks itself up as that Protocol's transport. Sure, anyone who
understands what's going on should be able to figure out what's going
on, but I think an extra class would make it blindingly obvious, and
I like APIs that save me from having to think too hard.

While there's still people listening to my half-formed opinions:

- Issue 7 seems to have settled on removing support for half_closing
  transports. I seem to recall somebody mentioning support for
  half-close as being one of those weird-corner cases that nobody thinks
  they need until they're trying to figure out why their SSH sessions
  always die with broken pipe errors. While it probably would
  complicate the documentation to include it, I'd hope that many
  frameworks that implement this PEP would want to include support for
  half-closing transports, and it'd be nice if there was a standard API
  for it instead of everybody adding their own methods with their own
  semantics. Perhaps there could be an HalfClosableTransport(Transport)
  ABC, that's optional in the same way that, say, DB-API's
  connection.rollback() method is defined but optional.

- For issue 6 (Scatter/gather IO API doesn't make sense yet), I can't
  see much of a use for readv/scatter, because I imagine the benefits
  come from having a bunch of pre-allocated buffers lying around, and
  even if the Python VM had such buffers, they probably wouldn't be
  visible or useful to running Python code. On the other hand, I can
  easily imagine Python code having a bunch of independently-generated
  buffers that need to be written in a particular order (framing data
  and framed data, for example), and being able to avoid ''.join() could
  be a big win. Again, perhaps this could be an optional extension

Re: [Twisted-Python] Async-pep (again)

2011-07-14 Thread Tim Allen
On Thu, Jul 14, 2011 at 07:05:38PM +1000, Tim Allen wrote:
 - You might also want to create an optional Transport method to wrap the
   sendfile(2) and/or splice(2) functions.

I suggested this not knowing whether Python would ever grow support for
sendfile(), since it seemed like the sort of thing that
performance-oriented async-io frameworks might want to set up with
ctypes or similar. However, I've just discovered that os.sendfile() will
be in Python 3.3:

Since your PEP has a 3000-series number anyway, os.sendfile() might
potentially be quite useful.

Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] Moving Twisted off Trac and SVN to somewhere nicer

2011-07-05 Thread Tim Allen
On Tue, Jul 05, 2011 at 09:41:12AM +0300, anatoly techtonik wrote:
 To know if Github is terrible or not, you need some data - examples,
 use cases. The first step in planning is to look at the current
 workflow and gather a list of ways current Trac+SVN is used and see
 where Github has advantages and where it suxx. Usually, people realize
 the latter when it's too late.

As has been mentioned in earlier in this thread:

(which I have updated with some of the website requirements that Glyph
mentioned in one of his posts).

Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] Moving Twisted off Trac and SVN to somewhere nicer

2011-07-01 Thread Tim Allen
On Fri, Jul 01, 2011 at 12:29:01PM +0200, Laurens Van Houtven wrote:
 There's a few existing hosting solutions:
1. Launchpad (+ Bazaar as the default vcs)
2. Bitbucket (+ Mercurial as the default vcs)
3. Github (+ Git as the default vcs)

As a very-occasional Twisted contributor (but a long-time fan!) I'll
vote for option 3. I'm not particularly a fan of Github[1], but Git is the
DVCS I know best, and I'd be more than happy for Twisted Labs to make
it easier for me (and people like me) to contribute.

On the other hand, using git would probably complicate the build/review
process: since Github repositories are (as far as I know) owned by
individuals, you might not be able to set up access for multiple people,
and hence the current scheme of push your changes to a branch on the
central server, tell the buildbots to build it might not be possible.


[1] In fact, I'm vaguely uneasy about distributed version control
being so centralised  on a single piece of commercially-owned
infrastructure. On the other hand, the only hosted alternative would be
Gitorious, and it doesn't have a lot of the shiny features Github has,
like bug-tracking.

Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] Moving Twisted off Trac and SVN to somewhere nicer

2011-07-01 Thread Tim Allen
On Fri, Jul 01, 2011 at 12:48:37PM +0200, Tristan Seligmann wrote:
 On Fri, Jul 1, 2011 at 12:29 PM, Laurens Van Houtven wrote:
  Although I've hated git for a long while (and I still don't like it very
  much), I firmly believe Github is the right thing for Twisted. My incredibly
  unscientific poll amongst people who like Twisted but aren't devs is that
  they all love or at least like Github, and a surprising number has a
  distaste for Launchpad (unfamiliarity with Bazaar, perceived
  developer-unfriendly UI, slowness).
 I'm not sure I understand what you mean by aren't devs. Do you mean
 aren't Twisted developers? I don't see why someone who isn't a
 developer would particularly care what development tools Twisted uses.

Perhaps potential Twisted developers who haven't decided to contribute

Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] Conch Testing server and client

2011-07-01 Thread Tim Allen
On Fri, Jul 01, 2011 at 05:44:31PM +0530, Anshul Singhle wrote:
 What I'm trying is :
 class TestAccountStatus(unittest.TestCase):

Is that the Python standard library's unittest.TestCase, or
twisted.trial.unittest.TestCase? As Jean-Paul says, Twisted's TestCase
should automatically handle the reactor for you; that's why it exists.

Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] SURVEY: Have you submitted a patch to Twisted and it never got in?

2011-07-01 Thread Tim Allen
On Fri, Jul 01, 2011 at 09:11:34PM +0200, Laurens Van Houtven wrote:
 On Fri, Jul 1, 2011 at 8:59 PM, Itamar Turner-Trauring
  Or for that matter, you can include e.g. an github URL in the ticket
  instead of attaching the patch.
 Only if there's a decent Github mirror to fork from, otherwise you're asking
 people to do a multi-hour operation (I know, because I'm doing it right now)
 to get a decent git repo,

Last time I tried (perhaps a year ago), a git-svn clone of the Twisted
SVN repo took the better part of a week. I seem to recall somebody
preparing a tarball of a git-svn-clone'd repository to help people
bootstrap, but my clone was already completed at that point so I didn't
investigate further.

Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] Asynchronous code PEP

2011-06-01 Thread Tim Allen
On Thu, Jun 02, 2011 at 12:50:33AM +0200, Laurens Van Houtven wrote:
 See people? Feedback works, now give me more of it please ;-)

Perhaps I'm looking at the wrong place; the pep-.rst I'm looking
at via the web interface contains only an short abstract and a rationale
that won't be controversial to anyone subscribed to this list. There
doesn't seem to be much to give feedback *on*.

I guess that means my feedback is 'please write more text'. :)

Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] Twisted Plugins - Implementation Discussion

2011-04-07 Thread Tim Allen
On Thu, Apr 07, 2011 at 03:24:57PM +0900, David wrote:
 On 04/07/2011 02:08 PM, Tim Allen wrote:
  If you need a non-Turing-complete config language and rule out .ini and
  XML, I'm not sure what's left. JSON, perhaps.
 Having had experience with JSON for configuration: it is a terrible 
 format for configuration, if only because it does not support comments.
 The syntax is also a bit too strict: enough to be annoying in something 
 you want to edit all the time and easily in my experience.

Well, that's pretty depressing. The only other candidate I can even
think of is YAML, and that's not in the standard library (as far as
I know).

Who'd have guessed it'd be so complicated to associate keys with values?

Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] Persisted protocol?

2011-04-06 Thread Tim Allen
On Wed, Apr 06, 2011 at 12:41:08PM +0200, Laurens Van Houtven wrote:
 Whoa hang on. Without trying to hijack the thread, this is the entire
 premise of infobarb, the IRC bot I'm building for #python-*, except
 s/pickle/sqlite/, so if this is a horrible idea I'd like to know before I
 build it.

