[twitter-dev] Re: Receiving streaming API tweets without id_str

2010-11-07 Thread CaMason
I can confirm that I am also seeing this via the Site Streams API.

We are checking for messages of type 'tweet' by checking for existence
of 'id_str'. Occasionally, this is missing.


On Nov 6, 5:08 pm, Adam Green 140...@gmail.com wrote:
 My error logs started showing tweets without an id_str value a few
 days ago. I investigated today and found that these tweets are coming
 about 5-6 times an hour out of about 500 tweets per hour. I am using
 Phirehose to gather these tweets from the streaming API. I am
 collecting the tweets in JSON format. Neither my code or Phirehose has
 changed in the recent past, and as I said, about 99% of the tweets are
 fine. Here is an example of a bad tweet. It has a truncated field,
 which I haven't seen before. I assume this has something to do with
 the missing values. Does anyone have any idea what is happening here?

     [new_id_str] = 951769790156802
     [place] =
     [truncated] =
     [user] = stdClass Object
             [follow_request_sent] =
             [time_zone] = Jakarta
             [url] =http://lada-hitam.livejournal.com/
             [profile_background_color] = B2DFDA
             [screen_name] = MissLadaHitam
             [profile_text_color] = 33
             [listed_count] = 0
             [lang] = en
             [profile_background_tile] =
             [statuses_count] = 891
             [following] =
             [favourites_count] = 159
             [profile_link_color] = 93A644
             [show_all_inline_media] =
             [profile_use_background_image] = 1
             [description] =
             [contributors_enabled] =
             [profile_sidebar_fill_color] = ff
             [protected] =
             [location] = Indonesia
             [geo_enabled] =
             [name] = Lada Hitam
             [notifications] =
             [friends_count] = 8
             [profile_sidebar_border_color] = ee
             [id] = 117790534
             [verified] =
             [utc_offset] = 25200
             [created_at] = Fri Feb 26 16:36:22 + 2010
             [followers_count] = 18

     [in_reply_to_status_id] =
     [favorited] =
     [source] = web
     [new_id] = 9.517697901568E+14
     [contributors] =
     [in_reply_to_screen_name] =
     [coordinates] =
     [retweet_count] =
     [in_reply_to_user_id] =
     [entities] = stdClass Object
             [user_mentions] = Array

             [hashtags] = Array

             [urls] = Array


     [geo] =
     [retweeted] =
     [id] = 9.517697901568E+14
     [text] = Today's cookings mostly failed :( It makes me less
 motivated to try another recipe tomorrow. But I have some mushrooms
 that need to be used.
     [created_at] = Sat Nov 06 16:44:54 + 2010

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[twitter-dev] Re: Rate limit question (again/followup) 20k user or ip?

2009-08-11 Thread CaMason

Also, the 'reset-time' is increasing with every request. My reset time
below was taken at 7:57 UTC:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
  remaining-hits type=integer2/remaining-hits
  hourly-limit type=integer2/hourly-limit
  reset-time-in-seconds type=integer1249981041/reset-time-in-
  reset-time type=datetime2009-08-11T08:57:21+00:00/reset-time

And this one at 7:58 UTC:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
  remaining-hits type=integer2/remaining-hits
  reset-time type=datetime2009-08-11T08:58:30+00:00/reset-time
  hourly-limit type=integer2/hourly-limit
  reset-time-in-seconds type=integer1249981110/reset-time-in-

On Aug 11, 8:55 am, CaMason stasisme...@googlemail.com wrote:
 FYI, my whitelisting counts have been a bit flaky since the DDoS.

 On most of my whilelisted IPs, I'm sometimes seeing the remaining
 count decreasing, and sometimes not. In-fact, my logs show it didn't
 decrease for a good chunk of yesterday.

 There have probably been some temporary adjustments at Twitter's end,
 so I wouldn't assume that the current whitelist results are the norm.


 On Aug 11, 8:23 am, Robert Fishel bobfis...@gmail.com wrote:

  While this may be true I think it's a fringe case and not what we're
  trying to get at here (although it could explain conflicting test

  To summarize what we're looking for clarification on:
  My server has 1 whitelisted IP and 1000 users.
  It operates for 1 hour.
  Each user makes an equal number of requests.

  Is the limit 20 requests per user (= 20k per hour per ip)
  Is the limit 20k per user (=20k per hour per user)

  The only reason I'm kind of harping on this is that for the new app
  I'm developing the latter would save me a lot of heartache and quite a
  bit of money.