I'm not familiar with the reasons Twistd moved from .tap to .tac (it's
rather before my time), but as a user I'd be worried about things like
what happens if, due to a bug, the server winds up choking on some
unexpected input, or deadlocked, or just mis-files some piece of state?
Restarting the process in question is a sledgehammer approach, but
that's often what you want if the alternative is unscheduled downtime.

The difference between Pickle and SQLite is that a SQLite database has
probably had some thought put into its schema, and is much less likely
to accidentally scoop up random other objects by reference. Also, if
your database *does* pick up some unwanted state, you have the option of
tinkering with the database manually; something that's much more
difficult to do with pickles.

I'd be interested in hearing from Twisted greybeards why .tap was
deprecated, but I don't think your IRC bot has a fatal design flaw.

Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] Twisted Plugins - Implementation Discussion

2011-04-06 Thread Tim Allen
On Thu, Apr 07, 2011 at 10:35:18AM +1000, Stephen Thorne wrote:
 So the goal of my post to this mailing list is:
 * I would like glyph's goal of having less arbitary code executed at
   twistd launch time to become a realisation,
 * I would like the process of creating a twisted plugin to be less of a
   cut+paste+fill-in-blanks hassle.

I notice that Tarek Ziadé's distutils2 is moving away from load
a Python module and probe for well-known attributes toward define all
metadata in a static file. It sounds like you want a similar thing for
twistd plugins. Perhaps an implementation might look something like

- At startup, twistd scans twisted/plugin directories on sys.path
  looking for files whose filenames end with '.twistd'.
- Each such file is loaded with Python's ConfigParser module.
- Each section in the ConfigParser module represents a plugin whose
  'tapname' is the section name.
- Each section has a 'description' option, whose value is
  a human-readable string describing the plugin.
- Each section has a 'module' option, whose value is a string that
  can be passed to Python's __import__ builtin to get a Python

...where the module defined by 'module' exposes a
'make_service(options)' function, and an 'options' global variable that
is an instance of t.p.usage.Options.

I know you said you didn't like t.p.usage.Options, but I'd be sad to
lose the ability for twistd to support twistd $PLUGIN --help, and for
that kind of introspection to work, the options data needs to be in
*some* known format. Maybe this might be the time to move to the
stdlib's optparse - or maybe not, now that optparse is (presumably)
deprecated in favour of argparse. Maybe twistd could examine a number of
different well-known variable-names, for different option-parsing

Just tossing this out as a strawman for people to point and laugh at.

Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] Twisted Plugins - Implementation Discussion

2011-04-06 Thread Tim Allen
On Thu, Apr 07, 2011 at 12:54:45AM -0400, Glyph Lefkowitz wrote:
 If we invent our own file extension which has to be separately
 installed, we have to teach distutils, and setuptools, and distribute,
 and pip, and distutils2, and 'packaging' (as I'm sure that will
 eventually be incompatible with distutils2 for some silly reason), and
 easy_install, and dpkg, and rpm, and yum, and apt, and probably five
 other horrible Python packaging things that I don't even know about
 yet, how to deal with it.  So I am strongly in favor of keeping
 everything in .py files and just making a minor tweak to what's stored
 in dropin.cache (and perhaps allowing dropin.cache to be stored in
 some location more likely to be writable by individual users, in case
 the installation process doesn't update it).

My understanding was that .py files have to be installed into
twisted/plugins as binary blobs, not as ordinary Python modules, because
of special rules like twisted/plugins must not be a Python package. If
distutils/setuptools/etc. can handle a binary blob with a .py
extension, I figured it could handle a binary blob with any other

If that's wrong, then yeah, I guess that would be a problem.

 - Each such file is loaded with Python's ConfigParser module.
 The first rule of the Twisted cabal is of course don't talk about the
 Twisted cabal, but the second and possibly even more important rule
 is no '.ini' files.  I'd seriously much rather we use XML.  And you
 can ask Stephen how he feels about XML configuration files.  (Although
 I'd strongly recommend standing well clear of him when you do that,
 and making sure that no sharp or otherwise dangerous objects are
 within easy reach.)

Well, the nice thing about ConfigParser is that it's in the stdlib, and
people already know how to create them, and rolling
yet-another-config-file-format seems crazy in this day and age.

If you need a non-Turing-complete config language and rule out .ini and
XML, I'm not sure what's left. JSON, perhaps.

 I don't want a solution that is hard-coded to deal with the metadata
 that 'twistd' specifically needs, as Twisted plugins are already used
 for more than just twistd plugins, and I'd like them to be used for
 even more.

I've never actually come across anything that used Twisted plugins
besides twistd, so I'd forgotten they weren't twistd-specific.

 So as not to make this message too long, I'll defer a description my
 own preferred implementation strategy for a future post to this

I'll look forward to it. :)


Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] running several services from a single app

2011-03-29 Thread Tim Allen
On Tue, Mar 29, 2011 at 09:46:11AM +0200, Aljoša Mohorović wrote:
 is there a way to tell reactor to run application and services defined
 so i can skip .tac file and just execute python file?
 maybe something similar to this:
 application = service.Application(Services)
 factory1 = protocol.ServerFactory()
 factory1.protocol = Protocol1
 internet.TCPServer(8000, factory1).setServiceParent(application)
 factory2 = protocol.ServerFactory()
 factory2.protocol = Protocol2
 internet.TCPServer(9000, factory2).setServiceParent(application)
 # howto make reactor do something like this:

It's not clear from your message whether you're using
internet.TCPServer() in your actual production code, or if that's just
something you picked to make a simple example for the mailing-list.

If you really are using internet.TCPServer(), you can just skip the
Application object entirely, and call reactor.listenTCP() instead of
internet.TCPServer(), then at the bottom.

If you've written your own Server or Application subclass that you want
to run, Kevin Horn's answer is probably the one you want.


Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] prerelease preview predocumentation

2011-03-27 Thread Tim Allen
On Sun, Mar 27, 2011 at 09:57:28PM -0400, Glyph Lefkowitz wrote:
 On Mar 23, 2011, at 9:34 PM, Glyph Lefkowitz wrote:
 Anyone have comments about this?  With all the recent excitement about the 
 docs, I thought there would be a much more active thread here!

I think it looks lovely - but then, even Kevin's first drafts looked
lovely, so I didn't think that was particularly comment worthy.

I hope to be able to help out with the markup and spacing nitpicking,
once whoever's responsbile says Yes, this is good enough, it can be our
official doc system from now on.

I'm not sure if it's not finished yet, or I did something stupid, but
I tried to test out the search system by picking a word I figured would
be common in Twisted code (addCallbacks), and... got no hits. Even
Twisted gets no hits. At least, I assume that's what's going on;
there's no No results found message, but no results are displayed.

 Thoughts about whether we should link it from the front page?

I'm not sure if a try our new documentation system link should be on
the website's front page, but it's definitely the sort of thing you'd
put on a mailing-list, or blog-post, or Planet Python, or your
microblogging venue of choice. You know, just to get the message out
that the Twisted project cares about its documentation and Things are
Actually Being Done. :)

Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] Announcing Twisted 11.0.0pre1!

2011-03-22 Thread Tim Allen
On Tue, Mar 22, 2011 at 08:17:25PM -0400, Jessica McKellar wrote:
  * a new templating system in Twisted Web, twisted.web.template,
 derived from Divmod Nevow.

Oh boy! Are there pre-release API or other docs for this feature, or
will I have to download the tarball to read the code and/or wait for
11.0.0 to be released to find out about it?

Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] UDP Logging Server

2011-03-12 Thread Tim Allen
On Sat, Mar 12, 2011 at 02:33:45PM +0200, Pandelis Theodosiou wrote:
 On Sat, Mar 12, 2011 at 3:32 AM, Tim Allen wrote:
  Of course, if you flush after every disk read, your program will run
  a bit more slowly and with more I/O... for an application where
  reliability is more important than performance (like logging) that's
  probably acceptable.
 You may also setup a timer that flushes files every, say, 5 minutes.
 One other thing I've read in the site is that flush() is not 100%
 sure to work immediately and should be used in combination with os.fsync().
 Is there someone that can explain if that is correct?

Depends what you mean by 'work'. The standard library (Python's or C's)
buffers reads and writes because calling into the kernel is expensive.
The kernel buffers reads and writes because disk I/O is even more
expensive. flush() tells the standard library send buffered data to the
kernel right now which means your data should survive if your process
crashes. fsync() tells the kernel send buffered data to the disk right
now, which means your data should survive if the entire machine

Whether you call nothing, just flush(), or both flush() and fsync()
depends on how your software balances performance versus reliability.

Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] UDP Logging Server

2011-03-11 Thread Tim Allen
On Fri, Mar 11, 2011 at 01:15:47PM -0600, SIC FS LIST wrote:
 So far I have a working implementation ... but I'm noticing that if I do
 the following:
 -- log when a message is received
 -- that for that message it might show up in the file a pretty lengthy
 period of time later

Assuming the objects stored in DISKINFO[1] etc. are file objects, you
seem to be writing to the files but never calling flush(). If you don't
call flush(), Python (well, the C standard library) won't send the data
on to the OS until its buffer is full, or the file handle is closed. If
you're not getting that many log lines, it can take a while for that to

Of course, if you flush after every disk read, your program will run
a bit more slowly and with more I/O... for an application where
reliability is more important than performance (like logging) that's
probably acceptable.

 The actual UDP protocol:
 class VocsLogger(DatagramProtocol):
 def datagramReceived(self, data, (host, port)):
 _proc_msg(self.transport, data, (host,

_proc_msg doesn't seem to be complicated enough to need its own class,
why not just do what _proc_msg does in VocsLogger?

 The _proc_msg class:
 class _proc_msg:
 def __init__(self, sck, data, (host, port)):
 self._sck = sck
 self._data = data
 self._host = host
 self._port = port
 def _new_msg(self):
 d, _ = LogMsg().ParseSocketMsg(self._data)
 if d.type.upper() == DISKINFO[0]:
 DISKINFO[1].write(d.ToString() + \n%s\n % (LOG_DELIM))
 elif d.type.upper() == LOADAVG[0]:
 LOADAVG[1].write(d.ToString() + \n%s\n % (LOG_DELIM))
 elif d.type.upper() == MEMINFO[0]:
 MEMINFO[1].write(d.ToString() + \n%s\n % (LOG_DELIM))
 elif d.type.upper() == NETDEV[0]:
 NETDEV[1].write(d.ToString() + \n%s\n % (LOG_DELIM))
 elif d.type.upper() == PSAUX[0]:
 PSAUX[1].write(d.ToString() + \n%s\n % (LOG_DELIM))
 elif d.type.upper() == WHOINFO[0]:
 WHOINFO[1].write(d.ToString() + \n%s\n % (LOG_DELIM))
 DEFAULT[1].write(d.ToString() + \n%s\n % (LOG_DELIM))

It depends on what DISKINFO[0] and DISKINFO[1] actually are, but
assuming they're a string and a file-handle, this code would look more
Pythonic as something like this:

DISKINFO: open(/var/log/diskinfo, w),
LOADAVG: open(/var/log/loadavg, w),
MEMINFO: open(/var/log/meminfo, w),
NETDEV: open(/var/log/netdev, w),
PSAUX: open(/var/log/psaux, w),
WHOINFO: open(/var/log/whoinfo, w),
DEFAULT: open(/var/log/default, w),

def _new_msg(self, data):
d, _ = LogMsg().ParseSocketMsg(data)
type = d.type.upper()
sink = LOGSINKS.get(type, LOGSINKS['DEFAULT'])
sink.write(%s\n%s\n % (d.ToString(), LOG_DELIM))

Hope that helps!

Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] Refactoring Documentation

2011-01-20 Thread Tim Allen
On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 05:22:55PM -0600, Kevin Horn wrote:
 Hmmm...yes, I think it does.  It looks like the l2s_builder script is
 choking on fetching the DTD for some reason.  lore2sphinx itself is supposed
 to cache the DTD between runs, but I'm betting it doesn't work in the
 buildbot due to the (hopefully) clean environment it has every time it runs.
 I can change it to not care about that, but if I do, then it won't be able
 to resolve HTML entities (of which there are a few in the Lore sources,
 mostly em-dashes IIRC).

You mean these DTDs?


They reference the xhtml-*.ent entity definitions which are also in the
same directory. It would be neat if lore2sphinx could be taught to use
the DTDs packaged with lore instead of having to download them from the
Internet every time.

Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] Refactoring Documentation

2011-01-20 Thread Tim Allen
On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 06:34:17PM -0600, Kevin Horn wrote:
 On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 5:57 PM, Tim Allen wrote:
  You mean these DTDs?
  They reference the xhtml-*.ent entity definitions which are also in the
  same directory. It would be neat if lore2sphinx could be taught to use
  the DTDs packaged with lore instead of having to download them from the
  Internet every time.

 Huh. Never even knew that was there.  It probably could, and the reason it
 downloads from the internet was because that's the default way of doing it
 in lxml.  I've since figured out how to override that behavior (which is how
 the caching works) so maybe that wouldn't even be hard.  The easiest/fastest
 fix for the moment though would probably be to pre-populate the cache as I
 mentioned before, since IIRC, this would just involve adding the file to my
 hg repo.  I'll have to look into it though, it may be just as easy to do it
 the other way, though I don't want to depend necessarily on having Twisted's
 code available (remember, this is supposed to work on the various divmod
 projects, and anything else that uses Lore, too).

Well, you wouldn't necessarily be depending on Twisted, just depending
on Lore - and I imagine any not-Twisted project whose documentation
depends on Lore has already made peace with the idea of depending on
Lore. :)

If it's easier to just copy these well-known DTDs into the lore2sphinx
repository, I guess that's a good plan too - it's not like the W3C is
going to suddenly issue updated XHTML DTDs.

Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] Twisted and PEP 3148 support

2011-01-10 Thread Tim Allen
On Tue, Jan 11, 2011 at 02:15:59AM -, wrote:
 On 01:54 am, wrote:
 - Futures support cancellation; Twisted finally managed to get rid
   of cancellation support in Deferreds.
 We only got rid of Deferred.setTimeout.  In exchange, we added 
 generalized cancellation support.

Ah, yes, I misremembered. Thank you for the correction.

I haven't used Deferred's cancellation support; I don't know how
compatible it is with Future's cancellation support.

 Futures may call their callbacks in any thread.  So the line:
 must instead be something like:
 reactor.callFromThread(d.errback, e)

PEP 3148 says:
# Added callables are called in the order that they were added and are
# always called in a thread belonging to the process that added them.

I assumed that implied some kind of internal .callFromThread() magic;
I could be wrong.

Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] [newb] another process question

2010-11-05 Thread Tim Allen
On Fri, Nov 05, 2010 at 07:28:24PM -0400, Neal Becker wrote:
 The status 
 is passed in the form of a Failure instance, created with a .value that 
 either holds a ProcessDone object if the process terminated normally (it 
 died of natural causes instead of receiving a signal, and if the exit code 
 was 0), or a ProcessTerminated object (with an .exitCode attribute) if 
 something went wrong.

The deal is, there are multiple kinds of 'went wrong' in the Unix
process model. One kind (described the documentation you quote above) is
a non-zero exit code; you can test this by running /bin/false rather
than sleep 15 as your test command. Another kind is 'killed by
a signal', in which case the value returned by the process encodes the
number of the signal that killed it, rather than a process-defined error

Looking at the source of the ProcessTerminated class mentioned: looks like killing a process with a signal puts 'None' in the
.exitCode property, and the signal number in the .signal property. The
instance also has a useful str() representation if you just want to log
a sensible error message.

Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] Don't Thread On Me t-shirt proposal

2010-10-21 Thread Tim Allen
On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 08:49:37AM +0200, Marco Giusti wrote:
 On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 08:00:54PM -0400, David Ripton wrote:
  On 10/20/10 17:10, Laurens Van Houtven wrote:
   Feedback is welcome: do you think the layout or relative sizes should be
   changed? Is the apostrophe being missing okay?
  I think the missing apostrophe looks bad.
 Stupid question from a non anglophone: why the apostrophe is missing?

It's missing from Laurens Van Houtven's artwork because it's missing
from the Gadsden's Flag artwork that is being parodied. As to why the
original flag doesn't have an apostrophe... it's hard to say:

Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] Don't Thread On Me t-shirt proposal

2010-10-21 Thread Tim Allen
On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 11:54:59AM +0200, Laurens Van Houtven wrote:
 Yep, sorry, I realise the flag is based on an exclusively American symbol.
 OTOH, I'm not (very) American so it still rings bell for me :-)

I'm not American at all, and I think it's hilarious.

 About the apostrophe: yes, the reason it is currently missing is because it
 is missing on the Gadsen flag. That's also the reason the t-shirt is yellow.
 I'm getting mixed feedback on how important mimicing the Gadsen flag is, in
 terms of:
  - typeface (this is Cardo 99 SIL. Printing on T-shirts occasionally has
 problems with small, thin serifs on serif fonts.)

I notice that Wikipedia's Gadsden Flag page includes a scan from an
1885 school-book that includes a reproduction of said flag, and it
definitely uses a sans-serif typeface. Like most visual designs that
have been drawn and redrawn thousands of times by hundreds of people
over the centuries, I suspect a little variance is permissible.

  - color (although I like it because it's a Python-related shirt, and yellow
 isn't my favorite color)

The common ingredients of a Gadsden Flag reference seem to be yellow,
snake and the slogan; given how much the Twisted Matrix logo resembles
the traditional rattlesnake (i.e. not very much) keeping the colour and
the slogan close to the original seems important.

  - apostrophe (authenticity vs correctness - fortunately it's just a lexer
 problem in don't and not the far more expensive parser problems of

I see somebody tried to add an apostrophe to the SVG version of the flag
on Wikipedia, which was quickly reverted (sadly without a rationale or
citation). A Google Image Search for DONT TREAD ON ME shows that both
with-apostrophe and without-apostrophe variants are common, but the ones
without seem more... authentic somehow.

Enough bike-shedding? :)

Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] Strange error: SQL-Server tries to rollback

2010-09-10 Thread Tim Allen
On Fri, Sep 10, 2010 at 06:54:34PM +0300, Pantelis Theodosiou wrote:
 sql = ''.join(
 ,  ' , serialNumber , '
 , , , ' , customerAccount , '
 , , , ' , dateAndTime , '
 , , , camcount
 , , , fpv
 , , , ' , reff , '
 , , , ' , restOfFrame , '
 , ) 
 ] )

This is unrelated to your Twisted problem, but *please* tell me you are
not building SQL like this in production code.

If you need a reminder, the best possible way to do this in Python[1]

sqlPattern = 
%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s

# if you're using a DB-API module directly:
cursor.execute(sqlPattern, [serialNumber, customerAccount,
dateAndTime, camcount, fpv, reff, restOfFrame])

# if you're using ADBAPI:
deferred = pool.runOperation(sqlPattern, [serialNumber,
customerAccount, dateAndTime, camcount, fpv, reff,

Note that there's no % formatting operator between sqlPattern and the
list of values to be substituted in; the substitution is done with all
the proper quoting and escaping, not with Python's naïve formatting

Apologies if you already knew this, but apart from correctness it's one
of the few security issues where doing things the safe way is actually
easier than doing it the unsafe way - for a start, the SQL is all
together in one string. :)

[1]: The examples here use what DB-API calls the format quoting
style. Not all DB-API modules use it, but pymssql and psycopg2 do.

Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] How to bisect Twisted?

2010-08-11 Thread Tim Allen
On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 05:30:36PM +0100, Peter Westlake wrote:
 In the Git version of the Twisted source code, there are tags for
 releases, e.g. the revision with SHA id
 85a6a0f9e3c4ea22d1d72d4ca8eb0c08ee99ca85 corresponds to 8.0.0.

When you say git version of the Twisted source code, do you mean the
official git described here?

Do tags for the various Twisted releases show up if you run:

git tag -l


 This is
 good, but there aren't any intermediate changes on that branch (tag?),
 just the releases! So there isn't much for git bisect to work with.
 I'm trying to trace a bug that wasn't in 2.5.0 but is in 8.0.0; what
 arguments should I give to bisect? Apologies if this is obvious to
 anyone who knows how to use git, but I'm just a beginner.

I haven't used the official git mirror myself, but I have my own mirror
created with git-svn. It looks like git-svn got very confused about
Twisted's release-tagging system; of all the tags I see listed at:

...the only thing in .git/refs/remotes/tags is the releases
subdirectory, which isn't actually a proper tag at all.

So, uh, yeah, I'm stumped.

If you *do* figure out what to do, though, feel free to add it to the
GitMirror wiki-page - or I'd be happy to write it up for you.

Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] Email problem

2010-07-13 Thread Tim Allen
On 07/13/2010 07:32 PM, Alvin Wang wrote:
 # that's all falks
 m = message.getvalue()

Here, you set m to be a string containing the message contents.

 factory = ESMTPSenderFactory(sender,

The documentation for ESMTPSenderFactory[1] says that the parameter 
after to is:

file   A file-like object containing the message to send.

Try passing the message variable instead of your m variable.


Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] Lore to Sphinx Conversion Progress Report 6

2010-07-10 Thread Tim Allen
On Sat, Jul 10, 2010 at 02:58:40AM -, wrote:
 At last I've got a buildbot set up generating the sphinx docs.  The 
 build results can be seen here:
 (or with a different revision number for different revisions; the 
 containing directory is browseable).
 It would be great if everyone could go look around and report any 
 problems you see.