  On Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 1:54 AM, TFT Mediatftmedia1...@gmail.com wrote:

   I believe sometimes the IP address can be user-based, even for white-
   listed IPs.  E.G., if the user himself has a whitelisted IP.

   On Aug 10, 7:57 pm, Dewald Pretorius dpr...@gmail.com wrote:

   I don't know exactly what you're looking at and how you get to that

   My system is making thousands of GET calls per hour, and I can see how
   X-RateLimit-Remaining is decrementing regardless of which Twitter user
   credentials are used.

   So, on my side I am seeing solid evidence that the rate limit is per
   IP address only and not per user.


   On Aug 10, 11:26 pm, jim.renkel james.ren...@gmail.com wrote:

Hmmm! We seem to have conflicting evidence here!

I just (again) verified that twxlate.com is getting 20k requests per
hour per user.

How long ago was it that Alex and other API team members made the
recommendation that you mentioned? Is it possible that twitter changed
policy since then?

Either way, I agree that we now need a very clear affirmation from
twitter as to the policy.

I sure hope I don't have to eat my words! :-)


On Aug 10, 9:08 pm, Dewald Pretorius dpr...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Aug 10, 11:02 pm, jim.renkel james.ren...@gmail.com wrote:

  My logic is now: Ifratelimiting is not peruser, then all users of
  anIPaddress will share one pool of20krequests per hour. If a site
  has a 1,000 users at one time, then eachuserwill get an average of
  20 requests per hour. This is clearly not enough to do much useful.


 That is why Alex and other API team members have recommended in the
 past that you get and use additional white-listedIPaddresses, when
 20,000 requests per hour perIPaddress is not sufficient to service

 At TweetLater I employ several white-listedIPaddresses to cover the
 needs of my users.


[twitter-dev] Re: OK Seriously People

2009-08-09 Thread CaMason

it's a clear message to us in the third-party
ecosystem that we'd better not make them our primary focus because we
can't rely on them being here tomorrow if things get really bad.

Surely, that's a wise move anyway, considering Twitter is a third-
party supplier of free data. All of us app developers are at the whim
of Twitter's operations and business decisions.

Relying on third-parties for any business is risky - especially ones
that have no contractual obligations to you.

On Aug 9, 4:35 pm, Dossy Shiobara do...@panoptic.com wrote:
 On 8/9/09 10:00 AM, Joe Bowman wrote:

  First off, to people stating that Twitter Ops needs to work 30 hour
  shifts, and any ops person who hasn't, isn't a real ops person. A real
  ops person knows that after about 15 hours their mental capacity to
  solve problems begins to deteriorate and they have to rest in order to
  not cause further damage to their organization. Maybe in the little
  mom and pop shops where you run the show you're stuck with those 30
  hour marathons, but in larger shops you have team members, and you
  schedule with them.

 People didn't state it.  I did.

 I've worked in Ops in small 3-person companies as well as for 5,000+
 employee companies with an IT team of 60+ people.  In both situations,
 there have been exceptional times where yes, I've taken a 30 minute nap
 on the floor to recharge through a 30+ hour marathon emergency situation.

 I'm not suggesting that these people don't need to sleep (unless they
 have access to some Provigil and/or Adderall), but if Twitter isn't
 treating this outage as a #1 priority - and I mean literally, not
 figuratively - then it's a clear message to us in the third-party
 ecosystem that we'd better not make them our primary focus because we
 can't rely on them being here tomorrow if things get really bad.

 Here's an interesting game to play: how many Twitter people (Ops or
 otherwise) do you think are actively working on fixing the problem at
 this very moment?  (Don't include people just communicating or
 otherwise not able to directly affect the situation.)

      a) 0
      b) 1-5
      c) 6-10
      d) 11-15
      e) 16-20
      f) 20+

 I'm guessing (c), 6-10.  And, that's me being optimistic for a change.

 Dossy Shiobara              | do...@panoptic.com |http://dossy.org/
 Panoptic Computer Network   |http://panoptic.com/
    He realized the fastest way to change is to laugh at your own
      folly -- then you can let go and quickly move on. (p. 70)

[twitter-dev] Re: How do I handle 302 redirects with curl?

2009-08-08 Thread CaMason

To confirm, I am also seeing this behaviour. Some output I've received
on numerous occasions this evening:

-bash-3.2# curl --interface eth0 
!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN http://www.w3.org/
http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd; --


On Aug 8, 11:25 pm, Chad Etzel c...@twitter.com wrote:
 Hmm, it shouldn't be spitting back HTML. How often are you seeing this?