- In the Documentation Table Of Contents page, Historical
  Documents is listed between Twisted Core and Twisted Lore
  (presumably because of alphabetical order) but this seems
  a strange place for it. Could it be moved to the bottom, or an
  appendix, or something?
- The bottom of every page has a Download in other formats: Plain
  Text link that doesn't work; presumably scooped up from the Trac
  templates. It should be removed (the Sphinx Show Source link is
  in the right-hand sidebar anyway).
- When the breadcrumb navigation at the top of the page gets too
  long[1], it wraps to a second line, which looks kind of odd
  because the nice gradient background image loops. Changing the CSS
  background colour to be the same as the bottom of the gradient
  image would probably help.
- Firefox's Error Console reports:
- a bogus % on line 56 of twistedtrac.css,
- bogus // comments on lines 559, 577, 588, 598 of trac.css (CSS
  only allows /* winged comments */)
- Chromium's error console reports:
- A 404 error for /trac/chrome/common/js/jquery.js
- A 404 error for /trac/chrome/common/js/trac.js
- A 404 error for /trac/chrome/common/js/search.js
- A 404 error for /builds/sphinx-html-15615/_static/dots.gif
- The Twisted.Conch tutorial[1] has a number of things surrounded
  with double-backticks like ``Deferred`` or
  ``ClientTransport``. I'm not sure if that's deliberate or if
  it's markup gone horribly wrong.
- On the same page, the text :api:`
   twisted.internet.interface.Transport` appears, which also
  looks wrong.
- The Conch code examples (as linked from the code examples page[2])
  are sent with a Python mime-type (which Firefox tries to download)
  while the .tac files are sent as text/html; this may be an
  artifact of the docs being hosted on the buildbot machine rather
  than Sphinx, but I think it would be nice if by default they were
  displayed in the browser, syntax-highlighted, with an option to
  download the original files (much like Trac does).
- The Twisted Split FAQ[3] has more visible markup:
  core-upgrades-2.0-split-protocols `. The footnote target is
  kind of messed up, too.
- The Twisted Split FAQ[3] has a heading Why are arr the packages
  still named twisted.*subproject*?, but it's not obvious whether
  the author was trying to use italics (in which case it's
  a lore2sphinx bug) or globbing (in which case it's not).
- The Twisted Zope Interfaces FAQ[4] has inline Python source
  examples that don't appear to be marked up properly (although this
  is possibly a problem with the original Lore source). The answer
  to question How can I update my own code? is one example.
- The Banana Protocol Specifications[5], under the heading
  Examples mentions the type bytes are marked in bold but
  actually they're surrounded by double-asterisks.
- The Twisted Coding Standard[6], mentions the complete test
  suite in tr...@head - and tr...@head is converted into
  a mailto: link.
- Links followed by punctuation seem to leave a space between the
  link text and the punctuation. See test-driven . and Test
  Standard . in the Twisted Coding Standard[6], but I've observed
  the same problem on multiple pages.
- The Twisted Coding Standard[6] mentions If you modify, or write
  a new, HOWTO, please read the Lore documentation to learn how to
  format the docs; if there's not already a follow-up ticket for
  the lore-sphinx conversion titled Remove references to Lore from
  Twisted's non-Lore-related documentation, there should be, and
  this should be in it.
- The Twisted Coding Standard[6], under the heading Modules says
  Use this template: and then
  ../listings/ and *then* includes the
  content of said template inline. Presumably it should either link
  to it or include it, but not both.
- The HTML Documentation Standard for Twisted[7] has more visible
  markup: in the list of allowable markup, most tags are rendered
  properly except for ``tr``.
- It seems that the HTML Documentation Standard for Twisted[7] is
  actually how to write Lore documentation, despite the name.
  Maybe this file should be scheduled for the 

Re: [Twisted-Python] Lore to Sphinx Conversion Progress Report 6

2010-07-10 Thread Tim Allen
On Sat, Jul 10, 2010 at 03:17:03PM -0500, Kevin Horn wrote:
 On Sat, Jul 10, 2010 at 2:40 AM, Tim Allen wrote:
  That's probably enough feedback to be getting on with; most of the
  problems appear to be from normalising \n in Lore docs to  instead
  of  , and also from adding whitespace after things. It is generally
  looking pretty great, though!
 Yeah, that's pretty much it.  As I said above though, if you fix it one
 place, it breaks in another, so I tried to balance things in such a way that
 the least broken markup appears in the output.
 Almost all of the remaining problems will need to be fixed manually.

It sounds like a lot of the manual fixes will involve rewriting
things so that inline markup does not appear at the end of a sentence
next to the punctuation. That seems like a recipe for awkward prose. :/

  Some extra thoughts:
 - The ReviewingDocumentation wiki page has a section called Editing
   man pages that describes how to turn the nicely-formatted
   manpages into Lore input files. Would it be possible to do that as
   part of the lore2sphinx run, have the manpages included in the
   Sphinx documentation, and from then on generate the manpages from
   the .rst files instead of the other way around?
 Sphinx does have a man page builder now, but I don't think it existed when I
 was writing lore2sphinx, so I haven't really considered this.
 So you're suggesting convert the man pages to Lore format - use lore2sphinx
 to convert the resulting Lore docs to rst - build as part of the Sphinx
 process, yes?

Yes. At least for trial, there's a bunch of stuff that's *only* in the
man page and not the online docs, and a bunch of stuff that's *only* in
the online docs and not the man page (and stuff that's *only* in the
core/development/policy section of the docs, and not in the Trial
section...). Hopefully if they're all part of the same doc system, it'll
be easier to have everything in the one place and easy to find.

 I think this is a worthwhile idea, but I'd prefer to leave it until after
 the main docs are converted (i.e. under a separate ticket).  lore2sphinx can
 be used on just the man files later on if need be, though it would take a
 little mucking around.

Something to add to the open ticket for: anything else??? section of
your transition plan, then? :)

 Thanks for the fantastic (and nicely detailed) feedback, Tim!
 Please take a look at the transition plan.  In a few days (maybe sooner), I
 should have the base docs in a branch, and the chunk tickets referenced in
 the transition plan created.  This is pretty much _exactly_ what I'd like to
 see in those chunk tickets.

Having done pretty much the first two of your suggested chunks in my
previous mail, they look to be about the right size.

 Hopefully you haven't already burned up your brain staring at markup
 issues. :) We could really use this kind of help throughout the

I'm looking forward to learning a little more about Sphinx and ReST. :)

Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] 10.1 release follow-up

2010-07-06 Thread Tim Allen
On Tue, Jul 06, 2010 at 02:09:47PM +0100, Jonathan Lange wrote:
 The delay on waiting for the ticket to be reviewed happened last time also.
 I don't really have any ideas as to what to do about it, but I'd like
 to avoid the experience of sitting around for hours killing time at my
 computer on a weekend waiting for a review that may never come.

This might be an argument for always having two people go through the
release process together: firstly, so that one can write the ticket and
the other can review it, and secondly to keep the release process Bus
Factor above 1:

Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] making Screwtape (Tim Allen) a committer

2010-06-09 Thread Tim Allen
On Wed, Jun 09, 2010 at 06:25:05PM -0400, Glyph Lefkowitz wrote:
 I think we should give screwtape an SVN account and make him an
 official reviewer.  He's been doing a lot of work on the distutils
 code which would be made easier by that, and he's been doing pretty
 decent reviews.

Well, this is a bit of a boost to the ol' ego. :D

The reason I've resisted asking for commit access before this is that
most of my efforts for Twisted have been either (a) things directly
useful for $EMPLOYER's Twisted deployments (such as the distutils
changes you mention), or (b) things indirectly useful for the purposes
of (a), such as cutting down the review queue to make it more likely
that my patches will be reviewed. While my non-work-related
contributions are non-zero, they're a lot less than my work-related

That said, I've been following the Twisted project since (checks
mailing-list archive) October 2002, and I fully intend to keep
contributing reviews at the very least no matter who my employer is at
the time.

If you still think I'm a good candidate for committership, I'll happily

Tim Screwtape Allen

Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] Seeking advice: Coping with heavy log file loads

2010-04-09 Thread Tim Allen
On Fri, Apr 09, 2010 at 05:35:51PM +0900, Paul Goins wrote:
 We use DailyLogFiles for file rotation along with the
 PythonLoggingObserver to allow for logLevel support.  (Of course, this
 gives us significant overhead from Python's complex logging
 architecture; maybe we should drop this...)

I don't know if this will help you, but why do you need to route
through Python's logging framework for log-level support?

For example, Twisted's SyslogObserver support allows the use of syslog
log levels without involving Python's logging system:

If Python's logging framework doesn't show up in your profile output as
an appreciable percentage of the time spent in Twisted's logging
framework, I guess you might as well leave it alone - but if it is
contributing, it shouldn't be too hard to figure out a way to work
around it.

Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] My twisted application could not start after reboot be cause of

2010-03-16 Thread Tim Allen
On 03/16/2010 06:07 PM, Peter Cai wrote:
 I think an init.d script could resolve this problem.
 But I am curious about why turning off power without shutdown twisted
 server before could cause such a problem.

 Is it a bug or it has some more fundamental reason?

When twistd starts up, it creates a .pid file as a signal that it's 
running. If you try and start it a second time, it notices that the .pid 
file exists, and refuses to run a second time. When twistd is shut down 
cleanly, it removes the .pid file so that it can be run again.

Unfortunately, this means that if twistd is shutdown *uncleanly* (by a 
power failure, or SIGKILL, or some other means), the .pid file must be 
removed before twistd will start again.

This isn't really a bug in twistd as such; almost all Unix daemons use 
the same fundamental system. Try running ls /var/run/*.pid on a Linux 
system, for example.

It's possible to add refinements to the basic .pid system, to make it 
more resistant to this kind of problem (off the top of my head, checking 
that the named PID exists, that it's a process of the right kind, 
checking for stale .pid files with exclusive file locks), but all of 
them require more code to implement, reduce portability, and still have 
corner-cases that would require an admin to manually delete the .pid 
file anyway.

Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] trac installation updated

2010-03-15 Thread Tim Allen
On Mon, Mar 15, 2010 at 09:30:05AM -0500, Mikhail Terekhov wrote:
 On Sun, Mar 14, 2010 at 1:44 AM, Glyph Lefkowitz wrote:
  On Mar 11, 2010, at 3:05 PM, wrote:
  If you notice anything broken about the website now, please point it
  Also, the spacing on the revision log and repository browser seems wrong;
  many table rows are double height for some reason.
  Still, I'm not complaining - just the fact that things paginate now has made
  the experience of doing triage much more pleasant!
 In case of FF-3.6 the rows are triple height and filled in a funny ragged way.

There's a span class=expandnbsp;/span in the markup at the
beginning of the first cell in each row, followed by an a tag that
actually links to the directory in question. For some reason, a tags
in that table have display: block (/trac/chrome/common/css/browser.css,
line 50) which among other things forces them to start on a new line,
after the span. If the span was removed (putting the a at the
beginning of the cell), or the display:block was removed (making the
a follow the span on the same line), or the nbsp; was removed
(collapsing the span to zero height so it wouldn't leave a gap),
things should be prettier.

 In addition to that the menu is overlapped in FF but this was the same
 way before
 update. BTW in IE6 menu is OK.

Which menu is that?

Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] Twisted 9.0.0?

2010-03-04 Thread Tim Allen
On Thu, Mar 04, 2010 at 01:55:50PM -0500, Glyph Lefkowitz wrote:
 Now that our release process is better documented (THANK YOU JML), you
 might be able to have a look at and figure out
 where ' upload' could fit in without uploading a tarball that
 is _not_ actually our official release.

If upload involves sdist then I guess this is
ticket #4138 again.

I still plan to tackle it sometime soon, but totally would not object if
anybody else wanted to dive in. :D

Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] [ANNOUNCE] Twisted 10.0.0pre1 is now released

2010-02-23 Thread Tim Allen
On 02/24/2010 02:21 PM, Glyph Lefkowitz wrote:
 On Feb 21, 2010, at 11:08 PM, Jonathan Lange wrote:
 On Sun, Feb 21, 2010 at 10:57 PM, Darren  wrote:
This is great!

 Is there a list of new features or improvements for this release? I'd like
 to start planning my update.

 Each of the tarballs has a NEWS file.

 A thought for future releases: since we'd really like folks to download the 
 prereleases and try them out, perhaps we should put the NEWS file on the web 
 somewhere official, too, so they can see all the cool stuff they can try out?

 Here's a not-so-official link to the 10.0.0 prerelease NEWS:

It seems a pity that the other fixes bug numbers aren't URLs to the 
bugs in question, but I suppose that would make them take up an awful 
lot of room in plain-text.

Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] [ANNOUNCE] Twisted 10.0.0pre1 is now released

2010-02-23 Thread Tim Allen
On 02/24/2010 02:56 PM, James Y Knight wrote:
 On Feb 23, 2010, at 10:45 PM, Tim Allen wrote:
 On 02/24/2010 02:21 PM, Glyph Lefkowitz wrote:
 Here's a not-so-official link to the 10.0.0 prerelease NEWS:

 It seems a pity that the other fixes bug numbers aren't URLs to the
 bugs in question, but I suppose that would make them take up an awful
 lot of room in plain-text.

 Yeah: an auto-HTMLized version to put on the website would be nice,
 even if the only change was to add links for the ticket numbers.

If the text version were Trac-markup, presumably it would be possible to 
automate creating a /trac/Releases/x.y.z/ReleaseNotes wiki page, and all 
the bug numbers would become links as per the usual Trac magic.

Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] lore2sphinx table handling?

2010-01-04 Thread Tim Allen
On Mon, Jan 04, 2010 at 06:08:17PM -0600, Kevin Horn wrote:
 Any of these formats should work fine, but I'm curious as to what people (in
 particular the core devs) think as to which should be the preferred method
 in the Sphinx documentation.

I'm not a core dev, but I'll chime in so that at least you'll have some
feedback if nobody else does. :) 

I think the List Table format is probably the easiest to maintain in
a simple text editor, followed by the Simple Table format. CSV mode
looks like it's really designed for you to keep the table in an external
file and edit it in a spreadsheet, or regenerate it from a database, and
while Grid Tables look pretty, actually editing them requires an Emacs
mode, or a lot of patience.

Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] lore2sphinx table handling?

2010-01-04 Thread Tim Allen
On Mon, Jan 04, 2010 at 11:23:37PM -0500, James Y Knight wrote:
 On Jan 4, 2010, at 8:32 PM, Tim Allen wrote:
  while Grid Tables look pretty, actually editing them requires an Emacs
  mode, or a lot of patience.
 But when you *do* have an emacs mode (and, really, doesn't everynoe?)  

Well, no, no I don't. Does that mean I don't have to supply
documentation changes with any patches I supply in future? ;)

Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] Some news about currently-pending code-reviews

2009-12-27 Thread Tim Allen
On Thu, Dec 24, 2009 at 09:41:11AM -0500, Gerrat Rickert wrote:
 Add arraysize option to runQuery in adbapi
 Well, as the guy who initiated this ticket, I'm certainly using
 adbapi.ConnectionPool with cx_Oracle.  I'm not currently using any
 placeholders named arraysize or cp_arraysize.

But you are using the keyword-parameters-as-query-parameters extension
that cx_Oracle provides?

 This kind of informal poll *might* help us rule out using these (if
 someone says they're currently using them) - but it won't be very
 definitive; and this change will still technically be
 backwards-incompatible.  Perhaps the only reasonable
 backwards-compatible change that could be made would be adding either
 an attribute or method to the ConnectionPool to set the arraysize. 

I think the two positions here would be:

 a: adbapi.ConnectionPool is designed to wrap DBAPI2 modules; keyword
parameters to cursor.execute() are not allowed in DBAPI2; therefore
adbapi.ConnectionPool can use keyword parameters for itself.
 b: adbapi.ConnectionPool has never really enforced DBAPI2 compliance,
so people have been using it with all kinds of crazy DBAPI2
extensions and we should allow people to keep doing so as much as

My cunning plan (which has somewhat backfired) was that one of these
alternatives would seem sane, and one would seem ridiculous, and once
the mailing list decided which was which I could go back to the ticket
with that decision.