 On Sat, Aug 8, 2009 at 1:02 PM, Naveen Ayyagariknig...@gmail.com wrote:

  Sometimes the rate_limit_status call is not returning a 302 to
  redirect, or the rate_limit_status xml, but HTML with a meta refresh
  in it (which curl doesnt understand to follow redirect/retry).

  Its not huge problem for us, but it can affect some throttling code
  people may or may not be implementing. (when you get this response, a
  subsequent retry request usually succeeds 95% of the time)

  Here is an example response I am talking about:

  curlhttp://twitter.com/account/rate_limit_status.xml-L -v
  * About to connect() to twitter.com port 80 (#0)
  *   Trying connected
  * Connected to twitter.com ( port 80 (#0)
    GET /account/rate_limit_status.xml HTTP/1.1
    User-Agent: curl/7.18.2 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.18.2
  OpenSSL/0.9.8g zlib/ libidn/1.8
    Host: twitter.com
    Accept: */*
  * HTTP 1.0, assume close after body
   HTTP/1.0 200 OK
   Connection: Close
   Pragma: no-cache
   cache-control: no-cache
   Refresh: 0.1
   Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
  !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN 
  http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd; --

  On Aug 8, 2009, at 11:20 AM, Chad Etzel wrote:


  Unfortunately this 302 business will completely goof OAuth calls.

  If you are able to programmatically see that you are getting these
  redirects, try calling the account/rate_limit_status call [1] (it
  could be any call, but this one is free and is a GET). You should
  still get a 302 (I'm pretty sure). Then if you jump through the
  redirect hoops with this call, it should clear you from more 302's for
  a while.

  I'm out today, but if someone could try this and report back if it
  works that would be helpful.



  On Sat, Aug 8, 2009 at 6:31 AM,
  timwhitlocktim.whitl...@publicreative.com wrote:

  I've seem the 302 Location headers having invalid URLs... i.e. two
  The original query string and then an additional ? for the token at
  the end.
  Following this redirect blindly has resulted in a Forbidden response.

  Also it is unclear whether the redirect location needs to be re-
  signed? (I am not doing so, but may explain the 403?)

  On Aug 8, 8:14 am, Rich rhyl...@gmail.com wrote:
  Excellent our client now supports the 302's :)

  On Aug 8, 7:37 am, Chad Etzel c...@twitter.com wrote:

  You may have to follow redirects more than once *wink wink nudge

  with curl you can add --location flag. There's a good bit of info
  the man page as well.

  If using curl with PHP, you can set:


  On Sat, Aug 8, 2009 at 1:31 AM, TjLluo...@gmail.com wrote:

  All of my scripts check for Status 200 before proceeding.

  Now we are (sometimes) getting a 302, but when I try

  curl --netrc -s -D -http://twitter.com/account/rate_limit_status.xml

  Gave me a 302 with a Location of:


  but when I tried

  curl --netrc -s -D - 

  it seemed to want to redirect me to


  If accepting 30x is a requirement now, I'd like some advice on
  how to do so.


[twitter-dev] Re: Regex for @replies

2009-05-12 Thread CaMason

It looks like they're simply applying this regex as a test:


Thus, if a character on either side is not (a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _) then it
is a mention. any 'word' character (a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _) on either side
of '@screenname' causes the mention to fail.

(I hope I got the regex explanation correct!).


On May 12, 12:33 pm, hjb ha...@heatonmoor.com wrote:

 Is this behavour likely to remain? ( I noticed that @replies and -
 @replies are successful )

 That is to say, I'm sure @replies will work at some point via sms, but
 can we rely on the fact that _...@replies do not? Is this related to
 there being any chance of it being an email address?



 On May 11, 6:26 pm, Doug Williams d...@twitter.com wrote:

  In my test posts @dougw and @DOUGW worked as mentions. t...@dougw and
  _...@dougw were not included  as mentions.


  Doug Williams
  Twitter Platform Supporthttp://twitter.com/dougw

  On Mon, May 11, 2009 at 10:16 AM, CaMason stasisme...@googlemail.comwrote:

   Thanks Doug, that's a great help.

   How about preceding?

   i.e. should t...@dougw, _...@dougw or @dougw create mentions? The
   main concern here obviously is email addresses.

   And finally, are screen names case sensitive? :)


   On May 11, 6:07 pm, Doug Williams d...@twitter.com wrote:
The classic definition of an @reply is any tweet that starts with @user.
you perfrom a to:user (e.g. to:dougw) query at search.twitter.com you
only get @replies. @replies were converted to mentions after we realized
people didn't just @reply. Mentions are any tweet that contain @user
the text of the tweet.

So @replies are a subset of mentions.

Any non-alphanumeric (where alphanumeric is a-z, 0-9, or _) can 
the username. For instance: hi @dougw, you look dapper today is a


Doug Williams
Twitter Platform Supporthttp://twitter.com/dougw

On Mon, May 11, 2009 at 2:36 AM, stasisme...@googlemail.com 

stasisme...@googlemail.com wrote:

 Hi guys,

 For an application I'm working on, we have a single table for 'tweets'
 and another for DMs. We're linking TwitterUsers to Tweets with a
 many:many, and a simple flag to specify if the tweet is a reply/

 We first pull in messages from the user_timeline feed, then the
 mentions feed. As such, we'd like to check if any of the messages in
 user_timeline feed is actually a reply.

 Could anybody clarify the exact rules that are used to determine
 whether a string is a reply/mention?

 preceded by start-of-string or non-word character...
 followed by space, comma, period or end of message...
 case insensitive...
 [not even sure if these are correct! :) ]

 Currently I'm using:


 with %s replaced by the user's screen name. Perhaps one of the devs
 could share the exact rules (or even the regex), or propose a nicer
 mechanism for detecting replies.

 (I did propose checking for replies before tweets, but these update
 threads are run asynchronously).


[twitter-dev] Re: Regex for @replies

2009-05-11 Thread CaMason

Thanks Doug, that's a great help.

How about preceding?

i.e. should t...@dougw, _...@dougw or @dougw create mentions? The
main concern here obviously is email addresses.

And finally, are screen names case sensitive? :)


On May 11, 6:07 pm, Doug Williams d...@twitter.com wrote:
 The classic definition of an @reply is any tweet that starts with @user. If
 you perfrom a to:user (e.g. to:dougw) query at search.twitter.com you will
 only get @replies. @replies were converted to mentions after we realized
 people didn't just @reply. Mentions are any tweet that contain @user within
 the text of the tweet.

 So @replies are a subset of mentions.

 Any non-alphanumeric (where alphanumeric is a-z, 0-9, or _) can terminate
 the username. For instance: hi @dougw, you look dapper today is a mention.


 Doug Williams
 Twitter Platform Supporthttp://twitter.com/dougw

 On Mon, May 11, 2009 at 2:36 AM, stasisme...@googlemail.com 

 stasisme...@googlemail.com wrote:

  Hi guys,

  For an application I'm working on, we have a single table for 'tweets'
  and another for DMs. We're linking TwitterUsers to Tweets with a
  many:many, and a simple flag to specify if the tweet is a reply/

  We first pull in messages from the user_timeline feed, then the
  mentions feed. As such, we'd like to check if any of the messages in
  user_timeline feed is actually a reply.

  Could anybody clarify the exact rules that are used to determine
  whether a string is a reply/mention?

  preceded by start-of-string or non-word character...
  followed by space, comma, period or end of message...
  case insensitive...
  [not even sure if these are correct! :) ]

  Currently I'm using:


  with %s replaced by the user's screen name. Perhaps one of the devs
  could share the exact rules (or even the regex), or propose a nicer
  mechanism for detecting replies.

  (I did propose checking for replies before tweets, but these update
  threads are run asynchronously).


[twitter-dev] Re: Freelance Twitter API Dev directory?

2009-02-23 Thread CaMason

Why not...

twitter id:  twitter.com/CraigMason
company: Stasis Media (http://www.stasismedia.com)
email:   i...@stasismedia.com


On Feb 23, 10:34 pm, Lakshman Prasad scorpion...@gmail.com wrote:
 Ok, If you are starting it anyway, Please include me in that. Happy to hack
 on twitter API, anyday!

 twitter id:      twitter.com/scorpion032
 Company:    uswaretech.com/
 Email:          laksh...@uswaretech.com

 Thanks Alex, in advance!

 On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 12:03 AM, Alex Payne a...@twitter.com wrote:

  There isn't one that I'm aware of, but if people would like to post
  their contact info in this thread (Twitter username, URL, email,
  whatever) I'm happy to collect them on the API Wiki.

  On Sat, Feb 21, 2009 at 18:00, Chad Etzel jazzyc...@gmail.com wrote:

   Hi All,

   I have been getting a few requests here and there for twitter API
   development work.  I cannot take on any such projects at the moment,
   but I always feel bad for leaving them in the lurch.  Is there a list
   or directory anywhere of Twitter API developers that work freelance
   that I can send to them when this happens?  I'm happy to forward on
   such requests.


  Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.