The way things are at the moment, I'm leaning towards (b), but I believe
the developer who's worked on the patch leans towards (a) and I don't
feel I have the authority to demand a change of approach. I left the
ticket awaiting review, in the hope that somebody with more authority or
firmer opinions would come along to review it (it's a pretty small
change!), but the ticket's been sitting there for weeks now - I felt
I needed to do something more drastic to help it make progress.

Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] Decide on and document Python version support policy

2009-12-23 Thread Tim Allen
On 12/24/2009 02:26 PM, wrote:
* No reasonably current releases of mainstream platforms that I'm aware
 of are still bound to Python 2.3.

RHEL4 is still bound to Python 2.3, and only enters the production 3 
phase (also known as please, please upgrade) in 2009Q4, but is 
supported for qualified security errata of important or critical impact 
and selected mission critical bug fixes until February 29, 2012.

I suspect most potential and current Twisted users on RHEL4 or CentOS4 
are either using an existing version of Twisted that still works with 
Python 2.3, or already planning on upgrading to RHEL5, so Twisted drops 
support for old versions of Python when the associated RHEL release 
enters Production 3 seems a pretty reasonable policy.

RHEL5 with Python 2.4 enters Production 3 no earlier than Q1 of 2012. 
If we're lucky, RHEL6 will come with Python 2.6 or even 2.7 rather than 2.5.

Twisted-Python mailing list

[Twisted-Python] Some news about currently-pending code-reviews

2009-12-23 Thread Tim Allen
First, a public service announcement about code-reviews: I'm not
a Twisted Developer, I'm just a guy who submitted a patch and got talked
into helping out by reviewing other people's Twisted patches while I was
waiting for other people to review mine. You don't have to be a Twisted
expert to help out, and don't worry about whether you're experienced
enough to spot every possible problem - most patches get reviewed *at
least* two or three times by different people, and every problem you
pick up and the developer addresses is one less issue the next reviewer
has to think about.

As I've started reviewing over the past week or two, the developers
whose code I've reviewed and the regulars in the #twisted IRC channel
have all been super-helpful, and I highly recommend code-reviewing as
a pleasant way to spend an idle afternoon. Everything you need to know
to get started should be listed here:


As I mentioned above, I've been doing Twisted code-reviews recently, and
I've seen a few tickets in particular I thought the general Twisted
community might like to know about, if not help out with. :)
Add arraysize option to runQuery in adbapi

 - The arraysize property is the only writable cursor property defined
   by DBAPI2. Setting it can make the .fetchall() method faster with
   some DB modules, but Twisted's adbapi module offers no way to set it.
 - This ticket has a patch that adds an cp_arraysize keyword argument
   to ConnectionPool.runQuery() to set the .arraysize property, but this
   could interfere with DB modules that accept a cp_arraysize keyword
   parameter to cursor.execute().
 - I looked up the API docs for as many Python DB modules as I could
   think of, and none of them attach any significance to
   a cp_arraysize keyword parameter.
 - However, at least cx_Oracle supports using keyword parameters for
   populating parameterised queries, like this:

cursor.execute(select :name from dual;, name=Fred)

So, my questions to the Twisted community are:
 - How many of you are using adbapi.ConnectionPool with cx_Oracle, or
   another DB module that supports arbitrary keyword arguments to
 - Of those, how many of you are using parameterised queries or prepared
   statements with placeholders named arraysize or cp_arraysize?
A fresh Twisted checkout should support sdist

 - Occasionally people ask about building RPMs of Twisted with
   ./ bdist_rpm; this ticket is the first step in getting that
   working - the rest of the process is #1696.
 - I'm not sure if it helps with other kinds of bdist, like
   bdist_wininst or bdist_msi - if it does, and you've been waiting
   for that, then you might want to help review the code and check it
   works properly on your platform!
subunit reporter. FTW.

 - This ticket adds another test-reporter to Twisted Trial, one that
   outputs results in a format that can be parsed by the tools in the
   third-party subunit project,
 - Among other things, this would help integrate Python tests with test
   results from other systems (tap2subunit, subunit2junitxml), compare
   the results of different test-runs (subunit-diff), and enable cute
   GUI-based test-runners (subunit2gtk).
 - If subunit sounds like a tool you would find useful, you might want
   to help review the code!

Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] zope.interface

2009-12-14 Thread Tim Allen
On Mon, Dec 14, 2009 at 11:48:48AM +, Phil Mayers wrote:
 Jared Gisin wrote:
  Is there a good document that explains why zope.interface is necessary 
  to the twisted project?
 A counter-question: Is there a good document that explains why people 
 care? It's just another dependency isn't it?

Trying to remember back to when I was a Twisted newbie, I seem to
recall a pang of dismay at seeing the word zope, until I realised that
zope.interface was very small and self-contained and didn't have further
dependencies on the rest of Zope.

Another possibility might be that the worry comes from people using
systems that don't have good built-in dependency management. I don't
know where pip/easy_install are at these days, but Debian's apt and
Fedora's yum have numbed the painful memories of downloading some
interesting code off the 'net and discovering yet further dependencies
I would have to track down and install to get things working.

I'm not saying these are well-researched or compelling reasons, just
speculating about what might be going on.

It occurs to me that recent discussions about splitting Deferreds off
into their own library might consider zope.interface as a model. Has it
prospered, as separate library? Does anyone besides Zope and Twisted use
it? I don't know, but it might be worth finding out.


Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] subprocess.Popen

2009-12-14 Thread Tim Allen
On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 02:32:40AM -0200, Aníbal Pacheco wrote:
 Is it possible to attach a callback to a process launched using
 subprocess.Popen?, I want to receive a notification on process

I don't believe Twisted has any special support for subprocess.Popen,
but you can do much the same things with Twisted's

Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] Retrying function calls

2009-11-01 Thread Tim Allen
On Sun, Nov 01, 2009 at 05:53:31PM +0100, Terry Jones wrote:
 def simpleBackoffIterator(maxResults=10, maxDelay=5.0, now=True,
   initDelay=0.01, incFunc=None):
 assert maxResults  0
 remaining = maxResults
 delay = initDelay
 incFunc = incFunc or partial(mul, 2.0)
 if now:
 yield 0.0
 remaining -= 1
 while True:
 if remaining == 0:
 raise StopIteration
 yield (delay if delay  maxDelay else maxDelay)
 delay = incFunc(delay)
 remaining -= 1

Since this is a generator function, it will automatically raise
StopIteration once control-flow falls off the end of the function, so
your while-loop could just be written:

while remaining  0:
yield (delay if delay  maxDelay else maxDelay)
delay = incFunc(delay)
remaining -= 1

...making the function of the remaining counter just a little more

Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] How to find out if exceptions are being raised in your errBack?

2009-10-14 Thread Tim Allen
On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 07:43:41AM -0400, Steve Steiner (listsin) wrote:
 That's the thing about Twisted; sometimes it's hard to know whether
 the stuff that has been built into standard Python since Twisted
 'rolled their own' is a superset, a subset, or a completely
 different beast.  Logging is a good case in point.  Since we're
 using Python's logging everywhere, I wasn't even sure whether there
 would be an advantage to learning Twisted's similar system.
 Twisted's trial is another example; we've just been using nose.
 Seems like there's always some little extra that makes the Twisted
 stuff worth knowing.

Most of the duplicate stuff in Twisted has the excuse of being written
before any alternatives were available, and usually having one or two
extra little integration features that current alternatives don't

A year or two ago I was planning a new project using Twisted, and (as
a reaction to the masses of horrible, legacy code at my employer) had
decreed that the project would use the Python stdlib wherever possible,
including logging and testing, and well-integrated third-party tools
where necessary.

First on the chopping block was the use of standard Python unit-tests
and nose. At the time, I don't believe it was possible to run TestCases
inheriting from twisted.trial.unittest.TestCase in anything besides
Trial - and you need to use trial's TestCase class if you want to do
anything with Deferreds, so nose and the standard unittest.TestCase had
to go.

Once I was using Trial, which automatically sets up Twisted's logging
system to log to a handy file for debugging purposes, I had to decide
what to do about logging - try to reroute Twisted's logging into the
Python logging system (which would mean doing something complicated for
tests), or just give up and use Twisted's logging everywhere. I opted
for the latter route as the path of least resistance (and because it
would be easier to set up with twistd later).

I believe nose does for Python logging what Trial does for Twisted
logging these days, and if nose can run Trial's TestCase subclasses, you
might just as well stick with what you're already using. There are
integration advantages to using all the Twisted goodies together, but
it's not nearly the same amazing quantum leap in understanding and
capability that Twisted's core provides.

Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] simple global counter

2009-09-15 Thread Tim Allen
On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 04:54:09PM +0700, Artem Bokhan wrote:
 Tim Allen пишет:
  On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 10:09:38PM +0700, Artem Bokhan wrote:

  May somebody give a sample code of simple global counter which could be 
  used with twisted (non-web) enviroment?
  I'm not sure what you mean. 
 I want find out if it's possible to count things in context of the
 whole twisted server, not just one tcp session.

Well, of course - you can create global variables in Python, and nothing
in Twisted affects that.

Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] simple global counter

2009-09-14 Thread Tim Allen
On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 10:09:38PM +0700, Artem Bokhan wrote:
 May somebody give a sample code of simple global counter which could be 
 used with twisted (non-web) enviroment?

I'm not sure what you mean. If you want to keep a count of something, you can 
store it in a variable like anything else.

event_counter = 0

def handle_event(event):
global event_counter

event_counter += 1

Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] How to detect when there is nothing waiting in the event queue

2009-09-14 Thread Tim Allen
On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 12:11:46PM -0400, Mark Visser wrote:
 I've added a signal handler to catch SIGHUP and call stop() on the 
 looping call and stopListening() on the perspective broker Root. How can 
 I detect when all remaining Deferreds have fired so I can stop the 
 reactor safely, without stranding any running processes?

I was looking at something like this for our production system a while
back; so far as I can tell, the only thing you can do is to maintain
a list of all 'live' deferreds as your process runs. When you get
the 'stop' signal, stop accepting incoming requests, put all the
deferreds into a DeferredList and don't exit until the DeferredList
fires. Our system makes it rather difficult to gather all possible
deferreds, and our processes only run for less than a minute, so we
decided to just put up with occasional lost processes.

As well as catching SIGHUP, you might want to investigate the reactor's
'addSystemEventTrigger' method, where you can queue calls to be called
at shutdown, and return a deferred that will cause the shutdown to be
delayed until the deferred fires.

Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] Is there an equivalent of tap2deb?

2009-09-04 Thread Tim Allen
On Fri, Sep 04, 2009 at 02:53:37PM +0100, Peter Westlake wrote:
 Now that .tap files are obsolete, is there a supported way of making
 Debian packages like tap2dep?

.tap files (Pickle-based config files) may be obsolete, but I don't
believe the other variants (.tac for Python-based config files, and
I think there's an XML serialisation too) are obsolete.

I've never used tap2deb, but twistd and tap2rpm both seem to be quite
happy with .tac files in our production systems here.

Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] Some way for Trial to allow selective running of tests?

2009-08-27 Thread Tim Allen
Don Dwiggins wrote:
 Phil Christensen wrote:
  trial takes an argument at the command-line where you can specify a  
  package or test case.
  for example:
  trial twisted
  trial twisted.test
  trial twisted.test.test_explorer
  trial twisted.test.test_explorer.TestBrowser
  trial twisted.test.test_explorer.TestBrowser.test_chain
  lets you get more and more specific.
 Sorry, I'm feeling dense.  I currently run it as
 trial; it's not a package or part of one.  In the 
 file are several classes, each with several test cases.  How would I 
 adapt the above to my needs?

trial takes either a path and filename, or a Python import name (I'm
not sure what the exact term here is).

If you ran python in the same directory where you ran trial in your
example, you could say:

import MyServerTestFile
MyServerTestFile.MyServerTestCase.test_my_server refer to a particular test method, and trial will accept the same

trial MyServerTestFile.MyServerTestCase.test_my_server

In general though, a lot of distribution and packaging and deployment
things become easier if your project is laid out in Python packages. I
usually follow these rules and everything turns out pretty well:

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Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] stop conditions and deferToThread()

2009-06-10 Thread Tim Allen
I'm not sure this is the problem you're facing, but...

On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 12:04:16PM +0200, Thomas Jakobsen wrote:
 import time
 from twisted.internet import reactor
 from twisted.internet.threads import deferToThread
 running = True
 def foo():
while running:
print working
 def bar():
 global running
print stopping
running = False
 d1 = deferToThread(foo)
 d2 = deferToThread(bar)

...does that make things run better?

Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] xmlrpc - Possable failure to understand async concept

2009-04-23 Thread Tim Allen
Tim Hughes wrote:
 Am I completly missing the point here or is there something incorrect with
 my code.

Yes, it seems you have missed the point somewhere.

 def blocking_method(self, duration=5):
 block the instance for a specified duration
 started = time.asctime()
 data = I started at %s and i slept %d seconds then woke at %s %
 (started, duration, time.asctime())
 return data

 def blocking_method_fixed(self, duration=5):
 d = Deferred()
 return d

Your blocking_method_fixed() wraps the result of blocking_method() in a
Deferred, but it doesn't actually do anything to prevent
blocking_method() from blocking. Deferreds have no magical ability to
prevent things from blocking on their own, they are just a tool you can
use to handle some of the control-flow issues that arise when writing
non-blocking code.

For example, here's a method that does more or less what
blocking_method() does, but in a non-blocking manner:

def non_blocking_method(self, duration=5):
started = time.asctime()
d = Deferred()
reactor.callLater(duration, d.callback, None)

def do_stuff_after_timeout(result):
# Here, 'result' will contain the None we passed to
# callLater
data = I started at %s and I slept %d seconds then woke  \
   at %s % (started, duration, time.asctime())
return data
return d

See how the method does some initial preparation, then schedules a
callback to be run after the long-running operation has completed.

If you have a long-running network call to do instead of a simple
sleep, there's probably a Twisted API or addon that will perform the
call and give you back a Deferred, rather than blocking until it has an
answer. If you're trying to use a third-party client library that
doesn't offer a non-blocking API, about the only thing you can do is
call that API in a thread, using the reactor.callInThread() method (but
note that Twisted is not thread-safe, so the thing you call in a thread
can't use any of Twisted's functionality except via

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Twisted-Python mailing list

Re: [Twisted-Python] official packaging

2009-04-01 Thread Tim Allen
Esteve Fernandez wrote:
 Anyway, it would be great to have recent packages of Twisted for 
 that offer some kind of long term support contracts (Ubuntu, RHEL, etc.), but 
 that tend to get a bit outdated.

It's worth mentioning that someone has recently stepped up to fix
ticket 1696 after I'd ignored it for Far Too Long, and very soon it
should be possible to build Twisted RPMs for RHEL just by running
./ bdist_rpm in a fresh checkout.

For Debian-based distros, I hear there's a tool called debhelper that
apparently has some useful tricks for making .deb packages from a
distutils; I'm not sure how it interacts with or without
python-central, and I don't know how well it would deal with Twisted's
rather... customised

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Twisted-Python mailing list